The aim of this dictionary is to list words (and meanings) which are (or presumably are) important for translating the rongorongo texts.

As the culture of the Polynesians seems to be more or less the same all over the vast Pacific, not only the words of Easter Island but also words from all the dialects of the Polynesian language are included.

When a word includes a glottal stop ('), I have disregarded it when sorting the words into alphabetical order.

Words (also English ones) are quickly found if you use the search function of your computer.

A A. 1. Prep.: for, over, by; a nei, over here; a ruga, above; a te tapa, by the side. 2. Genitive particle, used preceding proper names and singular personal pronouns: te poki a Mateo, Mateo's child; aana te kai, the food is his. 3. Particle often used before nouns and pronouns, especially when these are introduced by a preposition such as i, ki; ki a îa, to him, for him. Vanaga.

Á. 1. Á or also just a, article often used preceding proper names and used in the meaning of 'son of...': Hei á Paega, Hei, son of Paenga. 2. Very common abbreviation of the particle ana, used following verbs: ku-oti-á = ku-oti-ana; peira-á = peira-ana. 3. (Also á-á.) Exclamation expressing surprise or joy, which can also be used as a verb: he-aha-koe, e-á-ana? what's happening with you, that you should exclaim 'ah'? He tu'u au e-tahi raá ki te hare o Eva i Puapae. I-ûi-mai-era ki a au, he-á-á-mai, he-tagi-mai 'ka-ohomai, e repa ê'. one day I came to Eva's house in Puapae. Upon seeing me she exclaimed: 'ah, ah' and she said, crying: 'Welcome, lad'. Vanaga.

Aa To be flooded; flood, deluge: ku-a'a-á te hare i te vai, the house is flooded with water; ku-rere-á te a'a o te henua, water flowed, inundating the land. Vanaga.
Aaru To grasp, to grip, to grab, to hold: ka-aaru hiohio i te ura, hold the lobster firmly. Vanaga.

1. To raise; aaru ki te rima, to raise the arm. 2. (haruharu, aruaru). Churchill.

Aga Work; to work, to make, to build, to create: O te atua i-aga-ai i te ragi, i te henua. God made heaven and earth. Vanaga.

Agahuru (hagahuru, hagauru). Agai (hagai). Agatahi (aga-tahi) one, (hagatahi); agatahi ahi atu, day before yesterday; hagatahi ahi, yesterday. Churchill.

Age Particle sometimes used with the imperative of oho, turu, iri to express the idea of going somewhere unerringly, confidently: ka-turu-age koe ki tai, go down to the sea now; ka-iri-age koe ki taaku me'e to'o-mai, be sure to go up and bring my things. Nowadays it is only used with those three verbs, but its use seems to have been more general once, as ancient chant has these verses: Ka-iri-age Rano Kau te ga atua hami regarega, Ka-oka-age Ha'w koka te korotea a Kava te ruruti, Ka-hi-age Hatehate te kahi-riva a tumu. Vanaga.
Aha What? Which? To do, to be what? He aha koe? what are you? E-aha-á koe? what are you doing? Ku-aha-á koe? what have you done? Kahu aha? what, which garment? E-aha-mai-á ki a koe? what does that do you, what harm does it do you, what is it to you? Aha is preceded by the article te when introduced by a preposition: te: o te aha, why, what for; mo te aha, ki te aha, what for, with what purpose? Vanaga.

Gaaha, to burst, to become ruptured, to have a discharge of pus, of blood. Ku gaaha te toto o te ihu. He had a nose-bleed. E û'i koe o gaaha te îpu. Be careful not to break the bottle (lit. look out lest the bottle burst). E tiaki á au mo gaaha mai o te harakea. I shall wait for the abcess to burst. Gaatu, totora reed. Vanaga.

To break, to split, to crack, to rive; fracture, fissure, break, crack, crevice (gaaha); niho gaa, toothache, broken teeth; gaamiro (miro, ship) shipwreck; gaàpu (pu 2), abortion; poki gaàpu, abortive child. T Mq.: naha, nafa, split, fissure. Ta.: aha, afa, crack fissure. Gaatu 1. Bulrush, reed. 2. (gatu).  Churchill.

Ahi Fire; he-tutu i te ahi to light a fire. Ahiahi = evening; ahiahi-ata, the last moments of light before nightfall. I te ahiahi-ata he garo te raá ki raro ki te vai kava. In the evening the sun disappears under the sea. Ku-tea-á te hetu'u ahiahi, the evening star has risen. Vanaga.

1. Candle, stove, fire (vahi); ahi hakapura, match; ahi hakagaiei, firebrand waved as a night signal. P Mgv.: ahi, fire, flame. Mq.: ahi, fire, match, percussion cap. Ta.: ahi, fire, percussion cap, wick, stove. 2. To be night; agatahi ahi atu, day before yesterday. 3. Pau.: ahi, sandalwood. Ta.: ahi, id. Mq.: auahi, a variety of breadfruit. Sa.: asi, sandalwood. Ha.: ili-ahi, id. Ahiahi, afternoon, night; kai ahiahi, supper. P Pau., Mgv., Mq., Ta.: ahiahi, afternoon, evening. Ahipipi (ahi 1 - pipi 2) a spark, to flash. Churchill.

Aho 1. Outside, out of doors, away; ki aho, out of doors, outside; no aho, exterior; ea ki aho, to send away; tokerau aho, west. P Pau., Mgv., Mq., Ta.: vaho, outside. 2. = ao 1. 3. Pau.: aho, breath, wind. Ta.: aho, breath. Ha.: aho, id. Churchill.
Ahu 1. Funerary monument with niches holding the skeletons of the dead. 2. Generic term for a grave, a tomb merely enclosed with stones. 3. Stone platform, with or without graves. 4. Elevated seat, throne. 5. Swollen; to swell up: ku-ahu-á tooku va'e, my foot is swollen; ananake te raá e-tagi-era te ûka riva mo toona matu'a ka-ahu ahu-ró te mata, every day the daughter cried for her parents until her eyes were quite swollen. Vanaga.

1. To transfer, to transplant, to take up by the roots. 2. To puff up, to swell, a swelling, protuberance; gutu ahu, swollen lips; ahuahu, to swell, plump, elephantiasis, dropsy; ahuahu pupuhi, amplitude; manava ahuahu, indigestion. 3. Paralysis. 4. A carved god of dancing, brought forth only on rare occasions and held of great potency. Ahuahu, inflammation. Ahukarukaru (ahu 2 - karukaru), dropsy. Churchill.

Ai Aai 1. Who: interrogative pronoun used in place of koai te mee...: Aai i-tu'u-mai-nei, e-haúru-ró-ana au? = Koai te mee i-tu'u-mai-nei, e-haúru-ró-ana au? Who is it who came here when I was sleeping? 2. Whose: genitive pronoun. Vanaga.

1. (Ko ai) Who, which. 2. Then. 3. Consequence. 4. (Hai). Churchill.

Aka 1. Anchor: he-hoa te aka, to drop anchor. 2. Root of certain plants (banana tree, taro, sugar-cane). 3. To be paralyzed by surprise. Vanaga.

1. Root; aka totoro, to take root. P Pau., Mq.: aka, root. Ta.: aa, id. 2. (āka) anchor. 3. Causative (haka). Churchill.

Ako To sing, to recite: he-ako i te kaikai, to recite the [text accompanying a] string figure kaikai; he-ako i te rîu, to sing rîu. Vanaga.

Song. Ako hakaha'uru poki = 'song to make children sleep'. Barthel.

Ákoáko, to recite hymns in honour of a deity. Vanaga.

Aku A fish. Vanaga.

1. Ball. 2. Dorado. 3. To swallow; akuaku, noise when swallowing. Churchill.

Aku Spirit of the otherworld (good or evil). Ki a au te ákuáku oga apó. I have a dream of bad omen last night. Vanaga.

1. Ambition. 2. Soul, shade, ghost, specter, immaterial, spiritual. Churchill.

The spiritual component of a person after he or she has died, i.e. his or her 'ghost'. Bierbach

Akui To smear, to anoint. Vanaga.

a. To rub, to scrub. b. To sharpen, to put an edge on. c. To brush, to daub, to paint, to grease, to anoint. Churchill.

Ama Outrigger. Vanaga.
Amo Amo. To carry on one's shoulders: O Yetú i-amo-ai te tatauró ki ruga ki-te maúga Kalvario. Jesus carried his cross up to the Calvary. Amoga, bundle; to tie in a bundle: he-amoga i te hukahuka, to tie a bundle of wood. Vanaga.

1. A yoke, to carry; amoga, burden, load.  2. To bend, to beat a path. Churchill.

Âmo. 1. To clean, to clean oneself: he-âmo i te umu, to clean the earth oven; ka-âmo te hare, ka haka-maitaki, clean the house, make it good; he-âmo i te ariga, to clean one's face wetting it with one's hand. 2. Clear; ku-âmo-á te ragi, the sky is clear. 3. To slip, to slide, to glide (see pei-âmo). Ámoámo, to lick up, to lap up, to dry; to slap one's body dry (after swimming or bathing): he-âmoâmo i te vaihai rima. Vanaga.

Amoamo. 1. To feed, to graze. 2. To spread, to stretch (used of keete). Churchill.

Ana 1. Cave. 2. If. 3. Verbal prefix: he-ra'e ana-unu au i te raau, first I drank the medicine. Vanaga.

1. Cave, grotto, hole in the rock. 2. In order that, if. 3. Particle (na 5); garo atu ana, formerly; mee koe ana te ariki, the Lord be with thee. PS Sa.: na, an intensive postpositive particle. Anake, unique. T Pau.: anake, unique, to be alone. Mgv.: anake, alone, single, only, solely. Mq.: anake, anaé, id. Ta.: anae, all, each, alone, unique. Anakena, July. Ananake, common, together, entire, entirely, at once, all, general, unanimous, universal, without distinction, whole, a company; piri mai te tagata ananake, public; kite aro o te mautagata ananake, public; mea ananake, impartial; koona ananake, everywhere. Churchill.

Splendor; a name applied in the Society Islands to ten conspicious stars which served as pillars of the sky. Ana appears to be related to the Tuamotuan ngana-ia, 'the heavens'. Henry translates ana as aster, star. The Tahitian conception of the sky as resting on ten star pillars is unique and is doubtless connected with their cosmos of ten heavens. The Hawaiians placed a pillar (kukulu) at the four corners of the earth after Egyptian fashion; while the Maori and Moriori considered a single great central pillar as sufficient to hold up the heavens. It may be recalled that the Moriori Sky-propper built up a single pillar by placing ten posts one on top of the other. Makemson.

Aniva People. Barthel 2.
Ao Large dance paddle.

1. Command, power, mandate, reign: tagata ao, person in power, in command, ruler. 2. Dusk, nightfall. 3. Ao nui, midnight. 4. Ao popohaga, the hours between midnight and dawn. , to serve (food); ku-âo-á te kai i ruga i te kokohu, the food is served on a platter. Vanaga.

1. Authority, kingdom, dignity, government, reign (aho); topa kia ia te ao, reign; hakatopa ki te ao, to confer rank; ao ariki, royalty; ka tu tokoe aho, thy kingdom come. PS Mgv.: ao, government, reign. Mq.: ao, government, reign, command. Sa.: ao, a title of chiefly dignity; aoao, excellent, surpassing, supreme. 2. Spoon; ao oone, shovel. 3. Dancing club T. 3. Aonui (ao-nui 2), midnight. 4. Pau.: ao, the world. Mgv.: ao, id. Ta.: ao, id. Mq.: aomaama, id. Ma.: ao, id. 5. Pau.: ao, happy, prosperity. Mgv.: ao, tranquil conscience. Ta.: ao, happiness. 6. Mgv.: ao, cloud, mist. Ta.: ao, id. Mq.: ao, id. Sa.: ao, cloud. Ma.: ao, id. 7. Mgv.: ao, hibiscus. 8. Ta.: ao, day. Mq.: ao, day from dawn to dark. Sa.: ao, id. Ma.: ao, id. 9. Ta.: ao, a bird. Ha.: ao, id. 10. Mq.: ao, respiration, breath. Ha.: aho, breath. 11. Mq.: ao, to collect with hand or net. Sa.: ao, to gather. Ma.: ao, to collect. Ta.: aoaia, to collect food and other things with care. Churchill.

Ara 1. Road, path; ladder. 2. To wake up, to concentrate on something; he-ara te mata, to inspect attentively; hé-ara, he-ûi a raro o te vai kava, concentrating, he looked at the sea-bottom. Ará-ará, to signal, to send signals with the hand (to another person in the distance): he-haaki-atu hai rima ará-ará. Vanaga.

1. Path, trail, road, way. 2. a. To awake, to arouse; veve ara, to awaken; hakaara, to arouse, to excite. b. To be awake; hakaara, to be awake; ara no, insomnia, sleeplessness. c. To watch, to guard; tagata ara, sentinel. Churchill.

Are To dig out (e.g. sweet potatoes). Formerly this term only applied to women, speaking of men one said keri, which term is used nowadays for both sexes, e.g. he-keri i te kumara, he digs out sweet potatoes. Vanaga.

To dig, to excavate. Churchill.

Ariga Face, cheek. 1. Ariga ora, (lit. 'living face') keepsake, memento, memory, souvenir (of someone). This used to be the name given the moai (stone statues) carved as memories of the dead. 2. Ariga ora is also used in the generic sense of a memento, a keepsake: he mate te matu'a he ato tepoki i te rîu o toona matu'a; he-ariga ora o toona matu'a [when] the father dies, [and] the son sings a riu for his father, this constitutes an ariga ora of his father. Vanaga.

Face, aspect, expression, mien, visage, stature, superficies. T Ma.: aria, to resemble. Hakaariga, to encroach. Churchill.

Ariari, sharp, the edge of a sword. Ta.: ariari, transparence, brightness. Ha.: aliali, white. Churchill.

Ariki 1. King, ruler, member of the nobility, Ariki henua, king; members of the royal family, descending from Hotu Matu'a; noble, nobility, chief. 2. Divine being, superior being. Ariki Paka, certain collateral descendents of Hotu Matu'a, who exercised religious functions. Vanaga.

Chief, king, lord, headman in general. Hakaariki, to make one a king. P Pau., Mgv.: ariki, chief. Mq.: aiki, id. Ta.: arii, id. The Marquesan use both aiki and hakaiki in the same sense; the latter forms with Mangarevan akariki a subordinate couple in Southeast Polynesia. Since akariki is the only form in Mangareva and the Marquesas have both we may regard this as indicative of the influence of Mangareva upon the Marquesas. In Tonga we find only eiki; the vowel change is quite in the Tongan manner, the dropping of the liquid is most unusual; the eiki form appears once more in Mangarevan ataeiki (also a language in which it is unusual to drop the liquid) in the sense 'to do nothing and to dress richly in a luxurious way'. Churchill.

Aro Face, front, side (of a figure); ki te aro o ..., to the front of ... Vanaga.

Presence, body, frontispiece; ki te aro, face to face. P Pau.: aroga, the visage; ki te aroga, opposite. Mgv.: aro, presence, before; i te aro, in the presence of. Mq.: , face, in the presence of, before. Ta.: aro, face, front, presence, view. It is probable that more than one word is confounded in alo. The significations which appear in Southeast Polynesia are most likely derived from a Tongafiti alo and do not appear in Nuclear Polynesia. The alo belly and alo chief which do occur in Nuclear Polynesia are also probably Tongafiti, for in Samoa and Tonga they are honorific and applied only to folk of rank, a good indication of borrowing by the Proto-Samoans from Tongafiti masters. Churchill.

In the Hawaiian group, the western portion or side of an island was called 'the front', ke alo, of the land, and the eastern side was called 'the back', ke kua. The reason of such designations must be sought in the fact of the arrival of the inhabitants from the west. Fornander.

Aru Áruáru, reduplication of aaru: to grab firmly. Vanaga.

1. To pursue. P Mgv.: aruaru, to run after, to chase, to follow. Ta.: aruaru, to pursue. 2. To raise in waves, undulation. P Pau.: puhigaru, a bubble of water. Mgv.: garu, foam, froth. Mq.: naú, waves. Ta.: aru, billow, wave, flood. 3. (haruharu). Churchill.

Ata Ata 1. Dawn, first light before sunrise; ku-hamu-á te ata , dawn has broken; ku-tehe-á te ata, it's already dawn (lit.: the lights have flown). 2. Particle inserted between the imperative prefix ka and the verb to signify 'well, carefully, intelligently': ka-ata-hakarivariva, prepare it well. Between the prefix e and kahara it expresses 'to make sure that, to take good care that...' : e-ata-kahara koe o oona, be careful not to get dirty; e-ata-kahara koe o kori te moa o te tahi pa, be sure not to steal chickens of another property. 3. More: iti, small; ata iti, smaller; he-ata-ata iti-iti ró, the smallest of all. Vanaga.

Âta 1. Shadow: he-veveri te poki, ana tikea toona âta, the child is frightened at seeing his shadow; person's reflection (in mirror, in water): he âta oou-á, it's your own reflection. 2. To be frightened by a shadow: he-âta te îka, the fish are frightened (and they flee) by people's shadows. Vanaga.

1. Image, picture, portrait, design; to draw, to paint (shadow sense). P Mgv: ata, image, likeness, portrait, shadow of a human being, form, shape, appearance, imprint, impression. Mq.: ata, image, statue, portrait, shadow, surface; to design, to mark. Ta.: ata, shade, shadow appearance, form, representation of an object, cloud, cloudy. 2. Transparency, end of day, sunset (bright sense); e ata, red clouds; ku ata, transparent; ata mea, ata tea, ata tehe, dawn, daybreak, sunrise; ataata, end of day, sunset. P Mgv.: ata, morning or evening twilight, daybreak, dawn; ata haihai, evening twilight, a beautiful sunset; ataiai, twilight, clouds red with the sunset; atakurakura, a beautiful sunrise or sunset; atareureu, dawn, the first peep of day, morning twilight. Mq.: ata, to appear, to rise, to shine (of stars); ata uá, morning twilight; ataata, diaphanous, transparent. Ta.: ata, twilight. 3. A designation of space; ata hakahohonu, abyss; ata hakaneke mai, nearby, close at hand; ata tapa, lateral, marginal. 4 ? Ata kimikimi, to inquire; ata puo, to hill a plant; ata ui, to examine, to taste. Churchill.

Atahenua (ata 3 - henua 1), landscape, countryside. Atakai: 1. Generous, hospitable, beneficent, indulgent, liberal, obliging; prodigality, indulgence; rima atakai, benevolent, generous, open-handed; gift, liberality. 2. Calm, unperturbed, grateful. Churchill.

Ata-ta T, evening (? ataata). Atatehe (ata 2 - tehe 1), dawn; popohaga atatehe, morning, early in the morning. Churchill.

Ate 1. Liver; more exactly: ate ánuánu; ate reherehe, lung. 2. Fig.: son, boy. 3. A certain song, ate atua, in which are recorded happy, pleasant achievements of the past. Áteáte, ateate, dear, dearly beloved: e nua ateate ê dear mother! Vanaga.

1. Liver, lung; mate ate, liver complaint. 2. A dance, to dance. Ateate, a. dear, attached, b. joy. Atehopo (ate 1, the liver as the seat of the intelligence - hopo) ambition, envy; avid, covetous, desirous, envious. Churchill.

Atea The name of the district or section of country over which Olopana is to have ruled in Kahiki was in Hawaiian Moa-ula-nui-akea. Analyzing this word, it consists of one appellative, Moa, and three adjectives or epithets, ula, nui, akea, 'red, great, open, or wide-spreading' ... (Fornander)

Pau.: fakaatea, to remove, to put away. Ta.: atea, clear. Mq.: atea, id. Sa.: ateatea, wide, spacious. Ma.: atea, clear. Churchill.

Ati 1. Ati ko peka, vengeance, to avenge. Ati oo, disciple. 2. Hati. Atiati. 1. To wait for, to hope, to wait, to attend (aati). Mgv.: ati, to wait for, to hope for some time. 2. To go boldly. PS Sa.: atia'i, to go softly toward in order to seize, to take by surprise. Atiave, further, ulterior. Churchill.

Ta.: ati, inclosed, entangled. Mq.: kati, closed, embarrassed, plugged. To.: kajia, to obstruct. Ma.: kati, to block, to obstruct. Churchill.

Atiga Angle, corner. Mgv.: hatiga, the corner of a house; hatiga, hatihatiga, the joints or articulation of a limb. Mq.: fatina, hatika, joint, articulation, link. Ta.: fatiraa, articulation. Churchill.
Atu Particle of meaning opposite to that of mai; it refers to the second or third person, expressing movement away: ka-avai-atu, give it to him: he-oho-atu au, I am going there, after you; i-oho-atu-era, when I had gone there. Vanaga.

1. a. Directive, of motion from the speaker. b. Somewhat expressive of the comparative degree. 2. Pupil; hakaatu, proof; hare hakaatuga, schoolhouse, class. 3. (hakaatu), to presage. 4. (hakaatu), mark, object. Churchill.

Atua 1. Lord, God: te Atua ko Makemake, lord Makemake. Ki a au te Atua o agapó, I had a dream of good omen last night (lit. to me the Lord last night). 2. Gentleman, respectable person; atua Hiva, foreigner. 3. Atua hiko-rega, (old) go-between, person who asks for a girl on another's behalf. 4. Atua hiko-kura, (old) person who chooses the best when entrusted with finding or fetching something. 5. Atua tapa, orientation point for fishermen, which is not in front of the boat, but on the side. Atu'a, behind. Vanaga.

God, devil. T (etua). P Pau., Ta.: atua, god. Mgv.: etua, god, deity, divinity; to be wicked, to be full of wickedness. Mq.: etua, god, divinity. The comprehensiveness of the definition, and the same is found in the Maori, is a question of orthodoxy, merely a matter of the point of view. Of far more moment in our studies is the vowel variety of the initial syllable. Atua: Maori, Mangaia, Tahiti, Hawaii, Tongareva, Rapanui, Paumotu, Samoa, Futuna, Uvea, Niuē, Aniwa. Etua: Marquesas, Mangareva, Rapanui. Otua: Tonga. The Rotumā oiitu is probably referable to aitu. Churchill.

Mq.: atua, the fourteenth day of the moon. Ma.: atua, id. Churchill.

Au Au 1. Me, I. Personal pronoun used in conjunction with verbs; when on its own, the form used is koau. 2. Smoke; au kiokio, thick, pungent smoke (of a fire). 3. Current; he-haro te vaka i te au , the boat is towed off course in the current. 4. Dew. 5. bile, gall. 6. Au moa, chicken's gall; greenish colour (like that of gall). 7. Au ra'e, the people first served in a feast where food or gifts are distributed. 8. Au hopu bonito fish. Vanaga.

A'u 1. Birthing pains; matu'a a'u, biological mother (not adoptive); vi'e hakaa'u, midwife. 2. Vessel, cup (Tahitian word). Vanaga.

1. I (vau). P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: au, I. Ta.: vau, id. In its simplest Polynesian form this pronoun is compound, u being the element in which inheres the ego sense. We note here the occurrence of forms in which au is modified. The Maori has ahau, a composite of a and hau. The vau type is found in Rapanui, Paumotu and Tahiti, ovau in Tahiti and Paumotu, kovau in Rapanui, wau in Hawaii, owau in Hawaii, awau in the South Island Maori, avou in Aniwa. 2. The gall. P Mgv.: au, hau, eahu, gall. Mq., Ta.: au, id. The aspirated Mangarevan eahu may preserve a Proto-Samoan original, for we find ahu in Tonga and Niuē, two languages generally retentive of an original aspiration which has vanished from Samoan. 3. Vapor, smoke T. P Mgv.: ahu, au, cloud mist. Ta.: au, smoke vapor. Of the Proto-Samoan stem asu all the Tongafiti languages have lost the consonant, except for its interesting preservation as an alternative in Mangarevan, and all have lost the distinctive smoke sense. The attribution of smoke as a meaning in Rapanui we owe to an authority of the second rank, but taken with the form preservation in Mangarevan this sense retention is probable, and taken in coagmentation they bear upon the central theme of a Proto-Samoan migration onward to Southeast Polynesia. Auahi (au 3 - ahi 1), smoke; miro auahi, steamboat. Mgv.: auahi, smoke. Mq.: auahi, smoke, vapor. Ta.: auahi, fire. Churchill.

Aue Ah, alas. Aueue, oh. P Pau., Ta.: aue, alas. Mgv.: aue, auhe, alas. Mq.: aue, oh, alas; auhe, a sigh. Exclamation in general representing the most primordial type of speech, it seems that this may be reduced to recognizable elements. The e is throughout these languages a vocative or hailing sign, commonly postpositive in relation to the person hailed. In the examination of au we have shown that the primal first person singular designation is u. With the comparatively scanty material afforded by this vocabulary we may not attempt ot define the use of a but we have no hesitation in noting that proof based on wider studies will show it to have, inter alia, a characteristic function as a word-maker. In a very high degree, then, a-u-e is represented by a common English interjection 'oh my!' in which oh = a, my = u, and e = !. Churchill.

What is this cry which our primitive islanders share with the animals? Look at its elements, all full-throated. First we have a, the sound of mouth open, fauces open, lungs full of air. As air expires the sound recedes in the mouth towards the palate and we find the u. Last comes the conscious finish of the utterance, the muscles begin to retract, the sound-making point is forced forward and the sound is e. If the man had but a few more cubic centimeters of lung capacity he could attain cow volumne for his cry, or interjection, since it amounts to the same thing. Churchill 2.

When the new moon appeared women assembled and bewailed those who had died since the last one, uttering the following lament: 'Alas! O moon! Thou has returned to life, but our departed beloved ones have not. Thou has bathed in the waiora a Tane, and had thy life renewed, but there is no fount to restore life to our departed ones. Alas ... (Makemson)

Aumakua H. Ancestors. Islands of History.
Ava 1. To remain (of dregs, of very small objects in the water or in a place which used to be full of water); he-ava, he-paroparoko, expression, said when small fishes swarm in the water holes along the coast. 2. Furrow, rut, groove, crevice, fissure; he-hahata te ava o te henua, a crevice opened in the ground. 3. To strike, to hit; to sound like a blow; ku-ava-á te poko (see also hatutiri), thunder sounded. Vanaga.

Áva-áva. 1. To lift up. 2. to strike, to hit repeatedly; he-áva-áva i te koreha a ruga a te ma'ea, he struck the eel several times against a stone (to kill it). Vanaga.

1. a) Distance, distant; ava poto, a short distance. b) Space, interval. PS Mq.: ava, distance, space, interval. Ta.: ava, interval. The simpler form of the root is va, which is not found in Rapanui and Marquesan, and in Tahiti is narrowly restricted to the spacing of thatch, but in Nuclear Polynesia and in the Tongafiti migration [va] is expressive of the sense of distance and interval. In Samoa the same meaning is carried by an advanced form of the root, and ava in this sense is not found elsewhere. Its reappearance in these three languages of Southeast Polynesia points to a direct migration from Samoa. 2. Channel, strait, pass, passage, breach, entrance to a harbor. Avaava. 1. a) To strike, to slap, to grind, to dent. b) To correct, to maltreat, to exterminate. 2. Angle, chink. 3. Tobacco. In this nook of Polynesia tobacco and its common method of pleasurable use are alike imported. In Melanesia tobacco was indigenous but was employed for the business of medication and not to assuage the conditions of cannibal society. The leaves when fully grown were shredded, macerated and employed as a cataplasm. Applied upon the abdomen it was the principal agency in the production of emesis and catharsis. Applied secretly in axilla [arm-pit] it superinduced the ecstasy of the priest when in the trance of possession by his god. In Fiji it was used as an insecticide. Avahi, a wedge, to split; avahiga, part, partial; avahiga kore, inseparable. Avamouga (ava 1 - mouga 2), valley. Churchill.

Avaga 1. Niche, recess in an ahu, where the skeletons of the dead were deposited. 2. Small oblong, free-standing monument built for the same purpose. Vanaga.

T. A grave. Churchill.

E Ê, yes. E ... é disjunct vocative marker. E vovo é! Girl! E te matu'a é! Father! (Vanaga)

1. By. 2. And. 3. Oh! 4. Yes. 5. Verb sign. 6. Negative verb sign; e maaa, inexperienced; ina e, negative sign; ina e rakerakega, innocent; ina e ko mou, incessant; e ko, not, except. 7. Wave. 8. Weak demonstrative, functioning as article. (Churchill)

Ea To rise, to get up. Ka ea ki táû rikiriki tâtou. Let's get up and play a little game of war. Vanaga.

To go out, to bring out; ea ki aho, to send away; raa ea mai, the sun rises; ka ea, be off. Churchill.

Ehu (cfr kehu and nehu) Ehu ûa, drizzle. Vanaga.

Firebrand. Ehuehu: 1. Ashes. P Mgv.: ehu, ashes, dust; rehu, a cinder, ashes. Mq.: ehuahi, ashes. Ta.: rehu, ashes, soot, any powder. 2. Brown, brownish. P Ta.: ehuehu, red, reddish. Ha.: kehu, red or sandy haired. Mq.: kehu, fair, blond. Mgv.: keukeu-kura, id. Ma.: kehu, reddish brown. Sa.: 'efu, id. To.: kefu, yellowish. Fu.: kefu, blond, red. Niuē: kefu, a disrespectful term of address. Ragi ehuehu, a cloudflecked sky. 3. Imperceptible. Churchill.

Pau.: kehu, flaxen-haired, blond. Ta.: ehu, reddish. Mq.: kehu, blond. Sa.: 'efu, reddish, brown. Mq.: kehukehu, twilight. Ha.: ehuehu, darkness arising from dust, fog, or vapor. Churchill.

Ei Lampoon, song composed to ridicule or to defame. Vanaga.
Eke To climb, to mount, to mount (a female for copulating), to surface (of fish), and by extension, to bite; he eke te kahi the tuna bites. Vanaga.

Trestle, stilt; to mount a horse, to go aboard. Hakaeke, to cause to mount, to carry on a boat. P Pau.: fakaeke, to transport, to carry, to hang up. Mgv.: eke, to embark, to mount upon an elevation. Mq.: eke, to rise, to go aboard; hakaeke, to heap up, to put upon, to raise. Ta.: ee, to mount, to go aboard; faaee, to hang up, to transport by water. Churchill.

Eoeo Ashes. Eoeo reherehe "weak ashes": a coward. Ure eoeo reherehe te Mokomae, he poko'o i te piko. The Mokomae were a cowardly clan, they used to hand over those hiding (from their enemies after a defeat, i.e. war refugees). Vanaga.
Epa To extend horizontally, to jut out. Vanaga.
Etua 1. God (atua); hahumuhumu etua, revelation; etuahaga, divinity. 2. Stranger. Churchill.
Eve 1. Placenta, afterbirth (eeve). T Pau.: eve, womb. Ta.: eve, placenta. Ma.: ewe, id. Haw.: ewe, navel string. 2. The rear; taki eeve, the buttocks; hakahiti ki te eeve, to show the buttocks; pupuhi eve, syringe. 3. The bottom of the sea. Churchill.
Ga Preposed plural marker of rare usage. 1. Sometimes used with a few nouns denoting human beings, more often omitted. Te ga vî'e, te ga poki, the women and the children. Ga rauhiva twins. 2. Used with some proper names. Ga Vaka, Alpha and Beta Centauri (lit. Canoes). Vanaga.
Gaa Gaaha, to burst, to become ruptured, to have a discharge of pus, of blood. Ku gaaha te toto o te ihu. He had a nose-bleed. E û'i koe o gaaha te îpu. Be careful not to break the bottle (lit. look out lest the bottle burst). E tiaki á au mo gaaha mai o te harakea. I shall wait for the abcess to burst. Gaatu, totora reed. Vanaga.

To break, to split, to crack, to rive; fracture, fissure, break, crack, crevice (gaaha); niho gaa, toothache, broken teeth; gaamiro (miro, ship) shipwreck; gaàpu (pu 2), abortion; poki gaàpu, abortive child. T Mq.: naha, nafa, split, fissure. Ta.: aha, afa, crack fissure. Gaatu 1. Bulrush, reed. 2. (gatu).  Churchill.

Gae Gaegae, short of breath, out of breath, breathless. PS Mgv.: aeaea, short of breath, to breathe with difficulty, to feel suffocated; gaegae, to have a feeble voice. Mq.: naenae, kaekae, short of breath, unable to breathe, suffocated. Ta.: áeáe, short and painful breathing, as one at the point of death. Sa.: gae, to breathe hard, to pant, to be out of breath. Uvea: gaegae, out of breath. Fu.: gaigaisā. id. Gaehe, to boil. Gaei, to shake, to contract, to move (gaeiei, gaiei, geigei, garei, gerei); ua gaiei, pulsation; hakagaie, to shake, to wave, to waddle, to twist the body about; ahi hakagaie, a night signal; hakagerei, to shake. Churchill.
Gaga Exhausted, strengthless, to faint. Vanaga.

To faint, to fall in a swoon, death struggle. Gagata, crowd, multitude, people, population. Churchill.

Mgv.: A bird. Mq.: kaka, id. Churchill.

Pau.: Gagahere, herbs, grass. Ta.: aaihere, herbs, bush. Ma.: ngahere, forest. Pau.: Gagaoa, confused noise. Ta.: aaoaoa, noise of a rising assembly. Churchill.

... the progeny of Tu increased: Rongo, Tane, Tangaroa, Rongomai, Kahukura, Tiki, Uru, Ngangana, Io, Iorangi, Waiorangi, Tahu, Moko, Maroro, Wakehau, Tiki, Toi, Rauru, Whatonga - these were the sons ...(Moriori myth of creation accoding to Legends of the South Seas)

Gao 1. Neck. 2. Glans penis (te gao o te kohio), neck of penis. Vanaga.

Neck, throat, (naho G); gao pukupuku, scrofula; hore te gao, to cut the head off; arakea gao, scrofula. Gaogao, calm. Gaoku, to eat greedily. Gaopu, to choke on a bone. Churchill.

Gaoho A shrub (Caesalpinia). Vanaga.

Caesalpinia bonduc. The fibres were used as fasteners and the fruit as ornaments, and the plant also seems to have been used for medicinal purposes. Barthel 2.

Garahu Soot. Vanaga.

1. Charcoal, powder used in tattooing, ink (garau); garau hiva, pitch. T Pau.: garahu, live coals. Mgv.: garahu, charcoal, soot; garahurahu, small pieces of charcoal. Mq.: kaáhu, charcoal, coal, soot, tattooing ink. Ta.:arahu, charcoal. 2. Mourning. Churchill.

Garo 1. To disappear, to become lost. He tere, he garo. He ran away and disappeared. He û'i te Ariki, ku garo á te kaíga i te vai kava. The king saw that the land had disappeared in the sea. I te ahiahi-ata he garo te raá ki raro ki te vai kava. In the evening the sun disappears under the sea. Ku garo á te kupu o te tai i a au. I have forgotten the words of the song (lit. the words of the song have become lost to me). Ina koe ekó garo. Don't disappear (i.e. don't go), or: don't get lost on the way.  2. Hidden. Te mana'u garo, hidden thoughts. Kona garo o te tagata, 'people's hidden places': pudenda. Vanaga.

To disappear, to stray, to omit, to lose oneself, to pass, absent, to founder, to drown, to sink; garo noa, to go away forever, to be rare; garo atu ana, formerly. Hakagaro, to cover with water; hakagaro te rakerakega, to pardon. Garoa, loss, absence, to be away, to drown, not comprehended, unitelligible. Garoaga, setting; garoaga raa, sunset, west. Garoraa, the sun half-set. Garovukua, to swallow up. Churchill.

Garu Surfing. Garuru, to feel dizzy, seasick; to have a sudden headache: he garuru te puoko. Vanaga.

1. To swim over the waves (see aruaru 2). P Mgv.: garu, foam, froth. Mq.: kaú, naútai, wave, billow. Pau.: puhi-garu, a bubble of water. In aruaru 2 is found another galu derivative. The sense of this garu is nowhere else encountered; the stem means simply the waves and involves no idea of swimming. We note, however, the Viti galo to swim; un uncertain identification. 2. Garu hoa, a friend of either sex. PS Sa.: galu, an number of young persons (galu teine, galu taulele'a). To.: ? gauta, many in number. Data fail for the comparison. The plural sense of the Samoan does not appear in Rapanui. The Tongan form involves the rather infrequent loss of an inner l and leaves the latter element ta unexplained. Garuru, headache, vertigo; puoko garuru, migraine. P Mgv.: garuru, nausea that persists. Mq.: naúú, kaúú, headache, migraine. Churchill.

Gatu Gaatu, totora reed. Gatu: 1. To press, to tighten, to squeeze. 2. To pack tight. 3. To pull suddenly, to give a jerk. I ka hakarogo atu, ku eke á te kahi, he gatu mai, as soon as he felt the tuna be, he pulled in [the line] with a sharp jerk. 4. To kick. 5. E gatu te hagu, to wait for something impatiently (gatu, breath). 6. Shortly, very soon. He tu'u gatu, he is coming shortly, he is just about to arrive. Vanaga.

Bulrush, reed. Gaatu (gatu) 1. To feel of, to pinch, to throttle with the hands, to touch, to press (gaatu); gatuga, pressure; gatugatu, to trample down. T Mgv.: natu, to press out linen, to squeeze a person or a sore place. Mq.: natu, to pinch. Ta.: natu, to pinch, to bruise. 2. To suppurate. 3. Gatu mai gatu atu, sodomy. Gatua (gatu 1), tractable, to press.  Churchill.

Scirpus riparius var. paschalis. Barthel 2.

Gete M.: Whakangete, to urge on a horse. Ngetengete, to make a clicking sound with the tongue. to click with the tongue, as to a horse; to chirrup. To express surprise or sorrow. Cf. ketekete, to express surprise or regret. H.: neke, an indistinct sound, as scratching on a rough board; to make the noise of scratching; to scratch. Cf. ekeeke, to be in pain; displeasure, arising from an offence; the feeling which one has when that which he prizes is spoken against or injured. T.: ete, to flinch; eteete, to be shocked disgusted, or ashamed. Cf. paete, to be made angry. To.: cf. ketekete, to chirrup; kekete, to chirp; to chatter. Text Centre.
Geti A variety of taro. Vanaga.
Go Pau.: goge, to break. Ma.: ngongengonge, crippled. Churchill.

Pau.: gogo, the navel and cord. Mgv.: gogo, id. 2. Mgv.: gogo, a conical hole. Ta.: oo, a large cavity. Ha.: no, a hole left to draw off water from taro patches. 3. Mgv.: gogo, thin cheeks, sunken eyes. Ta.: tu-oo, wasted away. Ma.: ngongo, emaciated. Churchill.

Sa.: ngongo, the tern (Sterna longipennis). To., Niuē; ngongo, the sea gull. Futuna: ngŏngŏ, the name of a bird. Vi.: ngongo, a sea bird. Churchill 2.

Goe Milky Way. Vanaga.
Goio Mgv.: a black seabird. Mq.: koio, noio, a bird. Ha.: noio, a small black bird that lives on fish. Churchill.
Gutu 1. Lips, mouth, beak, snout (goutu); gutu ahu, swollen lip; gutu hiti, thick lip; gutu mokomoko, pointed lip; gutu no, vain words; gutu pakapaka, scabbed lips; gutu raro, lower lip; gutu ruga, upper lip. Gutugutu, snout. P Pau.: gutu, lip, beak, bill. Mgv.: gutu, the chin, the mouth of a fish. Mq.: nutu, beak, snout. Ta.: utu, lip, mouth, beak, snout. Gutupiri, attentively. Gututae, attentively; gututae mekenu, a small mouth. Gututika, tattoing on the lips. 2. Pau.: Gutuafare, to save, to economize. Ta.: utuafare, family, residence. 3. Pau.: Guturoa, to grimace, to pout. Mgv.: guturoa, to grimace. Churchill.
Ha 1. Four. 2. To breathe. Hakaha'a, to flay, to skin. Vanaga.

1. Four. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: ha, id. 2. To yawn, to gape. 3. To heat. 4. Hakaha, to skin, to flay; unahi hakaha, to scale fish. Mgv.: akaha, to take to pieces, to take off the bark or skin, to strip the leaves off sugarcane. 5. Mgv: ha, sacred, prohibited. Mq.: a, a sacred spot. Sa.: sa, id.  Churchill.

Hae Fishy smell, smells like that of fish. Haehae, sexually promiscuous. Haere, to go, to come. Vanaga.

1. Smoke with a foul smell. PS Sa.: saesae, to burn brightly. With form concord and so much of sense agreement as may inhere in the fact that this and the Samoan are fire words, perhaps the fact that hae can be associated with no other Polynesian stem may establish this identification. In Samoa the word has so far lost its meaning that it is rarely used alone but only in the determinant compound musaesae. There may be a sense-invert here, for such smoke could most readily come from a smoldering fire, the direct opposite of the Samoan sense. 2. Angry, jealous. Hakahae, to slander. T Pau., Ta.: hae, jealous. Mq.: hae, angry. Ma.. hae, jealous, envious. Churchill.

Haga 1. Bay, fishing spot. (Figuratively) he haga o te ákuáku, it is the [evil] spirit's fishing spot, i.e. a place where they hide waiting for people to fall under their power. 2. To want, to love. Ku haga á i te vai, I want water, I am thirsty. Vanaga.

1. Bay, strait, anchorage, strand, beach. P Mq.: hana, haka, small bay, creek, cove. 2. Work, labor, employment, act, affair, creation, design, state, maker, fashion, manufacture, occupation, profession; to do, to make, to construct, to employ, to form, to manufacture, to fashion, to found, to be busy with; haga rakerake, crime; tagata haga ei mea, mercenary; haga no iti, to plot mischief; haga ke, to act contrary; haga takataka, to disjoin; haga nui, difficulty, fatigue, to weary; tuhi ki te haga, to give employment; haga hakahou, to make over, to renew, recovery; haga koroiti, to deal prudently; haga nuinui ke, to overburden. P Pau.: haga, to do, action, work, a deed. Mgv.: haga, aga, work, labor. Mq.: hana, haka, action, act, work, occupation. Ta.: haa, work, to labor, to make. 3. Agreement, conduct, liking, intention, desire, will; to resolve, to permit, to endeavor, to tolerate, to be willing, to wish, to approve; haga ihoiho, fixed desire; haga mai, haga no mai, to agree, to hearken favorably; tae haga, despite, involuntary, to refuse, to renounce; noho hakahaga, apathy. 4. = haka. Pau.: haga = haka. 5. Mgv.: haga, a fish. Mq.: haka, id. 6. Mgv.: haga, a fishtrap. Sa.: faga, a fish-trap, bird-cage. Ma.: hanganoa, a small basket for cooked fish. 7. Mgv.: haga, a measure of a fathom. Ta.: aa, to measure length. Mq.: aka, ana, to measure with the arms. Ma.: whanga, id. Churchill.

Hagaava (haga 1 - ava 2), entrance of a harbor. Hagahaga: 1. (haga 2), work. 2. hesitation, to hesitate. Churchill.

Hagahuru Ten (agahuru, hagauru). P Mq.: onohuú, okohuú, id. Ta.: ahuru. id. Churchill.

The Maori recognized two main divisions of the year: winter or takurua, a name for Sirius which then shone as morning star, and summer, raumati or o-rongo-nui, 'of the great Rongo', god of agriculture. They occasionally recognized spring as the digging season koanga, from ko, the digging stick or spade. The autumn or harvest season was usually spoken of as ngahuru, 'tenth' (month), although it was considered to include also the last two months of the year. Mahuru was the personification of spring. Makemson.

Hâgai To feed. Poki hâgai, adopted child. Vanaga.

To feed, to nourish, forster-parent (agai); hagai ei u, to suckle. P Pau.: fagai, to feed, to maintain, to support. Mgv.: agai, to nurse, to nurture, to give food to, an adoptive or foster father; akaagai, to feed. Mq.: hakai, to feed. Ta.: faaai, to nourish, a foster-parent. Churchill.

Hagu 1. Breath, respiration, air. He haro i te hagu a roto, to draw in air, to breathe. He hakaea mai te hagu, to breathe. 2. Figuratively: sustenance, snack. He gau i te hagu, to eat something. He tuha te kai mo te hagu o te tagata, the food was shared for the men's sustenance. 3. Figuratively: hagu gatu, a great need, a pressing desire, such as when you hold your breath in expectation. He gatu te hagu, to have a great desire of something (lit. breath is held). He gatu hau o te tagata ki te miro ki te tu'u mai (or: mo te tu'u mai o te miro), the people's great desire for a boat to come. Te matu'a e gatu ró mai te hagu ki taana poki ana oho ki te tahi kaíga, a father feels a great desire to see his son again when he leaves for another country. 4. Strength. Te hagu o te rima, the strength of the hands. Haguhagu, to pant. Hagupotu, last born; also used as a term of endearment to a young person: e hagupotu ê, ducky. Vanaga.

1. The temples. 2. (agu). Haguhagu, convulsion, spasm, convulsive. Hagupotu, younger son, younger brother. Churchill.

Haha 1. Mouth (oral cavity, as opposed to gutu, lips). 2. To carry piggy-back. He haha te poki i toona matu'a, the child took his father on his back. Ka haha mai, get onto my back (so I may carry you). Vanaga.

1. To grope, to feel one's way; po haha, darkness, obscure. 2. Mouth, chops, door, entrance, window; haha pipi, small mouth; haha pipiro, foul breath; ohio haha, bit of bridle; tiaki haha, porter, doorkeeper. Churchill.

Hahaga Ridge, summit, wall plate. Maroa hahaga, to measure lands, to walk at a great pace. Churchill.
Hahe Hahehahe. To congregate, to gather (of people, animals, things). Hahei, to encircle, to surround. Ku hahei á te tagata i ruga i te umu, he vari, the people have placed themselves around the oven, forming a circle. Ana ká i te umu, he hahei hai rito i raro, when you cook food (lit.: light the oven) you cover it all around with banana leaves at the bottom. Vanaga.

M. Whawhe, to come or go round. Cf. hawhe, to go or come round; awhe, to pass round or behind; takaawhe, circuitous. 2. To put round. 3. To be blown away by the wind. Te aute tè whawhea - Prov. 4. To grasp, to seize. Cf. wha, to lay hold of; to handle. 5. To save, as a defeated person on a battle-field. Text Centre.

Mq.: hahea, grand, important. Ha.: haheo, proud, haughty, to put on airs. Churchill.

Hahi Package. PS Mgv.: hahi, hahiki, a packet or bundle of fish enveloped in leaves; to wrap up in leaves. Mq.: fafi, hahi, small packet in leaves, envelope, wrapper; to envelop, to wrap up. Ta.: afifi, to tie up. Sa.: afī, afīfī, to do up in a bundle, to wrap. Churchill.
Hahie Firewood. P Ta.: vahie, id. Mgv., Mq.: vehie, id. Churchill.
Haho Outside. Vanaga.

Hahoa (ha causative, hoa) to cut, to wound, to hurt. PS Mgv.: tahoa, to make papyrus by beating. Sa.: foa, to chip, to break. To.: foa, to crack, to make an opening. Fu.: foa, to dig, the rent in a mat. Underlying the Nuclear Polynesian significations the primal sense seems to be that of a hole. The Rapanui, a causative, is a clear derivative in the cutting sense; wound and hurt are secondary withing this language. The Mangarevan composite means 'to beat until holes appear', which is a distinctive character of the beaten bast of the paper mulberry in the condition in which it is ready for employment in making tapa. Churchill.

Hai Hai: 1. With (instrumental). 2. To, towards. He oho hai kona hare, to go home. He oho hai kona hagu, mo kai, to go where there is food to eat. 3. Give me: hai kumara, give me some sweet potatoes. Ha'i: 1.To give, to deliver, to hand over. 2. To carry under the armpit. 3. To hug, to embrace. 4. To wrap up; parcel, packet. Ha'iga, armpit. Haîara, to guide, to direct (someone). Ka haîara koe i taaku poki ki te kona rivariva, guide my son to a good spot. Vanaga.

1. To wrap up, to make into parcels, to envelop; food tied up in bundles (ai). PS Sa.: sai, a tightly bound bundle. To.: haihai, to tie up in a bundle. Fu.: sai, to tie; saisaiga, a bundle. Niuē: hai, to tie fast. 2. To carry, to transport. Ta.: afai, to carry an object, to transport; afafai, capable of carrying a heavy burden, to carry here and there. 3. To be in heat, to copulate, to embrace; concupiscence, fornication, impurity; lascivious, impure (ai). P Ta.: ai, to copulate. Haiga, armpit. PS Sa.: fa'iga, a joint. Haipo, heart; haipo rahirahi, shortness of breath. Mq.: houpo, heart. Haite (ha causative, ite) numeral. Churchill.

Pau.: haifa, virile, manly. Ta.: aiaha, a brave young warrior. Churchill. Mgv.: hai, a fish. Ta.: fai, the stingray. Mq.: fai, hai, id. Sa.: fai, id. Ma.: whai, id. Haihai, evening (metathetic). Sa.: afiafi, id. Churchill.

Hakamata To start. Barthel
Haki Certainly. Churchill.
Hana Warmth, heat, suffocation (mahana). Churchill.

Ta.: Hanahana, splendid, illustrious, glory. Ma.: hana, so shine, to glow. Churchill.

Mq.: Hanamana, miracle, a wonder. Ha.: hanamana, id. Churchill.

Hanau 1. Race, ethnic group. Hanau eepe, the thick-set race; hanau momoko, the slender race (these terms were mistranslated as 'long-ears' and 'short-ears'). 2. To be born. Hanau tama, pregnant woman; vî'e hanau poki, midwive (also: vî'e hakaa'u). Vanaga.

To be born; vie hanau, midwife. P Pau.: fanauga, child, descendant, progeny. Mgv.: hanau, to be born, to be brought into the world. Mq.: fanau, hanau, to be born, to lie in, to bring into the world. Ta.: fanau, to be born, to lie in. Churchill.

Hao Ta.: to encircle. To.: hao, id. Ma.: hao, to inclose, to draw around. Churchill.
Hapai 1. To handle delicately, carefully; he hapai i te poki, to pick up, a baby; ka hapai mai i te kai nei, pass me this food here (wrapped in banana leaves). 2. To lift (one's feet when running): he hapai te va'e. Vanaga.

To lift, to raise, to elevate, to embark, to carry, to transport, to offer, to accept, to transmit; hapai ki ruga, to load, to raise, to extract, to exhaust; hapai koona ke, to transfer, to remove; hapai rogo, to announce; hapaiaga, elevation, to raise; hapaihaga, burden, offering, assumption; hapaihakahoua, to report; hapaitari, to import. P Pau: hapai, to lift up, to raise. Mgv.: apai, apapai, aapai, to carry, to bear. Mq.: hapai, to lift, to raise, to take away, to displace. Ta.: apai, to bring; hapoi, hopoi, to transport. Churchill.

Hara Harahara 1. Misaligned (of roofing, basketware, etc.); e harahara nó te kete, the basket is misaligned (its strips are not parallel. 2. A sort of taro. 3. Latrine, defecating ground. Vanaga.

1. Pandanus. P Mgv.: ara, puhara, pandanus (tree); hara, a bunch of pandanus fruit, old pandanus. Mq.: faá haá, pandanus. Ta.: fara, id. 2. Error, mistake, oversight, wrong; to err, to confound, to mistake; manau hara, illusion; toua hara, discussion without knowing the object. P Mgv.: ara, arara, defective, abortive, to miss, to fail, a fault, a quarrel; hara, a fault, a mistake, an error, a dispute, a quarrel, undisciplined. Mq.: hara, a rake, libertine. Ta.: hara, sin, fault, crime. Churchill.

Hare House, family, home. Vanaga.

House, cabin, habitation, building, hut, structure; hare iti, hut; hare itiiti no, cabin; hare kahu, tent; hare neinei, latrine; hare no iti, cell; hare nunui, palace; hare pohurihuri, prison; hare pure, chapel, church; ki te hare, at home. Harepepe, kelp. Harepiko, a. asylum, place of refuge; b. ambush, snare. Harepopo, shed. Harepopokai, storehouse. Churchill.

Haro To pull; popohaga o te rua raá, i haro i te aka o te miro, on the morning of the second day, they pulled up the anchor of the boat. He haro i te hagu a roto, to draw in air, to breathe. He-haro te vaka i te au , the boat is towed off course in the current. Vanaga.

a. to point, to raise the arm, to stretch out the hand or other member, to spread, to point the yards. b. to hoist, to pull up, to entice. c. to stiffen, to grasp, to squeeze. Haroharo, to point, to limp. PS Sa.: falo, to stretch out. To.: falo, to stretch out, to make tense. Fu.: falo, to stretch out, to lay hands on. Churchill.

Haru Haruharu. To rob, to steal, to arrest, to seize, to cling, to grasp unexpectedly, to take by force; robber (aruaru, aaru). Pau.: haru, to extort, to carry off, to usurp. Ta.: haru, robber, to seize by force. Churchill.
Hata 1. Table, bureau. P Pau.: afata, a chest, box. Mgv.: avata, a box, case, trunk, coffin. Mq.: fata, hata, a piece of wood with several branches serving as a rack, space, to ramify, to branch; fataá, hataá, stage, step, shelf. Ta.: fata, scaffold, altar. 2. Hakahata, to disjoint; hakahatahata, to loosen, to stretch. P Pau.: vata, an interval, interstice. Mgv.: kohata, the space between two boards, to be badly joined; akakohata, to leave a space between two bodies badly joined; hakahata, to be large, broad, wide, spacious, far off. Mq.: hatahata, fatafata, having chinks, not tightly closed, disjointed. Ta.: fatafata, open. 3. Hatahata, calm, loose, prolix, vast. Mgv.: hatahara, broad, wide, spacious, at one's ease. Ta.: fatafata, free from care. Mq.: hatahata, empty, open. 4. Hatahata, tube, pipe, funnel. Churchill.

Sa.: fata, a raised house in which to store yams, a shelf, a handbarrow, a bier, a litter, an altar, to carry on a litter; fatāmanu, a scaffold. To.: fata, a loft, a bier, a handbarrow, to carry on a bier; fataki, a platform. Fu.: fata, a barrow, a loft; fatataki, two sticks or canes attached to each other at each side of a house post to serve as a shelf. Niuē: fata, a cage, a handbarrow, a shelf, a stage, (sometimes) the upper story of a house. Uvea: fata, a barrow, a bier. Fotuna: fata, a stage. Ta.: fata, an altar, a scaffold, a piece of wood put up to hang baskets of food on; afata, a chest, a box, a coop, a raft, a scaffold. Pau.: fata, a heap; afata, a box, a chest. Ma.: whata, a platform or raised storehouse for food, an altar, to elevate, to support. Moriori: whata, a raft. Mq.: fata, hata, hataá, shelves. Rapanui: hata, a table. Ha.: haka, a ladder, an artificial henroost; alahaka, a ladder. Mg.: ata, a shelf; atamoa, a ladder; atarau, an altar. Mgv.: avata, a coffer, a box. Vi.: vata, a loft, a shelf; tāvata, a bier. The Samoan fata is a pair of light timbers pointed at the ends and tied across the center posts of the house, one in front, the other behind the line of posts; rolls of mats and bales of sennit may be laid across these timbers; baskets or reserved victuals may be hung on the ends. The litter and the barrow are two light poles with small slats lashed across at intervals. The Marquesan fata is a stout stem of a sapling with the stumps of several branches, a hat tree in shape, though found among a barehead folk. These illustrations are sufficient to show what is the common element in all these fata identifications, light cross-pieces spaced at intervals. With this for a primal signifaction it is easy to see how a ladder, a raft, a henroost, an altar come under the same stem for designation. Perhaps Samoan fatafata the breast obtains the name by reason of the ribs; it would be convincing were it not that the plumpness of most Samoans leaves the ribs a matter of anatomical inference. Churchill 2.

... Teke said to Oti, 'Go and take the hauhau tree, the paper mulberry tree, rushes, tavari plants, uku koko grass, riku ferns, ngaoho plants, the toromiro tree, hiki kioe plants (Cyperus vegetus), the sandalwood tree, harahara plants, pua nakonako plants, nehenehe ferns, hua taru grass, poporo plants, bottle gourds (ipu ngutu), kohe plants, kavakava atua ferns, fragrant tuere heu grass, tureme grass (Diochelachne sciurea), matie grass, and the two kinds of cockroaches makere and hata.' ... The division into quarters of a 28-series can be applied to the main phases of the moon during the visible period as was as to a (reflex of the old world?) sidereal month. The separate subgroup (29 makere - 30 hata) consists of the names of two types of cockroaches, but in related eastern Polynesian languages these names can also be explained on a different level. MAO. makere, among others, 'to die', and whata, among others, 'to be laid to rest on a platform', deserve special attention. The theme hinted at is one of death and burial. In our scheme they occur at just that time when the moon 'has died'! This lends further support to the lunar thesis. Barthel 2.

Hati Hati 1. To break (v.t., v.i.); figuratively: he hati te pou oka, to die, of a hopu manu in the exercise of his office (en route from Motu Nui to Orongo). 2. Closing word of certain songs. Vanaga.

Hahati. 1. To break (see hati). 2. Roughly treated, broken (from physical exertion: ku hahati á te hakari) 3. To take to the sea: he hahati te vaka. Vanaga.

Ha(ha)ti. To strike, to break, to peel off bark; slip, cutting, breaking, flow, wave (aati, ati, hahati); tai hati, breakers, surf; tumu hatihati, weak in the legs; hakahati, to persuade; hatipu, slate. P Pau.: fati, to break. Mgv.: ati, hati, to break, to smash. Mq.: fati, hati, id. Ta.: fati, to rupture, to break, to conquer. Churchill.

Hatu 1. Clod of earth; cultivated land; arable land (oone hatu). 2. Compact mass of other substances: hatu matá, piece of obsidian. 3. Figuratively: manava hatu, said of persons who, in adversity, stay composed and in control of their behaviour and feelings. 4. To advise, to command. He hatu i te vanaga rivariva ki te kio o poki ki ruga ki te opata, they gave the refugees the good advice not to climb the precipice; he hatu i te vanaga rakerake, to give bad advice. 5. To collude, to unite for a purpose, to concur. Mo hatu o te tia o te nua, to agree on the price of a nua cape. 6. Result, favourable outcome of an enterprise. He ká i te umu mo te hatu o te aga, to light the earth oven for the successful outcome of an enterprise. Vanaga.

1. Haatu, hahatu, mahatu. To fold, to double, to plait, to braid; noho hatu, to sit crosslegged; hoe hatu, clasp knife; hatuhatu, to deform. 2. To recommend. Churchill.

In the Polynesian dialects proper, we find Patu and Patu-patu, 'stone', in New Zealand; Fatu in Tahiti and Marquesas signifying 'Lord', 'Master', also 'Stone'; Haku in the Hawaiian means 'Lord', 'Master', while with the intensitive prefix Po it becomes Pohaku, 'a stone'. Fornander. 

Hau Hau = Thread, line, string, ribbon; this is the name of the fibres of the hauhau tree formerly used to make twine, cloth, etc.; hau kahi, fishing line for tuna; hau here, line for eel trap; hau moroki, strong, tough line, thread; hau paka, fibres of the hauhau tree, which were first soaked in water, then dried to produce a strong thread. Ha'u = Hat. Vanaga.

Hat, cord; the tree Triumfetta semitriloba. Van Tilburg. Ta.: The tree Hibiscus tiliaceus. Henry.

Hau. 1 a. Hibiscus. b. Wick. P Pau.: fau, hibiscus. Mgv.: hau, id. Mq.: fau, hau, id. Ta.: fau, id. 2. To contribute. Ta.: aufau, to pay, to contribute, to subscribe. 3. Hat, cap, helmet; hakarere ki te hau, to take off the hat. Ta.: fauurumaa, war bonnet. 4. Dew; hakaritorito ki te hau, to bleach in the dew. P Mgv., Mq.,Ta.: hau, dew. 5. To blow freshly, coolness, zephyr, salubrious, breeze, wind (hahau, ahau); kona hauhau, kona hahau, a breezy spot; ahau ora, agreeable breeze; hakahahau, to hang out in the air; hakaahau, to blow. T Mgv.: hau, to blow, blusterous, to breathe. Haua, hoarse. (Hauha); araha hauha, to wait for, to look forward to. Hauhau, 1. dog (onomatopoetic). 2 a. To scratch, to scrape, to rub. b. Wood used in plowing fire. 3. (hau 5). Haumaru (hau 5 - marumaru) cool, cold. Hauù, to replace. Hauva, twin, cut T. Hauvaero (hau 3 - vaero) plume, aigrette, head ornament. Hauvarikapau (hau 3 - varikapau) plume, aigrette, head ornament. Churchill.

Pau.: Hau, superior, kingdom, to rule. Mgv.: hau, respect. Ta.: hau, government. Mq.: hau, id. Sa.: sauā, despotic. Ma.: hau, superior. Hauhau, to attack. Ma.: hau, to chop. Churchill.

Sa.: fau, to tie together, to fasten by tying, the tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus) whose bast is used for cord, the kava strainer made therefrom, strings in various uses; fafau, to lash on, to fasten with sennit; faufau, to fasten on, to tie together. To.: fau, to fasten up the hair, the name of the hibiscus, the kava strainer made therefrom; faufau, to fasten the outriggers of small canoes; hau, to fasten to; fehauaki, to tie. Fu.: fau, the hibiscus, the kava strainer; faù, fafaù, faùfaù, to attach, to tie. Niuē: fau, fafau, to make by tying. Fotuna: no-fausia, to tie, to fasten. Ta.: fau, the hibiscus; fafau, to tie together. Pau.: fau, the hibiscus. Nuguria: hau, id. Ma.: hau, to bind, to fasten together; whau, a shrub; whauwhau, to tie. Ha.: hau, name of a tree with a practicable bark. Mq.: hau, the hibiscus. Mgv.: hau, id.; hahau, to join or tie with cords. Nukuoro: hau, the hibiscus, a garland. Mg.: au, the hibiscus. Vi.: vau, the hibiscus; vautha, to bind together. Churchill 2.

Hauru 1. To sleep. 2. A sort of fish. Vanaga
Hauti Word used in the 19th century for 'house', borrowed from English ('house' > haúti). Large houses built in the European style were then called hare haúti. Vanaga.
He He, article, also verbal prefix. , where? I hé, where; ki hé, whereto; mai hé, wherefrom. Vanaga.

Article. P Mgv., Mq.: e, the. Sa.: se, id. Churchill.

Pau.: He, false, crooked. Mgv.: hehe, crazy, to wander. Ta.: he, error. Mq.: he, confusion. Sa.: sesē, wrong. Ma.: he, a mistake. Churchill.

Mgv.: He, a locust pest of coconuts. Ta.: he, caterpillar. Mq.: he, grasshopper. Sa.: se, id. Ma.: whe, caterpillar. Churchill.

Hega Hegahega, reddish, ruddy. Hehega, to dawn; ki hehega mai te raá, when the sun rises. Vanaga.

Hehegaraa, sunrise. PS Sa.: sesega, to be dazzled as by the sun. Fu.: sega, the beginning of daybreak. Niuē: hegahega, the red light or rays at sunset. Viti: sesē, to dawn. Churchill.

Hehe Mgv.: a skin disease. Mq.: fefe, hehe, tumor, elephantiasis. Ha.: hehe, an ulcerated  swelling. Churchill.
Hei 1. Headband made of mahute and embellished with bird feathers. 2. Exclamation: hey! hullo! Hei pa'a, sterile woman. Hei para, 'ripening', this term refers to the time when such plants as the banana or sweet potato lose their fresh green colour and become yellow, which is taken as a symbol of bad omen or of death in the family. Vanaga.

Garland. P Mq.: hei, garland, necklace, chaplet, flower ornament. Ta.: hei, garland, chaplet, to entwine. Churchill.

Mgv.: heihei, to chase, to drive away. Ha.: heihei, to run a race. (The same suggestion of pursuit in running is to be seen in Sa.: taufetuli, commonly used as a plural of momo'e, to run, the literal sense being they-are-chasing-one-another.) Churchill.

Mq.: heikai, feikai, breadfruit cooked with coconut milk. Sa.: fai'ai', id. Churchill.


(Heke), hakaheke, to pull down, to overthrow. Mgv.: akaeke, to overthrow, to vanquish; heke, to fall down, to fall to pieces: akaheke; akahekeheke, to demolish. Mq.: heke, to crumble, to fall down; hakaheke, to demolish, to pull down. Churchill.

Kai heke, hakaheke, to deflower. Kahukahu o heke, an octopus hiding in his ink. Mq.: ve'eve'e 'tentacules du heke'. Barthel 2.

Pau.: Heke, to purge. Mgv.: heke-toto, hemorrhage. Ta.: hee, to purge. Mq.: heke, to drip. Ma.: heke, id. Pau.: Hekeheke, elephantiasis. Ta.: feefee, id. Mq.: fefe, id. Sa.: fe'efe'e, id. Mgv.: Heke, eke, octopus. Ta.: fee, id. Mq.: heke, feke, fee, id. Sa.: fe'e, id. Ma.: wheke, id. Ta.: Hee, to slide, to swim. Sa.: se'e, to slide, to shoot the breakers. Ha.: hee, id. Mq.: Hee oto, to cut. Sa.: sele, id. Ha.: helehele, id. Churchill.

Ma.: 1. Migrate. Islands of History. 2. Rafter. Starzecka.

Hemo Tu. hemo, to disclose, to reveal. Mgv. emo, separated, broken off. T. hemo, conquered, to escape. Mq. hemo, to separate. H. hemo, to unloose. Churchill.
Henua Land, ground, country; te tagata noho i ruga i te henua the people living on the earth. Placenta: henua o te poki. Vanaga.

1. Land, country, region (heenua); henua tumu, native land. P Pau.: henua, country. Mgv.: enua, land, said of shallow places in the sea; mamuenua, the earth. Mq.: fenua, henua, land, country, place, property. Ta.: fenua, land, country place. There is apparently nothing critical in the first vowel; e is the most widely extended; a is found only in Samoa, Viti, and Rotumā in Nuclear Polynesia, but is the dominant vowel in Melanesian survivals. 2. Uterus. T (cf eve). T Pau.: pufenua, placenta. Mgv.: enua, id. Mq.: fenua, henua, id.  3. Pupuhi henua, volley. PS Sa.: fana-fanua, cannon. To.: mea fana fonua, id. Fu.: fanafenua, id. Niuē: fanafonua, id. Viti: a dakal ni vanua, id.  Churchill.

M.: Whenua, the Earth; the whole earth: I pouri tonu te rangi me te whenua i mua. 2. A country or district: A e tupu tonu mai nei ano i te pari o taua whenua. Tangata-whenua, natives of a particular locality: Ko nga tangata-whenua ake ano o tenei motu. Cf. ewe, the land of one's birth. 3. The afterbirth, or placenta: Ka taka te whenua o te tamaiti ki te moana. Cf. ewe, the placenta. 4. The ground, the soil: Na takoto ana i raro i te whenua, kua mate. 5. The land, as opposed to the water: Kia ngaro te tuapae whenua; a, ngaro rawa, ka tahi ka tukua te punga. Text Centre.

Ha.: Honua. 1. nvs. Land, earth, world; background, as of quilt designs; basic, at the foundation, fundamental. See lani. Kaua honua, world war. Ka wahine 'ai honua, the earth-eating woman [Pele]. ho'o honua To establish land, act as land; to scoop out earth, as for a fireplace; firmly established. Fig., rich (rare). (PPN fanua.). 2. part. Suddenly, abruptly and without reason. Cf. kūhonua. Huha honua ihola nō, suddenly angry and for no reason. Maka'u honua ihola nō ia, sudden fear. 3. n. Middle section of a canoe; central section of a canoe fleet, as fishing iheihe fish; main section, as of an army. Wehewehe.

Here 1. To catch eels in a snare of sliding knots; pole used in this manner of fishing, with a perforation for the line. 2. To tie, to fasten, to lash; rasp made of a piece of obsidian with one rough side; cable, tie; figuratively: pact, treatise. Vanaga.

1. To lash, to belay, to knot the end of a cord, to lace, to tie, to fasten, to knot; to catch in a noose, to strangle, to garrote; here pepe, to saddle; moa herea, a trussed fowl; hehere, collar, necklet; herega, bond, ligament; heregao, scarf, cravat. 2. Hakahere. To buy, to sell, to barter, to part with, to pay for, to do business, to compensate, to owe, to disburse, to expiate, to indemnify, to rent out, to hire, to traffic, to bargain, to bribe; merchant, trader, business, revenge; tagata hakahere, merchant, trader; hakahere ki te ika, to avenge; hakaherega, ransom, redemption; hakahererua, to exchange, to avenge. 3. Here ei hoiho, incense. Churchill.

Hereke, festering wound, cracked skin. Barthel 2.

Hero Herohero. 1. Crimson, bright red; he varu i te ki'ea ka herohero ró te hakari, to paint one's body red with ki'ea; ku hú á te huka-huka, ku herohero á i roto i te ahi, burning wood shows red in the fire. 2. The colour of ripe fruit, the yellow of ripe bananas. 3. Figuratively: angry: ku herohero á te manava = ku ká te manava. Vanaga.

Herohero. Scarlet, suffocating T. Ura herohero, brilliance of flames. Churchill.

(58) ata popohanga toou e to ata hero e, 'Yours is the morning shadow' refers to an area in Ata Hero where the house of Ricardo Hito is now located. Barthel 2.

Hetu Hetu 1. To (make) sound; figuratively: famous, renowned. 2. To crumble into embers (of a bonfire). Hetu'u. Star, planet; hetu'u popohaga morning star; hetu'u ahiahi evening star; hetu'u viri meteorite. Vanaga

Hetu 1. Star (heetuu); hetu rere, meteor; hetu pupura, planet. P Pau.: hetu, star. Mgv.: etu, id. Mq.: fetu, hetu, id. Ta.: fetu, fetia, id. The alternative form fetia in Tahiti, now the only one in common use, need not be regarded as an anomaly in mutation. It seems to derive from Paumotu fetika, a planet. Its introduction into Tahiti is due to the fashion of accepting Paumotu vocables which arose when the house of Pomare came into power. 2. Capital letter (? he tu). 3. To amuse. 4. To stamp the feet. Hetuhetu, to calk, to strike the water. Hetuke, sea urchin. Churchill.

Heu Heu. Offspring of parents from two different tribes, person of mixed descent, e.g. father Miru, mother Tupahotu. Heuheu, body hair (except genitals and armpits). Vanaga. 1. Heheu; ivi heheu, the cachalot, bone needle; hakaheu, spade, to shovel, to grub up, to scratch the ground, to labor; rava hakaheu, laborious, toilsome. 2. Hakaheu, affair. Churchill.

M. Heu, to separate, to pull asunder; the eaves of a house; heu, a single hair; hau. to hew; heru, to comb; huru, hair on the body; down; feathers; maheu, scattered; maheuheu, shrubs; mahuru, scrub; heuea, to be separated. Text Centre. Nonoma ran, he quickly went to Te Hikinga Heru (a ravine in the side of the crater Rano Kau) and looked around. There he saw the double canoe way out near the (offshore) islets, and the two (hulls of the canoe) were lashed together.

Heva To get upset, to become temporarily estranged because of a violent internal pain; to be madly keen, passionately fond of. Ga heva te va'e ihi, spread-leg devotee (insulting term for 'woman'). Vanaga.

(eva). To be delirious, to rave, absurd (eheva, heva, heheva). T Mgv.: eva, heva, frenzied, delirious; stiff, said of a sick person; aeva, like a madman. Mq.: eva, to be confused, perplexed. Ta.: hevaheva, beside oneself. Churchill.

Hi 1. To have a headache (subject: roro, brain). Ku hí á tooku roro, I have a headache. 2. to fish; hí-kau, to fish while swimming. 3. To blow one's nose. Vanaga.

1. To angle. Mgv.: hi, hipo, to fish with a line. Mq., Ta.: hi, id. 2. Asthma, to wipe the nose; hihi, to have a cold. Churchill.

Hia How many? Ka hia? Which one? Te hia? (Teach Yourself Maori)
Hiero To shine, to appear (of the rays of the sun just before sunrise). He hiero te raá, dawn breaks. Vanaga.
Hiho To come. Hihoi; 1. To divine, hakahihoi, id. Ta.: hióhió, diviner, wizard, spy; to observe. 2. To turn into, to transform; hakahihoi, to infuse, to mix, to blend, to falsify. Churchill.
Hiki To flex the knees lightly, as used to do the youths of both sexes when, after having stayed inside for a long period to get a fair complexion, they showed themselves off in dances called te hikiga haúga, parading on a footpath of smooth stones, with their faces painted, lightly flexing their knees with each step. Vanaga.

Tail fin G (? hiku). Churchill.

Hiki kioe (Cyperus vegetus), a plant whose roots were eaten during times of famine and the stems of which were used for medicinal purposes. Barthel 2. 

Pau.: Hiki. 1. To fondle. Mgv.: hiki, to dandle. Ta.: hii, id. Mq.: hiki, id. 2. To flee. Mq.: hiki, flight. Pau.: Fakahihiu, to scare away, Ma.: whiu, to drive. Churchill.

Mgv.: Hiki, to commence or to finish mat weaving. Mq.: hiki, to finish mat weaving. Churchill.

... The brothers of Maui sat trembling in the middle of the canoe, fearing for their lives. For now the water was frothing and heaving, and great hot bubbles were coming up, and steam, and Maui was chanting the incantation called Hiki, which makes heavy weights light ...

Hiko 1. To ask (for something). 2. To filch, to pilfer. Hikohiko, to snatch by force; robbery by assault. Vanaga.

Hikohiko keke, hide-and-seek. Churchill.

Pau.: 1. To glean. Mgv.: kohi, to gather, to collect. Ta.: ohi, to glean. Mq.: kohi, id. Ma.: kohi, to gather. 2. Bamboo. Mgv.: kohe, id. Ta.: ohe, id. Mq.: kohe, id. Sa.: 'ofe, id. Ma.: kohe, a plant name. 3. Diarrhea. Ta.: ohi, dysentery. Churchill.

Mgv.: kohiko, a small bag mounted in the fruit-picking fork. Mq.: kohiko, a small net. Churchill.

Hiku Tail; caudal fin. Hikukio'e, 'rat's tail': a plant (Cyperus vegetus). Vanaga.

... In the deep night before the image [of Lono] is first seen, there is a Makahiki ceremony called 'splashing-water' (hi'uwai). Kepelino tells of sacred chiefs being carried to the water where the people in their finery are bathing; in the excitement created by the beauty of their attire, 'one person was attracted to another, and the result', says this convert to Catholicism, 'was by no means good' ... (Islands of History)

Hina Grey or white hair. Korohua hina tea, ruau hina tea, hoary old man, hoary old woman. Hinarere, great-grandson. Vanaga.

Pau.: Hina: Posterity. Ta.: hina, id. Mq.: hina, id. Hinagaro, to wish. Mgv.: aka-ina-garo ? to call names. Ta.: hinaaro, to desire. Mq.: hinenaó, to love. Sa.: finagalo, to wish. Ma.: hine-ngaro, affection. Mgv.: Hina: White, gray hair. Ta.: hina-hina, id. Mq.: hina, id. Sa.: sina, id. Ma.: hina, id. Churchill.

It is a matter of no slight interest to find that a stem which in Polynesia serves to designate the lesser luminary is used in Melanesia to denote the sun. In this connection our linguistic material has left two records. One that la, the general Polynesian word for the sun, was not carried in the Proto-Samoan migration, for it has left no trace in the Melanesian halting-places. The other is that masina, the general Polynesian word for the moon, was brought into Polynesia, in its present derivative form, by the Tongafiti migration, for it is only in Sesake that we find masina as moon. Our Polynesian records show us that sina was a sun name, i.e. the shiner. Churchill 2.

Hio Hio, hiohio, strong; firmly, strongly; brave, courageous. Vanaga.

To grasp; kia hio, to arrest. Hakahio, to attach, to fix, to force, to favor, to rent. Hiohio, 1. By force, strong, earnestly, urgency; tae hioa, flexible. Mq.: fio, to grasp, to take by force. 2. Steel (cf. ohio, iho 4). 3. To affront, to insist, to demand. 4. To clot, to coagulate. Churchill. 

Hipu Calabash, shell, cup, jug, goblet, pot, plate, vase, bowl, any such receptacle; hipu hiva, melon, bottle; hipu takatore, vessel; hipu unuvai, drinking glass. P Mgv.: ipu, calabash, gourd for carrying liquids. Mq.: ipu, all sorts of small vases, shell, bowl, receptacle, coconut shell. Ta.: ipu, calabash, cup, receptacle. Churchill.
Hira To turn the eyes away, to leer. Hakahira; mata hakahira, squint-eyed. P Mq.: hiri, crosseyed. Ta.: hira, bashfulness; hihira, to look askance. To.: hila, to look askant. Churchill.

Mgv..: hira, frank and hardy. Ta.: hirahira, bashful (sense-invert). Ma.: hihira, shy. Churchill.

Hiri 1. To braid, plait, tress (hair, threads). 2. To rise in coils (of smoke). 3. To hover (of birds). Vanaga.

1. To elevate, to mount. Hiriga, to elevate; elevation, mounted, ascension, assumption, declivity; hiriga mouga, hillside. Hirihiri, a swing, seesaw. P. Pau.: iri, to be put up in a place, to lodge. Mgv.: iri, placed in a higher position than the observer, as a box on a high shelf. Ta.: iri, to lodge or stick up in a place. The germ signification is 'above, higher'. In Samoa it is used most commonly in a tropical sense, but the primal sense is sufficiently retained in the signification to lodge, to stick in, to show general concord with Rapanui and particular harmony with the other languages of Southeast Polynesia. 2. To make a bag; taura hiri, to make a cord; rauoho hiri, plaited hair; hirihiri, frizzed; rauoho hirihiri, lock of hair. P Mgv.: hiri, wo weave, to plait; akahiri, to make a mat. Mq.: hii, large plait of coconut fiber. Ta.: firi, to plait, to braid. When we interpret in the sense of local conditions Père Roussel's definition 'to make a bag' the concord is perfect, for bags are woven. The germ sense is plainly the act of twining in and out, over and under, which, with specific differences due to manner and material, may result in plaiting or weaving; see hiro. 3. To go, to walk, to voyage, to arrive, to appear; hiri tê reka, to go without noise; hiri koroiti, to go softly; hiri tahaga no mai, to go without a halt. Hiriga, voyage, journey; hiriga hakapa, to go by twos; hiriga hipa, to go obliquely; hiriga kokekoke, to go by sudden steps; hiriga okorua, to go by twos; hiriga tahataha to go across; hiriga tekiteki, to go on hopping; hiriga tê mataku, to go on fearlessly; hiriga totoro, to go on all fours; hiriga varikapau; to go in a ring; hiriga veveveve, to go boldly. Churchill.

Pau.: Hirinaki. 1. To incline, to slope. Ta.: hirinai, to rest upon. Ma.: irinaki, to rest upon. 2. To be apprehensive. Ta.: hirinai, to apprehend. Churchill.

Mgv.: Aka-hiria, to enquire after. Sa.: sili, to ask, to demand. Hirihiri, to fish for turtle. Mq.: fiifiii, a small net for taking turtle. Churchill.

Hiro 1. A deity invoked when praying for rain (meaning uncertain). 2. To twine tree fibres (hauhau, mahute) into strings or ropes. Ohirohiro, waterspout (more exactly pú ohirohiro), a column of water which rises spinning on itself. Vanaga.

To spin, to twist. P Mgv.: hiro, iro, to make a cord or line in the native manner by twisting on the thigh. Mq.: fió, hió, to spin, to twist, to twine. Ta.: hiro, to twist. This differs essentially from the in-and-out movement involved in hiri 2, for here the movement is that of rolling on the axis of length, the result is that of spinning. Starting with the coir fiber, the first operation is to roll (hiro) by the palm of the hand upon the thigh, which lies coveniently exposed in the crosslegged sedentary posture, two or three threads into a cord; next to plait (hiri) three or other odd number of such cords into sennit. Hirohiro, to mix, to blend, to dissolve, to infuse, to inject, to season, to streak with several colors; hirohiro ei paatai, to salt. Hirohiroa, to mingle; hirohiroa ei vai, diluted with water. Churchill.

Ta.: Hiro, to exaggerate. Ha.: hilohilo, to lengthen a speech by mentioning little circumstances, to make nice oratorial language. Churchill.

Whiro 'Steals-off-and-hides'; also [in addition to the name of Mercury] the universal name for the 'dark of the Moon' or the first day of the lunar month; also the deity of sneak thieves and rascals. Makemson.

Hiti 1. To show itself again, to reappear (of the new moon, of a constellation - meaning uncertain). 2. Said of thin, tough-fleshed fish of indifferent taste: ika hiti. 3. Said of fish when they come to the stones of the shore for insects among the seaweed: he hiti te ika. 4. To reproach someone for his ingratitude. Vanaga.

1. To rise, to appear, to dawn; hitihaga, rising; hitihaga roa, sunrise; hitihiti, to dawn; horau hitihiti, break of day; hakahiti ki te eeve, to show the buttocks. 2. Puffed; gutu hiti, thick lips. Churchill.

Hito Ta.: To ridicule. Mq.: hito, vain, haughty, proud. Churchill.
Hitu Seven. P Pau.: ahito, id. Mgv.: itu, id. Mq.: fitu, hitu, id. Ta.: hitu, id. Churchill.

Etahi pohitu, a week. Barthel 2.

Hiva Name of the country from where, according to tradition, came the Polynesian immigration of Hotu Matu'a; nowadays, this name designates any continent or foreign country: tagata Hiva, foreigner, person from the mainland. Vanaga.

Strange, alien, foreign; a stranger; kuhane hiva, Holy Ghost; hakahiva: mata hakahiva, to look back (? hakahira). Mq., Mgv.: hiva, iva, a stranger, a person from another district or country. Pau.: pure-hiva, a butterfly. Churchill.

H.: 1. Entirely black, as of pigs offered to the gods, a desirable blackness contrasting with uli and 'ele'ele, which have pejorative connotations. 2. Choice.  3. A term qualifying coconuts and kava. Polo hiwa, dark, glistening black, as clouds or tapa. Ua hala i ke ao polohiwa a Kāne, passed to the dark clouds of Kāne (death). Hiwa hiwa, precious, beloved, esteemed, petted, darling, indulged; favorite. Ka Mesia, ka hiwahiwa a ke Akua, the Messiah, the chosen of God. Ho'o hiwa hiwa to honor, adorn, decorate; to display, as the flag; to treat as a favorite; festive. He mea ho'ohiwahiwa i ke akua, a thing to honor the gods. 'O ka mea ho'ohiwahiwa i kāna kauā mai kona wā 'u'uku mai, he who delicately brings up his servant from his childhood. Wehewehe.

Ho 1. Ho!, Oh! 2. Lest, on the point of. 3. To deliver, to give up. Churchill.
Hoa 1. Master, owner; tagata hoa papaku, owner or relative of a dead; hoa manu, 'bird master', that is, he who received the first egg at the annual festivals in Orongo; he to'o mai e te hoa manu i te mamari ki toona rima, he ma'u, he hoko, the 'bird master' receives the egg in his hand and carries it, dancing. 2.Friend, companion: e ga hoa ê! 3. To cast away, to throw away, to abandon, perhaps also to expel. 4. To confess a sin; he hoa i te ta'u: term used of a category of rongorongo boards (see ta'u). Vanaga.

1. Friend; repa hoa, friend (male), comrade, companion, fellow; to confide; repa hoa titika, faithful friend; garu hoa, friend (either sex); uha hoa, friend (female); hoa kona, native T. 2. To abandon, to debark, to cast, to launch, to anchor, to let go, to give up, to reject, to repudiate, to suppress, to cut off, to jerk out, to proscribe, to reprove; hoahoa, to upset, to destroy. Churchill.

Hoe Hoe 1. Paddle. Mgv.: hoe, ohe, id. Mq., Ta.: hoe, id. 2. To wheeze with fatigue (oeoe 2). Arero oeoe, to stammer, to stutter; Mgv. oe, to make a whistling sound in breathing; ohe, a cry from a person out of breath. Mq.: oe, to wheeze with fatigue. 3. Blade, knife; hoe hakaiu, clasp-knife, jack-knife; hoe hakanemu, clasp-knife; hoe pikopiko, pruning knife. 4. Ta.: oheohe, a plant. Ma.: kohekohe, id. Churchill.

T. Paddle. E hoe te heiva = 'and to paddle (was their) pleasure'. Henry.

Hoea, instrument for tattooing. Barthel.

Hohonu Deep; tai hohonu, depths of the sea; hakahohonu, to deepen; ata hakahohonu, abyss. Churchill.
Hoki To return, to go back, to come back; ka hoki ki rá, go back there! ana oho koe ki Hiva, e hoki mai ki nei, if you go to the mainland, do come back here again. Vanaga.

1. Also, what; ki ra hoki, precisely there; pei ra hoki, similitude, likeness; pei ra hoki ta matou, usage. P Pau.: hokihoki, often. Mgv.: hoki, also, and, likewise. Mq.: hoi, surely. Ta.: hoi, also, likewise. 2. To return, to turn back, to draw back, to give back, to tack; mau e hoki mai, to lend; hoki hakahou, to carry back; hoki amuri, to retrograde; hakahoki, to bring back, to send back, to carry back, to restore, to renew, to revoke, to remove, to dismiss, to pay, to pardon, to compress; hakahokia, given up; hakahokihaga, obligation. P Pau.: hokihoki, to persist, to insist; fakahoki, to give back. Mgv.: hoki, to return, to retrace one's steps; oki, to return, to come back. Ta.: hoi, to return, to come back. Ta.: mahoi, the essence or soul of a god. Churchill.

Hoko 1. To jump; to rock or swing in rhythm with the chants in festivals, as was the ancient custom; an ancient dance.  He to'o mai e te hoa manu i te mamari ki toona rima, he ma'u, he hoko, the 'bird master' receives the egg in his hand and carries it, dancing. 2. Number prefix: 'in a group of...': hokotahi, alone; hokorua, in a group of two (also companion, e hakarere te kai mo toou hokorua, leave some food for my companion); hakatoru, in a group of three, etc.; hokohía, in a group of how many? Hokohía ana oho koe ki te rano? With how many people will you go to the volcano? Vanaga.

1. To traffic, to trade, to buy, to ransom (hoò); hoòa te kaiga, to buy land. 2. To sport, to play. Churchill.

Move the body to and fro with the rythm of a song. Barthel.

Hono Honohono to join, to fit, to adjust, to unite, to patch, joint. Hakahonohono a joining.

P Mgv.: hono, to join or fit pieces of wood together, to piece out a substance with another piece of the same material. Ta.: hono, to join, to unite. Churchill.

Honu 1. Turtle. 2. Spider (the species found in houses). Vanaga.

Turtle. P Mgv.: honu, onu, id. Mq.,Ta.: honu, id. To.: fonu, id. Ha.: honu, id. Churchill.

To.: fonu, turtle, tortoise, Fu., Niuē, Uvea, Fotuna: fonu, turtle ... Sa.: volu, tortoise. Nukuoro: holu, turtle. Viti: vonu, turtle. Churchill 2.

... It grew light, and again Ira spoke. This is what he said: 'Turn around, all of you, and go down to ride the waves (literally, 'to the turtle, to act like a turtle') ... Barthel 2.

Honui 1. Person worthy of respect, person of authority. 2. Livelihood, heirloom, capital; ka moe koe ki toou hônui, you must marry to ensure your livelihood (said to a little girl); he hônui mo taaku poki, this is the heirloom for my son. Vanaga.

Great (hoonui); honui, chief T.; tagata hoonui, personage; hakahonui, to praise, to commend. Churchill.

Hope Spine, backbone. T Pau.: hopega, the last; hoperemu, the posteriors of an animal. Mgv.: ope, the breech, the rump, buttocks, the end or tip of fruits. Mq.: hope, the rear, tail; hopehope, the buttocks. Ta.: hope, tail. Hopehope, calm; cooked too much. Mq.: hopeé, laziness, indolence, feeble, soft. Mq.: Hope moa, a hair ornament for the girdle. Sa.: sope, a lock of hair left longer than the rest. Churchill.
Hopu 1. To wash oneself, to bathe, 2. Aid, helper, in the following expressions: hopu kupega, those who help the motuha o te hopu kupega in handling the fishing nets; hopu manu, those who served the tagata manu and, upon finding the first manutara egg, took it to Orongo. Vanaga.

Bath; to bathe, to cleanse (hoopu). Pau.: hopu, bath; to bathe. Ta.: hopu, to dive. Churchill.

Mq.: hopu, to embrace, to clasp about the body. Ma.: hopu, to catch, to seize. Churchill.

Hora Ancient name of summer (toga-hora, winter summer). Vanaga.

1. In haste (horahorau). 2. Summer, April; hora nui, March; vaha hora, spring. 3. 'Hour', 'watch'. 4. Pau.: hora, salted, briny. Ta.: horahora, bitter. Mq.: hoáhoá, id. 5. Ta.: hora, Tephrosia piscatoria, to poison fish therewith. Ha.: hola, to poison fish. Churchill.

Horahora, to spread, unfold, extend, to heave to; hohora, to come into leaf. P Pau.: hohora, to unfold, to unroll; horahora, to spread out, to unwrap. Mgv.: hohora, to spread out clothes as a carpet; mahora, to stretch out (from the smallest extension to the greatest), Mq.: hohoá, to display, to spread out, to unroll. Ta.: hohora, to open, to display; hora, to extend the hand in giving it. Churchill.

Horau 1. In haste, on the point of; horau hitihiti, daybreak; horau mai, to run to, to bring, to appear; horau marama no iti, daybreak. Horauhorau, immeditely, sooner, forthwith; active, diligent, fecund, generous, unexpected, sudden, pressing, prompt, rapid, swift, speedy, all at once; to go boldly, to appear suddenly, to be precipitate, to press on, to grow rapidly; haga horhorau, to slight; tae horahorau, to be arrested in growth. Horahoraukina, agile. Horauhorau, brief, to continue. Horarau, to run. (P Pau.: horo, to flee, to run. Mq.: hoó, to go quickly, prompt, brisk, to run, to make haste. Ta.: horo, to run; horohoro, activity, quickly. The conduplication horahorau militates against this identification.) 2. Pau.: horau, a shed. Ta.: farau, id. Sa.: afolau, a common house. Ma.: wharau, shed. Churchill.
Hore (Hore, horehore): to cut with a knife or with an obsidian blade (also: horea). Horeko, solitary, lonely; kona horeko, solitary place, loneliness. Vanaga.

To hew, to cut off, to amputate, to castrate, to cut with a knife, to decapitate, to abridge, to incise, to set landmarks; a notch, incision, tenon; hore poto, to cut short off; hore te gao, to chop the head off. Churchill.

Horihori To tire, become tired (also: rohirohi). Vanaga.
Horo 1. To wash down, to gulp, to swallow, to bolt food; horohoro, to swallow, to gobble, gluttonous, greedy, insatiable, voracious. P Pau.: tahoro, to swallow; horomiti, id. Mgv.: horo, oro, id. Mq.: hoó, to eat poi, to swallow without chewing. Ta.: horo puupuu, to bolt food; horomii, to swallow, to devour. 2. To escape, to hide. P Pau.: horo, to hide, to bury, to avoid. 3. To trot (horau). P Pau.: horo, to run, to gallop. Mgv.: oro, ohoro, to pass along quickly. Mq.: hoó, to run, to make haste. Ta.: horo, to run. 4. To put an edge on, a jointing plane (orooro); horohoro, to brush, to polish, to clear up, to rub wood, to rumple; maea horohoro, snowy rock. P Mgv.: oro, to rub, to whet, to sharpen. Mq.: hoó, to rub on a stone. Ta.: hororaa to, a cane mill; oro, to rasp, to grate. 5. To starch (horoi). Mgv.: oro, to wash. 6. To have recourse to, to repass. 7. ? horo varevare, without branches. Churchill.

Mgv.: horo, to crumble, fall, slip down. Ta.: horo, a landslide. Sa.: solo, to slide down, to fall. Ma.: horo, a landslide. Churchill.

Horoga, demarcation. Horohopae, to save, to economize, steward (horauhopae). Churchill.

Horoi. 1. To dry, to wipe (horo 5); horoimata, handkerchief. P Mgv.: horoi, oroi, a towel, handkerchief, anything used as a wiper after bathing. Mq.: hoói, to wash, to cleanse, to purify, to scour, to rinse, to dry, to bathe, to dry the tears, to console. Ta.: horoi, handkercief, to wash, to cleanse. 2. To clean, to efface, to sharpen (horo 4). Mq.: hoói, to efface. Churchill.

Hotu Ta.: hotu, to produce fruit, Sa.: fotu, id. Mgv.: akahotu, the September season. Churchill.

H.: Hoku,  Night of the full moon. When this moon set before daylight it was called Hoku Palemo, Hoku that slips away. When it set after daylight it was called Hoku Ili, grounded Hoku. Ka mahina o Hoku, the full moon of the night Hoku. Cf. hōkū, star. Hō kū, star. (PPN fetu'u). Wehewehe.

... When this tremendous task had been accomplished Atea took a third husband, Fa'a-hotu, Make Fruitful. Then occurred a curious event. Whether Atea had wearied of bringing forth offspring we are not told, but certain it is that Atea and her husband Fa'a-hotu exchanged sexes. Then the [male] eyes of Atea glanced down at those of his wife Hotu and they begat Ru. It was this Ru who explored the whole earth and divided it into north, south, east, and west ...

Hou 1. To perforate, to drill. P Pau.: fakahou, to furrow, to groove, to plow. Mgv.: hou, ouou, a drill, a wimble, a borer, a gimlet, to pierce with a drill. Mq.: hou, an auger, a drill, a wimble, corkscrew, to pierce with a drill. Ta.: hou, auger, to drill. 2. New, fresh, modern, recent, young, youth; rae ki te mea hou, to innovate; hou anei, modern. Hakahou, to reiterate, reparation, to restore, to recapitulate; haga hakahou, to make over, to renew, recovery; avai hakahou, a loan, to borrow; rere hakahou mai, to rebound; hakahou iho, to recommence. P Pau.: hou, young, new. Mgv.: hou, new; akahou, to renew. Mq.: hou, new, recent, fresh, young. Ta.: hou, new, recent, before. Churchill.
Hu 1. Breaking of wind. T Mgv., uu, to break wind. Mq., Ta.: hu, id. 2. Whistling of the wind, to blow, tempest, high wind. P Pau.: huga, a hurricane. Churchill.

Mgv.: hu, to burst, to crackle, to snap. Ha.: hu, a noise. Churchill.

Hua 1. Testicle. 2. Figuratively: son, hua tahi, only son; fruits of the earth; to grow well (of fruits). 3. To cause a fight, a quarrel. Hua-ai, generation, as lineage of direct descendents; contemporaries. Huahua, coccyx of bird, 'parson's nose': huahua moa, huahua uha. Huataru, a creeper (Chenopodium ambiguum). Vanaga.

1. The same; ki hua, again, to continue, to strain, to struggle, to move, to repeat, over and above. Mq.: hua, the same, to return, to recommence.  2. To bloom, to sprout; flower, fruit (huaa); huaa tae oko, huaa vahio, young fruit; hua atahi, only son; huahaga, fruit; mei te huahaga o tokoe kopu, the fruit of thy body; tikea huahaga, deceptive appearance. P Pau.: ua, to be born; huahaga, lineage. Mgv.: hua, to produce (said of trees, grain, etc.), blooming time of flowers, abundance of fruit. Mq.: hua, to produce, to bear fruit. Ta.: ua, to sprout. Huahua. 1. Tailless fowl. 2. Vein, tendon, line. 3. Mgv.: huahua, pimples covering the face. Ta.: huahua, id. Mq.: hua, tubercules. Sa.: fuafua, abscess on hand or feet. Ma.: huahua, small pimples. Pau.: Hua-gakau, rupture. Ta.: áau, entrails. Sa.: ga'au, id. Ma.: ngakau, id. Churchill.

1. Fruit. 2. Egg. 3. Tā hua = 'genealogical writing' or 'same writing'. Fischer.

Hue To congregate, to get together; huega, meeting, reunion of persons, heap, pile of things; hue hau, ball of string. Huehue, a fish, with a round body, dark back, and light belly. Vanaga.

1. Calabash, gourd, pumpkin, pot, vase. P Pau.: hue, gourd. Mgv.: hue, calabash gourd. Mq.: hue maoi, calabash; hue ákau, pumpkin; hue, every sort of vase with a large aperture. Ta.: hue, gourd, bottle. 2. A pile, a heap; to accumulate, to agglomerate, to amass, to heap up, to collect, to charge, to put in charge, to destine, to consider, to camp, to pile up, to mass, to assemble, to conceal, to reunite; hue ke, to choose; hue no, a halt; hue ki ruga, to put on another; hakahue, to heap up, to amass, to assemble; huega, mass, sheepfold, camp, collection, company, society, council, corporation, faculty, crowd, group, leage. Mgv.: hue, to collect, to gather together, to heap up. Mq.: huevaevae, calf of the leg; huefenua, the terrestrial globe. Ta.: hue, to heap up. Churchill.

Pau.: 1. Emotion. Ta.: huehue, to show fear. 2. To carry, to conduct. Mgv.: akahue, to carry a crop of foodstuff. Churchill.

Mgv.: A fish. Ta.: huehue, id. Mq.: huehue-kava, id. Sa.: sue, id. Churchill.

Huki 1. Pole attached to the poop from which the fishing-net is suspended: huki kupega. 2. Digging stick. 3. To set vertically, to stand (vt.). 4. Huki á te mahina, said of the new moon when both its horns have become visible. Vanaga.

1. To post up, to publish. 2. To cut the throat (uki). Mq.: Small sticks which close up the ridge of a house. Ha.: hui, the small uniting sticks in a thatched house.  Churchill.

Standing upright. Barthel.

M. Spit for roasting. Te Huki, a constellation. Makemson.

Hukihuki. 1. Colic. 2. To transpierce, a pricking. 3. To sink to the bottom. Churchill.

Humu 1. Tattooing on the feet. (Cf. Ta.: umu, ornament.) 2. (umu). 3. Mq.: To attach, to tie. Ha.: humu, to fasten together by sewing. Churchill.
Hupee Mucus; hupeehupee, asthma. T Pau., Ta.: hupe, mucus. Churchill.

Ta.: Hupe, mucus. (Sa.: isupē, id.) Ma.: hupe, id. Churchill.

Rhume, air froide. Jaussen according to Barthel.

Hura 1. To fish with a small funnel-shaped net tied to the end of a pole. This fishing is done from the shore; fishing with the same net, but swimming, is called tukutuku. 2. To be active, to get moving when working: ka hura, ka aga! come on, get moving! to work! 3. Tagata gutu hura, a flatterer, a flirt, a funny person, a witty person. Hurahura, to dance, to swing. Vanaga.

1. Sling. In his brilliant study of the distribution of the sling in the Pacific tracts, Captain Friederici makes this note (Beiträge zur Völker- und Sprachenkunde von Deutsch-Neuguinea, page 115b): 'Such, though somewhat modified, is the case in Rapanui, Easter Island. The testimony of all the reporters who have had dealings with these people is unanimous that stones of two to three pounds weight, frequently sharp chunks of obsidian, were thrown by the hand; no one mentions the use of slings. Yet Roussel includes this weapon in his vocabulary and calls it hura. In my opinion this word can be derived only from the Mangareva verb kohura, to throw a stone or a lance. So far as we know Rapanui has received its population in part by way of Mangareva.' To this note should be added the citation of kirikiri ueue as exhibiting this particular use of ueue in which the general sense is the transitive shake. 2. Fife, whistle, drum, trumpet, to play; hurahura, whistle. P Mq.: hurahura, dance, divertissement, to skip. Ta.: hura, to leap for joy. Pau.: hura-viru, well disposed. Churchill.

H. Hula, a swelling, a protuberance under the arm or on the thigh. Churchill 2.

Huri 1. To turn (vt.), to overthrow, to knock down: huri moai, the overthrowing of the statues from their ahus during the period of decadence on the island. 2. To pour a liquid from a container: ka huri mai te vai, pour me some water. 3. To end a lament, a mourning: he huri i te tagi, ina ekó tagi hakaou, with this the mourning (for the deceased) is over, there shall be no more crying. 4. New shoot of banana: huri maîka. Vanaga.

1. Stem. P Mgv.: huri, a banana shoot. Mq.: hui, shoot, scion. 2. To turn over, to be turned over onto another side, to bend, to lean, to warp; huri ke, to change, to decant; tae huri ke, invariable; huri ke tahaga no mai, to change as the wind; tae huri, immovable; e ko huri ke, infallible; huhuri, rolling; hakahuri, to turn over; hakahuri ke, to divine. P Pau.: huri, to turn. Mgv.: huri, uri, to turn on one side, to roll, to turn upside down, to reverse. Mq.: hui, to turn, to reverse. 3. To throw, to shoot. 4. To water, to wet. 5. To hollow out. Hurihuri: 1. Wrath, anger; kokoma hurihuri, animosity, spite, wrath, fury, hate, enmity, irritable, quick tempered, to feel offended, to resent, to pester; kokoma hurihuri ke, to be in a rage. 2. (huri 4) hurihuri titi, to fill up. 3. To polish. 4. (uriuri). Hurikea, to transfigure, to transform. Churchill.

Mq. huri, resemblance. Sa.: foliga, to resemble. Churchill.

Huru Custom, tradition, behaviour, manners, situation, circumstances; poki huru hare, child who stays inside (to keep a fair complexion); te huru o te tagata rivariva, a fine person's behaviour; pehé te huru o Hiva? what is the situation on the mainland? Huruhuru, plumage, feathers (the short feathers, not the tail feathers), fleece of sheep. Vanaga.

Samoa: sulu, a torch; to light by a torch; sulusulu, to carry a torch; susulu, to shine (used of the heavenly bodies and of fire). Futuna: susulu, the brightness of the moon. Tonga: huluaki, huluia, huluhulu, to light, to enlighten; fakahuhulu, to shine; iuhulu, a torch or flambeau, to light with a torch. Niuē: hulu, a torch; huhulu, to shine (as the moon). Maori: huru, the glow of the sun before rising, the glow of fire. Churchill 2.

Ta.: tahuhu, ridgepole. Ma.: tahuhu, id. Mgv.: tohuhu, a ridgepole. Mq.: tohuhu, ridge, roofing. Churchill.
I I. 1. Preposition denoting the accusative: o te hanau eepe i-hoa i te pureva mai Poike ki tai, the hanau eepe threw the stones of Poike into the sea. Te rua muraki era i a Hotu Matu'a. the grave where they buried Hotu Matu'a. 2. Preposition: for, because of, by action of, for reason of..., ku-rari-á te henua i te ûa the ground is soaked by the rain; i te matu'a-ana te hakaúru i te kai mo taana poki huru hare, the mother herself carries (lit.: by the mother herself the taking...) the food for her son secluded in the house. 3. Preposition: in, on, at (space): i te kaiga nei, on this island. 4. Preposition: in, on (time): i mu'a, before; i agataiahi, yesterday; i agapó, tonight; i te poá, in the morning. 5. Preposition: in the power of: i a îa te ao, the command was in his power. 6. Adverb of place: here. i au nei, I am here (also: i au i , here I am, here). Vanaga.

Î. Full; ku-î-á te kete i te kumara, the bag is full of sweet potatoes. 2. To abound, to be plentiful; ki î te îka i uta, as there are lots of fish on the beach. 3. To start crying (of a baby): i-ûi-era te ma-tu'a ku-î-á te poki mo tagi, he-ma'u kihaho, when a mother saw that her baby was starting to cry she would take it outside. Vanaga.

Toward; i muri oo na, to accompany. Churchill.

Ii, to deteriorate, to go bad. Churchill.

Ia Personal pronoun: he, she, it; often preceded in the nominative by e: e îa; and in the other cases by a; a îa, ki a îa. Vanaga.

1. To, toward; i muri oo na, to accompany. P Mgv.: ia, a sign of the dative before proper names. Mq.: ia, to (used before pronouns and proper names of persons). Ta.: ia, to, toward (same usage). Sa.: 'ia, id. To.: kia, id. Fu.: kia, id. Niuē: kia, id. See also kia 2. The two differ only as differ the simple prepositions, i and ki, locative and objective. They agree in restriction to the names of persons and personal pronouns. In my comprehension of the use of kia it becomes somewhat clear that it is not a simple preposition but a phrase locution (ki-a) of preposition and demonstrative object abstractely stated and then immediately particularized by the name in apposition. This comports with another idiom indicating that persons are considered superior to parsing, an idea which must, of course, be held by such as have a proper respect of persons: 'o ai lana igoa in Samoan, o dhei na ya-dhana in Viti, in each case 'who is his name?' instead of what. In this understanding of the phrase 'ia Malietoa signifies 'to that one, viz., Malietoa'. 2. In order to, so that. Ta.: ia, in order that. 3. Third personal prononun singular; ko ia, he, she, yes, it is, this; ka ko ia, a greeting T.; ko ia a, oneself, particualarly, precisely; no ia, his, her. P Pau.: ia, he, she, it. Mgv.: ia, id.; ko ia, that is it. Mq.: ia, he, she, it, that; ò ia, it is. Ta.: ia, o ia, he, she, it, that. Churchill.

Igoa Name; igoa nuinui, main name (of a country); he-nape i te igoa, to give a name; igoa hakaponoko, nickname. Vanaga.
Ihe A fish. Vanaga.

1. Mgv.: ihe, a fish. Mq.: ihe, id. Sa.: ise, id. Ma.: ihe, the garfish. 2. Ta.: ihe, a lance. Ha.: ihe, a spear. Churchill.

Ihi 1. Line of singing women at a feast or an êi. 2. Ihi, ihi-ihi, to break up into small pieces, to crumble, to tear to pieces; he-ihi i te maúku, to separate fibres. Vanaga.

Ihiihi, to hop. Churchill.

Ihu 1. Nose; ihu more, snub nose, snub-nosed person. 2. Ihuihu cape, reef; ihuihu - many reefs, dangerous for boats. 3. Ihu moko, to die out (a family of which remains only one male without sons); koro hakamao te mate o te mahigo, he-toe e-tahi tagata nó, ina aana hakaara, koîa te me'e e-kî-nei: ku-moko-á te ihu o te mahigo, when the members of family have died and there remains only one man who has no offspring, we say: ku-moko-á te ihu o te mahigo. To disappear (of a tradition, a custom), me'e ihu moko o te tagata o te kaiga nei, he êi, the êi is a custom no longer in use among the people of this island. 4. Eldest child; first-born; term used alone or in conjunction with atariki. Vanaga.

1. Nose, snout, cape T (iju G). Po ihuihu, prow of a canoe. P Pau.: ihu, nose. Mgv.: ihu, nose; mataihu, cape, promontory. Mq., Ta.: ihu, nose, beak, bowsprit. Ihupagaha, ihupiro, to rap on the nose, to snuffle. 2. Mgv.: One who dives deep. Ta.: ihu, to dive. Churchill.

Sa.: isu, nose, snout, bill. Fu., Fakaafo, Aniwa, Manahiki: isu, the nose. Nuguria; kaisu, id. Fotuna: eisu, id. Moiki: ishu, id. To., Niuē, Uvea, Ma., Ta., Ha., Mq., Mgv., Pau., Rapanui, Tongareva, Nukuoro: ihu, id. Rarotonga: putaiu, id. Vaté: tus, id. Viti: uthu, nose. Rotumā: isu, id. ... usu and ngusu ... serve as transition forms, usu pointing to isu the nose in Polynesia and ngusu to ngutu the mouth, which is very near, nearer yet when we bear in mind that ngutu the mouth is snout as well and that isu the nose is snout too ... Churchill 2.

Ika 1. Fish. 2. In some cases, animal in general: îka ariga koreh[v?]a, animal with the face of a koreva fish (name given to horses when they arrived on the island, because of the resemblance of their heads with that of a koreva). 3. Victim (wounded or killed), enemy who must be killed, person cursed by a timo and destined to die; îka reirei, vanquished enemy, who is kicked (rei). 4. Corpse of man fallen in war. Vanaga.

1. Fish, animal; ika rere, flying fish; ivi ika, fishbone; mata ika, pearl. P Pau., Mgv., Mq.: ika, fish. Ta.: ia, id. 2. Prey, victim, sacrifice; ika ke avai mo, abuse; hakarere ki te ika, to avenge. T Mgv.: ikaiara, to quarrel; ikatamamea, to be angry because another has handled one's property. Mq.: ika, enemy, what causes horror. Ma.: ika, the first person killed in a fight. Mangaia: ika, a victim for sacrifice. 3? matamata ika, snow. Ikahi, to fish with a line, to angle. Mq.: ikahi, id. Ikakato, to go fishing. Ikakohau, to fish with a line, to angle. Ikapotu, cape, end of a voyage, destination; ikapotu hakarere, to abut, to adjoin; topa te ikapotu, id.; tehe oho te ikapotu, id.; mei nei tehe i oho mai ai inei te ikapotu, as far as, to. Ikapuhi, to fish with a torch. Mq.: ikapuhi, id. Churchill.

Ike Pau.: Tapa beater. Mgv.: ike, id. Ta.: ie, id. Mq.: ike, id. Sa.: i'e, id. Ma.: ike, to strike with a hammer. Ikeike, gracious, pleasant. Ta.: iéié, elegant, vain, gracious. Mq.: iéié, id. Ha.: ieie, dignified, vainglorious. Churchill.
Iko 1. To take away, to carry off, to despoil, to seize food, to possess oneself of, to dispossess, to deprive, to intercept, to subtract, to usurp, to arrogate to oneself. Ikoa, to seize, to take possession. Ikoiko, to seize, to deprive. PS Mgv.: iko, to take off, to deprive, to bereave. Mq.: hiko, to take away, to carry off, to take by force, to rob, to extract. Sa.: i'ofi, tongs. To.: hiko, to take out of the fire. 2. Mq.: iko, to be on good terms. Ha.: lio, to have great affection for. Churchill.
Ina No, nothing, no-one; ina au kaihaga I don't want to. Vanaga.

1. Negative, no, not; ina e rakerakega, innocent; ina ko tikea, unperceived; ina e ko mou, incessant; ina o nei, absent; ina kai riva, uncertain; ina kai mou, eternal; ina kai tikea, unperceived; ina kai kai, abstinence, fasting; ina kai titika, incorrect; ina kai rakei, ill prepared. 2. Breath G. Inaga T, lung. Churchill.

Inoino Ce qui est éclarante, rayonnant. Jaussen according to Barthel.
Io Mgv.: At the house of. Ta.: io, id. Mq.: io, id. Aka-ioio, feeble, lean and thin. Mq.: hakaioio, to be wrinkled, flabby flesh of the aged. Churchill.
Iore Indistinctly. Churchill.
Ipu Gourd (as a container): ipu kaha; abdomen of a lobster: ipu ûra. Vanaga.
Ira 1. Then, there, behold; o ira, no ira, so, wherefore, from that time; ki te ira, yet, already. 2. To turn around to look; hakaira, id. 2. Pau.: ira, skin disease. Mgv.: ira, dark patches on the skin. Ta.: ira, skin disease. Mq.: , birthmark. Sa.: ila, id. Ma.: ira, a freckle. 3. Mgv.: iramutu, nephew or niece. Mq.: iamutu, son or daughter of a man's sister. Sa.: ilamutu, cousinship of children of brother and sister. Ma.: iramutu, nephew, niece. Churchill.
Iri 1. To go up; to go in a boat on the sea (the surface of which gives the impression of going up from the coast): he-eke te tagata ki ruga ki te vaka, he-iri ki te Hakakaiga, the men boarded the boat and went up to Hakakainga. 2. Ka-iri ki puku toiri ka toiri. Obscure expression of an ancient curse. Vanaga.

Iri-are, a seaweed. Vanaga.

Iti Little, small, medium; iti atu, less; iti no, small quantity, rare; no iti, superficial. Itia, shrunken. Itiiti, scanty, slim; hare itiiti no, cabin; itiiti noa, mediocre, mediocricity. Hakaiti, to make small, to lessen, to weaken, to impoverish, to thin out, to reduced, to diminish, to retrench, to curtail, to subdue, to mitigate, to abate. Hakaitiiti, to squat, to croach. P Mgv.: iti, small. Mq.: iti, id. Ta.: iti, id. Churchill.
Iva Nine. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: iva, id. Churchill.
Ivi 1. Bone; fishbone. 2. Ivi-tia, sewing needle. 3. Ivi tika, spine, vertebra. 4. Ivi atua, being of the other world. 5. Ivi tumu atua, seer, wizard. 6. Ivi heheu swordfish. Vanaga.

1. Bone, needle; ivi ika, fishbone; ivi ohio, needle; ivi tika, fishbone, backbone; kiko o te ivi tika, pancreas; ivi heheu, cachalot; ivi tupapaku, skeleton; ivi uha, to grow (of mankind); tooa te kiko e ivi i hakarere, to strip the flesh from the bones; kai ivi, to eat remnants; kore te ivi, cooked too much. 2. Parent, family, ancestry. Churchill.

To bend down to allow someone to climb on one's back to be carried (haha); he-ti-atu a Kaiga i te tua ivi, he-haha-mai Huri Avai, Kaiga bent his back and Huri Avai climbed on his shoulders. Vanaga.

Ka Ka. Particle of the affirmative imperative, of cardinal numerals, of independent ordinal numerals, and of emphatic exclamation, e.g. ka-maitaki! how nice! Vanaga.

. 1. To light a fire in order to cook in the earth oven (see umu): he-ká i te umu, he-ká i te kai. 2. Figuratively: to fire up the soul. To put oneself in a fury (with manava): ku-ká-á toona manava he has become furious. Vanaga.

1. Of T. 2. Imperative sign; ka oho, ka tere, ka ea, begone!; ka ko iha, a greeting T; ka mou, hush; ka oho, goodbye. 3. Infinitive sign; mea meitaki ka rava, a thing good to take; ka harai kia mea, to accompany. 4. A prefix which forms ordinals from cardinals. 5. The dawning of the day. 6. Different (? ke). Churchill.

Kae Mgv.: kae, saliva, spittle. Ta.: hae, id. Mq.: kae, id. Aka-kae, to have a nasty taste in the mouth. Ta.: aeaea, a diseased mouth. Churchill.
Kahi Tuna; two sorts: kahi aveave, kahi matamata. Vanaga.

Mgv.: kahi, to run, to flow. Mq.: kahi, id. Churchill.

Rangitokona, prop up the heaven! // Rangitokona, prop up the morning! // The pillar stands in the empty space. The thought [memea] stands in the earth-world - // Thought stands also in the sky. The kahi stands in the earth-world - // Kahi stands also in the sky. The pillar stands, the pillar - // It ever stands, the pillar of the sky. (Morriori creation myth according to Legends of the South Seas.)

Kaho Mgv.: Rafter. Ta.: aho, id. Mq.: kaho, timber which closes the back of the house. Sa.: 'aso, rafter. Ma.: kaho, roof batten. Kahokaho, long, slim fingers. Mq.: kahokaho, long, fine, slender. Churchill.
Kahu Clothing, dress, habit, cloth, curtain, vestment, veil, shirt, sheet; kahu hakaviri, shroud; kahu nui, gown; rima o te kahu, sleeve; kahu rahirahi, muslin; hare kahi, tent; horega kahu, shirt; hakarivariva ki te kahu, toilet; rakai ki te kahu, toilet; patu ki te kahu, to undress; kahu oruga, royal sail; kahu hakatepetepe, jib; kahu nui, foresail; hakatopa ki te kahu, to set sail; (hecki keho, canvas T.) P Pau.: kahu, dress, garment, native cloth. Mgv.: kahu, cloth, stuff, garment, clothing. Mq.: kahu, habit, vestment, stuff, tunic. Ta.: ahu, cloth in general, vestment, mantle. Chuchill.
Kahui Bunch; kahui maîka, bunch of bananas. Vanaga.

Bunch, cluster. T Mgv.: kahui, a bunch of grapes or pandanus. Mq.: kahui, a bunch, cluster, troop, assemblage. Ta.: ahui, heap, collection. (Cf. Sa.: fui, a cluster of nuts; fuifui, a cluster of fruit, a flock of birds.) Churchill.

Kai 1. Ina kai; verbal negation (but not used with the imperative); ina kai kai matou, we have not eaten. 2. To eat; meal. 3. Fruits or produces of the land, vegetables, edible plants. 4. Figuratively: he-kai ite rogorogo, to recite the inscriptions kohau rogorogo (as spiritual food). 5. Eclipse: ku-kai-á te raá, te mahina, the sun, the moon has been eaten (eclipsed). Vanaga.

1. Negative; kai rogo, to fast; kai oho, to forego; kai maa, to be ignorant, to doubt; vave kai kohe, inaccessible; ina kai, see ina 1. Ta.: ai, no. 2. To undergo, to suffer. 3. Sharp, cutting. T Mgv.: koi, koikoi, pointed, sharp, adapted for cutting; kokoi, prickly, stinging, irritating. Mq.: koi, sharp, cutting. Ta.: oi, sharp, keen. Since this is the only language which has kai in this sense the possibility of typographical error should not be overlooked. The form koi outside of Southeast Polynesia is found in Maori, Rarotonga and Hawaii. 4. To eat, to feed, to feast; food, meat, a meal, repast; kai nui, provision, intemperate, voracious; kai no iti, sober, temperate; hue ki te kai, to victual; kai taria te kai, abundance, to abound; hakapee no kai hoao, abundance, to abound. Kaia, eaten. P Pau.: kai, food, to eat. Mgv.: kai, food, nourishment, to eat. Mq.: kai, ai, food, to eat. Ta.: ai, to eat. 5. Hakakai, to take, to attack. Mgv.: kai, to receive. Mq.: ai, to catch some one, to seek to surprise. Ta.: ai, to receive, to get possession of, to become master of. Churchill.

Kaihue, a heap of food. Kaikino, selfish, avaricious, faithless, ingrate, miserly, rascal. Mq.: kaikino, selfish, stingy, avaricious. Kaipurua, issue, outlet, egress. Kaitagata, cannibal; paoa kaitagata, cannibal, savage.  Kaiu, nursling, suckling. Pau.: kaiu, a child at the breast. Mq.: kaiu, child at the breast, unweaned, suckling, young of animals. Ta.: aiu, nursling. Churchill.

Pau.: Fakakai, earring. Ta.: faaai, ear ornament. Mq.: hakakai, id. Ma.: whakakai, id. Kaikaia, a league, a plot. Mgv.: kaia, cruel, cannibal. Ta.: aiaa, fault, sin. Mq.: kaia, quarrelsome. Ma.: kaia, to steal. Kaito, brave, robust. Ta.: aito, brave. Ma.: kaitoa, a brave man. Kaitoa, well and good! Ta.: aitoa, good! Ma.: kaitoa, id. Kaitura, bravery, manhood. Ta.: turatura, honored, exalted. Churchill.

Mgv.: Kaiota, raw food. Ta.: aiota, raw, ill cooked. Ma.: kaiota, id. Churchill.

Ta.: Ai, a bet, a wager, a game. Mq.: kai, to throw lots, to lose a game. Sa.: 'ai, a count toward the score of a game. Ma.: kai, a puzzling toy. Aihamu, to eat leavings. Mq.: kaihamu, id. Churchill.

Mq.: Kaiheehee, to go from place to place to enjoy feasts. Sa.: 'aisee, to beg food at feasts. Kaihue, thief. Ha.: aihue, to steal. Kaika, a meal, feast. Sa.: 'aiga, meal. Ha.: aina, id. Kaioto, a sort of hemorrhage, piles. Sa.: 'ailoto, a cancerous ulcer. Kaitu, to perfume oneself during a tabu period when it was forbidden. Ha.: aiku, to break a tabu. Churchill.

Kaiga 1. Action of eating; meal; nourishment (katiga was the ancient word). 2. Ground; country; island. 3. Womb, uterus (also matakao). Vanaga.

Land, country, place, region, estate, soil; noho kaiga, indigenous, a native of; mau kaiga, proprietor; hooa te kaiga, to buy land. T Pau.: kaiga, the soil. Mgv.: kaiga, land, country, property, the earth, the world. Mq.: kaina, kaika, residence, property, patrimony. Ta.: aiá, place of residence. Churchill.

Kaihaga To abstain from. Mq.: ái, lack, dearth, privation. Churchill.
Kaikai 1. Cat's cradle, in which patterns are made by moving a thread through the fingers of both hands, and are accompanied by the recitation of verses (one of the main pastimes of yore). 2. Sharp: also 'to sharpen' used instead of hakaka'ika'i. Vanaga.

1. Mastication, to eat heavily. 2. Sharp, cutting, edge of a sword, point of a lance; moa tara kaikai, cock with long spurs. Churchill.

Kaka Kakaka (kaka). Bark of banana-tree. Cut into strips, and left to dry out, its fibres, hau kakaka, are used to make small baskets, small bags etc. Vanaga.

Samoa: 'a'asa, glowing hot. Tonga, Uvea: kakaha, hot, fiery, painful. Futuna: kakā, fiery, reddened by fire. Niuē: kakā, hot, red-hot. Churchill 2.

Kakai To blame, to chide, to scold, to disapprove, to expel, to reproach, to rebuke; debate, anger, dispute, discussion, quarrel, reprehension, reprimand, hostility; ivi kakai mai kakai atu, an inharmonious family; kakai rae, to provoke; kakai nuinui ke, rage; toua kakai, to rebuke. Mgv.: kaia, wicked, cruel. Mq.: kaia, envious, jealous, shrewish, quarrelsome, wrangling, surly. Ta.: aia, despicable. Churchill.
Kakari Kakari. 1. Articulation, bone joint: kakari rima, wrist: kakari va'e, ankle. 2. To be destitute, in dire poverty, short of food; ku-kakari-á te tagata, the people are destitute. Vanaga.

Kakari (karikari, kari); ropa kakari kore, petticoat; kakari manava, waist; kakari rima, wrist; karikarivae (kari - vae 1), ankle T. Churchill.

Kakaro To carve a hole in a stone, like the paega holes in which were stuck the roof poles of the hare paega. To extract the flesh of a shellfish (to eat it) using a small stick or a pointed bone. Vanaga.
Kake Kakea, to come near, to embark. P Pau.: kake, to climb, to ascend. Mgv.: kake, the arrival of shoals of spawning fish. Mq.: kake, to climb up a valley. Ta.: ae, to climb, to ascend. Churchill.

Mgv.: kake, to strike on an ocean reef. Ta.: ae, to strand. Churchill.

Sa.: a'e, upward, to go up; sa'e, to elevate one leg, as in the act of falling in a club match; 'a'e, to ascend, to rise. To.: hake, upward, to ascend. Fu.: ake, up, to ascend; sake, ro raise the leg at one in derision or mockery; kake, to climb, to ascend. Niuē: hake, up, going up. Uvea: ake, up; kake, to go up. Ma.: ake, upward; kake, to climb, to ascend. Mq.: ake, on high, upward; kake, to ascend. Mgv.: ake, upward. Bukabuka: ake, up. Ta.: ae, up, to go up, to ascend, to climb. Ha.: ae, to raise, to lift up, to mount. Fotuna: no-jikijiake, to lift up; no-tukake, to stand upright. Nukuoro: kake, to go up. Nuguria: kake, up; hanage, northwest. Rapanui: kake a, to go abroad. Vi.: thake, upward; thaketa, to dig or lift up. Churchill 2.

Kana Le kana est un crustacé dont l'enveloppe fournissait un ornement nommé Rei, comme la planche représentant un des longs côtes d'un navire. La femme représentée, en Cook, avec le chapeaux Poouo, porte au core un kana rei. (Jaussen according to Barthel)
Kao 1. Side, edge, rim; kao gutu (or just kao), labia minora. 2. Steep, almost perpendicular; thin, skinny. Motu Kaokao, name of one of the islets opposite Orongo, with a steep shape. Vanaga.

Cloth, clothing, garb. (Perhaps a variant of kahu.) Kaokao, side, flank, ribs, lateral. P Pau.: kaokao, the side, flank. Mgv.: kaokao, the side, flank. Mq.: kaokao, id. Ta.: aoáo, id. In Nuclear Polynesia this is particularized, in Samoa to the armpit, in Tonga and Futuna to the sides of the canoe. Therefore it may be considered a borrowing from the Tongafiti. Churchill.

Kaoa Mgv.: a fish. Mq.: kaoa, a small fish. Churchill.
Kaoti Pau.: enough. Mgv.: oti, enough, to end. Ta.: oti, to end. Sa.: oti, to die. Ma.: oti, ended. Churchill.
Kapa Mgv.: a song for the dead, chant. Mq.: kapa, a heathen song. Mgv.: aka-kapakapa, an eager desire balked by timidity. Ta.: apaapa, to flutter the wings. To.: kabakaba, id. Ma.: kapakapa, to flutter. Churchill.

Tu.: Kapakapa, portion, particle. Ta.: apaapaa, fragment, bit, chip. Churchill.

In Polynesia gliding flight is expressed by lele, flight on flapping wing by kapa. In Nuclear Polynesia kapa does not pass into the wing sense except through the aid of a composition member kau. In Samoan 'au we find this to mean a stalk, a handle; in reference to the body its sense as that of some projecting member is exhibited in 'aualuma (the 'au in front) as a very delicate euphemism for the penis. So 'apa'au would mean literally the projecting member that flaps. Churchill 2.

Kape 'Bitter-taro' (Alocasia macrorrhiza). In 1957 kape was still cultivated in much the same way as dry taro. It is a type of food to be eaten during times of famine. According to Fuentes (1960:856), the tubers had to be kept in the earth-oven for 15 (sic) days in order to eliminate some of the poisonous components. Barthel 2.

Arum, yam. Churchill.

Kapo Mgv.: to catch in the hands. Mq.: kapo, id. Ma.: kapo, id. Churchill.

Pau.: Kapoka, to hollow, to groove. Mgv.: akapoka, to break with a stone. Ta.: apoo, a hole. Ma.: poka, a hole, to bore. Kapokapo, to throb, to pulsate. Ha.: apoapo, to throb. Churchill.

Kará Wing of bird. Karaga, uproar, row: he-tagi te karaga. Karatu'u, to remain upright (said of a spinning top). Karava, low cave; hiding place under rocks in the sea (where lobsters hide). Tagata kava - tagata kakara i te kava, man with smelly armpits.Vanaga.

Wing. Karatia, grace. Karava: 1. Cave. 2. To strain to hit a mark. Karavarava, manava karavarava, colic. Churchill.

Pau.: Kara, flint. Mgv.: kara, a heavy stone. Ta.: ará, a black flint. Ma.: kara, basalt. Karaea, karamea clay. Ta.: araea, id. Mq.: kaaea, red ochre. Ma.: karamea, id. Karaga-puruga, mother-in-law. Ta.: purua, parent-in-law. Karaini, bait, decoy, allurement. Ta.: arainu, bait, lure. Karapoga, throat, gullet. Churchill.

Mgv.: Karaga, a cry. Sa.: 'alaga, id. Ma.: karanga, id. Karakara, to smell slightly a pleasant odor. Ta.: aara, good odor. Mq.: kakaa, to exhale a pleasant odor. Sa.: 'alala, to smell of hot meat. Ma.: kakara, savory. Karako, a bird. Mq.: kaako, id. Karapihi, suckers of the octopus. Mq.: karapihi, kaapihi, id. Karava, large veins which appear under strain. Sa.: 'alava, veins, fibers. Churchill.

Mq.: Karakara, a bird. Ha.: alaala, id. Churchill.

Karo To train at parrying, dodging. Karoga, the art or action of parrying, dodging; te karoga o te mata, both eyelids; perhaps also: eye socket. Vanaga.

To decline, to be on the wane. Karoga, figure. Karokaro tariga, ear pendant. Churchill.

Kata To laugh; laughter. Vanaga.

Kata. To laugh, to smile; kakata: tae kakata, dourness. P Pau., Mgv.: ata, to laugh, to be happy, joyful. Mq.: kata, to laugh, to joke. Ta.: ata, to laugh, to smile. Churchill.

Katikati 1. To rehearse (songs). 2. To fabricate false news: he-katikati i te vânaga reoreo. 3. To waste something by neglecting it. Vanaga.

To scratch, to claw. P Pau.: kakati, to bite. Ta.: ati, to bite, to sting. Churchill.

Futuna: katikati, to gnaw off the bark of sugar cane with the teeth; kakati, to corrode, to pierce, to eat in. Niuē: kakati, to bite, to chew. Maori: kakati, to eat into, to gnaw through, to corrode; katikati, to nibble. Rarotonga: kati, kakati, to bite. Paumotu: kakati, id. Nukuoro: kati, id. Rapanui: katikati, to scratch. Samoa: 'ati, to eat in, to corrode; 'a'ati, to eat in, to corrode, to gnaw off, to pierce (as the teeth of a dog); 'atimotu, to bite through. Tahiti: ati, to bite; aati, to bite, to gnaw, to tear with the teeth. Hawaii: aki, aaki, akiaki, to bite, to nibble. Churchill 2.

Katiki Halo (of sun, of moon). Vanaga.
Kau 1. To move one's feet (walking or swimming); ana oho koe, ana kau i te va'e, ka rava a me'e mo kai, if you go and move your feet, you'll get something to eat; kakau (or also kaukau), move yourself swimming. 2. To spread (of plants): ku-kau-áte kumara, the sweet potatoes have spread, have grown a lot. 3. To swarm, to mill around (of people): ku-kau-á te gagata i mu'a i tou hare, there's a crowd of people milling about in front of your house. 4. To flood (of water after the rain): ku-kau-á te vai haho, the water has flooded out (of a container such as a taheta). 5. To increase, to multiply: ku-kau-á te moa, the chickens have multiplied. 6. Wide, large: Rano Kau, 'Wide Crater' (name of the volcano in the southwest corner of the island). 7. Expression of admiration: kau-ké-ké! how big! hare kau-kéké! what a big house! tagata hakari kau-kéké! what a stout man! Vanaga.

To bathe, to swim; hakakau, to make to swim. P Pau., Mgv., Mq.: kau, to swim. Ta.: áu, id. Kauhaga, swimming. Churchill.

The stem kau does not appear independently in any language of Polynesian proper. For tree and for timber we have the composite lakau in various stages of transformation. But kau will also be found as an initial component of various tree names. It is in Viti that we first find it in free existence. In Melanesia this form is rare. It occurs as kau in Efaté, Sesake, Epi, Nguna, and perhaps may be preserved in Aneityum; as gau in Marina; as au in Motu and somewhere in the Solomon islands. The triplicity of the Efaté forms [kasu, kas, kau] suggests a possible transition. Kasu and kas are easy to be correlated, kasu and kau less easy. They might be linked by the assumption of a parent form kahu, from which each might derive. This would appear in modern Samoan as kau; but I have found it the rule that even the mildest aspirate in Proto-Samoan becoming extinct in modern Samoan is yet retained as aspiration in Nuclear Polynesia and as th in Viti, none of which mutations is found on this record. Churchill 2

Kauati Pau.: to make fire. Mgv.: kounati, the plowed stick in fire-making. Ta.: auati, auai, stick used in fire-making. Mq.: koukati, koukani, the plowed stick. Viti: kaunita, to rub fire. Ma.: kauati, a fire-making stick. Churchill.
Kaukau 1. Horizontal poles of a frame (of a hare paega, or a paina statue): he-hakatu'u te tama o te paina, he-kaukau, they erect the vertical poles of the paina then they lay upon them the horizontal ones. 2. Group of people: e-tahi tuitui reipá i Te Pei, ekó rava'a e-varu kaukau; i-garo ai i Hiva, i te kaiga, a necklace of mother-of-pearl is on te Pei, few will find it (lit: eight groups of people); it has remained in Hiva, in our homeland. 3. To go through, to pass through in unison; he-hogi-mai te ûka i te e'eo o te pua kaukau-á i roto ite hare, the girl smelt the fragrance of the pua wafting inside the house. 4. Newborn baby's first hand and feet movements (kaukau or kau). The five stages of a baby's development are: kaukau, puepe, tahuri, totoro, mahaga. Puepue = said of a newborn baby when, a few weeks old, it begins to distinguish people and objects: ku-puepue-á te poki. Tahuri = of a new-born baby, to move from side to side: ku-tahuri-á te poki. Totoro = to crawl; ki totoro te poki, when the baby crawls. Mahaga = baby when able to stand by itself. Vanaga.
Kava 1. Sour; salty: vai kava, saltwater, sea; te kava o te haíga, acrid underarm smell; tagata kava - tagata kakara i te kava, man with smelly armpits. 2. He-kava te haha, to be thirsty. 3. To turn sour, to become embittered, bad-tempered, exasperated (used with manava): tagata manava kava, bad-tempered, angry man. Vanaga.

Bitter, salt; vai kava, brackish water; hakakava, to embalm; kavakava, acid, sharp, bitter, salt, spiritous, vinegar, poisonous, disagreeable; akavakava, to make sharp; hakakavakava, to make acid. P Pau.: kava, disagreeable to the taste; kavakava, acid, sharp. Mgv.: kava, to be bitter, sour, acid, salt. Mq.: kava, bitter. Ta.: ava, bitter, acid, salt. Kavahia: 1. Comfort, comfortable, to feast; hakakavahia, comfort, comfortable. 2. Repulsive (of food), disgusted; hakakavahia, repulsion.

Kavakava, rib; moi kavakava, a house god G. P Mgv.: vakavaka, the breast. Mq.: vakavaka, vaávaá, rib. Ma.: wakawaka, parallel ridges. We shall need all the available material in order to determine the germ sense of this word. Sa.: va'ava'a, the breast-bone of a bird; fa'ava'a, the frame as of a slate. To.: vakavaka, the side. Fu.: vakavaka, the side below the armpit. Ha.: hoowaa, to make furrows. In all these we may see the idea of ridge or depression, or of both, as primal (Rapanui, Samoa, Marquesas, Maori, Hawaii), and as secondary the part of the body where such appearances is common (Mangareva, Tonga, Futuna). Churchill.

Mgv.: kava, the pepper plant and the drink made therefrom. Ta.: ava, id. Mq.: kava, id. Sa.: 'ava, id. Ma.: kawa, a pepper. Kavakava, a fish. Sa.: 'ava'ava, id. Kavapui, a tree. Ta.: avapuhi, a fragrant plant. Mq.: kavapui, wild ginger. Sa.: 'avapui, id. Ha.: awapuhi, id. Churchill.

Mq.: ava, a small fish of sweet water. Sa.. 'ava'ava, a small fish. Ha.: awa, a fish. Kakava, burnt. Sa.: 'a'ava, very hot. Churchill.

Kavahia Belch; to belch. Vanaga.

1. Comfort, comfortable, to feast; hakakavahia, comfort, comfortable. 2. Repulsive (of food), disgusted; hakakavahia, repulsion. Churchill.

Kavakava Rib; chop; moai kava-kava, wooden statuette with projecting ribs. Vanaga.

1. Acid, sharp, bitter, salt, spirituous, vinegar, poisonous, disagreeable; akavakava, to make sharp; hakakavakava, to make acid. 2. Rib; moi kavakava, a house god. Churchill.

Kavava To fight. Churchill.
Ke 1. Other; different; different being; hare ké, a different house; e-ké-ro-á... e-ké-ro-á... there are some who... and others who...; me'e ké, something distinct, different: te puaka ina oona kuhane; me'e ké te tagata, he hakari oona, he kuhane, an animal has no soul; man is different, he has a body, and a soul; matu'a ké, the other relatives. 2. Ké te kairua, person who turns up for meals at other people's homes. 3. Used in exclamations: hahau ké! what a cool breeze!; hana ké! how hot! takeo ké! how cold! Vanaga.

Other, distinct, different, diverse, otherwise; koona ke, elsewhere; tagata ke, some one else; mea ke, contrary, distinct, otherwise; hakake, feint, stratagem, to feign; hagake, to act contrary. T Pau.: ke, different. Mgv.: ke, another, other, else, different, of partial comparative value. Mq.: ke, é, to be different, changed, no longer the same. Ta.: e, different, strange, other. Churchill.

Kea Mgv.: kea, a fish. Mq.: kea, id. Ha.: ea, id. Churchill.

Ta.: ea, the thrush, aphthæ. Mq.: kea, id. Sa.: 'ea'ea, id. Ha.: ea, id. Churchill.

According to Barthel kea was explained as 'macrouse' by Bishop Jaussen.

Keho Flag-stone (which is plentiful in Rano Kau and was used to build Orongo); stone disc, used as a thrown weapon in wars. Vanaga.

Kehokeho, dry, arid. Kekeho, to clot, to curdle, to coagulate; toto kekeho, clotted blood. Churchill.

Kehu (cfr ehu) Hidden; what cannot be seen because it is covered; he-kehu te raá, said of the sun when it has sunk below the horizon. Vanaga.

Kehu, hakakehu, to hide, disguise, feint, feign, to lie in wait. Kekehu, shoulder G. Churchill.

Keke To go down after reached its zenith (of the sun): he-keke te raá. Kekeé, to be lying on the ground, partly above it, to stick out: ma'ea ke'e ke'e, stones sticking out of the ground. Kékekéke, to rustle, to creak: ku-kekekeke-áte hare i te to kerau, the house creaked in the wind. Kekepu, animal mentioned in ancient traditions, the flesh of which was eaten in Hiva (also kepukepu). Kekeri, to feel an indisposition of the stomach or the bowels: he-kekeri te manava. Kekeú, shoulder (according to others, shoulder-blade); used also for 'arm'. Vanaga.

Keke (ke), other, distinct, special; hikohiko keke, hide-and-seek; kekee (ke), irregular, uneven, rough; ke avai, a superlative expression; hinihini ke avai, ancient; ika ke avai, abuse; kori ke avai, abuse; maori ke avai, skilful, handy; pipiro ke avai, disgusting odor; tupu ke avai, of swift growth; ua ke avai, a shower of rain. Keekee; niho keekee, long protruding teeth. Churchill.

Pau.: keke, armpit. Mgv.: keke, id. Ta.: ee, id. Mq.: kaáke, id. Ma.: keke, id. Churchill.

Mgv.: keke, to praise, to felicitate. Sa.: 'e'e, to pay respect to. Ha.: ee, caressing, kind. Kekei, sharp, harsh, of the voice. To.: keke, to bleat. Ha.: eeina, to creak, to grate. Churchill.

Kena A sea bird, with a white breast and black wings, considered a symbol of good luck and noble attitudes. Vanaga.

Mgv.: kena, a white seabird. Mq.: kena, a large bird. Churchill.

Mq.: kena, burning, very hot. Ha.: ena, red-hot, to burn as a fire. Churchill.

Kere To moor, to make fast. Kerekere, black, dark, blue, obscure, gloom; niho kerekere, blackened teeth. Hakakerekere, to blacken. P Pau.: kerekere, black, dark, somber. Mgv.: kerekere, blue, dark blue almost black, the color of the deep ocean, black, somber, darkness. Mq.: kerekere, keékeé, black, somber, livid; ere, blue, azure. Ta.: ereere, black. Churchill.
Keri To dig, to grub up, to root up, to excavate, to mine; rubbish; the wake of a ship; to sow (kekeri). Kerikeri, to scratch. Keriga, excavation. Kerihaga oone, farmer. P Pau.: keri, to dig. Mgv.: keri, to dig, to scrape. Mq.: kei, to dig, to spade up, to excavate, to work the soil. Ta.: eri, to mine. The manner of digging underlies the sense of this word; the digging implement is a sharpened stick (oka) driven into the earth by arm power and then used as a lever to loosen the mold. Churchill.
Kete Purse, basket (made of sugarcane leaves or of totora) kete hakaraka, gift of regalo formerly made to a newborn baby's mother. (See, in the traditions, the text entitled 'Hens for a Baby's Good Luck'). The exact meaning of this word is unclear. Ketekete, book of cigarette papers; omasum, psalterium (ruminant's stomach). Vanaga.

Sack, basket, case, bag, satchel (keete); kete iti, satchel. P Mq.: kete, ete, sack, bag, basket. Ta.: ete, id. Churchill.

Ketu To bound, to climb over, to leap, to jump, to raise (keetu). Mq. ketu, to raise, to lift. Ketuketu, to spread out, hihi ketuketu, to turn back the eyelids. Churchill.

Pau.: Ketuketu, to dig. Ta.: etuetu, id. Mq.: ketu, to dig up with the snout. Ma.: ketu, id. Churchill.

Mq.: ketuketu, to snuff a candle. Sa.: eueu, id. Churchill.

Keu Communal enterprise, work done in common: mo te keu. for the work done in common (for instance: collecting food mo te keu, to give to the helpers). Keukeu: 1. To work; to work long and steadily: he-keukeu te aga; tagata keukeu henua, farmer. 2. To get ready, e.g. for a trip: ka-keukeu koe, ki oho tâtou. get ready, we are going; ka-keukeu ki turu ki tai, ki hî, get ready for going down to the sea, to fish. 3. To approach (of rain): he-keukeu te ûa. Vanaga.
Ki Ki. To, towards (a place, a person); after (time); for, in order to...  Vanaga.

. To say, to speak; word, language; will, wish (verbally expressed): e-hakarogo koe ki te kî o toou matu'a, obey you father's will. Vanaga.

1. In, toward, to, for, at; ki ra, there; ki ra hoki, exactly there; ki aho, outside; ki roto, within, into, inside, among. 2. In order that. 3. To say, to speak, to chat, to pronounce, to respond; argument, conversation, description, doctrine, expression, word, relation; ki veveveve, voluble; ki vaiapuga, nonsense, to speak much and say nothing; ki ihoiho, to speak forcefully. Churchill.

Kiakia Dove, gull T. Mgv.: kiakia, the cry of the kotake (a white marine bird.) Churchill.
Kihi Kihikihi, lichen; also: grey, greenish grey, ashen. Vanaga.

Kihikihi, lichen T, stone T. Churchill.

The Hawaiian day was divided in three general parts, like that of the early Greeks and Latins, - morning, noon, and afternoon - Kakahi-aka, breaking the shadows, scil. of night; Awakea, for Ao-akea, the plain full day; and Auina-la, the decline of the day. The lapse of the night, however, was noted by five stations, if I may say so, and four intervals of time, viz.: (1.) Kihi, at 6 P.M., or about sunset; (2.) Pili, between sunset and midnight; (3) Kau, indicating midnight; (4.) Pilipuka, between midnight and surise, or about 3 A.M.; (5.) Kihipuka, corresponding to sunrise, or about 6 A.M. ... (Fornander)

Kikiu Kikiu. 1. Said of food insufficiently cooked and therefore tough: kai kikiu. 2. To tie securely; to tighten the knots of a snare: ku-kikiu-á te hereíga, the knot has been tightened. 3. Figuratively: mean, tight, stingy; puoko kikiu. a miser; also: eve kikiu. 4. To squeak (of rats, chickens). Kiukiu, to chirp (of chicks and birds); to make short noises. The first bells brought by the missionaries were given this name. Vanaga.

Kiukiu (kikiu). 1. To resound, to ring, sonorous, bell, bronze; kiukiu rikiriki, hand bell; tagi kiukiu, sound of a bell; kikiu, to ring, the squeeking of rats; tariga kikiu, din, buzzing; hakakiukiu, to ring. Mgv.: kiukiu, a thin sound, a soft sweet sound. 2. To disobey, disobedience; mogugu kiukiu, ungrateful; ka kikiu ro, to importune. Churchill.

Kiko 1. Meat, flesh: kiko moa, kiko manu, kiko îka, kiko kio'e, flesh of chicken, bird, fish, rat. 2. (Human) body, used in the ancient expression hare kiko pako'o, when speaking of a household (hare) who did not give shelter to a refugee or else surrendered his body to his pursuers. 3. sterile, barren, unproductive; ku-kiko á te henua nei, this land is barren. 4. Internal fibres of the banana tree or of the totora reed, stuck to the bark, which are use to make braided ropes: kiko maîka, kiko gaatu, mo hiro o te taúra mo te akavega banana and totora fibres for twisting strings for akavega baskets. Vanaga.

1. Flesh, meat; tooa te kiko e ivi i hakarere, to strip the flesh from the bones; kiko uaua, muscle (T); kiko o te ivi tika, pancreas. Churchill.

Kimi To seek; to investigate. Vanaga.

Kimikimi, to seek, to search, to inquire, to examine; ata kimikimi, to inquire; kimikimi ei moni, to speculate, to seek money; kimikimiga, research. T Pau.: kimi, to look for. Mq.: imi, to search, to examine, to sift thoroughly. Ta.: imi, to seek, to search. Churchill.

Kino 1. Bad; kikino, very bad, cursed; kona kino, dangerous place. 2. blemish (on body). Kinoga, badness, evil, wickedness; penis. Kinokino, badly made, crude: ahu kinokino, badly made ahu, with coarse, ill-fitting stones. Vanaga.

1. Bad, wrong. T Pau.: kiro, bad, miserable. Mgv.: kino, to sin, to do evil. Mq.: ino, bad, abominable, indecent. Ta.: ino, iino, bad, evil; kinoga (kino 1) sin; Mgv.: kinoga, sin, vice. 2. A skin eruption, verruga, blotched skin, cracked feet T. Churchill.

Kio 1. Defeated; one who has taken refuge in a house or in a cave. 2. To come out a winner, to win, to be victorious in war, in a quarrel, in a race: ku-kio-á te taûa i a Miru, the war was won by the Miru; ku-kio-á te toru vaka, the third boat won. Kiokio, to smell of smoke, to smell smoky (of food). Vanaga.

1. Stick wherewith to rake things into a heap. 2. Slave, servant, inferior, of low estate, husbandsman. Hakakio, to enslave, to reduce to subjection; tagata hakakio, master. Mgv.: kio, a servant, slave, tiller of the soil. 3. To discourage; also kioa. Kiokio, foul smelling smoke. Mgv.: kio, kiohe, to extinguish, to put out a light. 4. Pau.: kiokio, to chirp. Mgv.: kio, id. Ta.: ioio, to cry, said of a baby. Mq.: kiokio, to chirp. Sa.: 'io, id. Ha.: ioio, id. 5. Mgv.: kio, little, small, said of birds and animals. Mq.: kio, young of birds. 6. Mgv.: kiokio, a fish. Mq.: kiokio, id. 7. Mq.: kio, said of women and children who run away to the mountain shelters in time of war. Ha.: kio, to flee, to hasten away in fear. Churchill.

Hakakio, festival of thanksgiving. Barthel 2.

Kiore Rat. Vanaga.

Rat, mouse; kiore hiva, rabbit. P Pau., Mgv.: kiore, rat, mouse. Mq.: kioē, íoé, id. Ta.: iore, id. Churchill.

Kiri Skin; bark; husk; kiri heuheu, downy skin; kiri mohimohi (also kiri magó), smooth hairless skin. Kirikiri miro, multicoloured. Vanaga.

Skin, hide, bark, surface; kiri ekaeka, leprous; kiri haraoa, bran; kiri hurihuri, negro; kiri maripu, scrotum; kiri ure; prepuce. P Pau.: kiri, bark. Mgv.: kiri, skin, bark, leather, surface, color, hue. Ta.: iri, skin, bark, leather, planking. Kirikiri, pebble, gravel, rounded stone, sling stone; kikiri, pebble. P Pau.: kirikiri, gravel, stony, pebbly. Mgv.: kirikiri, gravel, small stones, shingle. Ta.: iriiri, gravel, stony, rough. Kirikirimiro: ragi kirikirimiro, sky dappled with clouds. Kirikiriteu, soft gray tufa ground down with sugar-cane juice and utilized as paint T. Kiriputi (kiri - puti) cutaneous, kiriputiti, id. Kirivae (kiri - vae 1), shoe. Churchill.

Kivikivi Mgv.: a bird resembling the thrush. Mq.: kivi, a bird. Ma.: kiwi, id. Churchill.
Ko 1. Article (ko te); preposition: with (see grammar); prefix of personal pronouns: koau, I; kokoe, you (singular); koîa, he, she, it; kokorua, you (plural); ko tagi, koîa, he with his weeping. 2. Article which precedes proper nouns, often also used with place names: Ko Tori, Ko Hotu Matu'a, Ko Pú. Koîa, exact: tita'a koîa, exact demarcation. Seems to be the personal pronoun koîa - applied in the meaning of: thus it is, here it is precisely. Vanaga.

1. Negative; e ko, not, except; e ko ora, incurable; ina ko, not; ina ko tikea, unseen; ina e ko, not; ina e ko mou, incessant. 2. A particle used before nouns and pronouns; ko vau, I; ko te, this; ko mea tera, this; ati ko peka, to avenge, ko mua, first, at first, formerly. 3. There, yonder. P Mgv.: ko, over there, yonder. Ta.: ó, there, here. Churchill.

Koa 1. Rori te koa hogihogi, to follow a scent. 2. Joy. Koakoa, joy, content, happiness, gay, satisfaction, hilarity, mirth, to leap for joy, to please, to fondle, dear; ariga koakoa, good-humored; hakakoakoa, to rejoice, to leap for joy. P Pau.: koa, contented, pleased; koakoa, joy. Mgv.: koakoa, rejoicing, joy, mirth, to be content, satisfied; koa, to mourn. Ta.: oaóa, joy, gladness. Churchill.

Pau.: Koari, to languish, to fade. Mgv.: koari, half-cooked. Mq.: koaí, rotten, insufficiently cooked. Koata, a mesh. Ta.: oata, hole in coconuts, etc. Mq.: oata, crevice. Churchill.

Mgv.: Koai, a plant. Ta.: oai, the wild indigo. Ma.: koai, a plant. Akakoana-kohatu, to make a small shapeless hole. Ma.: kohatu, stone. Koata, light of the moon shining before the moon rises. Ha.: oaka, a glimpse of light. Churchill.

Kohau Late nineteenth century spelling of kouhau. Fischer.
Kohe A plant (genus Filicinea) that grows on the coast. Vanaga.

Vave kai kohe, inaccessible. Churchill.

*Kofe is the name for bamboo on most Polynesian islands, but today on Easter Island kohe is the name of a fern that grows near the beach. Barthel 2.

Koe. I tu'u mai ai a koe. Du kamst / du bist angekommen. Bergmann.

Kohi Pau.: 1. To glean. Mgv.: kohi, to gather, to collect. Ta.: ohi, to glean. Mq.: kohi, id. Ma.: kohi, to gather. 2. Bamboo. Mgv.: kohe, id. Ta.: ohe, id. Mq.: kohe, id. Sa.: 'ofe, id. Ma.: kohe, a plant name. 3. Diarrhea. Ta.: ohi, dysentery. Churchill.

Mgv.: kohiko, a small bag mounted in the fruit-picking fork. Mq.: kohiko, a small net. Churchill.

Koka Pau.: Fern, bracken. Ta.: oaha, Asplenium nidus. Mq.: koka, breadfruit, a banana. Sa.: 'o'a, a tree. Churchill.
Kokohu 1. Container, vessel. 2. To put one's hands together, forming a scoop to hold something: ka-kokohu hai rima mo avai-atu te kai, put your hands like this, so I can give you some food; ka-kokohu rivariva o marere, hold your hands together well, so that (the food) does not spill. 3. Figuratively: mother (matu'a poreko) because she is the vessel in which the baby's body is formed. Vanaga.
Kokoma Intestines, guts. Vanaga.

Bowels, entrails, intestines, rectum, garbage, rage, angry; kokoma hanohano, spite, to despise, to hate, to storm, to bear a grudge, vexation; kokoma hanohano ke, to be in a rage; kokoma hakahanohano, to excite anger; kokoma hanohano manava pohi, to abhor; kokoma ritarita, to abhor; kokoma eete, to abhor, to detest, to be in a rage, angry, ungovernable; tagata kokoma eete, adversary; kokoma hurihuri, animosity, spite, wrath, fury, hate, enmity, to pester, to resent, irritable, offended, hot tempered; kokoma hurihuri ke, to be in a rage. Churchill.

Kokoro Width, expanse; wide, spacious. Te kokoro o te hare, the expanse of a wide house. Vanaga.

To widen, to expand. Churchill.

Kope Lad, lass, youth, young man or woman; he-oho te kope ra'e Ko Ira, the first youth, Ko Ira, went; pehé korua ga kope? How are you, lads? Koho-mai korua ko ga kope, ka-maitaki korua ga kope! Welcome to you, lasses, what beautiful lasses you are!

Kope tugutugu, youth T. Pau.: kope, string, filament. Ma.: kope, to bind in flax leaves. Churchill.

Kopu Heart, breast, paunch, belly, entrails; kopu mau, stomach; kopu takapau nui, big belly; mamae kopu, bellyache. T Pau., Mgv.: kopu, belly, paunch. Mq.: kopu, opu, belly, stomach, breast. Ta.: opu, belly, intestines, spirit, intelligence. Churchill.

Ta.: opu, to rise, of the sun. Ma.: kopu, the morning star. Churchill.

Kore To lack, to be missing; without (something normally expected), -less; ana kore te úa, ina he vai when rain lacks there is no water: vî'e kenu kore, woman without a husband, i.e. widowed or abandoned by her husband. Vanaga.

Not, without (koe); e kore, no, not; kore no, nothing, zero; kore noa, never, none; hakakore, to annul, to nullify, to annihilate, to abrogate, to acquit, to atone, to expiate, to suppress, a grudge. T Pau.: kore, not, without. Mgv.: kore, nothing, not, without, deprived of; akakore, to destroy, to annihilate. Mq.: kore, koé, óé, nothing, not, finished, done, dead, destroyed, annihilated, without. Ta.: ore, no, not, without. Korega, nothing, naught. Churchill.

Koreha 1. Sea eel; several sorts are distinguished: koreha puhi. haoko, migo, tapatea. 2. Koreha o raro o te oone, earthworm; koreha henua, snake. Vanaga.

Eel, worm; koreha heenua, worm. Churchill.

Koreva A fish. Îka ariga koreh[v?]a, animal with the face of a koreva fish (name given to horses when they arrived on the island, because of the resemblance of their heads with that of a koreva). Vanaga.
Kori To rob, to seize (food), turbulent, to play T. Kori ke avai, abuse. Tae kori iti, abuse. Churchill.
Koro 1. Father (seems to be an older word than matu'a tamâroa). 2. Feast, festival; this is the generic term for feasts featuring songs and banquetting; koro hakaopo, feast where men and women danced. 3. When (also: ana koro); ana koro oho au ki Anakena, when I go to Anakena; in case, koro haga e îa, in case he wants it. Vanaga.

If. Korokoro, To clack the tongue (kurukuru). Churchill.

Ma.: aokoro, pukoro, a halo around the moon. Vi.: virikoro, a circle around the moon. There is a complete accord from Efaté through Viti to Polynesia in the main use of this stem and in the particular use which is set to itself apart. In Efaté koro answers equally well for fence and for halo. In the marked advance which characterizes social life in Viti and among the Maori the need has been felt of qualifying koro in some distinctive manner when its reference is celestial. In Viti virimbai has the meaning of putting up a fence (mbai fence); viri does not appear independently in this use, but it is undoubtedly homogenetic with Samoan vili, which has a basic meaning of going around; virikoro then signifies the ring-fence-that-goes-around, sc. the moon. In the Maori, aokoro is the cloud-fence. Churchill 2.

Korohua Old man; also used jokingly or affectionately of any adult man. Vanaga.
Koroiti Slowly. Vanaga.

Slowly, gently, gradually, carefully, prudently, secretly; to observe precaution, to go slowly, to moderate, to slacken; koroiti no, prudent, nonchalant; haga koroiti no, to deal prudently; hiri koroiti, to go without noise; tito koroiti, to save, steward; ahere koroiti, to run nimbly. Hakakoroiti, to moderate, to slacken. Churchill.

Koromaki To be lonely, to be aggrieved because one's love is not returned, to miss (someone). Vanaga.
Korotea A species of banana grown in ancient times. Vanaga.
Koroua Decrepit, old age, worn with age. Churchill.
Korua You (plural). Vanaga.

You; na korua, ta korua, yours. Churchill.

Kotetu Huge (tetunui). Vanaga.
Koti Kotikoti. To cut with scissors (since this is an old word and scissors do not seem to have existed, it must mean something of the kind). Vanaga.

Kotikoti. To tear; kokoti, to cut, to chop, to hew, to cleave, to assassinate, to amputate, to scar, to notch, to carve, to use a knife, to cut off, to lop, to gash, to mow, to saw; kokotiga kore, indivisible; kokotihaga, cutting, gash furrow. P Pau.: koti, to chop. Mgv.: kotikoti, to cut, to cut into bands or slices; kokoti, to cut, to saw; akakotikoti, a ray, a streak, a stripe, to make bars. Mq.: koti, oti, to cut, to divide. Ta.: oóti, to cut, to carve; otióti, to cut fine. Churchill.

Pau.: Koti, to gush, to spout. Ta.: oti, to rebound, to fall back. Kotika, cape, headland. Ta.: otiá, boundary, limit. Churchill.

Kouhau Staff. Originally signifying the Rapanui battle staff, then the ceremonial staff incised with glyphs - in the late nineteenth century the word came to mean any object incised with rongorongo glyphs. Fischer.
Koura 1. Fry, spawn, roe. 2. Flea. P Mgv.: ura, crayfish, lobster. Mq.: koua, ua, id. Ta.: oura, id. The preface ko to the stem ula distinguishes the Tongafiti. We therefore assign the word in Rapanui and Tahiti to a Tongafiti source, in Mangareva to a Proto-Samoan source, and Marquesas shows both ... Rapanui is the only language which defines the flea otherwise than in terms of the louse, commonly kutufiti the jumping louse. Pediculus is ancestral in the South Sea, the flea seams to have been contributed by the first of the explorers. Churchill.
Kovare Mucous plug; he-poreko te kovare, the mucous plug comes out (before the birth). Vanaga.
Ku Verbal prefix, used for past events the effects of which are still lasting. The verb then takes the suffix -ana which is very often contracted to . In familiar conversation the prefix -ku is often omitted and only the suffix is used. Vanaga.

1. I; kia ku, me. 2. Verb sign: ku ohoa, to keep out of the way, absence; ku higaa, convinced; ku taie te tai, to overflow, to go beyond; ku magaro, to reconcile. 3. ? tae he mau ku hoao, abundance. 4. Akaku, to be moved, affected; hakaku, to groan. Mgv.: ku, an exclamation, a cry used when one has hit the mark aimed at. Mq.: ú, an exclamation of sorrow. 5. Gaoku, to eat greedily. Mgv.: ku, to be satiated, glutted. Churchill.

Kua Used preceding persons' names, or inserted between the article and the person's name, to mean 'and others, and companions' e.g. A kua Ira, Ira and his companions. Vanaga.

1. Demonstrative; kia kua, concerning. 2. Verb sign: kua tau te moa, the hen roosts; kua ora te kevare, to give the horse water. P Mgv.: kua, a particle denoting the passive and used for ku before some verbs. Ta.: ua, a verb sign. Mq.: ua, id. Churchill.

Kuhane Soul, spirit, ghost; person or object seen in a dream and taken as an omen. Vanaga.

The spiritual component, i.e. the 'soul' of a person while he or she is alive. Bierbach.

Kui Ku'iku'i 1. To disturb, to inconvenience, to feel uncomfortable, said for instance of a thief who has hidden the things stolen under his clothes: he-ku'iku'i i roto i a îa te me'e toke, the stolen things inconvenience him; he-ku'iku'i te vânaga-haga, his manner of talking betrays embarrassment. 2. To crowd together; he-ku'iku'i te gagata i te uruga mai ki te hare, the people are crowding to get into the house. Vanaga.

To see T. Kuikui, to stagger. Churchill.

Kuku To swathe, to swaddle: he-kuku i te tôa, to swathe the sugarcanes (with their large leaves, so they grow better and taller). Vanaga.

1. To tie up sugar canes. 2. To coo, a pigeon. P Mgv.: kuku, name of a land bird. Mq.: kuku, kukupa, uururu, a large pigeon. Ta.: uupa, uurairao, pigeon. Churchill.

Kumara Sweet potato. The main varieties are: kumara pita, kumara rega moe tahi uriuri, kumara rega moe-tahi teatea, kumara rega vî'e, kumara aro piro, kumara paka taero, kumara ariga rikiriki, kumara uriuri, kumara ûka teatea, kumara ure omo, kumara ha'u pú, kumara ure omo uriuri. Vanaga.

Sweet potato. P Pau., Mgv.: kumara, id. Mq.: kumaá, id. Ta.: umara, umaa, id. Churchill.

Kumi 1. Long, far; to grow long; maikuku kumi, long fingernails; larger share; he kumi maana, he iti maaku, the larger share (he keeps) for himself, the small one is for me. 2. Fathom (also: maroa). Vanaga.
Kumu To draw back, to withdraw. Kukumu, cheek; kukumu kivakiva, dourness. Churchill.

Mgv.: kumu, the fist. Ma.: kumu, id. Kukumu, 1. To close the fist. Ta.: uumu, id. Sa.: 'u'u, id. Ma.: kumu, to clench the fist. 2. To press, to squeeze. Ta.: uumu, id. Kumukumu, to prepare small portions of food pressed with the hand. Ta.: umua, to make into balls, to press, to wring. Mq.: kumu-hei, a small bundle of fragrant herbs. Ma.: kumu, to bring in the hollow of the hand. Churchill.

Kuo Pau.: kuokuo, white, clean. Mgv.: kuokuo, white. Ta.: uo, id. Mq.: ... id.; kuo, red and white spotted. Churchill.

Mgv.: kuoga, household provisions. Ta.: uoa, forbiddance of foods. Kuokuo, white. Ta.: uouo, id. Churchill.

Kupega He-tá i te kupega, to weave (a net). Hopu kupega, those who help the motuha o te hopu kupega in handling the fishing nets. Huki kupega, pole attached to the poop from which the fishing-net is suspended. Mata kupega, mesh.  Te matu'a o te kupega, part of a net from which the weaving started. Te puapua kupega, the upper part of a fishing net.  Tau kupega, rope from which is hung the oval net used in ature fishing. Tuku kupega, a fishing technique: two men drag along the top of a fishing net doubled up, spread out on the bottom of a small cove, trapping the fish into the net. Vanaga.
Kura 1. Also: poukura, the short, thin, multicoloured feathers of chickens and other birds. 2. The best of something, choice. Vanaga.

Tutui kura, shawl. Kurakura, fair, light. Hakakurakura, to make to blush. P Pau.: kurakura, red, violet. Mgv.: kurakura, red, yellow, scarlet. Mq.: uáuá, red, ruddy. Ta.: uraura, red. Churchill.

Kuru Pau.: kuru, breadfruit. Mgv.: kuru, id. Ta.: uru, id. Sa.: 'ulu, id. Ha.: ulu, id. Churchill.
Kutu 1. Louse. 2. Kutu ivi heheu, remora, attached to the swordfish. Vanaga.

H.: 'uku, 1. Louse, flea. (PPN kutu.) 2. Small, tiny (less used than 'u'uku). Wehewehe.

Kuukuu To call one's young (of hens). Kókokóko, to crow, to cackle (of rooster or hen). Vanaga.
Ma (Prep.) for (found in some cases instead of mo). Vanaga.

1. And, with, in addition. P Pau.: ma, together with. Mgv.: ma, for, with. Mq.: ma, and. Ta.: ma, and, with. (... we may say of ma that it points to the non-ego and not-here and links it to the central concept of that which is active and present ... we should hold the consonantal value as carrying the linking, conjunctive, associative sense; the shade of variety in meaning would be found to exist as the nucleus of the e and of the o respectively - Churchill 2) 2. Shame; hakama, shame, confusion, timid, to blush, bashfulness. P Pau.: mataki, shame. Mgv.: akama, shame, bashfulness, modesty, shy. Mq.: maamaa, ninny, simpleton. Ta.: haama, timidity, shameful, confused. Churchill.

Maaga 1. Chick. 2. Maaga hâgai (or simply maaga) adoptive child. 3. Fishing bait (this is the general term; see moroki, maúnu o mamama.) Vanaga.
Maara Flat coastal area usable as landing stage. Vanaga.
Mae To fade, to wither, stunted fruit. PS Mgv.: mae, to fade, to wither, to be blighted. Sa.: mae, to be stale (of fish). To.: mae, to fade, to wither, to smell musty. Mae atu'ra, to cede, to give up. This is the only instance of the use, which is unexplained, of the character ' by father Père Roussel. Churchill.

Mgv.: ma, to fade, to lose color. Ha.: ma, to fade. Churchill.

Ta.: mae, weak, soft. Mq.: mae, soft, flabby. To.: mae, to wither, to fade. Ha.: mae, id. Churchill.

Maea Stone, rock. Vanaga.

Stone, rock; maea kore, free of stones; maea horohoro, snowy rock; maea mataa, obsidian used for spear heads T; maea matariki, stone used for the images T; maea pupura, hard cellular stones used in the platforms T; maea puruhare, tile; maea regorego, a flinty beach pebble used for the finest stone implements T; maea toki, hard slates, black, red and gray, used for axes T; maea viriviri, grindstone. Churchill.

Maego Pottery. "...Roggeveen's party arrived in time to see something never again reported by visitors to Easter Island, as put on record by Behrens... : 'They make use of earthenware pots, like we do, to prepare their dishes..." Heyerdahl 3.
Ma'eha Brightness, bright, to lighten, to brighten up; ku ma'eha-á, it has already lightened up. Vanaga.

1. Light, brightness; to shine, to be bright, to glimmer, to glow; maeha mahina, moonshine; maeharaa, sunrise. Maehamaeha, bright. Hakamaeha, to brighten. Mq.: maeoeo, bright, transparent. 2. To get out of the way. 3. Thin, slender, slight. Churchill.

Maeva T. 1. Move. Rangi-maeva = Moving Sky (name of a marae). 2. Greet, greeting. Henry.
Maga Branch (of tree). Magahaiga, part of the arm near the armpit, armpit. Magamaga: 1. Finger (rima matu'a neanea, thumb; tuhi henua, index finger; roaroa tahaga, middle finger; tuhia háûa, ring finger; komaniri-komanara, little finger). 2. Seaweed (shaped like small fingers). Vanaga.

1. (mama 2) A mouthful; maga nuinui, to gobble. 2. Garbage. 3. Index finger. 4. A branch; magamiro, a branch, a limb; magamaga, fork, finger, claw, rod; magamaga miro, a branch, a limb; magamaga rima, finger; magamaga vae, toe; magamaga tumu, great toe; hakamaga, a roof; magaga, fork; magatuhi, index finger; hakamagaturu, slope of a roof. Churchill.

Magai Fishhook (made of stone or of bone, much more curved inward than the type of hook called rou). Vanaga.
Magaro Calm, sweet, docile, tame, affable, gracious, indulgent, suave; to pacify, to reconcile; ariga magaro, amiable; tae magaro, ungracious; tagata magaro, popular; vai magaro, sweet water; magaro ki kokoma, undisturbed; hakamagaro, to soothe, to pacify, to quiet, to appease. P Pau.: magaro, salty, briny. Mgv.: magaro, courteous, pleasant, peaceful, quiet; ahamagaro, to soothe, to tame, to quiet. Mq.: manaonao, insipid, tasteless. Ta.: maaro, fresh, sweet, not salted. Churchill.
Mageo 1. Acid, sharp, acrid, purulent; the itch, abscess, pustule, ringworm; itching, disagreeable, poisonous, spirituous; to long for; disgust, poison, mustard, pepper (megeo); hakamageo, infection, to infect. P Pau.: mageo, to itch. Mgv.: megeo, to itch, to long for. Mq.: maneo, to itch, to tickle; meneo, mekeo, itch. Ta.: maeó, itch. In Nuclear Polynesia this is found in Samoa mageso, Niuē magiho, and Futuma mageo. The megeo form is the only one known to Mangareva; in Rapanui, Marquesas, and Hawaii it appears as an alternative of mageo. 2. (mageo) hakamageo, splice. Churchill.
Mago Spotted dogfish, small shark. Vanaga.

Mogo, shark. P Pau.: mago,  id. Mgv. mago, id. Mq. mano, mako, mono, moko id. T. maó, id. In addition to this list the word is found as mago in Samoa, Maori, Niuē, and in Viti as mego. It is only in Rapanui and the Marquesas that we encounter the variant mogo. Churchill.

Mahaga See kaukau.

Bait, allurement. PS. To.: talimahaga, the noose in large ropes. Ma.: mahanga, a snare. Moriori: mehanga, to ensnare. In mounu Rapanui has the common Polynesian designation of bait. This I incline to regard as an error in recording the vocabulary. Assuming a snare encircling the bait, the answer to Père Roussel's demand for a name might refer to the important but hidden snare and by him be referred to the bait plain in his view. Chuchill.

Mahaki 1. Companion, colleague; mo hatu o mahaki, for our companions' success (or happiness) (arch.). 2. A fish (of small size). Vanaga.

... It has ... been shown ... that the ariki Tuu Ko Ihu was not a legitimate king but a nobleman of considerable ability. He was the younger brother (mahaki) of 'Tupa Ariki' ... (Barthel 2)

... Then Hotu cut the bindings of those two canoes. His ship went along the south and his relation Tu'u ko iho went to the north, they both went round the land. When the king's ship came again and passed the headland Vai mahaki, Hotu matua saw the navigator's ship at Veronga. Tu'u ko iho was going to land at Anakena, to be the first chief to stand on this land ... (Barthel 2)

Mahana 1. Tepid, lukewarm, warm; vai mahana, warm water. 2. To stop raining; he-mahana te ûa, the rain has stopped. Vanaga.

1. Heat, hot (maana, hana, pumahana); mahana ke, suffocating; mahana nui, stifling; mahana no iti, lukewarm; vera mahana, hot; hakamahana, to heat, to scald, to warm over. 2. Finery. Churchill.

Maharo To admire something, to be astonished, to watch something with delight, interest, or amazement. Maharoga, object of admiration. Vanaga.

To glorify, to flatter, to admire, to amaze, to astonish, to enchant, to astound; eulogy, boasting; maharo hia ia a, to vaunt; maharohaga, flattery.  P Pau.: maharo, to wonder at, to marvel. Mgv.: maharo, to praise, to vaunt, commendation. Mq.: mahaó, to praise, admirable, astonishing. Churchill.

Mahina The moon; maeha mahina, moonshine. P Mgv.: mahina, light; maina, the moon, moonlight. Mq.: mahina, moon, month. Peculiar interest attatches to Mangareva mahina in the sense light, for before the Proto-Samoan was touched by the later Tongafiti influence masina was not the moon but the shining orb and therefore particularly the sun ... Churchill.
Mahoi Pau.: spirit, soul. Ta.: mahoi, the essence or soul of a god. Churchill.
Mahora Mgv.: to spread, to stretch out, level. Ta.: mahora, to be spread out, level. Mq.: mahoa, to spread out, to display, level. Sa.: mafola, to be spread out. Ma.: mahora, id. Churchill.
Mahore A fish (small, silver-coloured). Vanaga.

Ta.: mahore, to peel off. Sa.: mafoe, to be skinned. Ma.: mahore, to be peeled. Churchill.

Mahuna Small skin tumours, pimples. Vanaga.
Mahute A tree (Boussonetia papyrifera) formerly more abundant on the island, the fibres of which were used for clothing (see nua and hami). Vanaga.

The tree Broussonetia papyrifera, indispensible for all types of fasteners (lines, twine, ropes, and rigging). Barthel 2.

Maute, paper mulberry (mahute G). P Mgv.: eute, ute, id. Mq.: ute, id. Ta.: aute, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Pau.: aute, id. Mahutehute (mahute - tutu 1) bast cloth in the last stage of preparation (maute). Churchill.

Mai 1. From, since; mai aganirá pemu'a from now on. 2. Before, prior to (referring to a future event certain to occur); mai ta'e oho au ki-Hiva, prior to my leaving for the continent (note the use of the negative, lit. 'before I do not go...'. 3. Short for ka-avai-mai, mai te kahu, give me the dress. 4. Hither (movement towards the speaker); ka-ho-mai (= ka-oho-mai), come here! welcome! hoki-mai-á e îa, he has come back; ina kai garo'a-mai, he cannot understand it; ka-to'o-mai, come and get it. Vanaga.
Maika Banana (Musa sapientum). Ancient varieties were called ri'o, hihi, korotea, pia, pukapuka, naho'o. Vanaga.

Meika, banana. Pau., Mgv.: meika, id. Mq.: meika, meia, id. Ta.: meia, id. Churchill.

Maitai T. Good, OK. Maita'i roa = perfect. Henry.
Maitaki Clean, neat, pure, pretty, nice, beautiful, handsome; tagata rima maitaki, clean-handed man, correct man. Vanaga.

1. Good. Henua maitaki = the good earth. 2. Shine. Marama maitaki = the shining moon. Barthel.

Ce qui est bon. Jaussen according to Barthel.

Meitaki, good, agreeable, efficacious, excellent, elegant, pious, valid, brilliant, security, to please, to approve (maitaki); ariga meitaki, handsome, of pleasant mien; mea meitaki ka rava, to deserve; meitaki ke, marvelous, better. Hakameitaki, to make good, to amend, to do good, to bless, to establish. Meitakihaga, goodness. PS Pau.: maitaki, good. Mgv.: meitetaki, beautiful, good. Mq.: meitai, good, agreeable, fit, wise, virtuous. Ta.: maitaiki, good, well. Niuē: mitaki, good. Maitakia, clean. Churchill.

Makawela H. 'Burnt eyes'. Like the sun, chiefs of the highest tabus - those who are called 'gods', 'fire', 'heat', and 'raging blazes' - cannot be gazed directly upon without injury. The lowely commoner prostrates before them face to the ground, the position assumed by victims on the platforms of human sacrifice. Such a one is called makawela, 'burnt eyes'. Islands of History.
Makoi The tree which on T. was called miro, Thespesia populnea. Van Tilburg.

Makoikoi, kidney T. Churchill.

Mama 1. To chew. 2. To mouth-feed (arch.) he-mama i te vai tôa koia ko te tiapito kiroto ki te haha o te poki, she mouth-feeds the child with sugarcane juice together with tiapito juice. 3. A sea mollusc (with an eight-horned shell). Vanaga.

1. To leak, to ooze, (maamaa). P Pau., Mgv., Ta.: mama, id. 2. To chew. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: mama, id. 3. Light not heavy, (maamaa). P Mgv., Ta.: mama, id. 4. A limpet (Chiton magnificus). Mgv., Mq., mama, a shellfish. 5. To open the mouth; hakamama, to yawn, to gape, to be ajar. Pau.: hamama, to open. Mgv.: akamama, to burst open. Ta.: haamama, to open. Mq.: haámama, to open the mouth. 6. Ta.: mama-orero, conclusion of a council. Ha.: mama, to finish, to have done with a thing. Churchill.

Mamae Illness, pain, to be ill or in pain, afflicted; tagata mamae, the sick. Vanaga.

Sick, suffering, weak, ill; mate maia mamae, to depress; mata mamae, drowsy, sleepy; mamae kopu, bellyache; mamae keo, headache; mamae toto, menses; ariga mamae, to look ill; hakamamae, to make ill. T Mgv.: mamae, to be ill, in pain, suffering, sorrow. Mq.: mamae, memae, suffering, pain, grief. Ta.: mamae, pain. Churchill.

Mamao Pau.: far. Mgv.: mamao, to go away. Mq.: mamao, far away. Sa.: mamao, far. Ma.: mamao, distant. Mamaoroa, desert, barren. Ta.: mamaooraroa, desert, uninhabited. Ta.: Mama-orero, conclusion of a council. Ha.: mama, to finish, to have done with a thing. Churchill.
Mamara 1. Ill fame, bad reputation. kope mamara, suspicious youngster. 2. Way of living, habits. 3. Bad-tempered; e-û i koe, ko te korohua ena, korohua mamara; raá mo rivariva, raá mo riri. be careful with that old fellow, for he is bad-tempered; some days he is fine, some days he is cranky. 4. Sling stone. Vanaga.

1. Charcoal, coal, tin, lead (maramara). 2. To sparkle, to flash. 3. Mamara nui, to swell up, to roll; mamarahaga, ball. Churchill.

Mamari Egg, fish roe. mâmari ata rauhau, last small egg laid by a hen before she turns broody. Vanaga.

Egg (of fowl or fish), (gamamari), (Cf. komari.); mamari punua, chicken in the shell. Churchill.

Manava Abdomen, belly, (fig.) affection, sensitivity, feelings; manava more, grief; manava mate, infatuated, in love (with something); ku-ká-á te manava, flared up, infuriated, irate; he-kava te manava, offended, to turn sour, embittered. See also hatu (manava hatu). Vanaga.

Belly, abdomen, entrails, interior; manava ahuahu, indigestion; manava hanohano, high tempered, to annoy; manava itiiti, frugal; manava karavarava, colic; manava mate, to be in ecstasy, passion, intensity of affection; manava more, to desolate; manava ninihi, colic; manava  nuinui, appetite; manava pagaha, affected, to complain; manava rakerake, bad character; manava riri, anger; manava ru, complaint; manava ruru, alarm, consternation, emotion, swoon; manava tagi, eager; manava tiha, out of breath; manava topa ki raro, humble, to humiliate; manava vai, simpleton, to have dull senses; meniri ko manava, little finger; kakari manavai, waist; manava eete, to shudder, to tremble, to astonish; anger, fright, consternation; manava eete ki te mau mea ananake, susceptible; eete manava, affected, moved; manava pohi, hasty, cruel, penitent; contrition, indignation; kokoma hanohano manava pohi, to abhor; manava pohi nunui ke, implacable. P Pau.: manava, the interior, affected, touched. Mgv.: manava, the belly, spirit, conscience. Mq.: menava, respiration, pulse. Ta.: manava, belly, entrails. Churchill.

Manavai Hollow where rainwater accumulates; anciently, small, round gardens, preferably situated in low shady spots, where the mahute tree was grown. Vanaga.

1. Brain. 2. Valley, ravine, river, torrent, brook; manavai miro, orchard, Mq.: manavai, valley, brook. Ta.: anavai, river, brook. It scarcely appears that these are fully coordinate. In Tahiti anavai has a clear etymology, ana meaning the bed of a stream. In Rapanui and in the Marquesas mana most readily associates with maga, as water in a forked bed. Churchill.

Manu 1. Bird; manu uru, bird figure (like the drawings or wooden figures once found in caves and houses); manu va'e e-há, four-legged bird (name given to the first sheep introduced to the island. 2. Insect. manupatia, wasp. 3. Bird's egg: mâmari manu. 4. Wild, untamed. 5. Song in which is expressed the desire to kill someone, or in which a crime is confessed: he-tapa i te manu (see tapa). Vanaga.

Bird; manu uru, kite; manu rikiriki, insect. P Pau.: manu, bird, insect, brute. Mgv.: manu, bird, beast. Mq., Ta.: manu, bird, insect. Manu nave, great abscess, bubo. Churchill.

Manu i te raá = comet. Barthel.

Manu vae eha,  'birds with four legs'. Barthel 2.

Manu tara Sooty tern. The names of the age levels of the sooty tern were earlier used as children's names (Routledge). These names were (Barthel): pi(u) riuriu, kava 'eo'eo, te verovero, and ka 'ara'ara. Fischer.

Skulls with incised carvings, imbued with power by Makemake, were placed in the fowl house to promote the egg-laying capacity of the occupants. It may seem a long call from the domestic fowl to the sooty tern, but both are birds and lay eggs. The sooty tern (manu tara) comes to breed in large numbers in July or August off the southwestern point formed by the crater of Rano-kao on three rocky islets, of which the only one accessible to swimmers is Motu-nui. (Buck)

Maori Wise teacher; tagata maori rogorogo, person who can recite the signs of the tablets; maori hare, house builder; maori îka, healer expert in treating fight injuries. Name of the country of origin of Hotu Matu'a which he fled with his people following a cataclysm in a land called Hiva. Vanaga.

a. Of manual training: dexterity, handy, industry, artisan. b. Of mental training: erudite, finesse, cleverness, adroit, ingenious, intelligent, lucid, sage, sense, science, talent. c. The resultant: memorable, renowned, of good reputation. Tagata maori, carpenter; rima maori, left hand, tae maori, incompetent; maori ke, judicious, sly; maori ke avai, adroit. T Pau.: maori, maohi, indigenous, sure, safe, perfect. Mgv.; maori, belonging to the country, native of the Polynesian race, right hand. Mq.: maoi, native, natural, common, ordinary. Ta.: maori, maóhi, proper name of the indigenous people of Polynesia, native, good, perfect. Churchill.

Mara To start rotting, going bad (e.g. a lobster, a fish). See also mamara. Vanaga.

Mgv.: mara, open land, cultivated field. Mq.: mara, maa, land under tilth. Ta.: amara, the first stone of a marae, etc. Sa.: mala, a new plantation. Ma.: mara, land under tilth. Churchill.

Sa.: malae, the town green. Nukuoro: malae, a cleared space, an open place, a plantation. To.: malae, a gree, a grass plot ... Ha.: malae, smooth (as a plain) ... Ma.: marae, an inclosed place in front of a house. Ta.: marae, the sacred place of worship ... Vi.: mara, a burying place ... In note 261 I have advanced the opinion that malae is in form a conditional derivative of lae. This holds of the signification found in Nuclear Polynesia. The secondary sense which the Tongafiti carried to eastern Polynesia has obscured the lae element; but the sacrosanct content of the marae in the four-godded theology of eastern Polynesia is after all but a logical outgrowth of the Nuclear Polynesian malae as the civic center of social life where god is sole, surpreme - and Lucretian ... Churchill 2.

Marama 1. Month, light. The ancient names of the month were: Tua haro, Tehetu'upú, Tarahao, Vaitu nui, Vaitu poru, He Maro, He Anakena, Hora iti, Hora nui, Tagaroa uri, Ko Ruti, Ko Koró. 2. Name of an ancient tribe. Maramara, ember. Vanaga.

Light, day, brightness, to glimmer; month; intelligent, sensible; no tera marama, monthly; marama roa, a long term; horau marama no iti, daybreak; hakamarama, school, to glimmer; hare hakamarama, school, classroom. P Mgv.: màràma, the light, daylight; maràma, wise, learned, instructed, moon. Mq.: maáma, light, broad day, bright, instructed, learned; meama, moon, month. Ta.: marama, moon, month. In form conditionalis this word seems derivative from lama, in which the illuminating sense appears in its signification of a torch. The sense of light, and of specifically the moon, appears in all Polynesia; in Futuna and Uvea the word signifies the world. The tropical extension to the light of intelligence is not found in Nuclear Polynesia, therefore not in the Proto-Samoan, but is a later Tongafiti development. Maramarama, bright; manava maramarama, intelligent. P Pau.: maramarama, intelligent. Ta.: maramarama, light, brightness. Churchill.

The month sense is found in Tahiti, Marquesas, Rarotonga and Maori associated with the moon signification, and in Hawaii is specifically dissociated therefrom to characterize a solar month. Churchill 2.

Marikuru 1. A white, clayey earth. 2. A tree (Sapindus saponaria) of which very few specimens are left. Vanaga.

Ash-wood T. Churchill.

Maro Maro: A sort of small banner or pennant of bird feathers tied to a stick. Maroa: 1. To stand up, to stand. 2. Fathom (measure). See kumi. Vanaga.

Maro: 1. June. 2. Dish-cloth T P Mgv.: maro, a small girdle or breech clout. Ta.: maro, girdle. Maroa: 1. A fathom; maroa hahaga, to measure. Mq.: maó, a fathom. 2. Upright, stand up, get up, stop, halt. Mq.: maó, to get up, to stand up. Churchill.

Pau.: Maro, hard, rough, stubborn. Mgv.: maro, hard, obdurate, tough. Ta.: mârô, obstinate, headstrong. Sa.: mālō, strong. Ma.: maro, hard, stubborn. Churchill.

Ta.: Maro, dry, desiccated. Mq.: mao, thirst, desiccated. Fu.: malo, dry. Ha.: malo, maloo, id. Churchill.

Mgv.: Maroro, the flying fish. (Ta.: marara, id.) Mq.: maoo, id. Sa.: malolo, id. Ma.: maroro, id. Churchill.


Samoa: malū, gentle, easy, soft. Tonga: malu, loose, soft, mild, easy. Uvea, Nukuoro: malu, tender, soft. Hawaii: malu, quiet. Futuna: malŭ, tender. Nuguria: maru, soft. Tahiti: maru, soft, gentle, easy. Paumotu: hakamaru, to grow milder. Rapanui: maruaki, to decay. Churchill 2.

Maru a Pó in Tahiti was another [in addition to Ovakevake, Hiva and Maori] 'place where ákuáku supposedly lived before coming here'. Vanaga.

The Maori used the same word for both solstices, marua-roa, 'long pit', and applied the term also to the month or season during which the Sun passed through its most northerly or southerly declination. A qualifying word such as takurua, 'winter', or o-rongo-nui, 'summer', was usually appended to denote which solstice was meant. When no explanatory word was added marua-roa seems to have signified the winter solstice... Makemson.

Viti: malua, to go gently, to be in no hurry, by-and-by; vakamalua, gently. Churchill 2.

Maruaki, to feel hungry, to be starving, hunger; he-topa te maruaki, to feel hungry. Vanaga.

Maruaki, appetite, desire to eat, greedy, hunger, fasting, famine, weak from hunger, dearth, stavation; hakamaruaki, to starve; we note in Motu maro, famine, dearth. Churchill.

Maruaki, to decay. Churchill 2.

Marumaru, shady; ka-oho ki te kona marumaru, go in the shade. Vanaga.

Marumaru, shade, thicket, somber, umbrella; koona marumaru, sheltered spot, copse; hakamaru, to cover with shade; hakamarumaru, to shade. P Pau.: hakamaru, to shadow. Mgv.: maru, shade, shadow, obscurity. Mq.: maú, shade, shadow, shelter. Ta.: maru, shade. Churchill.

Mata 1. Tribe, people; te mata tûai-era-á, the ancient tribes. 2. Eye; mata ite, eyewitness. 3. Mesh: mata kupega. 4. Raw, uncooked, unripe, green, matamata, half-cooked, half-ripe. Kahi matamata, a tuna fish. Vanaga.

1. The eye; mata neranera, mata kevakeva, mata mamae, to be drowsy; mata keva, mataraparapa, matapo, blind; mata hakahira, squint eyed; mata pagaha, eye strain. 2. Face, expression, aspect, figure, mien, presence, visage, view; mata mine, mata hakataha, mata pupura, mata hakahiro, to consider. 3. Raw, green, unripe. 4. Drop of water. 5. Mesh; hakamata, to make a net. 6. Cutting, flint. 7. Point, spear, spike (a fish bone). 8. Chancre. Matamata, sound of water. Churchill.

There is a wide range of significations in this stem. It will serve to express an opening as small as the mesh of a net or as large as a door of a house; it will serve to designate globular objects as large as the eye or as small as the bud on a twig or the drop of rain, and designating a pointed object it answers with equal facility for the sharpened tip of a lance or the acres of a headland; it describes as well the edge of a paddle or the source from which a thing originates. Churchill 2.

Matá. Black obsidian spear points, all belonging to the Late Period which began ca 1680. Heyerdahl 3.

Matagi Wind, air, breeze, squall, tempest, rhumb. P Pau.: matagi, the air, wind. Mgv.: matagi, wind. Mq.: metani, metaki, wind, air. Ta.: matai, wind. Churchill.
Matakao Oar, paddle; clitoris. Churchill.
Matamea Mars, a planet held to be of bad portent.Vanaga.
Matariki Pleiades (group of stars in the constellation of Taurus). Vanaga.

In the Polynesian tongue Matariki, the name for the Pleiades, is contracted from Mata-ariki, high-born or regal stars. Makemson.

Maea matariki, stone used for the images T. Churchill.

Polynesia names the Pleiades thus: Samoa: matali'i. Futuna, Tonga: mataliki. Fotuna, Nuguria, Maori, Mangaia, Mangareva: matariki. Tahiti: matarii. Hawaii: makalii. Marquesas: mataiki. Micronesian names for the same constellation: Ponape: makeriker. Lamotrek: magarigar. Yap: magirigir. Mortlocks: marikir. Churchill 2.

Mate 1. To die; he-mamate te gagata, many people die. 2. To faint, to lose consciousness; he-tutu ka mate ró to beat someone senseless (often used hyperbole). 3. To feel an overwhelming desire, to be dying for; he mate ki te vai, to be dying for a drink of water. 4. Manava mate, infatuated, in love (with something). 5. To be overwhelmed with pain: mate-á i te mamae. Matega, death. Vanaga.

Death, to die, to be ill, to be unfortunate. Hakamate, to kill. P Pau.: mate, to die. Mgv.: mate, to be sick, dead, love, ardent desire. Mq.: mate, illness, death, grief. Ta.: mate, death, illness. Matea, lifeless, passionate. Matega, death. Mgv.: matega, illness, death. Matekeo (mate - keo) pulmonary disease. Matemanava (mate - manava) to marvel at. Matemate, to have a slight illness, to suffer pain. Materaa (mate - raa) sunstroke. Matevai (mate - vai) thirst. Churchill.

Matua 1. Father (also matu'a tamâroa); matu'a hâgai, adoptive father or mother; matu'a ké, uncle, aunt, close relative. 2. Part of a net from which the weaving started: te matu'a o te kupega. Vanaga.

1. Chronic. Ta.: matua, id. 2. A parent (metua); matua tamaroa, father; matua tamaahine, mother; matua too, adoptive father; matua kore, orphan. P Pau.: makuahine, mother. Mgv.: motua, father; matua, superintendent, overseer. Mq.: matua, any man; motua, father. Ta.: metua, metia, father, mother, parent. Churchill.

Mau Mau. 1. Very, highly; ûka keukeu mau, very hard-working girl. 2. To be plentiful; he-mau to te kaiga, the island abounds in food. 3. Properly. Ma'u. 1. To carry, to transport; he-ma'u-mai, to bring; he-ma'u-atu, to remove, ma'u tako'a, to take away with oneself; te tagata hau-ha'a i raro, ina ekó ma'u-tako'a i te hauha'a o te kaiga nei ana mate; bienes terrenales cuando muere a rich man in this world world cannot take his earthly belongings with him when he dies. 2. To fasten, to hold something fast, to be firm; ku ma'u-á te veo, the nail holds fast. 3. To contain, to hold back; kai ma'u te tagi i roto, he could not hold his tears back. Vanaga.

1. As soon as, since. 2. Several; te mau tagata, a collective use. 3. Food, meat; mau nui, abundance of food, provision, harvest; mau ke avai, abundance. 4. End, to take away. 5. To hold, to seize, to detain, to arrest, to retain, to catch, to grasp. 6. Certain, sure, true, correct, to confide in; mau roa, indubitable, sure. 7. Fixed, constant, firm, stable, resolute, calm; tae mau, not fixed, unstable; mau no, stable; hakamau, to make firm, to attach, to consolidate, to tie, to assure; pena hakamau, bridle; hakamau ihoiho, to immortalize; hakamau iho, restoration. 8. To give, to accord, to remit, to satisfy, to deliver; to accept, to adopt, debt; to embark, to raise. Mamau. To arrest. Churchill.

OR. All. Fischer.

T. 1. Really. E ari'i mau teie vahine = this woman really is a princess. 2. Things. Te mau mautai = plenty of things. 3. Hold. A toro te a'a, a mau te one = the roots spread and held the sand. Henry.

Mauga Maúga. 1. Last; aga maúga o te Ariki o Hotu Matu'a, King Hotu Matua's last work. 2. Hill, mountain. Mouga, moúga. Last; vânaga moúga o te Ariki O Hotu Matu'a, the last words of King Hotu Matu'a. Vanaga.

Mauga kore, impalpable. Mouga. 1. Enough, that's all, at last. 2. Mountain, ridge of hills; mouga iti, hillock; tua mouga, mountain top; hiriga mouga; hillside, declivity, slope. P Pau.: mahuga, mountain. Mgv.: mou, maga, mountain. Mq.: mouna, mouka, peak or crest of a mountain. Ta.: maua, moua, mountain. 3. Extinction, end, interruption, solution; te mouga o te hiriga, end of a voyage; pagaha mouga kore, without consolation. 4. To get. Churchill.

Mea 1. Tonsil, gill (of fish). 2. Red (probably because it is the colour of gills); light red, rose; also meamea. 3. To grow or to exist in abundance in a place or around a place: ku-mea-á te maîka, bananas grow in abundance (in this place); ku-mea-á te ka, there is plenty of fish (in a stretch of the coast or the sea); ku-mea-á te tai, the tide is low and the sea completely calm (good for fishing); mau mea, abundance. Vanaga.

1. Red; ata mea, the dawn. Meamea, red, ruddy, rubricund, scarlet, vermilion, yellow; ariga meamea, florid; kahu meamea purple; moni meamea, gold; hanuanua meamea, rainbow; pua ei meamea, to make yellow. Hakameamea, to redden, to make yellow. PS Ta.: mea, red. Sa.: memea, yellowish brown, sere. To.: memea, drab. Fu.: mea, blond, yellowish, red, chestnut. 2. A thing, an object, elements (mee); e mea, circumstance; mea ke, differently, excepted, save, but; ra mea, to belong; mea rakerake, assault; ko mea, such a one; a mea nei, this; a mea ka, during; a mea, then; no te mea, because, since, seeing that; na te mea, since; a mea era, that; ko mea tera, however, but. Hakamea, to prepare, to make ready. P Pau., Mgv., Mq., Ta.: mea, a thing. 3. In order that, for. Mgv.: mea, because, on account of, seeing that, since. Mq.: mea, for. 4. An individual; tagata mea, tagata mee, an individual. Mgv.: mea, an individual, such a one. Mq., Ta.: mea, such a one. 5. Necessary, urgent; e mea ka, must needs be, necessary; e mea, urgent. 6. Manners, customs. 7. Mgv.: ako-mea, a red fish. 8. Ta.: mea, to do. Mq.: mea, id. Sa.: mea, id. Mao.: mea, id. Churchill.

Mei Of; mei a, here, there, since, to spring from; mei a mea, issue; mei ra, to result; mei roto a mea, issue. Mq.: mei, of, since. Ta.: mei, of. Churchill.

Breadfruit tree. Barthel 2.

Meika See maîka.
Meitaki See maitaki.
Meme To grow poorly (of plants), to be retarded in its growth; to fail (of a business, a contract, a piece of work). Mémeméme, id. Vanaga.

1. Wood, stick; also (probably improperly) used for 'tree': miro tahiti, a tree from Tahiti (Melia azedarach); miro huru iti, shrub. 2. Wooden vessel (canoe, boat); today pahú (a Tahitian word) is more used, especially when speaking of modern boats. 3. Name of the tribe, of royal blood, descended from Ariki Hotu Matu'a. Vanaga.

Miro-oone, model boat made of earth in which the 'boat festivals' used to be celebrated. Vanaga. ... on the first day of the year the natives dress in navy uniforms and performs exercises which imitate the maneuvers of ships' crews ... Métraux.

Tree, plant, wood, plank, ship, building; miro hokuhoku, bush, thicket; miro takataka, bush; miro tupu, tree; miro vavau, switch. Miroahi, firebrand. Mimiro, compass, to roll one over another, to turn in a circle. P Pau.: miro, to rope. Churchill.

1. Wood. 2. Ship (Ko te rua o te raa i tu'i ai te miro ki Rikitea tupuaki ki Magareva = On the second day the boat arrived at Rikitea which is close to Mangareva. He patu mai i te puaka mo ma'u ki ruga ki te miro = They corralled the cattle in order to carry them on to the boat.) Krupa.

T. 1. The tree Thespesia populnea. ... a fine tree with bright-green heart-shaped leaves and a yellow flower resembling that of the fau, but not opening wide. The fruit is hemispherical and about twice the size of a walnut, consisting of brittle shell in which are several septa, each containing a single seed. The wood resembles rosewood and is of much the same texture. Formerly, this tree was held sacred. Henry. 2. Rock. (To'a-te-miro = Long-standing-rock.) Henry.

Mo For (prep.): mo te aha, what for? (also: mo he); moira, because of this; mo aha-mai-á, ana oho au, what use is it to me, if I go? Vanaga.

1. For (moo); ika ke avai mo, abuse (bad treatment too great for); riva mo tere, navigable (fit for voyaging); pu moo naa, hiding-place (hole for hiding); koona moo tomo, port (place for entering); moo iharaa, ordinary; moo te oone, shovel (for the sand). PS Mgv.: mo, for. Sa., To., Fu., Niuē, Ma., Aniwa: mo, id. 2. In order that (moo); mo okorua, to accompany, to adjoin (in order to be two-together); moo arai, to join (in order to be together). 3. A negative value (moo); moo aneira, inopportune. Churchill.

Moa Poultry (general term); moa to'a, rooster; moa taga, chicken, moa rikiriki, chick; moa tarapiko, old rooster (with much twisted spurs - tara ); moa gao verapaka, chicken with bald neck; moa va'e verevere, with feathers on its legs; moa pipipipi with multicoloured spots; moa garahurahu, colour of dark ashes; moa tea, white; moa totara, frizzy; moa tu'a ivi raá, with bright yellow back. Vanaga.

Fowl; moa toa, cock; moa uha, hen; moa ohoa, crowing of cocks; moa manua, wild fowl; moa herea, tame fowl. P Pau.: moa, domestic fowl. Mgv.: moa, cock. Mq.: moa, hen. Ta.: moa, cock, hen. Churchill.

Mgv.: Aka-moa, to cook. Mq.: haamoa, id. To.: moa, dried. Ha.: moa, to dry, to roast. Mgv.: Moaga, 1. a red beard. Mq.: moaka, very red. 2. a fish. Mq.: moana, id. Sa.: moaga, id. Ha.: moana, a red fish. Mgv.: Moake, east wind. Ha.: moae, the northeast tradewind. Churchill.

Moai Statue, figurine, likeness of a person or of an animal; moai ma'ea, stone statue; moai miro, wooden statue, moai toromiro, toromiro figurine. Vanaga.

H. Bending over, arching like a tree. Barthel 2.

Moana Salt water, deep sea, ocean. P Pau.: moana-tekereke, blue. Mgv.: moana, the sea, ocean. Mq.: moana, ocean, high sea. Ta.: moana, sea, ocean, abysmal depth or height, heaven. Churchill.
Moe To sleep, to lie at full length, to dream, to brood, to place, to cohabit; moe atu, to leave off, to desist; moe atu ra, to adjourn, to postpone; moe hakahepo, to talk in the deep; moe aherepo, somnambulist, sleepwalker; moe hakataha, to sleep on the side; moe no, to oversleep, concubinage; moe tahae, to be a light sleeper; moe tahaga, a sleeper; moe vaeahatu, moe hakaroa, to sleep sprawling; rava moe, to sleep sound; ariga moe ki raro, to lie flat on the ground; tae moe, bachelor; hakamoe, to brood, to fold the wings; to reserve, to lay up; to struggle. P Pau.: moe, sleep. Mgv.: moe, sleep, to lie down, coitus, to shut the eyes. Mq.: moe, to sleep, to lie down; haámoe, to set down on the ground. Ta.: moe, to sleep, to lie down. Moea raruga, lying flat. Moeaivi, thin. Mq.: ivi, haáivi, id. Ta.: ivi, id. Moega, mat. Pau.: moehega, bed. Mgv.: moega, a sleeping mat. Mq.: moena, moeka, mat, floor cloth, bed. Ta.: moea, bed. Moemata, to sleep with the eyes open; mea moemata, phantom. Moemoea, a dream, vision; tikeahaga moemoea, apparition by night. T Mgv., Mq., Ta.: moemoea, dream. Churchill.

Mgv. Moemoe, to steal, to purloin at a food distribution. Mq.: moemoe, to seize, to grasp. Churchill.

Ta.: 1.  Moemoe, ambush. Ha.: moemoe, id. 2. Moemoe, Phyllanthus simplex. To.: mohemohe, a tree. Churchill.

Mq.: Moehu, exiled, banished, prisoner of war. Ma.: morehu, a survivor. Churchill.

Moko 1. Lizard; moko manu uru, figurine of a lizard (made of wood). 2. To throw oneself on something, to take quickly, to snatch; to flee into the depths (of fish); tagata moko, interloper, intruder, someone who seizes something quickly and swiftly, or cleverly intrudes somewhere; ka-moko ki te kai, ka-moko, ka-aaru, quickly grab some food, grab and catch. 3. To throw oneself upon someone, to attack: he-moko, he-reirei, to attack and kick. 4. Moko roa: to make a long line (of plantation); moko poto, to make a short line. 5. Ihu moko; to die out (a family of which remains only one male without sons); koro hakamao te mate o te mahigo, he-toe e-tahi tagata nó, ina aana hakaara, koîa te me'e e-kî-nei: ku-moko-á te ihu o te mahigo. when the members of family have died and there remains only one man who has no offspring, we say: ku-moko-á te ihu o te mahigo; to disappear (of a tradition, a custom), me'e ihu moko o te tagata o te kaiga nei, he êi, the êi is a custom no longer in use among the people of this island. Vanaga.

1. Lizard. P Pau., Mgv., Mq.: moko, id. Ta. moó, id. 2. To stun, to be dizzy. PS Sa.: mo'o, to be surprised. Hakamoko, to accomplish. Mokohi, grain, full-grown berry (mokoi); mokohi haraoa, grain. Mgv.: mokohe, food. Mokoimokoi, heart T, kidney. Mokomoko, sharp, pointed, slender, cape, headland; gutu mokomoko, pointed lips. Churchill.

Mgv.: mokora, a duck. Ta.: moora, id. Churchill.

More To cut, to tear; cut or wound inflicted by sharp instrument like obsidian; manava more, sadness (lit: torn soul). Tu'a ivi more, lumbago. Morega, slice, piece, bit, cutting. Vanaga.

Rent, fracture, to break; manava more, desolate, to grieve; momore, breaking; momore hihi, to damage, to injure; moremore, to divide into bits; Mgv.: akamore, to decapitate, to cut off pieces of wood. Morega, fraction. Moremorepua, to pick flowers. Churchill.

Pau.: Morearea, isolated. Ma.: morearea, lonely, dreary. Moremore, smooth, level, polished, hairless. Mgv.: moremore, a straight young tree. Ta.: moremore, smooth, polished, branchless. Sa.: mole, smooth. Ma.: more, bare, plaing. Churchill.

Mgv.: More, branches of whose bark cord is made. Ta.: more, hibiscus bark. Churchill.

Mori Oil; mori eoeo, pomade. Pau.: mori, oil for burning. Mgv.: mori, candle, taper, wax. Mq.: moi, coconut. Ta.: mori, oil, lamp. Churchill.

Pau.: Ha-morihaga, pious. Mgv.: morimori, to consecrate. Ta.: moria, prayer. Ma.: morina, to remove tabu. Churchill.

Mgv.: Moriga, a minor festival. Ta.: moria, offering after recovery from illness. Ma.: morina, to remove the crop tabu. Churchill.

Moto 1. Pau.: moto, fist, a blow. Mgv.: moto, a blow of the fist. Ta.: moto id. Mq.: moto, to box, to spar. Sa.: moto, a blow of the fist. Ma.: moto, id. 2. Mgv.: moto, unripe, green, raw. Sa.: moto, green, unripe. Churchill.
Motu 1. To cut; to snap off: motu-á te hau, the fishing line snapped off; to engrave, to inscribe letters or pictures in stone or in wood, like the motu mo rogorogo, inscriptions for recitation in lines called kohau. 2. Islet; some names of islets: Motu Motiro Hiva, Sala y Gómez; and around the island: Motu Nui, Motu Iti, Motu Kaokao, Motu Tapu, Motu Marotiri, Motu Kau, Motu Tavake, Motu Tautara, Motu Ko Hepa Ko Maihori, Motu Hava. Motu rau uri, southeast wind. Motu takarua, west wind. Vanaga.

To break, to cut with a knife, to sever, to rupture; rent, reef, shoal, rock; motu poto, to cut short; aretare motu, an oratory; motu kivakiva, an uncovered shoal; motumotu, to cut up; tae motumotu, e ko motumotu, indissoluble. P Pau.: motu, island; komutu, to break. Mgv.: motu, an island, a rock, to cut, to be broken. Mq.: motu, island, land, to break, to cut up, to take to pieces. Ta.: motu, a low island, to be broken, cut up. Motuava (motu - ava 1), a hollowed rock. Motuhaua, archipelago. Motupiri (motu - piri), archipelago. Motuputuputu (motu - putuputu), archipelago. Moturauri, south wind T. Moturogorogo, to write T. Churchill.

H Moku 1. To be cut, severed, amputated, broken in two, as a rope; broken loose, as a stream after heavy rains, or as a bound person; to punctuate. Moku ka pawa, dawn has broken. Kai moku ka noho 'ana, relations separated by the sea. Ho'o moku, to cut and divide; a cutting, division, separation. 2. District, island, islet, section, forest, grove, clump, severed portion, fragment, cut, laceration, scene in a play. Cfr. mokupuni, momoku. Moku lehua, lehua forest. Ho'o moku, to place one over a moku, district. 3. Ship, schooner, vessel, boat, said to be so called because the first European ships suggested islands. 4. A stage of pounded poi (such poi sticks together as a mass and can be separated cleanly - moku - from the pounding board). Wehewehe.

Mou 1. Enough (moua, mouga). PS Sa.: mou, many. 2. To get (mau); hakamou, id. 3. To use up, to expand, to absorb; hakamou, to spend; hakamoumou, to use up, to expend. 4. To be silent, shy, dejected, stupid, taciturn, mute, uncomplaining, silence, shut up!, attention!; mou no, to speak in laconic terms, dull, mute, silence; hakamou, to silence, to shut up, to quiet. Mq.: mou, peace, tranquil, quiet. 5. To cease, to end, to finish, to conclude; a pact, agreement; mou noa, to endure (mau); mou a te toua, reconciliation; ina kai mou, always, eternal, perpetual; ina e ko mou, incessant; e ko mou, always; tae mou, permanent, perpetual; hakamou, to accomplish, to end, to conclude, to consummate, to conciliate; e ko moumou, indissoluble; hakamoumouga, the finish, termination, Mgv.: mou, to quench the thirst. 6. To harass; mou no, to suffer damage; hakamou, to abolish, abrogate, annihilate, nullify, annul, impoverish, destroy, interrupt, exsterminate, plunder, smooth out folds; moumou, to devastate, pillage, devastation, destruction; hakamoumou, to demolish, to ravage, to suppress. Ta.: mou, to extinguish, to destroy. Moua, enough, past (mou, mouga). Churchill.
Mounu Bait, allure. Churchill.
Mua Front, before; used with prepositions a, i, o, ki, mai; i mu'a i.., in front of..., etc. Vanaga.

The front, that which comes foremost; a mau [mua?], before, ahead, to precede, come on, forward; kapu a mua, oho a mua, to go ahead; i mua, before, heretofore, preceding; i mua atu, sooner; ki mua, at first, before, to go before; ko mua, at first, then, otherwile; o mua a mua, to march at the head; o mua roa, the first. Churchill.

Muri The rear, that which comes last; a muri, future; a muri noa atu, never; i muri, afterward, henceforth, hereafter; i muri oo na, to accompany; ki muri, after, future, henceforth, then, final; o muri, last. Churchill.
Mutu 1. Cut short, shortened, amputated; at an end, ceased; anything cut off short; short, brief, quick (rare). Ua muku ko'u lole, my dress is shortened. He kanaka wāwae muku, a person with amputated foot. Huli muku a'ela nā wa'a, the canoes turned sharply. (PPN mutu.) 2. A measure of length from fingertips of one hand to the elbow of the other arm, when both arms are extended to the side. 3. Broken section of a wave or crest. See lala 1. 4. Same as Mumuku, a wind. 5. Thirtieth night of the moon, when it has entirely disappeared (muku). 6. Starboard ends of 'iako (outrigger booms), hence starboard sides of a canoe. Wehewehe.
Na , here; ná ku-tomo-á te miro, the boat has arrived here. Vanaga.

1. When, as soon as (ga). Mgv.: na, because, seeing that, whereas. 2. The, that, some, any, certain (ga); pei na, thus, like that. P Mq.: na, the (plural). Ta.: na, id. 3. Of. P Pau.: na, of, belonging to. Mgv.: na, of, by, on account of. Mq.: na, of, by, for, on the part of.Ta.: na, of, by, for. 4. ? possessive; na mea, to belong to (? his thing). Mgv.: na, him, of him, to him. Ta.: na, he, his, him. 5. (ana 2); i muri oo na, to accompany. Churchill.

Nahe Ta.: Angiopteris erecta [maybe evecta?: 'Mule's-foot Fern']. Sa.: nase, the giant fern. Churchill.

Bishop Jaussen: crustacé. Barthel.

Nako 1. Fat, grease, lard, marrow, tallow. PS Mq.: nako, turtle meat; kao, fat. Pau.: akohaga, meat. Ta.: ao, fat of fowl or fish. Sa.: gaó, fat, lard. To., Fu., Niuē, Ma.: gako, id. Had Monseigneur Dordillon eaten his way to the civic chair of London instead of coming to a starveling preferment in the bishopric of a savage diocese he would surely have defined the nako of the Marquesan turtle in terms of calipash and calipee. 2. Squamous, scurfy. 3. Pau.: Nanako, to tattoo. Ta.: nanao, tattooing. Churchill.
Nana Mgv.: 1. To look at, to view. Ta.: nana, to see, to look at. Ha.: nana, to view attentively. 2. Angry, offended. Ma.: nana, in a passion. Churchill.

Nanagi, to tear with the teeth. Nanai, spider; kahu nanai, cobweb. Churchill.

Pau.: Nanao, to insert the hand. Mgv.: nanao, to take fish out of a wicker basket. Ta.: nanao, neneo, to introduce the hand. Mq.: nanao, to grope in. Sa.: naonao, to feel for by introducing the hand. Ma.: nao, to feel with the hand. Churchill.

Nane Mgv.: To mix, to mingle. Ta.: nane, mixed, confused. Ta.: anoni, anoi, to mix, to confuse. Ha.: anoni, to mix together. Churchill.

Nanenane, sweetness. Churchill.

Pau.: Nanea, enough, satisfying, to multiply. Mgv.: nenea, to abound, multiply. Ta.: nanea, capacious, containing much, multiply. Sa.: nanea, food affording large portions in the distribution. Ma.: nanea, copious, satisfying. Churchill.

Nani Mgv.: To chew. Ha.: nani, to bite, to catch hold of with the teeth. Churchill.

Mq.: Naninani, to strut, to show off. Ha.: naninani, to enjoy the honors of a chief. Churchill.

Nanu Mgv.: To curse, Ma.: nanu, to grumble at. Churchill.
Nau Sandalwood which used to grow on the steep slopes of the coast: nau opata. Vanaga.

The Sandalwood (Santalum) tree. During the birdman ceremonies at Orongo, a piece of sandalwood was tied to the arm with which the victorious birdman held up the egg of the sooty tern. Barthel 2.

... He [Oroi] went into a (grove of ) sandalwood. He had hidden there so he could watch the arrival of the king and (at the moment when) the foot (of the king touched the loop) quickly pull the rope. Then Oroi would come out immediately and kill the king ... Barthel 2.

Nehu  (cfr kehu and nehu) Obscure, cloudy. Hakanehu, to disguise, hakanenehu, serious. Churchill.

Mq.: Nehunehu, a fish. Sa.: nefu, id. Ha.: nehu, id. Churchill.

Nei Nei: this, here; oira ka-tomo mai Hotu Matu'a ki te kaiga nei, he tagata o nei, before Hotu Matu'a came to this island, there were people here. Ne'i (nene'i): 1. To defecate. 2. To lay (eggs): he-nene'i i te mâmari. Ne'ine'i: frequentative of nene'i. Vanaga.
Neva Mata nevaneva, drowsy, sleepy (nivaniva). Churchill.

'Savage tribes knew the Pleiades familiarly, as well as did the people of ancient and modern civilization; and Ellis wrote of the natives of the Society and Tonga Islands, who called these stars Matarii, the Little Eyes: The two seasons of the year were divided by the Pleiades; the first, Matarii i nia, the Pleiades Above, commenced when, in the evening, those stars appeared on the horizon, and continued while, after sunset, they were above. The other season, Matarii i raro, the Pleiades Below, began when, at sunset, they ceased to be visible, and continued till, in the evening, they appeared again above the horizon. 

Gill gives a similar story from the Hervey group, where the Little Eyes are Matariki, and at one time but a single star, so bright that their god Tane in envy got hold of Aumea, our Aldebaran, and, accompanied by Mere, our Sirius, chased the offender, who took refuge in a stream. Mere, however, drained off the water, and Tane hurled Aumea at the fugitive, breaking him into the six pieces that we now see, whence the native name for the fragments, Tauono, the Six, quoted by Flammarion as Tau, both titles singularly like the Latin Taurus. They were the favorite one of the various avelas, or guides at sea in night voyages from one island to another; and, as opening the year, objects of worship down to 1857, when Christianity prevailed throughout these islands.' (Allen)

Nikau Mgv.: The coco palm. Ta.: niau, coconut leaf. Ha.: niau, stem of the coconut leaf. Ma.: nikau, an areca palm. Churchill.

Mgv.: niu, the coconut palm when young, ripening into nikau. ... the ni of New Caledonia leads us to infer that niu was anciently a composite in which ni carried at least some sort of generic sense, it being understood that this refers to those characteristics which might strike the islanders as indicating a genus. In composition with kau tree we should then see nikau, the ni-tree, serving in Mangareva for the coconut palm, in New Zealand for the characteristic palm (Areca sapida) of that land, in Tahiti as niau for coconut leaf, and as niau in Hawaii for the leaf stalk of the coconut. The ni-form is found in Micronesia, and in the Marshall Islands ni is the coconut. Churchill 2.

Niu Palm tree, coconut tree; hua niu, coconut. Vanaga.

Coconut, palm, spinning top.  P Pau., Ta.: niu, coconut. Mgv.: niu, a top; niu mea, coconut. Mq.: niu, coconut, a top. Churchill.

The fruit of miro. Buck.

T. 1. Coconut palm. 2. Sign for peace. Henry

The sense of top lies in the fact that the bud end of a coconut shell is used for spinning, both in the sport of children and as a means of applying to island life the practical side of the doctrine of chances. Thus it may be that in New Zealand, in latitudes higher than are grateful to the coconut, the divination sense has persisted even to different implements whereby the arbitrament of fate may be declared. Churchill 2.

Niuhi Niuhi tapaka'i. Hammerhead shark (symbol of fierceness). Vanaga.

Shark.  T (ninki T). Mq.: niuhi, a large fish resembling the shark. Churchill.

Niva Nivaniva, madman, idiot. Vanaga.

Nivaniva, absurd, stupidity, bungler, delirium, madness, to err, to wander in mind, folly, foolish, heedless, frenzied, imbecile, senseless, odd, inconsistent, simple, dupe, stupid, flighty (nevaneva); nivaniva o te mata, lethargy. Hakanivaniva, queer, bewitched, stupefied, to tell lies. PS Ta.: nivaniva, neneva, foolish, stupid, mad. Sa.: niniva, giddy, dizzy. Churchill.

No Just, only, merely, still; ka-oho-nó, just go! e-tahi nó i-ora-ai, only one survived; e-haúru-nó-á, he is still sleeping; e-aga nó, he just works (i.e. he always works). Vanaga.

1. Of (na); no te mea, because (of the thing); no te ragi, celestial (of the sky); no ira, wherefore (of that). 2. Intensive; hakapee no kai hoao, abundance; riva no iti, convalescence; haga no iti, to plot mischief; hare itiiti no, hut; no mai, intensive, spontaneously; tuhi no mai, to accuse; hiri tahaga no mai, to go on without stopping; topa tahaga no mai, wholly unexpected. 3. Exclusive, unique, that and naught else; gutu no, vain words; noho no, stay-at-home, apathy. Churchill.

Noa A state without any tapu whatsoever. Tu, ancestor and patron of man as warrior, defeats his older brothers, the other sons of Rangi, who are the parents of birds, trees, fish, wild and cultivated foods. To defeat is to render noa (without tapu) and consumable. Tu is thus able to consume his brothers' offspring, power he passes on to mankind. Islands of History.

1. Though, although. Pau., Mgv.: id. 2. Intensive; e kore noa, never; garo noa, to go on forever; a muri noa atu, never; uru noa, to enter deeply. Mgv.: noa, wholly, entirely, without end, to do nothing else, without others, unique. Mq.: noa, very, greatly, enough.. 3. Common, ordinary; noa ki te mau, impartial. P Pau.: noa, single, simple, spontaneous. Mq.: noa, simply, accidentally. Ta.: noa, common, simple. 4. Negative; mou noa, to endure. Churchill.

Nohi Pau.: nohi, eye, face, front, mesh. Ma.: kanohi, eye. Ro-i-nohi, a tear. Ta.: ro-i-mata, id. Sa.: lo-i-mata, id. Ma.: ro-i-mata, id. Churchill.
Noho 1. To sit, to stay, to remain, to live (somewhere), to wait; ka-noho, you stay! (i.e. 'good-bye', said by the person leaving). 2. Figuratively: he noho te eve, to be calm, at peace; he noho te mana'u, to concentrate on something, to fix one's attention on; ku-noho á te mana'u o te tagata ki ruga ki te aga, the man thinks constantly of his work. Vanaga.

Seat, bench, dwelling, marriage, position, posture, situation, session, sojourn; to sit, to dwell, to reside, to rest, to halt, to inhabit; noho hahatu, to sit cross-legged; noho hakahaga, apathy; noho heenua, countryman; noho kaiga, native; noho kenu, married; noho ke noho ke, to change place; noho muri, to stay behind; noho noa, invariable; noho opata, to stand on a cliff; noho pagaha, badly placed; noho pepe, table; noho tahaga, bachelor, unmarried; noho vie, married, noho no, apathy, stay-at-home, colonist, idler, inhabitant, inactive, immobile, settler, lazy, loiterer. Hakanoho, to abolish, to rent, to lease, to enslave, to dissuade, to exclude, to exempt, to install, to substitute, hostage. Hakanohohia, stopped. Nohoga, seat. Nohoturi, to kneel, genuflexion. Nohovaega, to preside. Churchill.

Noi To bend down toward the ground, to bow down, to worship. Hakanoi, to prostrate oneself. Ta.: Noinoi, small, fine. Mq.: noi, a dwarf, of slow growth. Ha.: noinoi, small, as a dwarf. Churchill.
Noki Nokinoki, concave. Churchill-
Nua 1. Mother; this seems a more ancient word than matu'a poreko. 2. Blanket, clothing, cape formerly made from fibres of the mahute tree. Vanaga.

Cloak T. Churchill.

Nu'a 1. Thick; piled one on top of the other, as leis, mats, or ocean swells; heaped; lush, thick-growing; much traveled, as a road; multitude, as of people, mass. Also hānu'a. Moena kumu nu'a, a sleeping mat made thick at one end to serve as a head rest; lit. 'mat piled beginning'. Nu'a moena, a heap of mats. Nu'a kanaka, many people. Haki nu'a ka uahi i ke kai, the spray breaks in masses in the sea. Ka nu'a o ka palai, the thick clump of palai ferns. Ho'o nu'a, to heap up; to give generously and continuously; to indulge, as a child; surging, rising in swells, as the sea. 2. A kind of seaweed. Nu'a-kea, a goddess of lactation. Wehewehe.

Nuahine Nuahine. 1. Old woman. 2. Ko te Nuahine ká umu a ragi kotekote, ancient name of 'the woman in the moon' inspired by the resemblance of its landscape with the likeness of a woman sitting, lighting the fire of her oven. Vanaga.

Nuehine. Old woman. Churchill.

"[Englert 1948, 165:] '... se selia nombrar Ko te Nuahine káumu à rangi kote kote que significa: La vieja que enciende el curanto en el cielo kotekote. Puedo haber sido una personificación de la luna porque las viejos decían, comentando este nombre, que no es una montaña que seve en la luna, sino una mujer anciana que está suntada [sentada?] al lado un gran curanto umu pae (de piedras en circulo)." (Barthel)

Nuku 1. Pau.: nuka, crowd, throng. Ta.: nuú, army, fleet. Mg.: nuku, a host, army. 2. Mgv.: nuku, land, country, place. Sa.: nu'u, district, territory, island. Churchill.
O Ó; 1. Prepositon marking the genitive. 2. Preposition expressing the cause, the reason: because of (also i): e-tahataha-á te vaka o te tokerau. the boat rocks from side to side because of the wind. 3. Lest, in order not to... e-ûi koe o higa, be careful not to fall. 4. Sometimes used as conditional: if, whether; ina kai agiagi au o tu'u-mai te Matu'a, I don't know if the Padre has arrived. 5. Article sometimes used preceding proper names; ó Hotu Matu'a, ó Santiago. 6. To answer saying 'oh'; ana ragi te tagata ki te rua tagata, 'hé koe?', he-ó-mai, he-kî: 'ó, î au', when a man calls another, asking 'where are you?' (the other) answers saying 'oh, I am here'. O; to celebrate a festival: he-o i te gogoro. Vanaga.

1. Tai o, rippling water. (Compare in some sea sense - Mgv.: akao, a narrow arm of the sea, to throw stones into the water in order to drive fish into a net.) 2. Of. Mgv., Mq., Ta.: o, of. 3. A verb sign; o mua, at first; ina o nei, to be away (not-being-here). Churchill.

Oa 1. Oa atikea, ignorant, not to know. 2. Mq.: oa, to end (of war). Sa.: ola, id. Churchill.
Oho 1. To go: ka-oho! go! go away! (i.e. 'goodbye' said by the person staying behind); ka-oho-mai (very often contracted to: koho-mai), welcome! (lit.: come here); ku-oho-á te tagata, the man has gone. Ohoga, travel, direction of a journey; ohoga-mai, return. 2. Also rauoho, hair. Vanaga.

1. To delegate; rava oho, to root. 2. To go, to keep on going, to walk, to depart, to retire; ka oho, begone, good-bye; oho amua, to preced; oho mai, to come, to bring; oho arurua, to sail as consorts; hakaoho, to send, a messenger. 3. Tehe oho te ikapotu, to abut, adjoin; mei nei tehe i oho mai ai inei te ikapotu, as far as, to; kai oho, to abstain, to forego; hakaoho, to put on the brakes. 4. The head (only in the composite rauoho, hair). Churchill.

Ohua Night in the moon calendar.
Oi To move away, to withdraw (usually with atu): ka-oi-atu, move out ot the way; oi-mai, to approach, to draw near. Ôi, to stir something; iterative; ôiôi. O'i, to pull out plants which have grown too close together in order to leave more space between them: to thin out. O'io'i, maggot. Vanaga.

1. To approach, draw near; oi atu, to make room, begone; hakaoi, to toss about, hakaoi mai, close by, near at hand. Mgv.: oi, to approach, to draw near, to move, to shift place. 2. To pull up, to uproot, to devastate, to weed, to take out. Churchill.

Oka 1. Lever, pole; to dig holes in the ground with a sharpened stick, as was done in ancient times to plant vegetables; used generally in the meaning of making plantations. 2. The four sideways poles supporting a hare paega. Okaoka, to jab, to pierce, to prick repeatedly. Vanaga.

Digging stick, stake, joist; to prick, to pierce, to stick a thing into, to drive into, to slaughter, to assassinate; kona oka kai, plantation; pahu oka, a drawer. Okaoka, a fork, to prick, to dig. Okahia, to prick. Churchill.

Omo To suck; omoaga, bulky cloud;  ragi omoaga cumulus; omoomo; to suck repeatedly, to suckle; omotahi, to win everything at a game (lit: to suck whole): omotahi-mai-á e au, he has cleaned me out; omotohi, full (of the moon); ku-omotohiá te mahina, the moon is full. Vanaga.

Rima omo, infidelity, faithless, unfaithful. Omoomo, to smack the lips, to suck the breast, to smoke tobacco, to taste of; hakaomoomo, to suckle, to paint. Churchill.

Ta.: Omotu, an ember, a coal. Mq.: komotu, omotu, firebrand. Churchill.

Ariki (o)motongi. Manuscript E:1.

Ona 1. Ta.: ona, he, she. Sa.: ona, his, hers. Ma.: ona, id. 2. Ta.: ona, rich. Mq.: ona, id. Churchill.
One One, sand. Oneone (reduplication of oone which see below), dirty, covered in soil, in mud. Vanaga.

Oone, ground, soil; mud; dirty, to get dirty. Vanaga.

One, sword. (Cf. oe, dorsal fin; àè, sword.) Ta.: óé, sword, lance. Churchill.

Oone, sand, clay, dirt, soil, mire, mud, muck, gravel, filth, manure, dust, to dirty; ao oone, shovel; egu oone vehuvehu, mud; moo te oone, shovel; oone hekaheka, mud; puo ei oone, to daub; kerihaga oone, husbandman; oone veriveri, mud; oone no, muck, to dirty, to powder; vai oone, roiled water; oone rari, marsh, swamp; oonea, dirty T; ooneoone, sandy; oonevai, clay T; hakaoone, to pollute, to soil. P Mgv.: one, land in general, earth, soil. Mq.: one, sand, beach. Ta.: one, sand, dust, gravel. Churchill.

Miro-oone, model boat made of earth in which the 'boat festivals' used to be celebrated. Vanaga. ... on the first day of the year the natives dress in navy uniforms and performs exercises which imitate the maneuvers of ships' crews ... Métraux.

Ono Six.
Ora 1. Healthy; to recover, to be saved (from an illness or a danger): ku-ora-á, ina kai mate, he recovered, he did not die; ku-ora-á te haoa, the wound has healed; e-ora-no-á, he is still alive; ora-hakaou mai, to come back to life; ora ké, what a pleasant breeze! (lit: how healthy!). 2. Stick for spinning top (made from the shell of a sandalwood nut) with which children make the top spin. Vanaga.

1. December, January. Ora nui, November, October. 2. To live, to exist, to draw breath, to survive, to subsist, to be well, healthy, safe, to refresh, a pause, rest, ease; e ko ora, incurable; ora tuhai, previous existence; ora iho, to resuscitate, to revive; ora nui, vigorous; oraga, life, existence; oraga roaroa, oraga roaroa ke, oraga ina kai mou, immortality; oraga kore, lifeless; oraga mau, oraga ihoiho, vivacious; oraora, oraora no iti, to be better; hakaora, to draw breath, to revive, to strengthen, healthy, to sanctify, to animate, to save, to repose, to cure, to rest, to comfort, to assuage; hakaora ina kai mou, to immortalize; hakaoratagata, Messiah, Saviour. 3. To give water to; kua ora te kevare, to water a horse; hakaunu ora, to water. 4. To staunch, to stop the flow of a liquid. 5. To make an escape; hakaora, to discharge, to deliver, to set free. 6. To be awake (probably ara); hakaora to guard. 7. A zephyr, light wind; kona ora, a breezy spot; ahau ora, agreeable breeze. Churchill.

Ola, life, health, well-being, living, livelihood, means of support, salvation; alive, living; curable, spared, recovered, healed; to live; to spare, save, heal, grant life, survive, thrive. Ola loa, long life, longevity, Ola 'ana, life, existence. Wehewehe.

The explorers reach Easter Island in a 'canoe' (vaka). The name of their craft is given as Oraorangaru 'saved from the billows' (Brown 1924:40) or Te Oraora-miro 'the living-wood' (ME:58). The Routledge reference 'Each (man went) on a piece of wood' (RM:278) also seems to refer to the name of the canoe. As far back as 1934, the name was no longer understood. I favor the following explanation: The difficulty in interpreting the name of the canoe of the explorers arises from the name segment oraora. To begin with, the compound form oraora ngaru should be analyzed in comparison with other Polynesian compounds, such as MAO. pare-ngaru 'that which fends off the waves' (i.e., the hull of the boat), TAH. tere-'aru 'that which moves through the waves' (i.e., riding the waves on a board). There are several possible translations for oraora as the reduplication of ora. Te Oraora Miro can be translated as 'the pieces of wood, tightly lashed together' (compare TAH. oraora 'to set close together, to fit parts of a canoe') and be taken to refer to the method of construction of the explorer canoe, while Oraora Ngaru means 'that which parts the water like a wedge', or 'that which saves (one) from the waves, that which is stronger than the waves'. (Barthel 2)

Ore 1. Ha., ole, to speak through the throat, guttural, or through a trumpet; name of a large sea-shell; ole-ole, talk thickly or indistinctly, as one angry or scolding, to grin like the idols; olo, to be loud, as  a sound, as a voice of wailing; olo-olo, intens. to roar, rush, as the sound of waters. Sam., ole, to ask, to beg; olo, to ooo as a dove; faa-olo, to whistle for the wind. Ta., oro-io, to grieve to death; ta-oro-oro, make a noise, rumble at the bowels. To., kole, to beg. Fiji., kodrau, to squeal; qolou, to shout. 2. Ha., ole, the eye-tooth, name of a fish; ole-ole, to make notches in anything, to dovetail two pieces together. Ta., ore-ore, the teeth of sharks or of the ono fish. Fornander.
Oro 1. To flit in the air (of a bird), turning and flying up and down. 2. To file, to scratch, to scrub, to grind, to sharpen; ka-oro te kumara, grind the sweet potatoes; ka-oro te hoe, sharpen the knife. Orooro, to rub, to polish, to shine. Vanaga.

Oroina, to choke on a fish bone. Orooro, to whet, to sharpen (horo). Churchill.

Oti To come to an end; to suffice, to be enough: ku-oti-á, it is finished; ina kai oti mo kai, there is not enough to eat; he-oti á, there isn't anymore left, it's the last one; it's enough with that. Vanaga.

Ta.: 1. Oti, presage of death. Sa.: oti, to die. 2. To cut. Mq.: koti, oti, id. Sa.: 'oti, id. Ma.: koti, id. Churchill.

Oto Otoroka: According to old Eva Hey (who died in 1946) this was a greeting (today unknown). It seems to be the same as that which, according to Karl Friedrich Behrens (1722), a native directed at Roggeveen's ships, the first native to board the ensign ship and who, upon going back, 'raised both hands and with his eyes turned to the island, shouted: Odorroga, Odorroga'. Vanaga.

Ha.: Oko,  to move ahead of others; to try to be better than others, surpass. He aha kēia e oko a'e nei, why this pushing ahead of others. Wehewehe.

Otua Younger. Churchill.
Ovakevake According to ancient beliefs, the home of the spirits called ákuáku: i Hiva, i Ovakevake. Some natives remember that old people told them that when the first missionaries arrived several ákuáku took their leave, saying that they were returning to Hiva, to Ovakevake. Another place where ákuáku supposedly lived before coming here was, according to the ancient belief, Maru a Pó, in Tahiti. Vanaga.
Pa 1. Mgv.: pa, an inclosure, a fenced place. Ta.: pa, inclosure, fortification. Mq.: pa, inclosure. Sa.: pa, a wall. Ma.: pa, a fort. 2. Mgv.: pa, to touch. Sa.: pa'i, id. Ma.: pa, id. 3. Mgv.: pa, to prattle. Ta.: hakapapa, to recount. 4. Mq.: pa, a hook in bonito fishing. Sa.: pa, a pearlshell fishhook. Ma.: pa, a fishhook.

Pau.: hakapa, to feel, to touch. Mgv.: akapa, to feel, to touch, to handle cautiously.

Pae 1. To end, to come to an end; ku-pae-á taaku kai, I have no more food; pae-atu, to leave en masse; ku-pae-atu-á tagata ki Hangaroa tai. everybody has left for Hangaroa Bay. 2. To start, to break out (of wars, fights: taûa); ku-pae-á te taûa, the fight, the war, has started. 3. Dressed, edged stones anciently used to enclose a permanent umu; paepae wall of undressed stones built as protection against the wind; also any other protection. Pa'e: Of a boat, to deviate, to drift, to stray under the effects of currents or winds; ku-pa'e-á te vaka i te tokerau, the wind has made the boat deviate from its course. Vanaga.

Paega: 1. Dressed stones forming the foundations of the ancient houses or of the walls of the monumental ahus; hare paega, house with stone foundations; paega-ahu, ahu wall. 2. Household, people who live in a hare paega. 3. To lay stones on the bottom and against the sides of a hole: he-paega i te rua. Vanaga.

1. Enough. 2. Division of a subject (paiga). Pau.: paega, a party, a side. Ta.: pae, division, part. 3. Threshold, sill, joist. P Ta.: pae, sill, joist. 4. To exhaust, to finish, past; e ko pae, impregnable; hakapae, to exhaust, to finish, to end, to execute, to accomplish, to conclude, to consummate, to consume, to achieve, to acquit. Paea: 1. Enough, past. 2. To decay, to waste away; paea tooa, to deprive. Paega, foundation. Paepae, pavement, plank, canoe; hakapaepae, to lay planks, to floor. P Pau.: paepae, a raft. Mgv.: paepae, a pavement, to lay up stones with regularity into a wall. Mq.: paepae, elevated pavement on which the house is built. Ta.: paepae, pavement, raft. Paero, all, totalit, to sweep off all. Churchill.

Pahi T. Double-canoe. Henry.

Drum. Pahu-rutu-roa = Long-beating-drum. Barthel.

M. Pahū. Tree gong. Starzecka.

Pahu uma, coffin; in modern usage, any sort of jar. Pahupahu = To dig a hole. Vanaga.

A trough, barrel, cask, cradle, drum, chest, box; pahu nui, a kettle; pahu oka, a drawer; pahu papaku, coffin; pahu rikiriki, sheath; pahu viriviri, hogshead. Pahupahu, box. Churchill.

A trough, barrel, cask, cradle, drum, chest, box; pahu nui, a kettle; pahu oka, a drawer; pahu papaku, coffin; pahu rikiriki, sheath; pahu viriviri, hogshead; pahupahu, box. P Mgv., Ta.: pahu, a drum. Mq.: pahu, a drum, a large cylindrical container. (To.: bahu, a hollow tree set in water as a filter.) Sa.: pusa, a box. To.: buha, id. Fu.: pusa, id. Niue: puha, id. Pau.: puha, id. Pahuahi, lantern, beacon. Paukumi, closet, cupboard. Pahupopo, a mould; pahupopokai, cupboard for food. Pahure: 1. To sweep everything away. 2. To wound, to lacerate, scar, bruise, lesion, sore; pahurehure, to wound, to scratch; hakapahure, to wound. T Pau.: pahure, to be skinned; pahore, to peel off, to scale. Mgv.: pahore, to cut off, to chop, to slice. Ta.: pahore, to flay, to skin. Churchill 2.

Paina Human likeness, large doll (made in ancient times). Vanaga.

T. To make a noise. H. To sound, as in breaking or tearing anything. Churchill.

Paka 1. Dry; to become dry (of things); pakapaka, to dry out. Te paka is also the name of the moss-covered areas, between the small lakes of volcano Rano Kau, through which one can pass without getting one's feet wet. 2. To go, to depart; he-paka-mai, to come; he-oho, he-paka, they go away. 3. To become calm (of the sea): ku-paka-á te tai. Pakahera, skull, shell, cranium; pakahera puoko tagata, human skull; pakahera pikea, shell of crab or crayfish. Gutu pakapaka, scabbed lips. Hau paka, fibres of the hauhau tree, which were first soaked in water, then dried to produce a strong thread. Moa gao verapaka, chicken with bald neck. Ariki Paka, certain collateral descendents of Hotu Matu'a, who exercised religious functions. Vanaga.

1. Crust, scab, scurf; paka rerere, cancer; pakapaka, crust, scabby. 2. Calm, still. 3. Intensive; vera paka, scorching hot; marego paka, bald; nunu paka, thin. 4. To arrive, to come. 5. To be eager. 6. To absorb. 7. Shin T. Pakahera, calabash, shell, jug. Pakahia, to clot, curdle, coagulate. Pakapaka, dry, arid, scorching hot, cooked too much, a desert, to fade away, to roast, a cake, active; toto pakapaka, coagulated blood; hakapakapaka, to dry, to broil, to toast. Pakahera pikea, shell of crab or crayfish. Churchill.

Palolo ... The lolo reappears in such parts of Nuclear Polynesia as have the animal as a component of Samoa palolo, Tonga balolo, Viti mbalolo. I cite a note on this subject which I wrote out for Dr. William McMichael Woodworth, who identified the palolo as the posterior epitokal part of Eunice viridis (Gray):

Stair's derivation from pa'a-lolo, luscious crab, is out of all consideration; it is on all fours with the classic definition of a crab as a small red fish that walks backward, for pa'a (paka) could not in the Samoan system of word structure undergo such a syncopation as to cut itself in two. As the bit beastie is in no sense a crab, and I must claim for my islanders that their intelligence is sufficiently high to prevent them from putting two such dissimilar animals together, so in turn is lolo not luscious. The organs of sense perception by which the Samoans apperceives lolo lie, not in the peripheral nerve endings of the tongue, but of the fingers; it is a matter of touch and not of taste such as luscious principally connotes. I got a very instructive glimpse at this word from my cook boy and a dish of vermicelli soup. After it had served my uses the tureen went back to the kitchen. I found the servitor dabbling his fingers in the dish, which he pronounced to be fa'alolo. I regard the primal significance as one of consistency, somewhat custardy, a substance partially solid that may to a certain extent be grasped in the fingers yet which seems to slip out and elude the grasp. That, it will be noticed, is a thread that can be run through all the significations. It applies equally well to the palolo as you feel it in the water on the great day of its appearance. In the slightly specialized sense of slippery it applies similarly to its other two compounds in the Samoan, ngalolo and umelolo, both being fishes and the latter a variety of Naseus lituratus or unicornis. Churchill 2.

Pao To cut off, to throw a lance. Churchill.

Paopao, spade, shovel, rubbish, to lacerate, to have a quarrel with. Churchill.

Paoa 1. War club. 2. Man armed with a war club; the guardians of the tribe holding the term of office (ao). 3. To splint a broken limb. Vanaga.

To steal, to rob; paoa kaitagata, cannibal, savage; tagata paoa, cannibal. Churchill.

Paoga Back of the knee. Vanaga.

Forearm. Churchill.

Paoha Club. Churchill.
Papa 1. Underground rock; motionless; rocky sea bottom; large flat stone; figuratively: tagata papa important man, author of great works. 2. Wooden plank currently used much like a surf-board in the sport called garu; it was formerly called papa gaatu mo te garu, because it was made from dry totora leaves woven into the shape of a plank. 3. To line up things side by side on a flat surface, for instance, to line up fish on top of a flat stone. Vanaga.

Shoulderblade. Papapapa, a chill, to shiver, to tremble, to shudder. Churchill.

Para 1. Spleen. 2. Ripe; to ripen: maîka para, ripe bananas; para rautí said of ripe bananas the peel of which has stayed green. 3. To start rotting (of wood and other materials): ku-para-á te miro, the wood has rotted. 4. A moss found in abundance in the watery bottom of Rano Kau, which has very long roots laden with water. Fishermen used to take quantities of them, wrapped in banana leaves, to alleviate their thirst. Vanaga.

1. A short club T. Mq.: parahua, a paddle-shaped club. 2. To become bad, to soften, to decay, to rot, to ripen, old, used up.; niho para, decayed teeth; para rakerake, overripe; tae para, unripe. Hakapara, to mellow. P Mgv.: para, ripe, mature; akapara, to ripen, to improve morally. Mq.: paá, ripe, soft, overripe, rotten, old, used up. Ta.: para, ripe. 3. Spleen. Churchill.

Pare Half raw, badly cooked. Parehaoga, food prepared in the earth oven (umu parehaoga) for a feast or for people whose help is needed for some work or for organizing a feast. Parehe, piece, bit; to fall, break into pieces. Parei, dirty, to have a dirty face and eyes, someone who gets up without washing. Parera, sea bottom. Vanaga.

Ta.: Pare, a fort, a place of refuge. Ma.: parepare, a breastwork in a stockade. Mgv.: Pare, a covering for the head. Mq.: pae, id. Sa.: pale, id. Ma.: pare, id. Churchill.

Parehe, to break, a crack. Parei, 1.  (paré), dressed up. 2. To sparkle (of the eyes). Parera, 1. A shallow, a reef. 2. Deep water, profound, gulf; parera tai, deep sea; tai parera, high tide; hohonu parera, fathomless, unsoundable. 3. To lead astray. Hakaparera, to frighten, to scare. Pareu, skirt, apron. Mgv., Mq., Ta.: pareu, loincloth, apron. Pau.: Parego, to drown oneself. Ta.: paremo, drowned. Ma.: paremo, id.

Pari 1. Wave breaking on shore; vai pari, a wave high up on the beach; tai paripari, a squall. Mgv.: pari, a wave, breaker, a wave that strikes upon a rock and breaks into foam with a noise. 2. Pau.: fakapari, to incriminate. Ta.: pari, to incriminate, to accuse. 3. Ta.: pari, rocks overhanging the sea. Ma.: pari, a cliff, a precipice. Churchill.
Patu 1. To abandon, to throw away, to quit, to omit; to unclothe, to let down the hair; pati ki te kahu, to undress; patu toona rake, immodest. Mq.: patu, to throw from one place to another, to throw with the fingers. Ta.: patu, to throw away. 2. To come into leaf, to unfold. 3. To lead away, to turn aside, to dodge; patu mai, to lead to, to bring. Patupatu, page. Churchill.

Pau.: 1. Patu, to build, structure, wall. Ta.: patu, wall, to build. Ma.: patu, a wall. 2. To kill, to beat. Mgv.: patu, to strike, war. Ta.: patu, to strike with a mallet. Ma.: patu, to strike, to kill. Churchill.

Mq.: Patu hakiuka, bloating of the body. Sa.: patu, a fatty tumor. Churchill.

Pau 1. To run out (food, water): ekó pau te kai, te vai, is said when there is an abundance of food or water, and there is no fear of running out. Puna pau, a small natural well near the quarry where the 'hats' (pukao) were made; it was so called because only a little water could be drawn from it every day and it ran dry very soon. 2. Va'e pau, clubfoot. Paupau:  Curved. Vanaga.

1. Hakapau, to pierce (cf. takapau, to thrust into). Pau.: pau, a cut, a wound, bruised, black and blue. 2. Resin. Mq.: epau, resin. Ta.: tepau, gum, pitch, resin. (Paupau) Hakapaupau, grimace, ironry, to grin. 3. Paura (powder), gunpowder. 4. Pau.: paupau, breathless. Ta.: paupau, id. 5. Ta.: pau, consumed, expended. Sa.: pau, to come to an end. Ma.: pau, finished. 6. Ta.: pau, to wet one another. Mq.: pau, to moisten. Churchill.

Paua or pāua is the Māori name given to three species of large edible sea snails, marine gastropod molluscs which belong to the family Haliotidae (genus Haliotis), known in the USA as abalone, and in the UK as ormer shells ... Wikipedia

Pe 1. Like, as. PS Mgv.: pe, as, the same as, also. Sa.: pei, like, as. Niuē: pehe, thus. 2. And, also (in numerals); e rua te hagahuru pe aha, twenty-four. PS Sa.: pe, a restrictive particle in counting, only. To.: be, only. Uvea: pe, id. Churchill.

Pau.: Spoilt, damaged. Mgv.: pee, macerated, spoilt. Ta.: pe, spoilt, rotten. Mq.: pe, id. Sa.: pe, id. Ma.: pe, pulpy, purulent. Churchill.

Pea (Also peapea): To go away with bits of food or mud sticking to one's face or garments. Vanaga.

Peaha, perhaps ... maybe, chance, doubtful; reoreo peaha ...  Ma.: pea, perhaps. Peapea, an erasure ...  hakapeapea ...  Peau, to sweep all away. Ma.: peau, to be turned away. Churchill.

Peau, a wave (Sa., To., Fu., Fotuna, Niuē, Mq., Nuguria); Mgv.: peau, peahu, id. Churchill 2.

Peee Mq.: Swollen, distended belly. Ha.: pele, fat, to have a large belly. Churchill.
Pehau Mgv.: A wing. Ta.: pehau, a fin. Ma.: pehau, a wing. Churchill.
Pehe Mgv.: Cat's cradle. Mq.: pehe, id. Ha.: pehe, a snare. Churchill.
Peheu Mq.: (also peehu) Wing. Ha.: peheu, id. Keheu, wing of a fowl. Ha.: eheu, id. Churchill.
Pehi Mgv.: A ship. Mq.: pehi, a great canoe. Churchill.

Ta.: To assail with stones. Mq.: pehi, id. Ha.: pehi, to throw stones at. Churchill.

Pehu Mgv.: To shade, to cover. Mq.: pehu, overcast, somber. Churchill.
Pei Grooves, still visible on the steep slopes of some hills, anciently used as toboggans. People used to slide down them seated on banana-tree barks. This pastime, very popular, was called pei-âmo. Vanaga.

Like, as; pei ra, thus, like that; such, the same as; pei na, thus, like that; pei ra ta matou, proverb; pei ra hoki, likeness, similitude; pei ra tau, system; pei ra hoki ta matou, usage. PS Sa.: pei, thus. This is particuarly interesting as preserving one of the primordial speech elements. It is a composite, pe as, and i as demonstrative expressive of that which is within sight; therefore the locution signifies clearly as-this. Churchill.

Mgv.: To juggle balls. Ta.: pei, id. Mq.: pei, id. Peiaha, jaws, gills of fish. Ta.: peihaha, peiha, gills. Ma.: piha, id.  Peipei, to approach. Churchill.

Peka Pekapeka, starfish. Vanaga.

1. 100,000 T. 2. A cross; pekapeka, curly; pekapekavae, instep T. (? shoelaces.); hakapeka, to cross; hakapekapeka, to interlace, lattice. T Mgv.: peka, a cross, athwart, across; pepeka, thick, only said of a number of shoots or sprouts in a close bunch. Mq.: peka, a cross, dense thicket. Ta.: pea, a cross. Churchill.

Mq.: Pekahi, to make signs with the hand, to blow the fire with a fan. Ha.: peahi, id. Churchill.

Peke 1. To bite (of fish or lobster pecking at fishhook). 2. To repeat an action: he-peke te rua; ina ekó peke-hakaou te rua don't you do it a second time; ina ekó peke hakaou-mai te rua ara, don't come back here again. Vanaga.

To succeed, to follow. Pau.: peke, to follow, to accompany. Ta.: pee, to follow. Churchill.

Mgv.: Pekepeke. 1. The tentacles of the octopus retracted. Mq.: peke, to tuck up the clothes. Ma.: pepeke, to draw up the legs and arms. 2. A crab. Ha.: pee-one, a crab that burrows in the sand. Churchill.

Pena Ta.: To cover, to protect, to defend. Ma.: penapena, to cherish, to foster, to take care of. Churchill.
Penu Pau., head. Tah., penu, a stone pestle. Welsh, pen, head, summit. Gael. ben, id., top of mountains. Fornander.

Pau., to fling, to hurl. Mgv., penu-penu, to gesticulate with hands and feet in dancing. Churchill.

Pepe 1. A sketch. 2. Bench, chair, couch, seat, sofa, saddle; here pepe, mau pepe, to saddle; noho pepe, a tabouret. Pepepepe, bedstead. 3. Pau.: butterfly. Ta.: pepe, id. Mq.: pepe, id. Sa.: pepe, id. Ma.: pepe, a moth; pepererau, fin, Mgv.: pererau, wing. Ta.: pereraru, id. Ma.: parirau, id. Harepepe, kelp. Here pepe, to saddle. Churchill.

Sa.: pepe, a butterfly, a moth, to flutter about. Nukuoro, Fu., Niuē, Uvea, Fotuna, Nuguria, Ta., Mq.: pepe, a butterfly. Ma.: pepe, a grup, a moth; pepepepe, a butterfly; pepeatua, a species of butterfly. To.: bebe, a butterfly. Vi.: mbèbè, a butterfly. Rotumā: pep, id. Churchill 2.

Mq.: Pepepepe, low, flat. Ha.: pepepe, id. Churchill.

Pera Ta.: A corpse. Ha.: pela, the putrid flesh and bowels of a dead body when the bones where removed. Churhill.
Peu 1. Axe, adze, mattock; peu pakoa, an axe poorly helved. 2. Energy. Peupeu: 1. To groan. 2. To be affectionate, to grow tender; peupeuhaga, friendship. Mq.: pèèhu, haápeéhu, pekehu, to make tender. 3. Pau.: peu, habit, custom, manners. Ta.: peu, custom, habit, usage. 4. Pau.: hakapeu, to strut. Ta.: haapeu, id. Churchill.

Sa.: mapelu, to bend, to stoop, to bow down, persons stooping with age, housebeams sagging under weight. To.: pelu, bebelu, to fold, to crease. Fu.: pelu, peluki, to fold. Uvea: pelu, id., mapelu, to bend, to bow. Ha.: pelu, to double over, to bend, to fold. Rapanui: peu, axe, adze. Churchill 2.

Pi Mgv.: pi, full, complete. Mq.: pi, id. Churchill.

Ta.: pi, young, green. Ma.: pipi, half-grown, not matured. Churchill.

Piere Thousand; ka-piere, ka-piere, thousands and thousands (meaning: many, lots and lots). Vanaga.

1. A thousand, a great number. 2. Resin (? Fr.: brai); piere hiva, tar, pitch; akui ei piere hiva, to tar. Hakapierehiva, to tar. Churchill.

Pikea Crab. Churchill.

Pakahera pikea, shell of crab or crayfish. Vanaga.

Piki To climb, to mount, to go up; piki aruga, to surpass; pikipiki, to embark, to go aboard; hakapiki, to climb. P Pau.:  piki, to climb, to ascend, to mount. Mgv.: piki, to mount, to go up, to climb. Mq.: piki, pií, to mount, to climb, to go aloft. Ta.: pii, to mount. Pikiga, ascent, steps, stairs; Mgv.: pikiga, a stair, ladder, step. Pikipiki: rauoho pikipiki, black hair and curly. P Pau.: tupikipiki, to curl, to frizzle. Churchill.

Pau.: pikiafare, cat. Ta.: piiafare, id. Churchill.

Piko 1. To twist (vi); twisted, bent; haga piko, bend formed by part of the coast. 2. To hide (vi); hidden; kahi piko, tuna fish meant as a gift for someone, and which is kept hidden away from others. 3. Slip knot (used with fishing lines). Vanaga.

1. Post; moa tara piko, cock with long spurs. 2. Crooked, tortuous; piko mai piko atu, sinuosity; hakapiko, pliant, to bend; pikopiko, crooked; hoe pikopiko, pruning knife; veo pikopiko, arrow that flies ill. 3. To hide oneself, to lie in wait, to set a trap, to take refuge, to withdraw, to beat a retreat, security, ambush, padlock; piko reoreo, false security; piko etahi, to withdraw one after another; pikoga, asylum, receptacle, refuge, retreat, snare. Churchill.

H. Piko Umbilical cord. Hawaiians are connected to ancestors (aumakua), as well as to living kinsmen and descendants, by several cords emanating from various parts of the body but alike called piko, 'umbilical cord'. Islands of History.

H. Piko 1. Navel, navel string, umbilical cord. Fig. blood relative, genitals. Cfr piko pau 'iole, wai'olu. Mō ka piko, moku ka piko, wehe i ka piko, the navel cord is cut (friendship between related persons is broken; a relative is cast out of a family). Pehea kō piko? How is your navel? (A facetious greeting avoided by some because of the double meaning.) 2. Summit or top of a hill or mountain; crest; crown of the head; crown of the hat made on a frame (pāpale pahu); tip of the ear; end of a rope; border of a land; center, as of a fishpond wall or kōnane board; place where a stem is attached to the leaf, as of taro. 3. Short for alopiko. I ka piko nō 'oe, lihaliha (song), at the belly portion itself, so very choice and fat. 4. A common taro with many varieties, all with the leaf blade indented at the base up to the piko, junction of blade and stem. 5. Design in plaiting the hat called pāpale 'ie. 6. Bottom round of a carrying net, kōkō. 7. Small wauke rootlets from an old plant. 8. Thatch above a door. 'Oki i ka piko, to cut this thatch; fig. to dedicate a house. Wehewehe.

Pine 1. Toto pine, bruise, contusion. 2. Pau.: pinepine, to do often. Ta.: pinepine, often, frequent. Ha.: pinepine, to do often. Churchill.
Pipi 1. Bud, sprout; to bud, to sprout; ku-pipi-á te tumu miro tahiti, the trunk of the miro tahiti has sprouted. 2. A small shellfish, common on the coast. Vanaga.

1. To blanch, to etiolate. 2. A spark, to sparkle. 3. Young branches, shoot, sprout, to bud. Mq.: pipi, tip of the banana blossom. 4. Snail, T, pea, bean. P Mgv.: pipi, small shellfish in the shape of a mussel. Mq.: pipi, generic term for shells. Ta.: pipi, generic term for beans. 5. To boil with hot stones. 6. A wave. 7. Thorn, spiny, uneven. 8. Small; haha pipi, small mouth. 9. Rump, the rear. Pipine, to be wavy, to undulate. Churchill.

Piri 1. To join (vi, vt); to meet someone on the road; piriga, meeting, gathering. 2. To choke: he-piri te gao. 3. Ka-piri, ka piri, exclamation: 'So many!' Ka-piri, kapiri te pipi, so many shellfish! Also used to welcome visitors: ka-piri, ka-piri! 4. Ai-ka-piri ta'a me'e ma'a, expression used to someone from whom one hopes to receive some news, like saying 'let's hear what news you bring'. 5. Kai piri, kai piri, exclamation expressing: 'such a thing had never happened to me before'. Kai piri, kai piri, ia anirá i-piri-mai-ai te me'e rakerake, such a bad thing had never happened to me before! Piripiri, a slug found on the coast, blackish, which secretes a sticky liquid. Piriu, a tattoo made on the back of the hand. Vanaga.

1. With, and. 2. A shock, blow. 3. To stick close to, to apply oneself, starch; pipiri, to stick, glue, gum; hakapiri, plaster, to solder; hakapipiri, to glue, to gum, to coat, to fasten with a seal; hakapipirihaga, glue. 4. To frequent, to join, to meet, to interview, to contribute, to unite, to be associated, neighboring; piri mai, to come, to assemble, a company, in a body, two together, in mass, indistinctly; piri ohorua, a couple; piri putuputu, to frequent; piri mai piri atu, sodomy; piri iho, to be addicted to; pipiri, to catch; hakapiri, to join together, aggregate, adjust, apply, associate, equalize, graft, vise, join, league, patch, unite. Piria; tagata piria, traitor. Piriaro (piri 3 - aro), singlet, undershirt. Pirihaga, to ally, affinity, league. Piripou (piri 3 - pou), trousers. Piriukona, tattooing on the hands. Churchill.

Pito 1. Umbilical cord; navel; centre of something: te pito o te henua, centre of the world. Ana poreko te poki, ina ekó rivariva mo uru ki roto ki te hare o here'u i te poki; e-nanagi te pito o te poki, ai ka-rivariva mo uru ki roto ki te hare, when a child is born one must not enter the house immediately, for fear of injuring the child (that is, by breaking the taboo on a house where birth takes place); only after the umbilical cord has been severed can one enter the house. 2. Also something used for doing one's buttons up (buttonhole?). Vanaga.

Navel. Churchill.

H Piko 1. Navel, navel string, umbilical cord. Fig. blood relative, genitals. Cfr piko pau 'iole, wai'olu. Mō ka piko, moku ka piko, wehe i ka piko, the navel cord is cut [friendship between related persons is broken; a relative is cast out of a family]. Pehea kō piko? How is your navel [a facetious greeting avoided by some because of the double meaning]? 2. Summit or top of a hill or mountain; crest; crown of the head; crown of the hat made on a frame (pāpale pahu); tip of the ear; end of a rope; border of a land; center, as of a fishpond wall or kōnane board; place where a stem is attached to the leaf, as of taro. 3. Short for alopiko. I ka piko nō 'oe, lihaliha (song), at the belly portion itself, so very choice and fat. 4. A common taro with many varieties, all with the leaf blade indented at the base up to the piko, junction of blade and stem. 5. Design in plaiting the hat called pāpale 'ie. 6. Bottom round of a carrying net, kōkō. 7. Small wauke rootlets from an old plant. 8. Thatch above a door. 'Oki i ka piko, to cut this thatch; fig. to dedicate a house. Wehewehe.

Piu Ta.: piu, to pull in a fishing-line. Ha.: piu, to skip with a rope. Churchill.
Po 1. Night; to get dark, to fall (of night): he-po, it is getting dark. Formerly used, with or without raá, in the meaning of a whole day: po tahi, one day; katahi te kauatu marima po, fifteen days; po tahi raá, first day of the week; po rua raá, po toru raá, second, third day, etc. 2. Alone or as po nui, used to express the idea of good luck, happiness. He-avai-atu au to'ou po, I wish you good luck (when taking leave of someone). Very common was this parting formula: aná po noho ki a koe! good luck to you! Po-á, morning; i te po-á, in the morning; i te po-era-á, very early in the morning. Po-ará, quickly, rapidly, swiftly: he-iri po-ará, go up quick; he-ta'o itau umu era po-ará, he cooked it quickly. Po-e-mahina, formerly used of sleep-walkers (haha a po). Vanaga.

1. Darkness, night, late; po haha, dark night, gloom. P Tu. po-tagotago, darkness. Mgv., Mq., Ta.: po, darkness, night. 2. Calendar day; po e rua, Tuesday; po o te tagata, life. P Pau., Mgv., Mq., Ta.: po, calendar day.  Churchill.

Poi Mq.: people, family, collective sign. Ha.: poe, a number of persons. Poipoi, round, globular. Ma.: poi, a ball. Churchill.
Poike MAO. poike 'place aloft'. Barthel 2.
Poki Son, daughter; in wider sense: nephew, niece, child in general. Poki atariki, eldest child, first-born; poki hagupotu, youngest child; poki hâgai, adopted child. Vanaga.

Child, infant, nephew, grandchild, posterity, progeny, race; topa te poki, to lie in; poki aana, legitimate; poki gaapu, abortion; poki itiiti, child; poki puepue, abortion; poki tamaahine, girl; poki tamaroa, boy; poki titika, legitimate; poki tuahuri; abortion. Churchill.

Poko 1. Fragrant; to smell, to give off a smell: he-poko te eo, it gives off a pleasant smell. 2. To hunt, to catch with a trap, to snare. He-kî e Tori: maaku-á e-ea ki te manu, e-poko i te po i ruga i te opata. Tori said: I shall go and catch birds at night, up on the cliff. 3. Thunder (also hatutiri). 4. (Also: pokopoko.) Hollow, hole, depression, any deep, concave object; to leave in a hole, in a depression. Pokoga, chasm; summit. Pokohata, female rat: kio'e pokohata. Pokopoko, woman bent under the weight of her years: vî'e pokopoko. Vanaga.

1. Sound of the sea; tai poko, breakers. Pokopoko, to slap water. Mgv.: pokokina, resonant, clear-toned. Mq.: poko, to slap the water in imitation of drumming; pokokina, sound of water. 2. Rut, beaten path. P Pau.: poko, hollow; pokopoko, concave, to excavate. Mgv.: poko, to dig, to excavate, to hollow out. Mq.: pokoko, to crack open; pokona, to hollow out, to excavate. Ta.: poópoó, hollow, deep. 3. Infernal; pokoga, hell, infernal cave; topa ki te pokoga, to damn (lit: to go down to hell.) Mq.: pokona, cavity, hole. Churchill.

Pokopoko: 1. Womb. PS Sa.: po'opo'o, clitoris. Mq.: pokopoko, pudendum muliebre. 2. Pokopoko vae, footprints. 3. Concave, deep, ditch, mysterious; pokopoko ihu, nostril (Ta.: poópoó ihu); pokopoko ke, fathomless; pokopoko taheta, concave. Hakapokopoko, to deepen. Chuchill.

Popo Popo: 1. To put something into something else, for instance, stones in a boat before going fishing. 2. To enter, to go in; he-popo-mai kiroto ki te hare, he enters the house. 3. Bundle, bag made of leaves; to make a bundle, a parcel, to leave something in a bundle, a parcel. Pôpo: ball; to make small balls: kete pôpó ki'ea, small basket with balls of coloured earth. Popohaga, to dawn; he-popohaga, dawn breaks (one does not say: i te popohaga, but: i te po-á). Vanaga.

1. Waves which strike one another. P Pau.: po-karakara, to strike the hands together. Mgv.: po-kara, to clap the hands loudly and gently in alternation. Ta.: popo, to clap the hands. 2. To wrap up, to bundle, to preserve, to put in safety. Pau.: hakapopo, to make into a ball. Mgv.: popo, to take care of a fish net. 3. Pau.: popo, ball, sphere. Mgv.: popo, ball. Ta.: popo, id. Mq.: popo, id. Ha.: popo, id. Popohaga, morning; popohaga atatehe, id. Mq.: popoui, id. Popokai (popo 2 - kai 4): hare popokai, store-house. Popopopo, to deteriorate. P Mgv.: popopopo, entirely rotten, decayed. Mq.: popo, worm-eaten, decayed. Poporakau (popo 2 - rakau 2) store, warehouse. Churchill.

Poporo A plant (Solanum forsteri); poporo haha, a sort of golden thistle. Vanaga.

A berry whose juice is mixed with ashes of ti leaves in tattoing. Ta.: oporo, a capsicum plant. The Tahiti oporo is not a degradation of poporo but is the original poro stem augmented by that o which in Tahiti is word-formative in a sense too elusive to find expression in European ideas. Mgv.: poporo, the July season when the leaves fall. Mq.: pororo, dry, arid. Sa.: palolo-mua, July. Ma.: paroro, cloudy weather. Poporohiva, milk thistle. Churchill.

Pora 1. Buoy made of totora reeds formerly used to swim to Motu nui. 2. Large basket for keeping things: he-to'o i te pora kai kiroto ki te ana, he took a basket of food to the cave. Vanaga.

Poraa (po 2 - raa 2) day. Churchill.

Pau.: Kaporapori, a mat. Mgv.: pora, mat, scaffolding of a raft. Mq.: poá, coconut leaves. Sa.: pola, plaited coconut leaves. Ma.: porapora, a mat. Churchill.

Poremo Abstinence. Churchill.
Poro To chip (vt), to nick, to notch; chips, nicks, dents, splits, gaps, breaks; hoe poro, broken knife, with nicks; poroporo, blunt; poroporo hata, nicks or notches on the edge of something. Vanaga.

To notch. PS Sa.: polo, to cut up, to carve. Porohata, to sink into ruin, to crumble; poroieko, to slip, to slide. Churchill.

Pau.: Poro, to proclaim, to call by name. Mgv.: poro, to call, to name. Ta.: poro, to cry, to proclaim. Churchill.

Mgv.: Pororo, the July season when the leaves fall. Mq.: pororo, dry, arid. Sa.: palolo-mua, July. Ma.: paroro, cloudy weather. Churchill.

Poti Boat. Mgv., Mq., Ta.: poti, boat, canoe. The Mgv. tipoti, a small trough, and the Maori poti, a basket, lead Mr. Tregear to the note that this may be not an importation [from English boat]. Churchill.

Mgv.: Potiki, children as the parents' support. Ta.: poti, a young girl. Mq.: poiti, poitii, child. Ma.: potiki, the youngest child. Churchill.

Potu Small stick (toothpick?); extremity or remainder of something. Vanaga.

End, tip. Potupotu, cockroach. Churchill.

Pou See toko.
Pu 1. To come forward to greet someone met on the road; to walk in front, to go in front: ka-pú a mu'a, let them go first. 2. Pú a mu'a, to intervene, to come to someone's rescue; he-pú-mai a mu'a, he-moaha, he came to my rescue and saved my life. 3. Ancient expression: ai ka-pú, ai ka-pú, tell us frankly what you think. 4. Hole, opening, orifice; well; circumference, rotundity; swirling water; pú-haga, vaginal orifice; pú-henua (also just henua), placenta. He pú henua nó te me'e aau, he-oti-á; ina-á me'e ma'u o te rima i-topa-ai koe, a placenta was all you had, it is a past thing now; you held nothing in your hands when you were born (stern words said to children to make them realize that they must not be demanding, since they were born naked and without possessions). 5. To dig out (tubers): he-pú i te uhi, to dig out yams. Vanaga.

1. A trumpet. P Mgv.: pu, a marine shell. Mq.: pu, conch shell. Ta.: pu, shell, trumpet. 2. A small opening, hole, mortise, stirrup, to pierce, to perforate, to prick; pu moo naa, hiding place; taheta pu, fountain, spring; hakapu, to dowel, to pierce, to perforate. PS Sa., Fu., Niuē: pu, a hole. Churchill.

Mq.: Pu, source, origin. Ma.: pu, root, origin, foundation. Churchill.

Pua Pua. 1. A zingiberacea (plant of which few specimens are left on the island). 2. Flower: pua ti, ti flower, pua taro, taro flower, pua maúku pasture flower; pua nakonako, a plant which grows on steep slopes and produce red, edible berries. 3. Pua tariga (or perhaps pu'a tariga), anciently, hoops put in earlobes. 4. The nanue fish when young and tender. Puapua, summit, top, upper part; te puapua o te maúga, the top of the mountain; te puapua kupega, the upper part of a fishing net. Vanaga.

Pu'a. 1. (Modern form of pu'o), to cover up something or oneself, to put on; ka-pu'a te ha'u, put on your hat; ka-pu'a-mai te nua, cover me up with a blanket. 2. To respond to the song of the first group of singers; to sing the antistrophe; he-pu'a te tai. 3. To help; ka-pu'a toou rima ki a Timo ite aga, help Timothy with the work. 4. Pu'a-hare, to help a relative in war or in any need; ka-oho, ka-pu'a-hare korua, ko ga kope, go, give your relative a hand, lads. 5. To speak out in someone's favour; e pu'a-mai toou re'o kia au, speak in my favour, intercede for me. Pu'apu'a, to hit, to beat. Vanaga.

1. Flower, ginger, soap; pua mouku, grass. 2. To grease, to coat with tar, to pitch; pua ei meamea, to make yellow. Puapua, a piece of cloth. Mgv.: pua, a flower, turmeric, starchy matter of the turmeric and hence soap. Mq.: pua, a flower, soap. Ta.: pua, id. Ma.: puapua, cloth wrapped about the arm. Churchill.

Puaka Animal, cattle (but not swine horu); puaka toro, steer; puaka tamaroa, bull; puaka tamaahine, heifer; tiaki puaka, neatherd. P Pau.: puaka, beast, animal. Mgv.: puaka, animal, pig. Mq.: puaka, puaá, id. Ta.: puaá, id. Churchill.
Puaki Pau.: to overflow. Sa.: pua'i, to vomit. Churchill.
Puepue See kaukau.
Puhi 1. To blow; to light a fire; to extinguish, to blow out; he-puhi te umu, to light the fire for the earth oven. 2. To fish for lobsters at night using a bait (but during the day one calls it ); puhiga, night fishing spot. Vanaga.

To blow; puhi mai, to spring up; pupuhi, wind, fan, to blow, puffed up, to blow fresh, to ferment, to swell, to bloat, to spring out, to gush, yeast; pupuhi vai, syringe; pupuhi eve, squirt; pupuhi heenua, volley; pupuhi nunui, cannon; pupuhi nui, swivel gun; ahuahu pupuhi, amplitude; vai pupuhi, water which gushes forth; pupuhihia, to carry on the wind; hakapupuhi, to gush, leaven, volatilize; puhipuhi, to smoke, to smoke tobacco, a pipe. Churchill

Puku 1. To feel an urge to defecate or to urinate, etc.: ku-puku-á te mimi: to need to urinate. 2. Rock, boulder: puku ma'ea; puku oone, hillock, earth mound. 3. Puku tagata, pubis. Puku-ine, to get stuck in the oesophagus (of food). Pukupuku, joints, bones of a joint; pukupuku rima, wrist bones; pukupuku va'e, ankle. Pukuraga, followers, disciples, students. Puku rekoreko is the juicy part between two knots (puku). Vanaga.

1. Puku haga oao, east, east wind. 2. Pubes. T Mgv.: puku, clitoris; pukuhou, the age of puberty; pukutea, a man between 30 and 45. 3. Unripe; puku no, unripe; pukupuku, green, immature. Mgv. puku, to be unripe. Mq.: puku, a fruit which has not yet reached its maturity. 4. To gorge; mahaga puku, to take the bait greedily. PS Sa.: pu'u, to take the whole at one mouthful, to put into the mouth whole. Fu.: pukupuku, to rinse the mouth, to gargle. Niuē: puku, to take into the mouth. Pukuhina, (puku 4), to choke on a fishbone. Pau.: pukua, to choke with a fishbone. Mgv.: pukua, to be suffocated by anything that sticks in the throat. Mq.: pukua, bad deglutition. Ta.: puunena, puufeto, to choke, to gag. Ha.: puua, to be choked, to have something sticking in the throat. Pukupuku; 1. Elbow. G. 2. Wrinkled, knotty, wen, scrofula; gao pukupuku, scrofula. T Pau.: puku, a swelling; pukupuku, a wrinkle, knotty, rough. Mgv.: puku, a knot in the wood; pukupuku, knotted, rough, uneven, lumpy. Mq.: puku, knot in wood, boss, protuberance, tumor, boil; toopuku, toopuu, boil, wart, tumor; pukupuku, wrinkled, knotty. Ta.: puú, boss, protuberance, swelling; puúnono, tumour; puúpuú, wrinkled, knotty. Pukuraga, servant T. Churchill. Rei matapuku, necklace made of coral or of mother-of-pearl. Henry.

Puna Water hole, well (natural or artificial). Vanaga.

Spring, fountain, well. P Pau.: mapunapuna, to bubble, to boil. Churchill.

Puni Year. Makemson.

Puni, punipuni. To become blunt; toki puni, blunt axe. Vanaga.

Punipuni, to dull. Churchill.

Puo (Also pu'a); pu'o nua, one who covers himself with a nua (blanket), that is to say, a human being. Vanaga.

1. To dress, to clothe, to dress the hair; puoa, clothed; puoa tahaga, always dressed. 2. To daub, to besmear (cf. pua 2); puo ei oone, to daub with dirt, to smear. 3. Ata puo, to hill up a plant. Churchill.

Puoko 1. Head; tagata puoko hiohio, hard-headed, opinionated person. 2. Skull (also: pakahera puoko). Vanaga.

Head, skull, crown of a hat; puoko garuru, headache; kiri puoko, scalp. T. Mgv.: upoko, head (men or animals). Mq.: upoko, upoó, head. Ta.: upoó, human head. (Sa.: ulupo'o, skull. To.: uluboko, id. Niuē: ulupoko, id.) Churchill.

Pupa 1. Nest. 2. To be chilled to the marrow: he-pupa i te takeo. Vanaga.
Pura To turn white; glow, brilliance; he-pura te mata, the eyes twinkle (said of someone who looks at something with great interest). Purapura, descendent; koau he purapura o Miru, I am a descendent of the Miru tribe. Pupura, the part of the sugarcane or of the ti plant which is cut off and planted again: pupura tôa, pupura ti. Vanaga.
Pure Cowrie (Cypraea caput draconis); pure vaka, another type of cowrie, which can float on the sea like a diminutive boat (vaka). Vanaga.

1. To pray, to supplicate, invocation, prayer; hare pure, church, chapel; tae pure, irreverence; purega, prayer P Pau., Mgv., Mq., Ta.: pure, to pray. In Samoa, Tonga, Niuē, Futuna, Uvea, pule means to command. 2. A shell T. P Pau.: hakapurepure, to dye, to color. Mq.: pué, the porcelain shell. Ta.: pure, a mark. Purepure, spotted, dappled; ragi purepure, dappled sky. Purepurea, spotted. P Pau.: hakapurepure, to dye, to color. Mgv.: purepure, printed cloth; akapurepure, to paint in different colors. Mq.: puépué, covered with pale scars. Ta.: purepure, spotted, dappled. Churchill.

Pureva, rock, stone (small enough to be thrown by hand). Vanaga. Pureva, to throw a stone. Ta.: Pureva, to be on the eve of going. Ha.: puleva, to float here and there. Churchill.

Pau.: Pure-hiva, a butterfly. Mgv.: pure-rehue, id. Ta.: pure-hua, a moth. Mq.: pure-hua, id. Ma.: pure-hua, id. Churchill.

Raa Sun; day; i te raá nei, today; raá îka, good day for fishing. Vanaga.

1. Sun. 2. Day. 3. Time. 4. Name of sub-tribe. Fischer.

Te manu i te raá = comet. Barthel.

'... The substitution of the sun for the sail, both of which are called ra or raa in Polynesia, is a remarkable feature in Easter Island art ... ' Heyerdahl 3.

1. The sun; raa ea mai, raa puneki, sunrise; raa tini, raa toa, noon. P Mgv., Ta.: ra, the sun. Mq.: a, id. 2. Day, date; a raa nei a, to-day, now; raa i mua, day before. P Mgv., Ta.: ra, a day. Mq.: a, id. Churchill.

'... The chief thus makes his appearance at Lakeba from the sea, as a stranger to the land. Disembarking at the capital village of Tubou, he is led first to the chiefly house (vale levu) and next day to the central ceremonial ground (raaraa) of the island ...' (Islands of History)

Ta.: toraaraa, to raise up. Churchill 2.

Rae First (always follows the noun): te tagata ra'e, the first man; (the other ordinal numerals, second, third, etc., precede the noun. Translator's note: ra'e is likely the noun which means forehead, face, in other Polynesian language, e.g. Tahitian rae). Vanaga.

1. Commencement, beginning, to strike up, to essay, to occasion, to proceed, former, primitive, precedent, predecessor, first-fruits; rae ki te mea hou, to innovate; oho rae, to march at the head; tagata rae, advance guard, van; raega, commencement, beginning, occasion, first-fruits. 2. To attack, to provoke; kakai rae, toua rae, to provoke. Churchill.

Raga 1. To run together, forming small lakes (of rainwater) ku-raga-á te vai. 2. Fugitive (in times of war or persecution); to take refuge elsewhere; to move house; homeless; poki poreko raga, child born while its parents were fugitives. 3. Said of fish swarming on the surface of the sea: he-raga te îka, ku-mea-á te moté, te nanue para..., you can see many fish, fish are swarming, mote, nanue para, etc. Ragaraga: 1. To float on the surface of the sea: miro ragaraga i ruga i te vai kava, driftwood floating on the sea. 2. To move ceaselessly (of people), to pace back and forth (te eve o te tagata); to be restless: e-ragaraga-nó-á te eve o te tagata, the man is nervous, worried, he paces back and forth. 3. E-ragaraga-nó-á te mana'u is said of inconstant, fickle people, who cannot concentrate on one thing: e-ragaraga-nó-á te mana'u o te ga poki; ta'e pahé tagata hônui, ku-noho-á te mana'u ki ruga ki te aga, children are fickle; they are not like serious adults who concentrate their work. Vanaga.

1. Captive, slave, to take captive; hakaraga, to enslave. Mq.: áka, conquered. 2. To banish, to expel, to desert; ragaraga, to send away, to expel; hakaraga, to banish, to drive off. Mq.: áka, wanderer, vagabond. Ragaraga, to float, to fluctuate; eve ragaraga, ennui, to weary. T Mgv.: raga, to swim or float on the surface of the water. Mq.: ána, áka, to float. Churchill.

Sa.: langa, to raise, to rise. To.: langa, to raise up the soil; fakalanga, to raise up. Uvea, Fu.: langa, to raise. Niuē: langa, to rise against; langaaki, to raise up. Nukuoro: langa, to float. Ha.: lana, id. Ma.: ranga, to raise, to cast up. Mgv.: ranga, to float on the surface of water. Pau.: fakaranga, to raise, to lift up. Ta.: toraaraa, to raise up. Mq.: aka, ana, to swim on the surface. Vi.: langa, to be lifted up, said of a brandished club ... Churchill 2.

Ragi Ra'i, T. 1. Sky. 2. Palace. 3. Prince. Henry.

1. Sky, heaven, firmament; ragi moana, blue sky. 2. Cloud; ragipuga, cumulus; ragitea, white, light clouds; ragi poporo, nimbus; ragi hoe ka'i cirrus (literally: like sharp knives); ragi viri, overcast sky; ragi kerekere, nimbus stratus; ragi kirikiri miro, clouds of various colours. 3. To call, to shout, to exclaim. Vanaga.

1. Sky, heaven, firmament, paradise; no te ragi, celestial. 2. Appeal, cry, hail, formula,  to invite, to send for, to notify, to felicitate, precept, to prescribe, to receive, to summon; ragi no to impose; ragi tarotaro, to menace, to threaten; tagata ragi, visitor; ragikai, feast, festival; ragitea, haughty, dominating. 3. Commander. 4. To love, to be affectionate, to spare, sympathy, kind treatment; ragi kore, pitiless; ragi nui, faithful. Churchill.

Modoc, a language used on the northwest coast of North America: 'A single word, lagi, was used both for the chief and for a rich man who possessed several wives, horses, armour made of leather or wooden slats, well-filled quivers and precious firs. In addition to owning these material assets, the chief had to win military victories, possess exceptional spiritual powers and display a gift for oratory.' (The Naked Man)

Raka Smooth, level, polished, without asperities, without roughness; ka raka te aga, let it be a perfect piece of work, with a smooth shape and surface. Vanaga.

Holy, Mgv.: raka, to profane, defiled. Ta.: raa, holy. Ha.: laa, id. Churchill.

Rakau Raau, medicine, remedy, drug. Ra'a'u, scratch on the skin. Rakau, a plant. Râkau, goods, property. Vanaga.

1. Wood; rakau ta, cudgel, stick. P Pau.: rakau, tree, to dress a wound. Mgv.: rakau, wood, timber, a tree; medicine, a remedy; an object. Mq.: ákau, wood, tree. Ta.: raáu, id. 2. Medicine, remedy, potion, ointment, furniture, any precious object, resources, baggage, riches, heritage, dowry, merchandise, treasure, wealth; rakau hakaneinei, purgative; rakau nui, rich, opulent; rakau kore, poor, beggar, indigent, miserable, an inferior; hakakamikami ki te rakau, to impoverish; rakau o te miro, ballast. Mq.: akau, anything in general. The medicine sense is particularized in Tonga, Nukuoro, Hawaii, Tahiti, Mangareva, Paumotu. In no other speech does wood stand so fully for wealth of possessions, but it will be recalled that Rapanui is destitute of timber and depends wholly upon driftwood. Churchill.

Rake Rake, rakerake: 1. Bad, ugly, unjust; to turn nasty (of a situation); ku rakerake-á a haho a te tai, the sea has turned rough. 2. To be abundant: ku rakerake-á te îka, there are lots of fish. Rakerakega, wickedness. Vanaga.

Bad, in its most general sense; patu toona rake, immodest, to expose the person obscenely; rakega, evil, perversity; rakerake, abominable, frightful, low, shocking, culpable, crime, debauchery, dishonor, fault, hideous, ignoble, deformed, illicit, immodest, immoral, impious, irreligious, lascivious, evil, bad, obscene, sinful, ugly; rakerakega, sin, cirme, fault, impiety, iniquity, evil, vice; hakarakerake, causative, to make bad, etc. Pau.: marakerake, afflicted, disconsolate. Churchill.

Rama Torch. Fischer.

T. Torch. Henry.

Rano Volcano; crater and lake of a volcano; i-agataiahi i-hopu-ai i te rano, yesterday I bathed in the lake of the volcano. Vanaga.

In Nuclear Polynesian the sense is specialized, the waters of birth being recorded in Samoa and Futuna, and in every case the word refers to the rinsing off of sea water. To wash away the salt water is not only for appearance sake in the tropical Pacific. The sea has a high degree of salinity and the salt crystals are not only the clearly visible signs of an unkempt habit when they glisten upon the brown skins, but they are uncomfortable as well. This use stamps upon lanu a sense in which the fact that it is fresh water is more prominent than the water sense. Churchill 2.

Raoa Pau.: To choke on a fishbone. Mgv.: roa, a bone stuck in the throat. Ta.: raoa, to choke on a bone. Sa.: laoa, to have something lodged in the throat. Ma.: raoa, to be choked. Churchill.
Rapa 1. To shine; shiny, polished; he-rapa te moai miro, the wooden figurine is shiny, polished. 2. Emblem, badge of timo îka (person entrusted with putting a death spell on an assassin). Rapahago, name of a spirit (akuaku), anciently considered as benevolent; rapahago, a fish. Raparapa, to dazzle; dazzled: he-raparapa te mata. Marîa raparapa, calm, smooth shiny sea. Vanaga.

1. Pau.: rapa, a fool, madness. Ma.: rapa, a familiar spirit. 2. Pau.: rapa, blade of a paddle. Mgv.: raparapahoe, id. Ta.: rapa, id. Mq.: apa, id. Sa.: lapa, flat. Ma.: rapa, flat part of a shovel. 3. Pau.: rapae, a sand-pit. Ta.: rape, arapai, id. 4. Mgv.: rapahou, primipara. Ma.: rapoi, id. 5. Mgv.: raparapa, green. Ta.: rapa, id. 6. Mgv.: raparapa, flat. Ta.: rapa, a flat rock. Sa.: lapalapa, a flat coral. Ma.: raparapa, the flat part of the foot. 7. Ta.: raparapa, square. To.: labalaba, id. Ha.: lapalapa, square (of timber, of a bottle, of a cow yard). Churchill.

Rape A large shrimp the size of a lobster. Vanaga.
Rapu Pau.: fata-rarapu, to dissolve. Mgv.: rapu, to dilute. Ta.: rapu, to mix. Mq.: ápu, to draw water. Churchill.

Ha.: Lapu 1. Ghost ... apparition, phantom, specter; haunted; to haunt; to act as a ghost. Ua lapu ke keiki a kāua ia'u, I have been haunted by our child. Ho'o lapu, to pretend to be a ghost, as children on Hallowe'en. 2. Haunted. Hale lapu, haunted house, not the Halloween variety. Kiliki o lapu, trick or treat. Wehewehe.

Waving (of leafy branches). The Eighth Island.

Rara Mgv.: a branch of a tree. Ta.: rara, id. Mq.: rara, small branches. Sa.: lala, id. Ma.: rara, id. Churchill.
Raro Bottom, bottom end, lower part; when used as a locative adverb, it is preceded by a preposition: a raro, down (lit.: along down); ki raro. downwards; mai raro, upwards (lit.: from down); o raro, lower (lit.: of down). When used with a noun the same preposition is repeated: ki ea-mai mai raro mai te rano, when coming up from the bottom of the crater.

Hé-ara, he-ûi a raro o te vai kava, concentrating, he looked at the sea-bottom. I te ahiahi-ata he garo te raá ki raro ki te vai kava. In the evening the sun disappears under the sea. Gutu raro, lower lip. Ana ká i te umu, he hahei hai rito i raro, when you cook food (lit.: light the oven) you cover it all around with banana leaves at the bottom. Koreha o raro o te oone, earthworm. Manava topa ki raro, humble, to humiliate. Te tagata hau-ha'a i raro, ina ekó ma'u-tako'a i te hauha'a o te kaiga nei ana mate; bienes terrenales cuando muere a rich man in this world world cannot take his earthly belongings with him when he dies. Ariga moe ki raro, to lie flat on the ground. Hakarere ki raro, to put down. Ku-toka-ana te vai i raro i te puna, there is little water left at the bottom of the lake. Hakatopa ki raro, to knock down, to subjugate.

Rau Rau 1. (Also: raupá) leaf of a plant, stem and leaves. 2. Hundred: e tahi te rau, e rua te rau, etc., 100, 200... Also seems to have been used in the meaning of 'many'. Tu'u henua rau, someone who has travelled to many countries (such were called in the 19th century natives who had travelled abroad, employed as sailors). Compare with: tai raurau-á riki. Vanaga.

Rau hei. 1. Branch of mimosa. 2. Killed enemy. 3. Hanged 'fish'. 'Branche du mimosa (signe de mort), ennemie túe (poisson suspendu)' according to Jaussen. Barthel.

Ra'u 1. To take something without the owner's permission; to seize something forcibly. 2. Ra'u maahu, ancient expression, literally: to appropriate the steam (maahu) of the food just taken out of an earth oven. It refers to intruders coming to help themselves uninvited. Warriors off to a battle used to be told: E ra'u maahu no koe, o pagaha'a! meaning: 'Eat little, lest you be heavy (and lose your agility).' Vanaga.

1. Sa.: la'u, to clear off, to carry away; la'u mai, to bring. Uvea: laku, to send, to throw into. Ha.: laulau, a bundle, a bag; a wrapper of a bundle, the netting in which food is carried; lalau, to seize, to catch hold of. 2. To.: lau, lalau, lauji, to pinch with the fingers, to nip. Ha.: lau, to feel after a thing; lalau, to extend (as the hand), to seize, to catch hold of. 3. Sa.: lau, a leaf; lalau, to be in leaf; laulau, a food tray plaited from a coconut leaf, to set out food on such a tray or on a table. To.: lau, lou, a leaf; laulau, a tray. Fu., Uvea, Nuguria: lau, a leaf. Niuē: lau, a leaf; laulau, a table. Ha.: lau, a leaf; laulau, the netting in which food is carried. Ma., Ta., Rarotonga, Rapanui, Paumotu, Nukuoro, Fotuna: rau, a leaf. Mgv.: rau, rou, id. Mq.: au, ou, id. Churchill 2.

Ta.: rauhuru, dry banana leaf. Mq.: auhuu, id. (To.: hulu, leaves dry and dead.) Ha.: lauhulu, banana leaf. Churchill.

Raumati Ta.: To cease raining, to remain fair. Sa.: naumati, dry, arid. Ma.: raumati, summer. Mgv.: noumati, drought, hot weather. Churchill.
Rava 1. Enough, sufficient; ku-rava-á, that's enough, it is sufficient. 2. To be satiated, to be satisfied; ku rava-á te tagata i te kai, the man has eaten his fill. 3. Used very commonly before verbs to express someone much inclined towards this action: tagata rava taûa, quarrelsome person; rava kai, glutton; rava haúru, sleepy-head; rava kî, chatterbox; rava tagi, cry-baby; rava keukeu, hard-working; vara is often used instead of rava. Vanaga.

1. [I have missed to copy this page in Churchill.] 2. To get, to have, to conquer, to gain, to obtain, invasion, to capture, to procure, to recover, to retrieve, to find, to bring back, to profit, to assist, to participate, to prosper; mea meitaki ka rava, to deserve. PS Pau.: rave, to take. Mgv.: rave, to take, to acquire possession. Ta.: rave, to seize, to receive, to take. To.: lava, to achieve, to obtain. Viti: rawā, to obtain, to accomplish ... 3. To know; rava iu, to discern. 4. Large; hakarava, to enlarge, to augment, to add. PS Sa.: lava, large, very. 5. Hakarava, wide, width, across, to put across, yard of a ship, firm; hakarava hakaturu, quadrangular. P Mgv.: ravatua, the shelving ridge of a road, poles in a thatch roof, a ridge. In the Tongafiti speech this appears only in Maori whakarawa to fasten with a latch of bolt ... 6. A prepositive intensive; rava oho, to take root; rava keukeu, to apply oneself; rava ahere, agile, without fixed abode; rava ki, to prattle; rava vanaga, to prate. Mq.: ava, enough, sufficient. 7. Hakarava, gummy eyes, lippitude. 8. Hakarava omua to come before, precede.

Ravagei, to prattle. Ravahaga, capture. Ravaika, to fish. Mgv.: raveika, a fisherman. Mq.: avaika, avaiá, id. Ravakai (ravekai), glutton, insatiable; tae ravekai, frugal. Ravakata (ravakakata), jovial, merry. Ravaki, to prattle, to tell stories, loquacious, narrator, orator, eloquent, to boast, to speak evil, to defame, slander, gossip. Ravapeto, to blab, to speak evil. Ravapure, fervent, earnest. Ravavae, invention. Ravatere, to scare away. Neku ravatotouti, agile. Ravavanaga, loquacious, garrulous, to tell stories, narration. Churchill.

Ta.: raverave, a servant, to serve. Ha.: lawelawe, to wait on the table, to serve. Churchill.

Rave Ta.: Rave, to take. Sa.: lavea, to be removed, of a disease. To.: lavea, to bite, to take the hook, as a fish. Fu.: lave, to comprehend, to seize. Niuē: laveaki, to convey. Rar.: rave, to take, to receive. Mgv: rave, to take, to take hold; raveika, fisherman. Ma.: rawe, to take up, to snatch. Ha.: lawe, to take and carry in the hand. Mq.: ave, an expression used when the fishing line is caught in the stones. Churchill 2.
Re Pau.: victory. Ta.: re, prize in any contest, prey. Mgv.: Re-mai, to emerge from prison, to recover from illness, delivered from evil. Mq.: ee, to go, to escape. Sa.: lele, to go out (of the passing soul). Ha.: lele, to depart (of the spirit). Churchill.
Rega Ancient word, apparently meaning 'pretty, beautiful'. It seems to have been used also to mean 'girl' judging from the nicknames given young women: rega hopu-hopu. girl fond of bathing; rega maruaki, hungry girl; rega úraúra, crimson-faced girl. Vanaga.

Pau.: rega, ginger. Mgv.: rega, turmeric. Ta.: rea, id. Mq.: ena, id. Sa.: lega, id. Ma.: renga, pollen of bulrushes. Churchill.

Rehau Head ornament of women's hair. Churchill.
Rehu 1. Dust. P Mgv.: rehu, a cinder, coal, ashes. Mq.: éhuahi, ashes. Ta.: rehu, ashes, soot, any powder. 2. To omit, to forget, to faint. Rehurehu, to omit, omission, lost to sight. Hakarehu, to surprise. Rehua, unintelligible. Churchill.

Mgv.: rehurehu, from early dawn to mid morning. Ta.: rehurehu, twilight. Mq.: ehuehu, id. Churchill.

Mq.: ehu, to fall in bits. Ma.: rehu, to split off in chips. Ehua, Ehuo, a large constellation. Ma.: rehua, a star or planet, probably Jupiter. Churchill.


1. To tread, to trample on: rei kiraro ki te va'e. 2. (Used figuratively) away with you! ka-rei kiraro koe, e mageo ê, go away, you disgusting man. 3. To shed tears: he rei i te mata vai. 4. Crescent-shaped breast ornament, necklace; reimiro, wooden, crescent-shaped breast ornament; rei matapuku, necklace made of coral or of mother-of-pearl; rei pipipipi, necklace made of shells; rei pureva, necklace made of stones. 5. Clavicle. Îka reirei, vanquished enemy, who is kicked (rei). Vanaga. T. 1. Neck. 2. Figure-head. Rei mua = Figure-head in the bow. Rei muri = Figure-head in the stern. Henry.

Mother of pearl; rei kauaha, fin. Mgv.: rei, whale's tooth. Mq.: éi, id. This is probably associable with the general Polynesian rei, which means the tooth of the cachalot, an object held in such esteem that in Viti one tooth (tambua) was the ransom of a man's life, the ransom of a soul on the spirit path that led through the perils of Na Kauvandra to the last abode in Mbulotu. The word is undoubtedly descriptive, generic as to some character which Polynesian perception sees shared by whale ivory and nacre. Rei kauaha is not this rei; in the Maori whakarei designates the carved work at bow and stern of the canoe and Tahiti has the same use but without particularizing the carving: assuming a sense descriptive of something which projects in a relatively thin and flat form from the main body, and this describes these canoe ornaments, it will be seen that it might be applied to the fins of fishes, which in these waters are frequently ornamental in hue and shape. The latter sense is confined to the Tongafiti migration. Reirei, to trample down, to knead, to pound. Pau.: Rei-hopehopega, nape. Churchill.

Reiga Mg. Reiga, Spirit leaping-place. At Mangaia the spirits of those who ignobly died 'on a pillow' wandered about disconsolately over the rocks near the margin of the sea until the day appointed by their leader comes (once a year). Many months might elapse ere the projected departures of the ghost took place. This weary interval was spent in dances and revisiting their former homes, where the living dwell affectionately remembered by the dead. At night fall they would wander amongst the trees and plantations nearest to these dwellings, sometimes venturing to peep inside. As a rule these ghosts were well disposed towards their own living relatives; but often became vindictive if a pet child was ill-treated by a stepmother or other relatives etc. Eventually the spirits would depart from known reinga, spirit leaping-places. Such leaping-places also existed on other islands. Even after this departure some spirit intrusions from the underworld were possible. Oral Traditions.

Far away, the Mangaians of old (Austral Islands, Polynesia), who kept the precessional clock running instead of switching over to 'signs', claim that only at the evening of the solstitial days can spirits enter heaven, the inhabitants of the northern parts of the island at one solstice, the dwellers in the south at the other. Hamlet's Mill.

Rekoreko 1. The softer, juicier part of the sugarcane; puku rekoreko is the juicy part between two knots (puku). 2. Straight, directly, as used in the expression ka-oho rekoreko-nó koe, go straight home (without a detour, without taking anything on the way). Vanaga.
Repa Youngster; also used instead of repahoa. Repahoa friend. Vanaga.

Repa hoa, male friend, intimate, comrade, fellow student; repa hoa titika, trusty friend. Churchill.

Repureva Neck ornament of women made of shells strung on hair G. Churchill.
Rere To jump; to run; to fly. Rere-taúra, to carry a child astride on one's shoulder: ku rere-taúra-á i te poki e te matu'a ki te gao, the mother carries her child astride her neck. Vanaga.

1. To fly, to run, to leap, to scale, to be carried away by the wind; ika rere, flying fish; rere aruga, to rebound; hetuu rere, meteor, flying star. Hakarere, to leap. P Pau.: rere, to soar, to fly; fakarere, to precede. Mgv., Ta.: rere, to fly, to leap. 2. To come, to reach to. Mq.: éé mai, to come. 3. To swerve, to deviate. (4. Hakarere, to cease, desist, postpone, quit, vacation; tae hakarere, perseverance. Mq.: rere, to disappear. 5. Hakarere, to save, preserve, put, place, reserve, burden, destine. 6. Hakarere, to abandon, forsake, give up, depose, expose, leave, omit, abjure, repudiate; hakarere ki te hau, uncover the head; hakarere ki te vie, to divorce, hakarere ki raro, to put down, tooa te kiko e ivi i hakarere, to strip off the flesh. Mq.: éé, to run away, to escape. 7. Hakarere? Ikapotu hakarere, to abut, to adjoin; e tahi hakarere, synonym.) Churchill.

Vi.: Lele, the end of a branch farthest from the body of a tree; leletha, to bend a branch in order to gather the fruit on it. Churchill 2.

In the present phase of Polynesian lele so much means to fly that the plainest way of particularizing birds is to describe them as the flying animals, manulele. But to manifest that flight, an exercise or balancing of wings, was by no means the primordial sense, for how could that give rise to a description of water in the water-courses? It will be no end to mass the several significations which lele exhibits ... Flight of birds ... Wind drive ... Meteors ... To leap ... To run ... Flow of water ... To swim ... To sail ... These several activities are exercised in earth, air, and water. The common factor is the swift motion. The means of motion cut no figure. It is an invisible means in the driving of the wind, the flash of the meteor silent athwart the sky on its lethal errand, the slip and slide of the stream in its deep course, the set of the sea, the gliding of the canoe upon its surface. Churchill 2.

Rerorero 1. To write, to draw; rerorero i te igoa, to sign. 2. To rape. Vanaga.

To crush, to bruise. Churchill.

Reva To hang down; flag, banner. Revareva, 1. To be hanging vertically; to detach oneself from the background of the landscape, such a person standing on top of a hill: ku-revareva-á te tagata i ruga i te maúga. 2. To cast itself, to project itself (of shadows); revareva-á te kohu o te miro i te maeha o te mahina, the shadow of the tree casts itself in the light of the moon. 3. Uvula. Vanaga.

To hang, to suspend, flag, banner; hakareva, to hang up; hakarereva, to hang up, to balance; hakarevareva, to wave. T Pau.: reva, a flag; fakarevareva, to hang up, to suspend. Mgv.: reva, a flag, a signal. Mq.: éva, to hang up, to be suspended, to wave a signal. Ta.: reva, a flag, banner; revareva, to wave. The germ sense is that of being suspended ... any light object hung up in the island air under the steady tradewind will flutter; therefore the specification involved in the wave sense is no more than normal observation. Churchill.

Mgv.: 1. A plant. Ta.: reva, id. Mq.: eva, id. Sa.: leva, id. Ma.: rewa-rewa, id. 2. To cross, to pass across quickly; revaga, departure. Ta.: reva, to go away, to depart. Ma.: reva, to get under way. Churchill.

Ta.: The firmanent, atmosphere. Ha.: lewa, the upper regions of the air, atmosphere, the visible heavens. Churchill.

Ri 1. Mgv.: ri, a string, a girdle, to tie together. Sa.: li, the sennit lashing of canoe outriggers. Mgv.: rino, to twist a thread between the forefinger and thumb. Ta.: nino, to twist, to spin. Mq.: nino, id. Ma.: rina, a twist of two or three strands. 2. Ta.: ri, to hang. Ha.: li, to hang by the neck. Hakariga, to subdue. Churchill.

A very detailed myth comes from the island of Nauru. In the beginning there was nothing but the sea, and above soared the Old-Spider. One day the Old-Spider found a giant clam, took it up, and tried to find if this object had any opening, but could find none. She tapped on it, and as it sounded hollow, she decided it was empty.


By repeating a charm, she opened the two shells and slipped inside. She could see nothing, because the sun and the moon did not then exist; and then, she could not stand up because there was not enough room in the shellfish. Constantly hunting about she at last found a snail. To endow it with power she placed it under her arm, lay down and slept for three days. Then she let it free, and still hunting about she found another snail bigger than the first one, and treated it in the same way. Then she said to the first snail: 'Can you open this room a little, so that we can sit down?' The snail said it could, and opened the shell a little. Old-Spider then took the snail, placed it in the west of the shell, and made it into the moon. Then there was a little light, which allowed Old-Spider to see a big worm.


At her request he opened the shell a little wider, and from the body of the worm flowed a salted sweat which collected in the lower half-shell and became the sea. Then he raised the upper half-shell very high, and it became the sky. Rigi, the worm, exhausted by this great effort, then died. Old-Spider then made the sun from the second snail, and placed it beside the lower half-shell, which became the earth. Larousse.


Ta.: iki, iini, to pour, to spill. Sa.: ligi, liligi, id. Ma.: ringi, riringi, id. Ta.: ninii, id. Pau.: riringi, id. Churchill.

Riha Slow, tardy. Mgv.: ria, id. Mq.: , id. Ta.: riha, id. Rihariha: 1. Feeble, cooked too much. 2. Greedy. Mq.: ihaiha, gorged, stomach filled to repletion. Churchill.
Riko Mgv.: ririko, to shine, to glitter. Ma.: riko, to dazzle, to flash. Churchill.
Riku To grow in abundance; he-riku te rokia, the grass grows thickly. Vanaga.

A light green fern , whose roots were eaten in times of famine. Barthel 2.

Vine (fern) T. Churchill.

Rima 1. Hand, also, but improperly, fingers, forearm; te ko mu'a o te rima, palm of the hand; te ko tu'a o te rima, back of the hand; rima hakaturu, generous, liberal, munificent; tagata rima pu'a, helper; rima hakakau, generous hands, open-handed person; rima matu'a neanea, thumb. 2. Fifth; e-rima, ka-rima, five. Vanaga.

1. Five. P Mgv., Ta.: rima, id. Mq.: ima, id. 2. Arm, hand; rima atakai, obliging, kind, generous, a gift, rima tuku, elbow, rima omo, infidelity, faithless, unfaithful, rima o te kahu, sleeve, kakari rima, wrist. P Pau.: rima, hand, arm. Mgv.: rima, hand, arm, paw, finger. Mq.: ima, hand, arm. Ta.: rima, arm, hand, finger. Rimahakaviriviri, fist, to clench the fist, a blow of the fist. Rimahati, one-armed. Rima ko manaroa, little finger T. Rimamatua neanea, thumb. Rimaroaroa tahaga, middle finger T. Rimatitiri, to walk with the hands behind the back. Rimaruru, to clasp hands. Rimatuhi henna (?) index finger T. Rimatuhi a hana, finger ring T (? ring finger). 3. To lead into error; rimaetua, supernatural, Mq.: imaima, that which returns after a man's death, Ta.: rimaatua, plague, dissension, mortal illness. Churchill.

Riri 1. Angry, to get angry. 2. Figuratively, to show determination in one's work, to be thorough in work; e-riri koe ana aga, ana keukeu, be thorough when working, when farming. Vanaga.

Animosity, ill-will, spite, strength T, anger, to disapprove; manava riri, wrath; ririhaga, animosity; hakariri, to shock, to displease, to be rude. P Pau.: riri, anger, spite, vexation. Mgv.: riri, to be angry, to hate, to do with violence. Mq.: riri, íí, anger, force, fury, energy, ardor, faculty, strength. Ta.: riri, anger, spite, offense, to displease. Churchill.

Ririo Mgv.: ririo, to close up (of dry leaves), to waste away (of men). Ta.: ririo, dried up, shrunk. Churchill.
Rite Hakarite, color, species, class, mode, equality, condition, manner, proportion, sort, figure; even, regular; to align, to assimilate, to simulate, to compare, to be equal, to imitate; tae hakarite, unequal, unfair, inequality, irregular; hakarite koe, unequal, unfair, incomparable; hakarite ke, difference, diversity, unequal, singular, variety, extraordinary, fantastic; e tahi hakarite, thus, so, as, as much, as many, equal, uniform, to resemble, to look like; ariga hakarite, to look like; niho hakarite, regular teeth. Hakaritega, comparison, agreement, parallel, likeness, similitude. T Ma.: rite, like. Ha.: like, id. Raro.: arite, alike, resembling. Churchill.
Riu Song which may be good and decent (rîu rivariva), or bad and indecent (rîu rakerake); the term rîu is often used for serious, sad songs: rîu tagi mo te matu'a ana mate, sad song for the death of a father. Vanaga.

Sa.: liu, liliu, to turn, to go backward and forward. To.: liu, liuliu, to return. Fu.: liliu, to return, to go over or come back. Niuē: liu, liliu, to turn, change, return. Uvea: liliu, to turn, to return. Ma.: ririu, to pass by. Ta.: riuriu, to go around in a circle. Mgv.: akariu, to come and go. Vi.: lia, to transform, to metamorphose. Churchill 2.

Riva 1. Good (in general). 2. To be well, healthy: e-rivariva koe, keep well. 3. To treat someone well; to put something in order: aana-á peaha e-rivariva nei, perhaps that's him himself who keeps it in good order like this. 4. Kindness: te rivariva o te Atua mo tatou, God's kindness for us. 5. Usefulness, advantage, good; mo ai te rivariva? ta'e mooku, moona-á for whose good is it? not mine, but his. 6. Possible; ana rivariva, if possible; ekó rivariva, impossible. 7. Ironically: ku-rivariva-ana ó? is that good? (of course not). Rivarivaga, good thing, good luck; ana ta'e hakarogo-mai korua ki taaku kî, ina ekó rava'a te rivarivaga e korua, if you do not listen to my words you will not have good luck. Rivariva-haga, good, benefit; to turn out well (a song, a piece of work, etc. Vanaga.

Calm, modesty, health; to satisfy, to restore, to convert; tae riva, coarse, imperfect, uncertain, inconvenient, inconsistent, unseemly, inefficacious, inopportune, insignificant, dishonest, filthy; noho tae riva, indecent; riva ke, to make famous; riva maoa, correct; riva mo tere, navigable; riva atu, progress; riva kia ku, interest; riva no iti, convalescence; mea riva, seemly; vanaga tae riva, confused speech; ina kai riva, uncertain; e ko riva, incurable. Rivaga, goodness, quality; rivaga ke, wonderful, marvelous. Rivariva, neatness, effect, seasonableness, magnificence, excellence, curiosity, elegance, loyalty, good, well, neat, handsome, charming, decent, delicate, excellent, flourishing, exquisite, good looking, commendable, loyal, magnificent, majestic, opportune, reasonable, affable, pious, agreeable, pleasing, holy; tae rivariva, dishonesty, illegal, unworthy; igoa tae rivariva, nickname; rivariva ke, illustrious, better, best, precious, remarkable; tagata rivariva, devout; rivariva atu, to excel; mea rivariva, to delight, to deserve; hakatu rivariva, fine appearance; rivariva maitai, good; rivariva noa, moral, perfect, precious, rich. Rivarivaga, perfection; rivarivaga ke, pomp. Hakariva, happiness, attention, operation; to be happy, to rejoice, to make famous, to govern, to rule, to operate, to adorn, to cure; rara hakariva, to intermeddle. Hakarivaga, joy, gladness. Hakarivariva, deliberation, explanation, judgment, justification, admonition, agreement, paraphrase, process, receipt, petition for pardon, reparation, resolution, restoration, condemnation; to condemn, to correct, to judge, to set in order, to organize, to refute, to govern, to administer, to arrange, to assign, to complete, to compose, to deliberate, to develop, to explain, to justify, to adjust to, to accomodate, to plead, to prepare, to resolve, to retrace, to simplify, to care for, to stipulate, to convert, to verify, to translate, to tell a story, to moralize, to plot, to join, to reason, to remedy, to preach, to sharpen, to make ready, to avow, to conciliate, to free of difficulties, to clear away, to inquire, to intervene, to smooth, to traffic, to mitigate, to gormandize; hakarivariva ki toona reoreo, to drive mad; hakarivariva ki te kahu, toilet; tagata hakarivariva, arbiter, umpire, interpreter. Hakarivarivaiho, to modify, to renew, to rectify, to reform. Churchill.

Ro 1. Of, concerning. 2. Yet, nevertheless, still; kakore ro, our; ka kikiu ro, to importune (? no). Churchill.
Roa Long: haga roa, long bay, wide beach; ara roa râkei, wide, neat path. Roaroa, long, tall, far, distant: tagata roaroa, tall man; kaiga roaroa, distant land; roaroa tahaga, middle finger. Vanaga.

Long, large, extent; roaroa, to grow, height; mea roaroa, a long while; roaroa tahaga, middle finger; roaroa ke, infinite (time and space); roroa, far, distant, thin, to grow tall; tagata roroa, giant; roroa ke, immense; arero roroa, to rapport, to tell; vanaga roroa, to chatter, babbler; vare roroa, driveller; hakaroa, to lengthen, to defer; hakaroaroa, to lengthen, to develop; hakaroroa, to extend, prolong, defer, lengthen; roaga, distance, extent, size, length, distant, long. Churchill.

Rogo Rogorogo: Originally, 'orators, bards' of Mangareva. Borrowed into the Rapanui language in 1871, it came to generically signify the wooden tablets incised with glyphs, the writing system itself, and the respective inscriptions. Earlier the term ta was used for the writings. Fischer.

Mgv.: rogouru, ten. Mq.: onohuu, okohuu, id. Churchill.

Roha Mgv.: roha, the corner of a house. Mq.: oha, koha, a transverse joist to brace the rafters. Ha.: loha, the trimming of the corners and ridges of a house. Churchill.
Roki Pau.: roki, a bed. Mgv.: roki, bed, sleeping-place. Ta.: roi, bed. Mq.: oki, sleeping-place. Sa.: lo'i, pigsty. Churchill.
Roko Ma.: The deity Rongo: Ka ki atu a Tu raua ko Roko ki a Rehua. Rokohaga, to be overtaken or come upon; to be reached: Rokohanga e te ponga, rere noa atu, Ka rokohanga hoki e te uranga mai o te manuhiri nei. Cf. rongo, to hear, to feel, to smell, &c.; tidings, report. 2. To be remedied: He mate kai e rokohanga, he mate anu ekore e roko hanga. Text Centre.
Rona Figure made of wood, or stone, or painted, representing a bird, a birdman, a lizard, etc. Vanaga.

Drawing, traction. Pau.: ronarona, to pull one another about. Churchill.

While the rongorongo signs (rona) are generally 'carved out, incised' (motu), ta implies an incision ('cutting, beating') as well as the process of applying signs to the surface with the aid of a dye ... RAP. rona means primarily 'sign' (an individual sign in the Rongorongo script or a painted or carved sign made on a firm background, such as a petroglyph), but also 'sculpture' (made from wood or stone, representing animals of hybrid creatures) ... rona (lona) implies the idea of 'maintaining a straight line' with ropes and nets and also the maintaining of a steady course (in MAO. and TUA.).

Te Rona is the name of a star in TUA., which Makemson (1941:251) derives from the mythical figure of 'Rona', who is connected with the moon and is considered to be the father of (the moon goddess) Hina (for this role in MAO., see Tregear 1891:423).

From west Polynesia come totally different meanings. Interesting perhaps is FIJ. lona, 'to wonder what one is to eat, fasting for the dead.' ... Barthel 2

Roro Head, skull, brain. T Pau.: taka-roro, headache. Mgv.: roro, the head, the cranium, milk, coconut milk. Mq.: roro, óó, brains. Ta.: roro, id. There are three senses in this word ... 1. Coconut milk, as in Mangareva, a Proto-Samoan signification; note that coconut milk employed by writers who know the South Sea does not mean the natural water within the nut, which is limpid, but is a tincture obtained by maceration of the bruised kernel, which is white and heavy and thickens to a custardy consistency when cooked. 2. The Tongafiti sense is the brain, palpably the soft contents of the calvarium, sometimes very soft indeed; this sense is lacking to Mangareva but is found in Rapanui. 3. A designation of the hard part of the head, found only in Mangareva and Rapanui, so violently sundered from the germ sense underlying 1 and 2 as to indicate confusion with a stem of similar form but diverse meaning. Churchill.

Mgv.: Roroi, to milk, to squeeze or press with the hands. Mq.: oi, to milk, to knead, to dilute. Sa.: loloi, taro kneaded with coconut water. Ma.: roroi, to grate to a pulp. Churchill.

Roto 1. Inside. 2. Lagoon (off the coast, in the sea). 3. To press the juice out of a plant; taheta roto pua, stone vessel used for pressing the juice out of the pua plant, this vessel is also just called roto. Roto o niu, east wind. Vanaga.

1. Marsh, swamp, bog; roto nui, pond; roto iti, pool. 2. Inside, lining; o roto, interior, issue; ki roto, within, into, inside, among; mei roto o mea, issue; no roto mai o mea, maternal; vae no roto, drawers. Churchill.

Ana-roto. Spica.

Rotu To throng, to flock, to crowd, used of people gathering in great numbers for a feast, for mourning, for working, etc. he-rotu, he-tatagi, the mourners are flocking together; he-rotu i te umu, they are crowding around the earth oven; he-rotu, he aga, they come to work in throngs. Roturotu, to clap hand, to applaud. Vanaga.

Roturotu: 1. To clap, to wink. PS Pau.: rotu, to strike the water. Mgv: rotu, to beat the sea in order to frighten fish into a net, to beat a drum. Mq.: ótu, to drive fish into the seine. Ta.: rotu, to strike. Sa.: lotu, to make a hollow sound in the water with the hand. 2. To take to pieces. Churchill.

Rou Fishhook, distinct from the magai for being more open. Vanaga.

1. Rou meamea, feather. 2. A stick with a crook, a hook. Mgv.: rou, a forked pole with which to gather breadfruit. Mq.: óu, id. Ta.: rou, id. Churchill.

Ru A chill, to shiver, to shudder, to quake; manava ru, groan. Ruru, fever, chill, to shiver, to shake, to tremble, to quiver, to vibrate, commotion, to apprehend, moved, to agitate, to strike the water, to print; manava ruru, alarm; rima ruru, to shake hands. P Pau.: ruru, to shake, to tremble. Mgv.: ru, to shiver with cold, to shake with fever, to tremble. Mq.: ú, to tremble, to quiver. Ta.: ruru, to tremble. Churchill.

Mgv.: eager, in haste, impatient. Ta.: ru, impatience, haste. Churchill.

Ruru, to tremble, an earthquake. Sa.: lūlū, lue, to shake. To.: luelue, to roll; lulu, to shake. Fu.: lulū, to tremble, to shake, to agitate. Niuē: luelue, to shake; lūlū, to shake, to be shaken. Nuguria: ruhe, motion of the hands in dancing; luhe henua, an earthquake. Uvea, Ha.: lu, lulu, lululu, to shake, to tremble, to flap. Fotuna: no-ruruia, to shake. Ma.: ru, ruru, to shake, an earthquake. Ta., Rarotonga, Rapanui, Pau.: ruru, to shake, to tremble. Mgv.: ru, to tremble; ruru, to shake. Mq.: uu, to shake the head in negation; uuuu, to shake up. Uvea: ue i, to shake; ueue, to move. Rapanui: ueue, to shake. Churchill 2.

Rua 1. Two; second; other (precedes the noun); te rua paiga, the other side. 2. Hole, grave; holes in the rocks or between the rocks of the coastal lagoons; he keri i te rua, to dig a hole. 3. To vomit. Vanaga.

1. Two. P Mgv., Ta.: rua, id. Mq.: úa. 2. Nausea, seasickness, to vomit, disgust; hakarua, to vomit, to spew. PS Mgv.: aruai, ruai, to vomit. Mq.: úa, id. Ta.: ruai, id. Pau.: ruaki, id. Sa.: lua'i, to spit out of the mouth; lulua, to vomit. To.: lua to vomit. Fu.: lulua, luaki, id. Niuē: lua, id. Viti: lua, id.; loloa, seasick. 3. Cave, hollow, ditch, pit, hole, beaten path, grave; rua papaka, a ditch. P Pau.: rua, a hole. Mgv.: rua, a hole in the ground, ditch, trench. Mq.: úa, dish, hole, cavern. Ta.: rua, hole, opening, ditch. Churchill.

Ta.: ruahine, an old woman. Ma.: ruahine, id. Ta.: ruaroa, tropic of Capricorn. Mq.: uaoa, a constellation, the eleventh month. The sense in Tahiti is probably that of some constellation which may be used to determine the position. Ta.: ruau, an old man, an old woman. Ha.: luau, a parent. Churchill.

Ruga Upper part, higher part; when used as a locative adverb, it is preceded by a preposition: i ruga, above, on; ki ruga, upwards, mai ruga, from above. When used with a noun the same preposition is repeated: he-ea te vî'e Vakai, he-iri ki ruga ki te Ahu ruga, the woman Vakai went, she climbed Ahu Runga. Ruga nui, high, elevated, lofty: kona ruga nui, high place, elevated position, high office; mana'u ruga nui, elevated thoughts. Vanaga.

High up; a ruga, above; ki ruga, on, above, upon; ma ruga, above; o ruga, upper; kahu o ruga, royal (sail); ruga iho, celestial. Hakaruga, to accumulate, to draw up. P Pau., Mgv.: ruga, above. Mq.: úna, úka, id. Ta.: nua, nia, id. Churchill.

Ruku (Also rukuruku): To dive; to fish underwater; diving; i-turu-era au ki tai, he-ûi koai te tagata era, e-ruku-mai-era i te îka, i te ura, as I went down to the sea, I saw who those people were, who were fishing underwater for fish and lobsters. Vanaga.

To bathe, to immerse, to swim face down, to dive, to leap into the water from a height. Hakaruku, to cover with water, to immerse, to submerge, to moisten, to wash, to drink. P Mgv.: ruku, to dive, to plunge. Mq.: úku, to dive, to immerse. Churchill.

Runu To take, to grab with the hand; to receive, to welcome someone in one's home. Ko Timoteo Pakarati ku-runu-rivariva-á ki a au i toona hare, Timoteo Pakarati received me well in his house. Runurunu, iterative of runu: to take continuously, to collect. Vanaga.

1. To pluck, to pick, a burden. 2. A substitute; runurunu, a representative. Churchill.

Rupe Ta.: a pigeon. Mq.: upe, id. Sa.: lupe, id. Ma.: rupe, id. Churchill.

Ha.: lupe, a kite; lupe-a-keke, the sea-egle. Sa., Fak., lupe, pigeon. Ta.: rupe, id.; rupo-rupo, be giddy, to reel, stagger. Fiji, rube, to hang up, suspend ... Fornander.

Rutu 1. To read, to recite, to pronounce words solemnly; he-rutu i te kohau motu, to read the rongorongo tablets; hare rutu rogorogo mo hakama'a ki te ga poki ite kai, i te rogorogo, rongorongo school, house in which children were taught reading and writing the rongorongo signs. 2. To pelt with stones. 3. To gather in great numbers (of people). Vanaga.

Sound. Rutu-rongorongo = the sound of recitation. Barthel.

T. Beat. Henry.

To recite; tae rutu, irreverence. Churchill.

Pau.: rutu, a drum. Mgv.: rutu, to beat, to cause to resound. Ta.: rutu, a drum, to drum. Mq.: utu, to drum. Sa.: lutu, to shake a rattle. Churchill.

Ta OR. Write, writing. The name of writing before the term rongorongo in 1871 became current. Fischer.

1. To tattoo ( = tatú), to tattoo pictures on the skin, also: he-tá ite kona, tá-kona. 2. To weave (a net): he-tá i te kupega. 3. To shake something, moving it violently up and down and from one side to the other; he-tá e te tokerau i te maga miro, the wind shakes the branches of the trees; also in the iterative form: e-tá-tá-ana e te tokerau i te tôa, the wind continuously shakes the leaves of the sugarcane. 4. To pull something up suddenly, for instance, an eel just caught, dropping it at once on a stone and killing it: he-tá i te koreha. Tá-tá-vena-vena, ancient witching formula. Vanaga.

1. Of. 2. This, which. 3. Primarily to strike: to sacrifice, to tattoo, to insert, to imprint, to write, to draw, to copy, to design, to color, to paint, to plaster, to note, to inscribe, to record, to describe, number, letter, figure, relation; ta hakatitika, treaty; ta igoa, sign; ta ki, secretary; ta kona, to tattoo; ta vanaga, secretary. Churchill.

... the root ta through its long series of known combinations carries a strongly featured sense of action that is peripheral, centrifugal, and there seems to be at least a suspicion of the further connotation that the action is exerted downward ... The secondary sense of cutting will easily be seen to be a striking with a specialized implement, and we find this sense stated without recognition of the primal striking sense only in Mangareva, Nukuoro, Viti, and Malekula. In Indonesia this secondary sense is predominant, although Malagasy ta may come somewhat close to the striking idea ... Churchill 2.

Tae 1. Negation used in conditional and temporal clauses: ana ta'e hoa te ûa, ina he vai, when it does not rain, there is no water. Also used with some verbal forms such as: o te aha koe i-ta'e-oho mai-ai? why didn't you come? Otherwise its use is limited to adjectives or verbal adjectives: tagata ta'e hupehupe, person who is not weak, hard worker; nohoga ta'e oti, endless existence, eternity. 2. Interjection expressing admiration, always used with he: ta'e he tagata! what a man! Ta'e he aga! what a great job! Ta'e he tagata koe mo keukeu i te henua! what a good farmer you are! Vanaga.

1. Prepositive negative: without, not, none. PS To.: tae, prepositive negative. 2. To remain; tae atu ki, as far as, until. Taehaga (tae 1), to shake the head in sign of negation, reluctant, to disdain, to be displeased. 3. Pau.: tae, to arrive. Mgv.: tae, id. Ta.: tae, id. Ma.: tae, id. 4. Pau.: taetae, elephantiasis in scroto. Ta.: taetae, ill, illness. Churchill.

Taga 1. Act, business, anecdote; taga poki, anecdote, nonsense, story, puerile, childish. 2. Sack. PS Sa., Fu., Niuē, Viti: taga, a bag. To.: taga, the colon; tagai, a sack. Churchill.
Tagata Man; human being in general; the plural is gagata. Vanaga.

Man, mankind; tagata ke, some one else; tagata no, nation. P Pau.: tagata, man. Mgv.: tagata, man or woman. Mq.: enata, enana, kenana, man. Ta.: taata, id. Tagataa, incarnate. Tagatahaga, human, humanity. Churchill.

Tagi To cry, to weep, to moan; tatagi, to cry much; to cry loudly: he-tagi te karaga; tagata rava, tagi karaga, bawling, vociferous person. Vanaga.

To cry, to bark, to mew, to bawl, to whine, to ring, to wail, to prattle, to weep, lamentation, condolence, to regret, to affect, to wish, to will, to choose, earnestness; tae tagi, inhuman, insensible, to refuse, to renounce; tagi kiukiu, ring of a bell; tagi rakerake, to wish one ill; tagi kore, indifferent; manava tagi, to affect; hakatagi, to cause to weep, to make resound, to ring; tagitagi, to covet; tatagi, cry mourning, grief, lamentation, to groan, to weep, to be affected, to grow tender; tatagi tahaga, inconsolable; tatagihaga, friendship. Churchill.

Taha To lean; to go down (of the sun in the evening).  Taha-taha. 1. Side, edge; shore: taha-taha tai. 2. To move from side to side (of a boat), to swing. Vanaga.

1. To bend, sloping, to go hither and thither, to evade; ki taha, near; taha ke, to go in different directions; tahataha, frontier, horizon; hiriga tahataha, to cross, to go across; hakataha, to divert, to turn away, to go aside, to be on one side, to dodge, to shun, oblique, to incline the head, to turn over on another side, to avoid, to subject; mata hakataha, to consider; tae hakataha, immovable. 2. To tear. PS Mgv.: tahataha, to cut into pieces. Sa., To., Fu.: tafa, to cut, to gash. Viti: tava, id. Churchill.

Moe tahae, to be a light sleeper. Tahatai (taha 1 - tai), littoral, coast, shore; tahatahatai, coast. Churchill.

Tahaga Adverb: without any particular reason, just like that. Vanaga.

1. Only, solely, alone, wholly, without stopping, always, quite, a sort of superlative; noho tahaga, bachelor, keukeu tahaga, to go without stopping; topa tahaga, quite unexpected; puoa tahaga, always clad; nui tahaga, to superabound; tatagi tahaga, inconsolable; roaroa tahaga, middle finger (the longest); tahaga no mai, a more positively superlative statement. P Mgv.: tahaga, only, alone, solely. Mq.: tahakahaka, stripped of brushwood. 2. Irascible; tuhi tahaga, to accuse, to calumniate. 3. (taha 2) A sacrifice. Churchill.

Pau. Tahaga, indecent. Ta.: tahaa, naked. Mq.: tahanahana, cleared, uncovered. Ma.: tahaga, naked. Tahaki, the side. Sa.: tafa'i, one side. Ma.: tahaki, one side. Mgv.: Tahaki, a man with red hair and florid skin. Mq.: tahaki, red. Ta.: Tahavahava, dirty, soiled. Ma.: tahawahawa, to defile, to pollute. Churchill.

Tahe 1. To run freely, to flow (tehe 4). P Pau.: tahe, a river. Mgv., Mq.,: tahe, to run, to flow, to melt, to liquify. Ta.: tahe, to run, to flow. 2. To smooth out wrinkles (tehe 2). Churchill.
Taheta Name of the concave stones used as water tanks in many of the ancient hare paega houses. Vanaga.

Fountain, spring; taheta pu, spring; pokopoko taheta, concave. Churchill.

Tahi Other; te tahi tagata someone else; te tahi hoki... and others again...; te tahi... te tahi..., some... others; te tahi atu, the rest of them. Tahitahi, to scrape with a sharpened stone. Vanaga.

One, only, simple; te tahi, next; e tahi, anyone; e tahi no, unique, unity; e tahi e tahi, simultaneous. P Mgv.: Mq., Ta.: tahi, one. Churchill.

Taho Pau.: tahoko, reprisal, revenge. Ta.: tahoo, recompense, revenge. Tahoro, to swallow. Ta. tahoro, id. Churchill.
Tahoga Figurine made of wood or of stone, in the shape of a heart, which used to be worn on the chest. Vanaga.

Spherical pendant of wood worn around the neck. Fischer.

Kaona, a Hawaiian word that means 'veiled meaning or symbolism'. D'Alleva.

Tahu To assist. T Ma.: tahutahu, to attend upon. Tahuga, pair, to share out, to put in order, to distribute. Hakatahuga, to put in pairs, to arrange. P (Metathetic from stem tufa). Mgv.: tahua, a collection of things properly classified and kept in order. Mq.: tauna, a couple. Churchill.

Pau.: tahua. 1. Field of battle. Ta.: tahua, id. 2. Floor. Ta.: tahua, id. Tahuga, wise, capable, doctor, artisan. Mgv.: tuhuga, wise, instructed, adroit. Mq.: tuhuna, wise, instructed, artisan. Sa.: tufuga, carpenter. Ma.: tohunga, adroit, wise, priest. Tahutahu, sorcerer. Ta.: tahu, sorcerer. Mgv.: tahu. 1. A tenant farmer. Ma.: tahu, opulent, possessing property. 2. To stir up a fire. Ta.: to build a fire, to light. Mq.: tahu, to light a fire. Sa.: tafu, id. Ma.: to set on fire, to kindle, to cook. Tahuna, a shallow, shoal, bank. Mq.: tahuna, beach gravel, shingle. Sa.: tafuna, a rocky place in the sea. Ma.: a shoal, a beach. Tohua, a place of public assembly. Mq.: tohua, public place, soil, land. Mq.: tahuahi, the servant in charge of the fire. Ha.: kahuahi, id. Churchill.

Ta.: tahuhu, ridgepole. Ma.: tahuhu, id. Mgv.: tohuhu, a ridgepole. Mq.: tohuhu, ridge, roofing. Churchill.

Tahua, sloping stone surface of ahu. Vanaga.

T. Tahua, board, plank. Tahu'a, T. Priest, artist. OR. Tahua mimi, bladder. Fischer.

Tahuri Of a new-born baby, to move from side to side: ku-tahuri-á te poki. Vanaga.

To pirouette, to turn a boat. P Pau.: tahurihuri, to toss about. Mgv.: tahuri, to turn oneself. Mq.: tahuihui, to have a rolling motion. Ta.: tahuri, to turn, to turn about.

Tahuti 1. To run, to hasten together (tohuti). Tahuti noa, irruption. Hakatahuti, to fight. T Mq.: tahuti, to run, to go quickly. 2. Variable, varied. Churchill.

Ta.: tahuti, to rot, perishable. Ha.: kahuki, corruption, putrefaction. Churchill.

Tai 1. Ocean, sea (often used without an article); he-turu au ki tai hopu, I am going down to the sea to bathe. 2. To be calm, good for fishing: he tai. There exists a surprisingly developed terminology for distinguishing the phases of the tides: tai pâpaku, low tide; ku-gúgú-á te tai, tide at his lowest, literally 'the sea has dried up'; he-ranu te tai, when the water starts rising again; this is a strange expression, since ranu means 'amniotic liquid,' the breaking of the waters which precedes birth; in this phase of the tides the fish start coming out of their hiding places and swim to the coast in search of food; tai hahati, rising tide; tai hini hahati, tide as it continues rising; tai u'a, tai u'a parera, when the tide has reached its high; tai hini u'a, tide all throughout its full phase; tai hori, tide as it starts receding; tai ma'u, tide during its decreasing phase, right until it becomes tai pâpaku again; tai raurau a riki, the slight swell, or effervescence of the sea at a change of the moon. 3. Good spot for raising chickens; the stone chicken coops called hare moa, were built in places 'tai moa'. Ahé te tai o taau moa? whereabouts are the raising grounds of your chickens? 4. Song in general; song executed by a group of singers; ku-garo-ana i a au te kupu o te tai, I have forgotten the words of the song. Taitai, tasteless; said especially of sweet potatoes and other produces of the soil which do not taste good for being too watery; kumara taitai, watery, tasteless sweet potato. Vanaga.

1. Salt water; taitai, brackish, salty. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: tai, salt water. Mq.: taitai, to salt. Ta.: taitai, salty. 2. Sea, ocean; tai hati, breakers; tai hohonu, depths of the sea; tai kaukau, tide; tai negonego, tide; tai o, ripple; tai parera, tide; tai poko, breakers; tai titi, tide; tai ua, tide, ebb; tai vanaga, ripple. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: tai, sea, ocean. 3. Ta.: tai-ao, dawn. Mq.: takitaki te ao, just before dawn. Churchill.

Taka Taka, takataka. Circle; to form circles, to gather, to get together (of people). Vanaga.

1. A dredge. P Mgv.: akataka, to fish all day or all night with the line, to throw the fishing line here and there. This can only apply to some sort of net used in fishing. We find in Samoa ta'ā a small fishing line, Tonga taka the short line attached to fish hooks, Futuna taka-taka a fishing party of women in the reef pools (net), Maori takā the thread by which the fishhook is fastened to the line, Hawaii kaa in the same sense, Marquesas takako a badly spun thread, Mangareva takara a thread for fastening the bait on the hook. 2. Ruddy. 3. Wheel, arch; takataka, ball, spherical, round, circle, oval, to roll in a circle, wheel, circular piece of wood, around; miro takataka, bush; haga takataka, to disjoin; hakatakataka, to round, to concentrate. P Pau.: fakatakataka, to whirl around. Mq.: taka, to gird. Ta.: taa, circular piece which connects the frame of a house. Churchill.

Takai, a curl, to tie; takaikai, to lace up; takaitakai, to coil. P Pau.: takai, a ball, to tie. Mgv.: takai, a circle, ring, hoop, to go around a thing. Mq.: takai, to voyage around. Ta.: taai, to make into a ball, to attach. Churchill.

Takapu Mq.: a girdle. Ma.: takapu, the belly. Churchill.
Takau Mgv.: ten pairs. Ta.: toau, id. Mq.: tekau, id. To.: tekau, id. Ma.: tekau, ten. Churchill.
Takaure Fly; horse-fly. Vanaga.

A fly; takaure iti, mosquito; takaure marere ke, swarm. Churchill.

Take The Marquesans are the only people who own to a distinctive national name, and retain a tradition of the road they travelled from their original habitat, until they arrived at the Marquesan Islands. They call themselves te Take, 'the Take nation'. Fornander.

Take, Tuvaluan for the Black Noddy (Anous Minutes). The specific epithet taketake is Māori for long established, ancient, or original. In the Rapa Nui mythology, the deity Make-make was the chief god of the birdman cult, the other three gods associated with it being Hawa-tuu-take-take (the Chief of the eggs) his wife Vie Hoa and Vie Kanatea. Wikipedia.

Taki Dieffenbach, in his 'Travels in New Zealand', mentions that a title or appellation of the chiefs there was 'Taki o te Wenua', and explains it to mean 'the root of the land'. As the New Zealanders also came from the Samoan group, it seems as if what once was a national appellation, in course of time became the title of a chief. If Diffenbach's interpretation of the title is correct, it corresponds to the Hawiian Kumu-honua, the name of the first man. The same author also mentions, p. 67, a place where chiefs go after death, and says it is called Taki-wana ... when a chief dies he first goes to Taki-wana, where his left eye remains and becomes a star. Then he goes to Reinga and further. Spirits sometimes leave the nether world and come back on earth and communicate with the living ... Reinga was a place near the North Cape, New Zealand, where the spirits of the dead collected previous to their final departure. Fornander.
Taku Prediction, prophecy, prognostic, to predict; tagata taku, wizard. P Ta.: tau, to invoke, to pray. Takurua, full of stones, pebbly, stony, a path among the rocks. Churchill.

Samoa: ta'u, to tell, to mention, to announce, to certify, to acknowledge. Tonga: taku, to call by, to designate; takua, to mention, to call by name. Rapanui; taku, to predict. Maori: takutaku, to threaten, to recite imprecations. Fotuna: no-tukua, to confess. Viti: tukuna, to report, to tell. Churchill 2.

At the risk of invoking the criticism, 'Astronomers rush in where philologists fear to tread', I should like to suggest that Taku-rua corresponds with the two-headed Roman god Janus who, on the first of January, looks back upon the old year with one head and forward to the new year with the other, and who is god of the threshold of the home as well as of the year... There is probably a play on words in takurua - it has been said that Polynesian phrases usually invoke a double meaning, a common and an esoteric one. Taku means 'slow', the 'back' of anything, 'rim' and 'command'. Rua is a 'pit', 'two' or 'double'. Hence takurua has been translated 'double command', 'double rim', and 'rim of the pit', by different authorities. Taku-pae is the Maori word for 'threshold'... Several Tuamotuan and Society Islands planet names begin with the word Takurua or Ta'urua which Henry translated Great Festivity and which is the name for the bright star Sirius in both New Zealand and Hawaii. The planet names, therefore, represent the final stage in the evolution of takurua which was probably first applied to the winter solstice, then to Sirius which is the most conspicious object in the evening sky of December and January, and was then finally employed for the brilliant and conspicious planets which outshone even the brightest star Sirius. From its association with the ceremonies of the new year and the winter solstice, takurua also aquired the meaning 'holiday' or 'festivity'. Makemson.

Tama 1. Shoot (of plant), tama miro, tree shoot; tama tôa, shoot of sugarcane. 2. Poles, sticks, rods of a frame. 3. Sun rays. 4. Group of people travelling in formation. 5. To listen attentively (with ear, tariga, as subject, e.g. he tama te tariga); e-tama rivariva tokorua tariga ki taaku kî, listen carefully to my words. Tamahahine, female. Tamahine (= tamahahine), female, when speaking of chickens: moa tamahine, hen. Tamâroa, male. Vanaga.

1. Child. P Pau.: tama riki, child. Mgv.: tama, son, daughter, applied at any age. Mq.: tama, son, child, young of animals. Ta.: tama, child. Tamaahine (tama 1 - ahine), daughter, female. Tamaiti, child P Mq.: temeiti, temeii, young person. Ta.: tamaiti, child. Tamaroa, boy, male. P Mgv.: tamaroa, boy, man, male. Mq.: tamaóa, boy. Ta.: tamaroa, id. 2. To align. Churchill.

In the Polynesian this [tama na, father in the Efaté language] is distinguished from táma child by the accent tamā or by the addition of a final syllable which automatically secures the same incidence of the accent, tamái, tamana ... Churchill 2

Tanu To cover something in the ground with stones or soil; to bury a corpse; tanu kopú, to bury completely; this expression is mostly used figuratively: ka-tanu kopú te vânaga tuai era, ina ekó mana'u hakaou, forget those old stories, don't think of them again. Vanaga.

To bury, to plant, to sow seed, to inter, to implant, to conceal; tagata tanukai, farmer; tanuaga, burial; tanuaga papaku, funeral; tanuga, plantation; tanuhaga, funeral, tomb. P Pau.: tanu, to cultivate. Mgv.: tanu, to plant, to bury. Mq.: tanu, to plant, to sow. Ta.: tanu, to plant, to sow, to bury. Churchill.

Tao 1. To cook in an oven, to sacrifice. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: tao, to cook in an oven. 2. To carry away. 3. Abscess, bubo, scrofula, boil, gangrene, ulcer, inflammation, sore. Mgv.: taotaovere, small red spots showing the approach of death. Mq.: toopuku, toopuu, boil, wart, tumor. Ta.: taapu, taapuu, scrofula on neck and chin. 4. Mgv.: a lance, spear. Ta.: tao, id. Sa.: tao, id. Ma.: tao, id. 5. Mgv.: taotaoama, a fish. Sa.:  taotaoama, id. 6. Ta.: taoa, property, possessions. Ma.: taonga, property, treasure. Churchill.

Sa.: tao, to bake; taofono, taona'i, to bake food the day before it is used; tau, the leaves used to cover an oven. To.: tao, to cook food in a oven, to bake. Fu.: taò, to put in an oven, to cook. Niuē: tao, to bake. Uvea: tao, to cook, to bake. Ma., Rapanui: tao, to bake or cook in a native oven, properly to steam, to boil with steam. Ta.: tao, the rocks and leaves with which a pig is covered when cooking; baked, boiled, cooked. Mq., Mgv., Mg., Tongareva: tao, to bake in an oven ... The word refers to the specific manner of cookery which involves the pit oven. The suggestion in the Maori, therefore, does not mean a different method; it is but an attempt more precisely to describe the kitchen method, a very tasty cookery, be it said. The suggestion of boiling is found only in Tahiti, yet in his dictionary Bishop Jaussen does not record it under the word bouillir; boiling was little known to the Polynesians before the European introduction of pottery and other fire-resisting utensils ... Churchill 2.

Kao-kao, v. Haw., be red. Root and primary meaning obsolete in Haw. Sam., tao, to bake. Marqu., tao, bake, roast, sacrifice. Tah., tao, baked, boiled, cooked. Greek, καιω, Old Att. καω, to light, kindle, burn, scorch. According to Liddell and Scott, Pott refers καιω to Sanskrit çush, be dry, but Curtius rejects this. In Dravid. (Tamil) kay, to be hot, burn. Fornander.

Taohi Mgv.: to preserve, to take care of. Mq.: taohi, to take, to keep, to preserve. Sa.: taofi, to keep, to retain. Ha.: kaohi, id. Churchill.
Taomi Mgv.: to squeeze, to press down. Sa.: taomi, to press down. Ha.: kaomi, to press, to squeeze. Churchill.
Taora Convulsive, convulsion. Churchill.
Taota Pau.: taste, savor. Ta.: taota, taste. Churchill.
Tapa 1. Side, corner, edge; he-hakarere a te tapa, to leave aside, to abandon; a te tapa mata'u o te haga, on the right-hand side of the bay. 2. Tapa mahute, piece of mahute material; this term is very common nowadays, but it seems probable that it was borrowed from the Tahitian in replacement of parehe mahute. 3. To recount the years, the months; to recount happenings of many years ago, in verses called manu, in which a murderer confided his crime to his victim's relatives; the murderer himself asked a brother or a friend to compose those verses: e tapa koe itooku manu, compose my manu. The expression tapa ite manu was also used of a group of people expressing the desire to kill someone. 4. Tagata tapa ta'u, according to traditions, this term referred to the scribes who recorded births on the tablets. Vanaga.

1. Border, fringe, edge, groin, cloth, clothing, dress, garment. Tatapa, lateral, bank. Tapatapa, edge. P Mgv.: tapa, the edge of the bast cloth, bast cloth in general. Mq.: tapa, fringe, cloth. 2. To name, to mention, to count, to calculate, to reckon, to number, to figure up, to recapitulate; tapa ki te igoa, to take a census; tapa igoa, list. Tatapa, to count, to number, to reckon. Tapatapa, to mention. P Mgv.: tapa, to give a pet name. Mq.: tapatapa, to recite, to invoke; tatapa, to take the name of some one, to announce by name. Ta.: tapa, to call by name. Churchill.

Mq.: Tapaau, coconut leaf plaited to serve as a mat. Sa: tapa'au, a coarse coconut leaf mat. Tapatai, a dweller on the strand. Ma.: tapatai, beach. Churchill.

Tapu Holy, sacred, forbidden, taboo, off-limits; to declare holy, forbidden, taboo, off-limits. he-tapu te pera, to declare a burial ground taboo. Taputapu, to pace up and down. Vanaga.

To forbid, to prohibit, sacred, holy. Hakatapu, to forbid, to prohibit, to make holy, to consecrate. P Pau.: tapu, to swear; fakatapu, to give sanction to. Mgv., Mq., Ta.: tapu, sacred, holy, forbidden, prohibited. Tapua, holy. Churchill.

Tara 1. Thorn: tara miro. 2. Spur: tara moa. 3. Corner; te tara o te hare, corner of house; tara o te ahu, corner of ahu. Vanaga.

(1. Dollar; moni tara, id.) 2. Thorn, spike, horn; taratara, prickly, rough, full of rocks. P Pau.: taratara, a ray, a beam; tare, a spine, a thorn. Mgv.: tara, spine, thorn, horn, crest, fishbone. Mq.: taá, spine, needle, thorn, sharp point, dart, harpoon; taa, the corner of a house, angle. Ta.: tara, spine, horn, spur, the corner of a house, angle. Sa.: tala, the round end of a house. Ma.: tara, the side wall of a house. 3. To announce, to proclaim, to promulgate, to call, to slander; tatara, to make a genealogy. P Pau.: fakatara, to enjoin. Mq.: taá, to cry, to call. 4. Mgv.: tara, a species of banana. Mq.: taa, a plant, a bird. Ma.: tara, a bird. 5. Ta.: tara, enchantment. Ma.: tara, an incantation. 6. Ta.: tara, to untie. Sa.: tala, id. Ha.: kala, id. Churchill

Tarai 1. Deluge, sound of water; ua tarai, a smart shower. 2. To carve, to square, to rough-hew, to shape; taraia, rough-hewn. P Pau.: tarai, to cut, to hew, to carve. Mgv.: tarai, to rough-hew, to carve. Mq.: taái, to cut, to rough-hew, to work wood or stone. Ta.: tarai, to cut, to fashion. Churchill.

Sa.: talai, to adze. To.: talai, to smooth off rough edges. Fu.: talai, to cut off knots or thorns ... Churchill 2.

Tari 1. To take from one place to another; he-tari-mai, to bring. 2. Upper end of the sugarcane, which was used in military training as a harmless weapon. Tariga, ear; tariga pogeha, tariga pó, sordo; tariga maîka, bunch of bananas. Vanaga.

1. To pluck, to gather, to reap, to load; kai taria te kai, abundance. 2. To lead, to carry; hakatari, to conduct, to guide, to direct, to escort, to carry, to bring, to pay; hakatari miro, pilot; hakatariga, payment. Tariga, ear, earring; tariga hakarogo, faithful, observant, submissive; tariga kikiu, din, buzzing; tariga meitaki, to have good hearing; tariga pogeha, deaf, to disobey; tariga puru, disobedient; tariga purua, stubborn; tarigariga, chain. Tarirapa, to gather. Churchill.

Taro Taro (Colocasia esculenta). Some varieties are: taro harahara hiva, taro teatea, taro vai ho iti, taro pia, taro tui ko vero, taro ketu aga mea, taro gaatu apó, taro guhu haha tea, taro magó, taro ketu takarua, taro ketu tuvítuví, taro vaihí, taro harahara rapanui, taro horehore tapatea, taro kape. Vanaga.

Caladium esculentum T. P Mgv., Ta.: taro, id. Mq.: taó, id. Churchill.

Tarupu 1. To oppose, to prevent, to hinder, to shackle, to interfere, to interpose, to intervene, obstacle, to dissuade, to stop. Hakatarupu, to set an obstracle. Tarupuhaga, obstacle, hindrance. 2. To aid, to contribute, to defend, to interest, to protect, to help, to save, to succor, to sustain, to support, to urge; favor, zeal, service, protection, advocate, mediator. Tarupuhaga, protection, succor, support. Churchill.
Tata Tata. 1. To wash something. 2. To go; he-tata-mai, to come, to appear, to show up. Vanaga.

Tátá - see . Vanaga.

1. Agony, severe pain, apparent death. 2. Next, proximity; hakatata, to bring close together. 3. To strike; tata ei taura, to flog, to lash. 4. To wash, to clean, to soap, to rinse. 5. To appear, to approach, to advance, to present; hakatata, to advance, to propose, to accost. Churchill.

Tatú See .
Tau Year (ta'u), he-hoa ite ta'u, to confess to a crime committed long ago, by publishing it in the form of a kohau motu mo rogorogo (rongorongo tablet). Vanaga.

1.To hang (tau), to perch  (said of chickens on tree branches at night);  rock on the coast, taller than others so that something can be deposited on it without fear of seeing it washed away by the waves; hakarere i ruga i te tau, to place something on such a rock; tau kupega, rope from which is hung the oval net used in ature fishing. 2. Pretty, lovely; ka-tau! how pretty! Vanaga.

1. Year, season, epoch, age. P Pau.: tau, a season, period. Mgv.: tau, a year, the season of breadfruit. Mq.: tau, year. Ta.: tau, season, time. 2. Fit, worthy, deserving, opportune; tae tau, impolite, ill-bred, unseemly; pei ra tau, system. PS Mgv.: tau, fit, suitable, proper. Sa.: tau, right, proper. To.: tau, becoming, fit, proper, agreeable. Fu.: tau, fit, proper. 3. To perch. P Pau.: tau, a perch for a bird. Mgv.: tau, to mount on a person's back. Mq.: tau, to perch, to rest on. Ta.: tau, to perch, to alight on. 4. To hang; hakatau, necklace; hakatautau, to append. P Pau.: fakatautau, to hang up. Mq.: tautau, id. Ta.: faatautau, id. 5. Anchor; kona tau, anchorage, port. P Mq.: katau, anchor. Ta.: tau, id. 6. To fight; hakatau, challenge, to defy, to incite; hakatautau, to rival. P Ma.: whakatatau, to quarrel. Churchill.

Pau.: fakatau, indolent. Ta.: faatau, id. Fakatautau, to delay, to defer. Ta.: haatautau, id. Churchill.

The Malay word for 'year' is taun or tahun. In all Polynesian dialects the primary sense is 'a season', 'a period of time'. In the Samoan group tau or tausanga, besides the primary sense of season, has the definite meaning of 'a period of six months', and conventionally that of 'a year', as on the island of Tonga. Here the word has the further sense of 'the produce of the year', and derivatively 'a year'. In the Society group it simply means 'season'. In the Hawaiian group, when not applied to the summer season, the word keeps its original sense of 'an indefinite period of time', 'a life-time, an age', and is never applied to the year: its duration may be more or less than a year, according to circumstances. So far our authority (Fornander, I, 124; cp. 119). It seems however to be questionable whether the original sense is not the concrete 'produce of the seasons', rather than the abstract 'period of time'. It is significant that on the Society Islands the bread-fruit season is called te tau, and the names of the other two seasons, te tau miti rahi and te tau poai, are formed by adding to this name. Nilsson.

Tauono 'Six stones' = Pleiades = Matariki. Van Tilburg.
Tautoru The Belt of Orion. Van Tilburg.

Mgv.: 1. Toutoru, Orion's belt. Mq.: tautou, a constellation of three stars. 2. Toutoru. hung by threes. Mq.: tautou, id. Churchill.

Tava Tavatava, pale. Tavake, sea bird, white, with rosy tail; its feathers were used to decorate hats and belts. Vanaga.

Mgv.: A shellfish. To.: tava-amanu, id. Tavake, a seabird with a long red tail. Mq.: toavake, toae, the tropic bird. Sa.: tava'e, id. Ta.: Tavare, to trick, to dupe. Mq.: tavae, to cajole, to flatter. Ma.: taware, to dupe, to fool.. Mq.: Tavatava, a fish. Sa.: tavatava, id. Ha.: kawakawa, id. Churchill.

Tavari, the plant Polygonum acuminatum grows on the crater lakes in close association with rushes and seems to have been used for medicinal purposes. Barthel 2.

Taviri To turn around. Vanaga.

Key, lock, to turn a crank. Hakataviri, a pair of compasses. T Mgv.: taviri, a key, a lock, to lock, to twist. Mq.: kavii, a crank; tavii, to twist, to turn. Ta.: taviri, a key, to turn, to twist. The element viri shows that the primal sense is that of causing a motion in rotation. The key and lock significations are, of course, modern and negligible. Churchill.

Te 1. The, this, which; ko te, the. T Pau., Mgv., Mq., Ta.: te, the. 2. , negative prepositive; without, not; hiri tê reka, to walk without noise. T Mgv.: te, no, not, without: Mq.: te, not (postpositive). Churchill.
Tea 1. Light, fair, whitish. 2. To rise (of the moon, the stars); ku-tea-á te hetu'u ahiahi, the evening star has risen. Vanaga.

1. To shine, be bright, brilliant, white; tea niho, enamel of the teeth; ata tea, dawn; teatea, white, blond, pale, colorless, invalid; rauoho teatea, red hair; hakateatea, to blanch, to bleach. P Pau.: faatea, to clear, to brighten. Mgv.: tea, white, blanched, pale. Mq.: tea, white, clear, pure, limpid. Ta.: tea, white, brilliant. 2. Proud, vain, haughty, arrogance, to boast; tae tea, humble; teatea, arrogant, bragging, pompous, ostentatious, to boast, to show off, haughty; hakateatea, to show off. Mgv.: akateatea, pride, vanity, ostentatious, to be puffed up. Ta.: teoteo, boastful, proud, haughty. 3. Mgv.: teatea, heavy rain. Ha.: kea, the rain at Hana and Koolau. Churchill.

1. White, clear; fair-complexioned person, often favorites at court; shiny, white mother-of-pearl shell, cfr. keakea, kekea, Mauna Kea. Po'o kea, towhead, gray-haired person. One kea, white sand (this is shortened to ōkea or kea, as in the expression kea pili mai, drift gravel - vagabond). (PPN tea). 2. Breast milk. See Nu'a-kea. 3. A variety of sugar cane, among Hawaiians one of the best-known and most-used canes, especially in medicine: clumps erect, dense, of medium height; pith white. Ua ola ā 'ō kō kea, living until kea cane tassels (until the hair turns gray). 4. Name listed by Hillebrand for kolomona (Mezoneuron kavaiense); see uhiuhi. Wehewehe.

Tehe 1. To come, to arrive. Tehe oka te ikapotu, to abut. Tehe e turu, through and through. 2. To smooth out wrinkles (tahe 2). 3. To cut. Tehetehe, notch. P Pau.: tehega, circumcision; tehe, to castrate. Mgv.: tehe, to circumcise, to castrate, to cut well, to sting deeply. Mq.: tehe, to cut, to castrate, to circumcise. Ta.: tehe, to castrate. 4. To spurt, to spout, to melt (tahe 1). Hakatehe, to liquify. Tehetoto (tehe 4 - toto), hemorrhage. Churchill.
Teka Tekai, curl, a round ball, as of twine. (Tekateka) hakatekateka, rudder, helm. Churchill.

Routledge's informants still knew the names of the immigrant canoes (RM:278); they were given as 'Oteka' and 'Oua'. One Rongorongo text shows ua as the term used for two canoes, while RR:76 [Barthel's no. 76, GD111] (phallus grapheme ure, used in this case for an old synonym teka; compare TUA. teka 'penis of a turtle', HAW. ke'a 'virile male') tends to confirm the oral tradition with a transpositional variant (Barthel 1962:134). (Barthel 2)

Pau.  teka, arrow. Ta.: tea, id. Mq.: teka, a game with darts. Sa.: te'a, id. Ma.: teka, id. Churchill.

Mgv. teka, a support, scaffold. Ta.: tea, the horizontal balk of a palisade, the crossbeam of a house. Mq.: tekateka, across, athwart. Ha.: kea, a cross. Churchill.

65 - ono tekau ma rima illustrates how in the Maori dialect tekau stands for 10. Harawira.

Teke Occiput. Teketeke, short (not tall); also: teke. Vanaga.

Teke ki nei, as far as, until (? tehe 1). Teketeke, crest, ridge. Churchill.

Teko Giant (noun). Vanaga.

Pau.: Tekoteko, vain, proud, conceited. Ta.: teóteó, haughty. Ha.: keo, proud. Churchill.

Mq.: Tekoteko, white. Haw.: keo, id. Churchill.

Teo To cool. Churchill.
Tere 1. To run, to flee, to escape from a prison. 2. To sail a boat (also: hakatere); tere vaka, owner of a fishing boat. 3. (Deap-sea) fisherman; tere kahi, tuna fisherman; tere ho'ou, novice fisherman, one who goes deap-sea fishing for the first time. Penei te huru tûai; he-oho te tere ho'ou ki ruga ki te hakanonoga; ana ta'e rava'a, he-avai e te tahi tagata tere vaka i te îka ki a îa mo hakakoa, mo iri-hakaou ki te hakanonoga i te tahi raá. The ancient custom was like this: the novice fisherman would go to a hakanonoga; if he didn't catch anything, another fisherman would give him fishes to make him happy so he'd go again one day to the hakanonoga (more distant fishing zones where larger fishes are found). Vanaga.

To depart, to run, to take leave, to desert, to escape, to go away, to flee, fugitive, to sail, to row, to take refuge, to withdraw, to retreat, to save oneself; terea, rest, defeat; tetere, to beat a retreat, to go away, refugee; teretere, to go away, hurrah; hakatere, to set free, to despatch, to expel, to let go, to liberate, to conquer, helmsman; terega, departure, sailing; teretai, a sailor. Churchill.

Tete Tete nihotete, to gnash the teeth. Tetete, fever, to tremble. P Mgv.: tete, to shiver with cold. Mq.: tete, to tremble, to shiver, to show the teeth; haátete i te niho, to gnash the teeth. Ta.: tete, to make a noise, to chatter. Churchill.

Ta.: tetei, to clench the teeth. Mq.: tetei, to grit the teeth, to show the teeth. Ma.: tetea, to show the teeth, to gnash the teeth. Churchill.

Mq.: tete, a bird. Churchill.

Tetea To have many descendants. Vanaga.
Tetu Very large, very wide, huge (also: kotetu, nuinui tetu). Vanaga.
Ti 1. Liliacea (Cordyline fruticosa); its long, thick root, cooked in the earth oven, is deliciously sweet. 2. To bend down to allow someone to climb on one's back to be carried (haha); he-ti-atu a Kaiga i te tua ivi, he-haha-mai Huri Avai, Kaiga bent his back and Huri Avai climbed on his shoulders. Vanaga.

1. Dracæna. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: ti, id. 2. Tea. Churchill.

Tia (Tiha G) .To sew. T Mgv.: tia, to prick, to pierce, to stick in. Churchill.

Ta.: tia, the lower belly. Mq.: tia-kopu, pubes. Ma.: tia, the lower abdomen. Tiahonu, to piece together. Mq.: tuhonu, to mend, to patch. Ma.: tuhonu, to join. Churchill.

Mq.: tiaha, drinking cup. Ha.: kiaha, a cup, a mug. Tikao, to dig out, to disembowel. Ma.: tikaro, to dig out of a hole. Churchill.

Tike Mgv.: Tikitike, high, raised. Mq.: tiketike, tietie, id. Sa.: Ti'eti'e, to sit on a raised seat. Ma.: tiketike, high, lofty. Churchill.
Tikea To see, to perceive, to examine, to find; (also: tikera). Vanaga.

To see, to feel, to recognize, to perceive, to know, manifest, to appreciate; tikea mai, to appear, visible; tikea horahorau, to skim a book; tae tikea, unknown, invisible, misunderstand, unperceived, unheard; tikeahaga, science, a dream; hakatikea, to announce, to make known, to prove, to propose, to prejudice, to show, immodest; hakatikeahaga, instruction. Churchill.

Tiki 1. Chief, boss, director, coordinator; expert, master in a craft, a science, or an art; tiki rerorero kohau rogorogo, rongorongo scribe; tiki moai, sculptor; tiki ahu, master builder who directs and coordinates the construction of ahu; tiki îka. master fisherman, professional fisherman. 2. Ancient title, probably meaning 'grandmaster', used before the names of gods and semigods. Only vague memories remain today of Tiki Makemake, Tiki Te Hatu, Tiki Hati. It is said that the main one was Tiki Makemake and that Tiki Hati was the chief of a band of ákuáku. Vanaga.

Sick, ill. [Imported from the English language.] Churchill.

Tiko Menstruation, period. Vanaga.

Menstruation. P Pau.: titiko, to evacuate the bowels. Mgv.: tiko, menstruation, defecation. Mq.: tiko, to carry away, excrement. Ta.: titio, to void excrement. Rapanui and Mangareva alone employ this of the catamenia. That which is discharged is but an accident of the word, the sense lies in the act of evacuation from the body. Churchill.

Timo Title of those entrusted with ritual duties. The timo îka were entrusted with putting death spells on murderers to avenge the victims. The timo to'a blessed and cast victory spells on warriors. The timo rara koreha were entrusted with drying corpses. Vanaga.

Mourning, grief, sorrow; (clappers made of flat bones etimoika; when an islander is working up his vengeance for the loss of a murdered kinsman he puts on a feather headdress, goes about behind the houses, and makes great yelling and rattles the bones. G). Churchill.

Tini To be at the zenith: ku-tini-á te raá; middle of a journey, of a period of time; te tini o te raá, the middle of the day. Vanaga.

1. A great number, innumerable, infinite, indefinite. Tinitini, million, billion. T Pau.: tinitini, innumerable. Mgv.: tini, a countless number, infinite. Mq.: tini, id. Ta.: tini, numerous. 2. Raa tini, noon; tini po, midnight; te tini te raa, zenith; topa tini, abortion. Churchill.

Kina, s. Haw., an indefinitely great number; specifically equal to 40,000 or 10 manu; a train of followers; kini-kini, s. a multitude; na kini akua, innumerable spririts. N. Zeal., tini, many, a crowd, 10,000. Tah., tini, innumerable. Sam., tino, ten in counting men; tino-lua, twenty. Marqu., tini, much, many times, multiplied. Fiji., tini, ten. Ceram. (Camarian), tinein, ten. In view of the permutation of l and n, not uncommon in the Greek as well in other Aryan branches, it is possible that this Polynesian word refers itself to χιλι-ασ, a thousand, generally an indefinite but large number,  χιλι-οι, a thousand, of which lexicographers give no etymon, and which seems to stand alone without kindred in the West Aryan dialects. Fornander.

Tino 1. Belly (as reported by a Spaniard in 1770). 2. Genitalia (modern usage). 3. Trunk (of a tree), keel (of a boat); tino maîka, banana trunk; tino vaka, keel. Vanaga.

Body, matter; mea tino, material; tino kore, incorporeal. P Pau.: tino, a matter, a subject. Mgv.: tino, the body, trunk. Mq.: tino, nino, the body. Ta.: tino, id. Churchill.

Tiputa Pau.: To bore, to perforate. Ta.: tiputa, to pierce. Mq.: tiputa, id. Ha.: kipuka, an opening. Churchill.
Tire 1. Mgv.: To swell. Mq.: tie, a large boil on the head, to burst (of buds). 2. Ta.: Enough, have done. Mq.: tie, interjection of disapproval. Churchill.
Tiri Mgv.: To throw away, to reject, to neglect. Ta.: tiri, to cast a small net. Mq.: tii, titii, to throw away, to abandon, to reject. Sa.: tili, a small net and its cast. Ma.: tiri, to throw one by one. Titiri, to abandon, to abjure; rima titiri, to walk with the hands behind the back. T Pau.: titiri, to abandon, to leave, to abjure, to deny. Mgv.: tiri, to throw away, to reject, to neglect, to lose. Mq.: tií, titií, to throw away, to reject, to abandond, to leave behind. Ta.: titiri, to reject, to throw away. Churchill.
Tiro Mgv.: Spots on linen. Ta.: tiro, to mark. Mq.: tiotioa, blotched, covered with white spots. Titiro, to admire. P Ma.: tiro, to gaze at. Churchill.

Vi.: tiro, siro, sisiro, to descend, to go down a steep or hill. Churchill 2.

To 1. Particle sometimes used with the article in ancient legends; i uto to te hau, the ribbon was in the float. 2. To rise (of the sun) during the morning hours up to the zenith: he-to te raá. Vanaga.

1. Of. T Pau., Ta.: to, of. Mgv.: to, genitive sign. Mq.: to, of, for. 2. This, which. Churchill.

Mgv.: To, to make a canoe of planks. Mq.: to, to build a canoe. Sa.: to, to build. Churchill.

Toa 1. Moa toa, cock. P Pau., Mgv., Mq., Ta.: toa, brave. Mq.: toa, male. (But Mgv.: toa, female.) 2. Sugarcane. T Pau., Mgv., Mq., Ta.: to, id. (To., Niuē: to, id. Sa., Fu.: tolo, id.) This form occurs only in Rapanui. In New Zealand, where the plant does not grow, the name is applied to any similar haulm. Churchill.

Mgv.: Toa, ironwood. Ta.: toa, id. Mq.: toa, id. Sa.: toa, id. Ha.: koa, id. Churchill.

Ta.: Toa, a gout of blood. Sa.: to'a, to coagulate. Toatoa, a bad smell of the sea. Sa.: to'ato'a, to smell bad. Churchill.

T. Warrior, the tree aito (Casuarina). Henry.

T. Toa, rock , coral. Churchill.

Toga 1. Winter season. Two seasons used to be distinguished in ancient times: hora, summer, and toga, winter. 2. To lean against somehing; to hold something fast; support, post supporting the roof. 3. To throw something with a sudden movement. 4. To feed oneself, to eat enough; e-toga koe ana oho ki te aga, eat well first when you go to work. Vanaga.

1. Winter. P Pau., Mgv.: toga, south. Mq.: tuatoka, east wind. Ta.: toa, south. 2. Column, prop; togatoga, prop, stay. Togariki, northeast wind. Churchill.

Wooden platform for a dead chief: ka tuu i te toga (Bb8-42), when the wooden platform has been erected. Barthel 2.

The expressions Tonga, Kona, Toa (Sam., Haw., Tah.), to indicate the quarter of an island or of the wind, between the south and west, and Tokelau, Toerau, Koolau (Sam., Haw., Tah.), to indicate the opposite directions from north to east - expressions universal throughout Polynesia, and but little modified by subsequent local circumstances - point strongly to a former habitat in lands where the regular monsoons prevailed. Etymologically 'Tonga', 'Kona', contracted from 'To-anga' or 'Ko-ana', signifies 'the setting', seil. of the sun. 'Toke-lau', of which the other forms are merely dialectical variations, signifies 'the cold, chilly sea'. Fornander.

Togariki Northeast wind. Churchill.
Tohi Omotohi, full (of the moon); ku-omotohiá te mahina, the moon is full. Vanaga.

Mgv.: tohi, to cut breadfruit paste. Ta.: tohi, a chisel, to cut, to split. Mq.: tohi, to cut up. Sa.: tofi, a chisel, to split. Ma.: tohi, to cut, to slice. Churchill.

Ha.: kōhi. 1. To gather, as fruit; to break off neatly, as taro corm from the stalk with a stick or knife; to split, as breadfruit; to dig; splitter, as stick, stone, knife. Nā wāhine kōhi noni, the noni-gathering women (an insult to Pele, perhaps likening her disposition to sour noni fruit). (PPN tofi.) 2. Fat, rich, as food; fatness. Nā kōhi kelekele o Kapu'u-kolu, the rich foods of Ka-pu'u-kolu (Kaua'i, famous for abundance). 3. To fill or heal, of a wound. Ke kōhi maila ka 'i'o, the flesh is beginning to heal. 4. To hold back, check, restrain: to strain, especially as in childbirth, to travail; to hold or hold back by pressing a person's arm, as in withholding consent, or as in urging someone not to be generous; labor pains, travail. Fig., agony, fear. Cf. haukōhi, kāohi, ho'o kōhi. Also ha'akōhi. 5. Prolonged, as a sound; long. He kōhi ka leo, the sound is long. Wehewehe.

Toi Ta.: Alphitonia zizyphoidea. Mq.: toi, a climbing plant. Sa.: toi, a tree. Churchill.

Mq.: toitoi, true, right, sincere. Ha.: koikoi, substantial, honorable. Churchill.

Toka 1. Any large, smooth rock in the sea not covered by seaweeds (eels are often found between such rocks). 2. To be left (of a small residue of something, of sediments of a liquid, of dregs); to settle (of sediments); ku-toka-ana te vai i raro i te puna, there is little water left at the bottom of the lake; ku-toka-á te oone, the sediments have settled. Tokaga, residue, remainder; firm, stable remainder or part of somthing. Vanaga.

A rock under water. P Mgv.: toka, coral. Mq.: toka, a bank where the fishing is good. Ta.: toa, rock, coral. Tokatagi, sorrow T. Churchill.

Toke To steal; thief; toketoke, to repeatedly steal things of little value; vî'e toke kenu, adulterous woman (lit.: woman who steals husbands). Vanaga.

Toke. To dupe, to extort, to usurp; toketoke, to steal, to rob, to extort, to defraud, to spoil, thief. Tokea, a dupe. Tokenoho, intruder. Churchill.

Toki Small basalt axe. Vanaga.

Stone adze. Van Tilburg.

Ha'amoe ra'a toki = 'Put the adze to sleep' (i.e. hide it in the temple during the night). Barthel.

Month of the ancient Rapanui calendar. Fedorova according to Fischer.

To'i. T. Stone adze (e to'i purepure = with the wounderful adze). Henry.

The Araukan Indians in the coastal area of northern Chile, have customs similar to those on the Marquesas and in both areas toki means adze according to José Imbelloni. The Araukans also called their chief of war toki and the ceremonial adze symbolized his function and was exhibited at the outbreak of war. In Polynesia Toki was the name of a chief elevated by the Gods and his sign was the blade of a toki. Fraser.

Axe, stone hatchet, stone tool ...; maea toki, hard slates, black, red, and gray, used for axes T. P Pau.: toki, to strike, the edge of tools, an iron hatchet. Mgv.: toki, an adze. Mq.: toki, axe, hatchet. Ta.: toi, axe. Churchill.

A Maori saying: he iti toki, e rite ana ki te tangata = though the adze be small, yet does it equal a man. (Starzecka)

The higher-ranked of the two largest political units on Rapa Nui was the Ko Tu'u Aro Ko Te Mata Nui. This literally translates as The Mast/Pillar/Post [standing] Before the Greater Tribes. Toko te rangi, or Sky Propper, is named by Métraux in his corrected Miru genealogy as the thirteenth king of Easter Island and as one of the lineages or subgroups of the Miru. Although we have no record of the Sky Propper legend on Rapa Nui, other Polynesian legends of the Sky Propper are widely known, and they are formative elements in the basic cosmogenic theory of Polynesian belief.

Sky (rangi) and Earth (papa) lay in primal embrace, and in the cramped, dark space between them procreated and gave birth to the gods such as Tane, Rongo and Tu. Just as children fought sleep in the stifling darkness of a hare paenga, the gods grew restless between their parents and longed for light and air. The herculean achievement of forcing Sky to separate from Earth was variously performed by Tane in New Zealand and the Society Islands, by Tonofiti in the Marquesas and by Ru (Tu) in Cook Islands. After the sky was raised high above the earth, props or poles were erected between them and light entered, dispelling the darkness and bringing renewed life. One detail which is iconographically of interest is whether the god responsible for separating Earth and Sky did so by raising the Sky with his upraised arms and hands, as in Tahiti and elsewhere, or with his feet as in New Zealand.

The actual props, pillars or posts which separated the sky and earth are called toko in New Zealand, to'o in the Marquesas Islands and pou in Tahiti. In Rapanui tuu and pou are known, with pou meaning column, pillar or post of either stone or wood. Sometimes the word is applied to a natural rock formation with postlike qualities which serves as an orientation point. The star Sirius is called Te Pou in Rapanui and functions in the same way. 

One monolithic basalt statue is called Pou Hakanononga, a somewhat obscure and probably late name thought to mean that the statue served to mark an offshore tuna fishing site. The Rapanui word tokotoko means pole or staff. Sacred ceremonial staves, such as the ua on Rapa Nui, were called toko in Polynesia. 

Based upon the fact that toko in New Zealand also means 'rays of light', it has been suggested that the original props which separated and held apart Sky and Earth were conceived of as shafts of dawn sunlight. 

In most Polynesian languages the human and animate classifier is toko-, suggesting a congruence of semantic and symbolic meaning between anthropomorphic form and pole or post. Tane as First Man and the embodiment of sunlight thus becomes, in the form of a carved human male figure, the probable inspiration for the moai as sacred prop between Sky and Earth.

The moai as Sky Propper would have elevated Sky and held it separate from Earth, balancing it only upon his sacred head. This action allowed the light to enter the world and made the land fertile. Increasing the height of the statues, as the Rapa Nui clearly did over time, would symbolically increase the space between Sky and Earth, ensuring increased fertility and the greater production of food. The proliferating image, consciously or unconsciously, must have visually (and reassuringly) filled the dangerously empty horizon between sea and land, just as the trees they were so inexorably felling once had. (Van Tilburg)

Tokotoko, stick, cane, crutches, axe helve, roller, pole, staff. P Pau.: tokotoko, walking stick. Mgv.: toko, a pole, stilts, staff. Mq.: tokotoko, toótoó, stick, cane, staff. Ta.: too, id. Churchill.

Too 1. To adopt, to take, to acquire, to admit, to accept, to gather, to dispose, to seize, to pull up, to extirpate, stripped, to withdraw, to intercept, to frustrate, to touch, to employ, to serve; tae too, to renounce. Mq.: too, to take, to receive, to accept, to adopt, to seize, to pull up. 2. Raa too, noon. 3. Numeral prefix. P Mgv.: toko, id. Mq.: toko, too, id. Ta.: too, id. Samoa and Futuna use to'a and toka, Tonga and Niuē use toko, and the remainder of Polynesia uses the latter form. Tooa: kai tooa, intact, entire, whole; paea tooa, to deprive. Churchill.
Toona Toona, his, her. Vanaga.

Tona, toona, his. Churchill.

Topa 1. To bend down, to drop to the ground; to fall on a certain date. 2. To stop doing something, to drop; ina ekó topa taau aga, do not stop, keep doing your work. 3. To remain, to be left over, to be unfinished; he topa te kai, the food is not finished, there is some left. 4. To come to one's memory; i te aamu he topa te vânaga tûai, in the legends old words come to memory. 5. To remember, to reflect (with mana'u as subject); e-topa rivariva tokorua mana'u ki te me'e nei, let the two of you think carefully about this thing. Vanaga.

1. Wine; topa tahaga, id. 2. To fall in drops, to descend, to go down, to abdicate; topa iho, to fall; hakatopa, to knock down, to cause to fall; hakatopa ki raro, to knock down, to subjugate. 3. Childbirth, abortion; topa te poki, to lie in. 4. A feast, to feast. 5. To arrive, to result; topa rae, newcome; topa iho, to come unexpectedly; topa ke, to deviate; topa no mai, topa hakanaa, topa tahaga, mau topa pu, unexpected; topa okotahi, solitary; hakatotopa, to excite, to foment. 6. Bad, low, cheap, failure; igoa topa, nickname; ariga topa, sinister, sly, ill-tempered, to hang the head; hakatopa, to disparage; hakatotopa, irresolute. 7. (Of upward movement) topa ki raro, to scale, to surpass; hakatopa ki te ao, to confer a dignity; hakatopa ki te kahu, to spread a sail; hakatotopa, to make a genealogy. Churchill.

Topatagi To remember with sorrow, to miss, to pine for (mo); ananake te raá he topatagi te ûka riva ko Uho mo toona ga matu'a, Ko Uho the good girl missed her parents every day. Vanaga.

Grief. Churchill.

Toromiro Sophora toromiro, a tree endemic to Easter Island and preferably used for wood carving. Hard, finely grained, reddish wood. Heyerdahl 3.

Tree (Sophora tetraptera) anciently used for sculpting the statuettes called moai toromiro. Vanaga.

The heaviest and hardest wood, it is used for tapa beaters T. Churchill.

Sophera toromiro. The hard wood of the toromiro tree was the most important material for all kinds of wood, work, from the construction of houses and of canoes to the manufacture of sculptures and other items. Barthel 2.

Toru Three.
Toto 1. Blood; he-gaaha te toto mai roto mai te haoa, blood gushes from inside the wound; toto hatukai, coagulated blood. 2. Rust; to rust. Vanaga.

Blood, bloody, to let blood, to make bloody, to bleed, to dissolve, rust; ariga toto, florid, ruddy complexion; hakatehe ki te toto, to bleed; toto pine, to bruise; toto ohio, iron rust. Mgv., Mq.: toto, blood. Ta.: toto, blood, sap. Churchill.

Totoro See kaukau.
Tou In ancient times, a tou was someone who had recovered from an epidemic, but whose illness meant that someone else in the family had to die. The tou were regarded as portents of evil. Toutou, lush; fertile (land).  Toûa: Egg yolk; the colour yellow; soft, fibrous part of tree bark; toûa mahute, mahute fibres. Vanaga.

Toua: Wrath, anger, rage, revenge, battle, combat, debate, dispute, dissension, uprising, revolt, quarrel, fight, hostility (taua); toua rae, to provoke, rae toua, to open hostilities, toua kakai, to rebuke, tuki toua, to stir up dissension; totoua, hostility; hakatoua, fighter, warrior. P Mgv.: toua, war, battle. Mq.: toua, war, dispute, quarrel. The form with o is found only in these three languages, taua is found in the general migration, Rapanui is the only speech which has both. Toutou, fertile (tautau); hakatoutou, to fertilize. Mq.: taútaú, fertile. Toùvae, to run; hakauruuru toùvae, id. Churchill.

Tu To crush into puree, like women of old did, crushing sweet potatoes and mixing them with cooked egg to give the children. Vanaga.

To mix, to confound. Churchill.

Tua 1. Back, shoulder, tu'a ivi, shoulder blade; tu'a ivi more, lumbago; moa tu'a ivi raá, 'sun-back chicken': chicken with a yellow back which shines in the sun. 2. Behind (a locative adverb, used with i, ki, a, o, etc). Tu'a-papa, pelvis, hips. Vanaga.

1. Behind, back, rear; ki tua, after; o tua, younger; taki tua, perineum. 2. Sea urchin, echinus. The word must have a germ sense indicating something spinous which will be satisfactorily descriptive of the sea urchin all spines, the prawn with antennae and thin long legs, and in the Maori the shell of Mesodesma spissa. Tuaapapa, haunch, hip, spine. Tuahaigoigo, tattooing on the back. Tuahuri, abortion; poki tuahuri, abortive child. Tuaivi, spine, vertebræ, back, loins; mate mai te tuaivi, ill at ease. Tuakana, elder, elder brother; tuakana tamaahina, elder sister. Tuamouga, mountain summit. Tuatua, to glean. Mgv. tua: To fell, to cut down. Ta.: tua, to cut. Mq.: tua, to fell, to cut down. Ma.: tua, id. Tuaki, to disembowel. Ma.: tuaki, to clean fish. Tuavera, the last breadfruit spoiled by the wind. Ta.: tuavera, burnt by the sun. Churchill.

Tuhunga OR. Expert. *Tuhunga tā 'script' expert.*Tuhunga kouhau 'staff' expert. Fischer.
Tui 1. To sew mats, to make strings. E-tahi tuitui reipá i Te Pei, ekó rava'a e-varu kaukau; i-garo ai i Hiva, i te kaiga, a necklace of mother-of-pearl is on te Pei, few will find it (lit: eight groups of people); it has remained in Hiva, in our homeland. 2. The three stars of Orion's Belt. Vanaga.
Tuku 1. To leave something lying spread on the ground; to spread, unfurl, unroll something on the ground; tukuga, mat spread on the ground; tukuga tagata, mat on which have been put pieces of cooked human flesh. 2. Tuku kupega, a fishing technique: two men drag along the top of a fishing net doubled up, spread out on the bottom of a small cove, trapping the fish into the net; tukutuku, to fish while swimming, holding a basket-shaped net. 3. Tuku huri, to sit with one's buttocks resting on one's heels, soles flat on the ground. Figuratively: ka tuku! pay attention! (literally: sit still!).  4. Tuku rîu, to sit in the posture typical of choir singers in rîu festivals or singing festivals in general, which was sitting on one's heels. Tukuturi, to sit with one's buttocks resting on one's heels, soles flat on the ground. Vanaga.

To give, to let go, to deliver, to accord, to go back to the boat, to dedicate; rima tuku, to bend at the elbow (? tuke). P Pau.: tuku, to lay down, to place, to deliver up. Mgv.: tuku, to give, to deliver, to let alone. Mq.: tuku, to give, to let go. Ta.: tuu, id. Tukuga, plate, ladle, pottinger, legacy, to dedicate (tukaga). Churchill.

H.: Ku'u ku'u 1. Redup. of ku'u 1; to let down gradually, slack off a little at a time. See ala ku'uku'u. Ho'o ku'uku'u lenient, permissive; to pay out, as a fishline. Kī ho'oku'uku'u, slack key, as on a guitar (kī hō'alu is more common). Ua ho'oku'uku'u loa na mākua i keiki, parents are too lenient with children. (PPN tukutuku.) 2.Small, short-legged spider, so called because it lowers itself (ku'u) on a single string fiber. Ke alanui a ke ku'uku'u, the path of the spider (a name for the Equator). Ho'o ku'u ku'u, same as above. 3. Boomerang. 'U'uku, tiny, small; few. 'U'uku iho, undersized, smaller. Ho'o 'u'uku, to make small, reduce, lessen. Wehewehe.

Maori: tuku, to subside, to settle down. Tahiti: tuutuu, to slacken or ease a rope. Hawaii: kuu, to let down, to slacken. Tonga: tuku, to slacken, to let go as a rope; tukutuku, to sink in the sea. Futuna: tuku, to put down. Niuē: tuku, to bury. Rarotonga: tuku, to let down, to let out, to drop down. Mangareva: tuku, to throw the fishing net of fillet. Paumotu: tuku, to lay down. Sikayana: tuku, to put down. Nukuoro: tuku, to permit, to allow. Manahiki, Fakaafo: tuku, to place. Nuguria: tuku, to set. Rapanui: tuku, to give, to accord. Churchill 2.

Tumu 1. Tree trunk. 2. Ancestors: tumu matu'á, parents; tumu tupuna, grandparents. By extension: tumu taína, members of friendly families. 3. Como término muy especial se usa tumu para se¤alar a familias o personas que no son parientes, de modo que sus hijos podían, según antigua usanza, casarse entre ellos y formar un nuevo tronco. 4. Origin of something; initiator of an idea; person who is the cause of a fight: tumu taûa. 5. He-kore te tumu, to be so weakened that you cannot stand (lit.: the trunk is lacking). Vanaga.

Base, cause, element, origin, principle, source, spring, trunk, occasion, author, subject, motive; ina e tumu, accidental, fortuitous; tumu kore, causeless, baseless, weak in the legs, to waver; tumu o te hakareka, toy; tumu hatihati, weak in the legs; tumu o te hiriga, purpose of the voyage. T Pau.: fakatumu, to lay a foundation. Mgv., Mq., Ta.: tumu, cause, base, origin, principle, trunk. Tumumeika (tumu - meika), banana plant. Mgv., Mq.: tumumeika, id. Churchill.

Tuna Rolling stone. Vanaga.

Ta.: tuna, the sweetwater eel. Sa.: tuna, id. Ma.: tuna, the eel. Churchill.

Tunu To cook, to fry; hare tunukai, kitchen. P Mgv.: tunu, id. Ta.: tunu, to roast, to boil, to cook. Churchill.

... Sinu and sunu have shown senses which imply contact with the naked fire, and that idea is largely predominant in tunu, as exemplified by the definitions of toasting, roasting, broiling, cooking on embers. Disregarding the instances in which the word is rendered by our general verb to cook we shall examine the exceptions to this naked flame sense. It is used of boiling in Samoa, Futuna, Niuē, and Tahiti. It is significant that not one of these peoples had taken so much as the first step in fictile art, and such heating of water as was needed was performed by dropping hot stones into the water in a wooden bowl ... Churchill 2.

Tuo Mgv.: tuo, to speak long without an answer. Ta.: tuo, to cry out loudly. Ha.: kuo, to cry with a loud voice. Churchill.
Tupa Ancient buildings found scattered along the coast; made of stone, and almost all of them round, they served as shelters for fishermen. Tupatupa, to carry (someone) on a stretcher; to carry (a load) with the help of several people. Vanaga.

1. Land crab. PS Mgv.: tutupa, a large crayfish. Mq., Ta.: tupa, land crab. Sa., To., Fu.: tupa, a land crab with large claws. 2. Mixture, to carry, tupatupa, to bring in one dead or wounded. Tupapaku, corpse. T Pau.: tupapaku, corpse, ghost. Mgv.: tupapaku, corpse, sick person. Mq.: tupapaku, tupapaú, id. Ta.: tupapau, corpse, ghost, specter. Churchill.

Tupu 1. Shoot, sprout, bud; to sprout, to bud. 2. Pregnant: vî'e tupu (o te poki); to be conceived (of fetus in its mother's womb): he-tupu te poki i roto i te kopú o toona matu'a. Vanaga.

To grow, to sprout, to germinate, to come forth, to conceive, pregnant, germ; mea tupu, plant; tupu ke avai, of rapid growth; tupu horahorau, precocious; hakatupu, to produce, to stimulate growth, to excite. P Pau.: fakatupu, to raise up, to create. Mgv.: tupu, to grow, to conceive, to be pregnant. Mq.: tupu, to grow, to sprout, to conceive. Ta.: tupu, to grow, to sprout. Churchill.

Mgv.: Tupu, the best or worst, used of men or of bad qualities. Sa.: tupu, king. Ma.: tupu, social position, dignity. Churchill.

Turi Knuckle; turi-rima, elbow; turi-va'e ankle (also just turi). Vanaga.

1. Knee. P Pau., Mgv., Ta.: turi, id. Mq.: tui, to bend. Turirima, elbow; turituku, to fall on the knee; turituri, dorsal fin G. Turituririma, elbow joint. Turiturivae, knee joint. Turivare, abscess at the knee.  Mgv.: turikopia, to walk with knees turned in and legs apart. Ta.: turiopa, weakness of the knees. 2. Pau.: turituri, noise, hubbub. Ta.: turituri, stunned with din. Mq.: tuitui, be still! Ma.: turituri, noise, uproar. 3. Ta.: turi, deaf. Mq.: tui, id. Sa.: tuli, id. Ma.: turi, id. Churchill.

Golden plover (rain bird), Tok. Oral Traditions.

Turou Mgv.: a great sacriledge or blasphemy. Ta.: turou, a curse, to blaspheme. Churchill.
Turu To come down, to go down, to descend; ka-turu-age koe ki tai, go down to the sea now; turuga, coming down, descent. Rima hakaturu, generous, liberal, munificent. Vanaga.

1. To fall in drops, to flow, to leak, to descend, a drop; turu ki tai, to take refuge at sea; hakaturu, to cause to descend, to lower, to take soundings; hakaturuturu, to heave and pitch. Turuga, declivity. Turuvai, water conduit. P Mgv.: akaturu, to conduct water in a drain. Ta.: tuturu, to fall in drops. 2. To stay, to prop. T Pau.: turu, a post, pillar, to sustain. Mgv.: turu, a support, rod, stay, to sustain. Ta.: turu, stay, support; turuturu, posts of a house. Ha.: kukulu, a pillar, a post.  3. To come, to arrive, to overcome; tehe e turu, through and through; hakarava hakaturu, quadrangular. Churchill.

Tutu 1. Circle of fishing nets arranged in the shape of a funnels or baskets. 2. To light a fire; he-tutu i te ahi: to burn something. 3. To hit, to strike, to beat. Tûtú, to shake (something) clean of dust or dirt; he-tûtú te oone o te nua, to shake the dirt off a nua cape. Tutuhi, to reject the responsibility for a mistake onto one another, to blame one another for a mistake (see tuhi). Tutuki, to stumble, to trip. O tutuki te va'e, in order not to trip. Tutuma, firebrand, partly burnt stick. Tuturi, to kneel. Vanaga.

1. To beat bark for cloth. PS Pau., Mgv., Mq., Ta.: tutu, id. Sa., To., Fu.: tutu, id. 2. A broom, to sweep, to clean. Mq.: tutu, to beat out the dust. 3. To shake, to winnow. Mgv.: tutu, to tremble, to leap. Mq.: tutu, to shake. 4. To kindle, to light, to ignite, to set fire, to burn. Mq.: tutu, to burn, to set fire. 5. To stand; hakatutu, to set joists. P Mgv., Mq.: tutu, to stand upright. Ta.: tu, id. Tutua (tutu 1): board on which bark is beaten into cloth. PS Mgv.: tutua, a cloth beater. Mq., Ta.: tutua, wood on which cloth is beaten. Sa., Fu.: tutua, id. Tutui: tutui ohio, chain, tutui kura, shawl. Mq.: tuitui kioé, chain. Tutuki: shock, contusion, to run against, to collide; tukukia, to run foul of. P Pau.: tukituki, to strike, to pound, to grind. Mgv.: tukia, to strike against, shock, concussion. Mq.: tutuki, id. Ta.: tui, id. Tutuma: 1. (tutu - ma) a live coal. 2. Tree trunk T (? tumu). Tutumata, ligament of the eye, orbit, eyelid. T (tutumate, eyelid G). Tutuu, bristling. Churchill.

Tuu 1. To stand erect. 2. Mast, pillar, post. Van Tilburg.

1. To stand erect, mast, pillar, post; tuu noa, perpendicular; tanu ki te tuu, to set a post; hakatu tuu, to step a mast; tuu hakamate tagata, gallows; hakatuu, to erect, to establish, to inactivate, to form, immobile, to set up, to raise. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: tu, to stand up. 2. To exist, to be. Mgv.: tu, life, being, existence. 3. To accost, to hail; tuu mai te vaka, to hail the canoe. Mgv.: tu, a cry, a shout. 4. To rejoin; tuua to be reunited. 5. Hakatuu, example, mode, fashion, model, method, measure, to number. PS Sa.: tu, custom, habit. Fu.: tuu, to follow the example of. 6. Hakatuu, to disapprove; hakatuu riri, to conciliate, to appease wrath. 7. Hakatuu, to presage, prognostic, test. 8. Hakatuu, to taste. 9. Hakatuu, to mark, index, emblem, seal, sign, symbol, trace, vestige, aim; hakatuu ta, signature; akatuu, symptom; hakatuua, spot, mark; hakatuhaga, mark; hakatuutuu, demarcation. Churchill.

1. To arrive: tu'u-mai. 2. Upright pole; to stand upright (also: tutu'u). 3. To guess correctly, to work out (the meaning of a word) correctly: ku-tu'u-á koe ki te vânaga, you have guessed correctly [the meaning of] the word. 4. To hit the mark, to connect (a blow). 5. Ku-tu'u pehé, is considered as... ; te poki to'o i te me'e hakarere i roto i te hare, ku-tu'u-á pehé poki ra'ura'u, a child who takes things that have been left in the house is considered as a petty thief. Tu'u aro, northwest and west side of the island. Tu'u haígoígo, back tattoo. Tu'u haviki, easily angered person.Tu'u-toga, eel-fishing using a line weighted with stones and a hook with bait, so that the line reaches vertically straight to the bottom of the sea. Tu'utu'u, to hit the mark time and again. Tu'utu'u îka, fish fin (except the tail fin, called hiku). Vanaga.

... To the Polynesian and to the Melanesian has come no concept of bare existence; he sees no need to say of himself 'I am', always 'I am doing', 'I am suffering'. It is hard for the stranger of alien culture to relinquish his nude idea of existence and to adopt the island idea; it is far more difficult to acquire the feeling of the language and to accomplish elegance in the diction under these unfamiliar conditions. Take for an illustrative example these two sentences from the Viti: Sa tiko na tamata e kila: there are (sit) men who know. Sa tu mai vale na yau: the goods are (stand) in the house. The use of tu for tiko and of tiko for tu would not produce incomprehensibility, but it would entail a loss of finish in diction, it would stamp the speaker as vulgar, as a white man ... Savage life is far too complex; it is only in rich civilization that we can rise to the simplicity of elemental concepts ... Churchill 2.

Tuvi Mark on fishing line to indicate a number of fathoms, made with mahute fibre. Vanaga.
Ua 1. Cause, reason why something happens or is done; he ûa te ua, au i-ta'e-iri-ai ki tooku hare, because of the rain, I did not go home; ua kore, without cause, without reason. 2. Ceremononial stave with a human face carved at one extremity. Vanaga. Cfr toko.

1. A long club T. 2. Mgv.: ua, the genitalia. Ta.: hua, id. Mq.: hua, id. Ha.: hua, testicles. 3. Ta.: ua, the back of the neck. Ma.: ua, id. Sa.: ua, the neck. 4. Ta.: ua, a land crab which shears iron. Ma.: uka, lobster. Sa.: uga, the hermit crab. Churchill.

Ûa. Rain; 1. ûa hakamito, persistent, but not strong, rain; 2. ûa kura, fine rain, drizzle; 3. ûa matavaravara, strong rain; 4. ûa parera, torrential rain; 5. ûa tai, rain followed by fair weather at sea. Ehu ûa, drizzle. Vanaga.

Ûaûa. Tendons, muscles. 1. Hau ûaûa kio'e, line made from rats' tendons. 2. Ûaûa toto, vein, artery. 3. Ûaûa piki, spasm. Vanaga.

1. Rain; hoa mai te ua, to rain; mou te ua, to cease raining. P Mgv., Mq., Ta.: ua, rain. 2. Vein, artery, tendon (huahua 1) (uha G); ua nene, pulse; ua nohototo, artery, ua gaei, pulse. Uaua, vein, tendon, line; kiko uaua, muscle T. Hakauaua, to mark with lines. P Pau.: tare-ua, tendon. Mgv., Mq., Ta.: uaua, vein, tendon. Churchill.

U'a. Of the tide, to reach its maximum; tai u'a, high tide. Vanaga.

Wave, surge; tai ua, high tide. Churchill.

Uá. Ata uá, morning twilight. Uáuá, to reside; resident; noho uáuá to settle somewhere; ina koe ekó noho uáuá, do not establish yourself there. Vanaga.

Ue Uéué, to move about, to flutter; he-uéué te kahu i te tokerau, the clothes flutter in the wind; poki oho ta'e uéué, obedient child. Vanaga.

1. Alas. Mq.: ue, to groan. 2. To beg (ui). Ueue: 1. To shake (eueue); kirikiri ueue, stone for sling. PS Pau.: ueue, to shake the head. Mq.: kaueue, to shake. Ta.: ue, id. Sa.: lue, to shake, To.: ue'í, to shake, to move; luelue, to move, to roll as a vessel in a calm. Niuē: luelue, to quake, to shake. Uvea: uei, to shake; ueue, to move. Viti: ue, to move in a confused or tumultous manner. 2. To lace. Churchill.

Uero Comet, star, twilight, a ray, to be radiant (huero). Huero veravera, burning ray. Hueroero, a ray. Pau.: tuverovero, comet. Mgv.: etuvero, id. Churchill.
Uga 1. To send, to descpatch, to exhort, to deegate, to excite, to admit, to expel (huga); huga mai, to bring in; hakauga, to instigate, to intrigue, to conduct, to bring, to congratulate. T Mgv.: uga, to send, to despatch. Mq.: una, uka, to send a message, to urge. Ta.: ua, to expel, to chase. 2. Ugamoa, thin, leanness (hugamoa). 3. (Ugauaga) Hakaugauga, relaxed. Churchill.
Uha Hen; female (familiar): taaku uha = taaku vî'e, my wife, or my daughter (i.e. taaku poki). Vanaga.

Female. T Pau.: koufa, female of animals. Mq.: uha. id. Ta.: ufa, uha, id. Ma.: uwha, uha, id. Uhamau (uha - mau 7), to brood, to hatch. Churchill.

Tonga, Niuē: uha, rain. Viti: utha, rain. Churchill 2.

Uhi Yam (Dioscorea alata); a large tuber, one of the main staple foods in ancient times, of which some 40 varieties were grown. Uhi-uhi, to sew (also: tía); ka-uhiuhi toou nua, sew yourself a cape. Vanaga.

Yam. P Pau., Mgv.: uhi, id. Ta.: uhi, ufi, id. Mq.: puauhi, id.

Uhiuhi An endemic legume (Mezoneuron kauaiense), a tree with pink or red flowers and thin, broad, winged pods. The wood is hard and heavy and formerly was used for hōlua (sleds), spears, digging sticks, and house construction. Also kawa'ū, kea, kolomona, and the weedy herb Phaseolus lathyroides (Niihau). Ho'o uhiuhi, to prepare uhiuhi wood for house posts. Wehewehe.

Uhi  1. Covering, cover, veil, film, lid, solid tattooing, tent; to cover, spread over, engulf, conceal, overwhelm; to don, as a feather cloak. Fig., to deceive, hide the truth. Kākau uhi, to tattoo solidly. Uhi mai ka lani pō, the night sky spreads forth (ignorance). Ua uhi 'ia kō lāua mau mana'o i ke aloha, their thoughts were overwhelmed with love. Uhi i ka moe, to make a bed. 2. Large, bluish-brown birthmark. 3. The yam (Dioscorea alata), from southeast Asia, a climber with square stems, heart-shaped leaves, and large, edible, underground tubers. The plant is widely distributed through islands of the Pacific, where it is commonly grown for food. Also pālau, ulehihi. In the past botanists have applied the name uhi incorrectly to the hoi kuahiwi. 4. Mother-of-pearl bivalve, mother-of-pearl shank. 5. Turtle shell piece used for scraping olonā. 6. Mark made by the gall of raw pūpū 'awa (a shellfish) on tapa or on the skin as an ornament. Wehewehe.

Ui Ui. To ask. Vanaga.

Û'i. To look, to look at (ki); e-û'i koe! look out! Vanaga.

Ui. 1. Question, to interrogate, to ask (ue). Uiui, to ask questions. 2. To spy, to inspect, to look at, to perceive; tagata ui, visitor. Churchill.

Uka Uka hoa, female friend, companion. Ukauka: 1. Firewood. 2. Leathery, tough. PS Mgv.: ukauka, hard to chew. Mq.: ukakoki, leathery. Ta.: uaua, id. Sa.: u'a, tough, tenacious, glutinous. To.: uka, sticky. Niuē; uka, tough. Viti: kaukamea, metal. Churchill.
Ukukoku A plant. Vanaga.

Uku koku is the name of a dark type of grass, which in earlier times was used to make hats. Barthel 2.

Umu Cooking pit, Polynesian oven (shallow pit dug in the ground, in which food is cooked over heated stones); the food cooked in such a pit for a meal, dinner, or banquet; umu pae, permanent cooking pit, in a stone enclosure.; umu paepae, permanent cooking pit with straw cover for protection from rain and wind; umu keri okaoka, temporary cooking pit without stone enclosure; umu ava, very large temporary cooking pit, made for feasts; umu takapú, exclusive banquet, reserved for certain groups of persons, for instance the relatives of a deceased family member; umu tahu, daily meals for hired workers; umu parehaoga, inaugural banquet (made on occasion of a communal enterprise or feastival); umu ra'e, banquet for fifth or sixth month of pregnancy; umu pâpaku, banquet on occasion of the death of a family member. Vanaga.

Cooking place, oven (humu). Churchill.

Samoa, Maori, Nukuoro, Niue, Tahiti, Hawaii, Mangaia, Marquesas, Mangareva, Paumoto: umu, oven. Tonga: ngotoumu, id. Uvea: ngutuùmu, id. Futuna: ùmu-kai, id. Fotuna: amu, cooking place. Rapanui: umu, oven; humu hare, cook house ... The Polynesian radical is consistently umu. Tonga and Uvea compound with it a word which in Uvea is distinctly ngutu mouth and in Tongan we may feel that ngutu has been specifically differentiated in this composite. In the Futuna composite the latter element is merely kai food ... Particular interest attaches to the discovery of the amu type in Mabulag and Miriam, western and eastern islands of the straits and remote from the New Guinea coast ... The existence of amu in Fotuna affords us reason to regard the type as ancient Proto-Samoan, and that Mabulag and Miriam received it directly and not on secondary loan from Motu. Churchill 2.


Scale of fish; unahi varuvaru, to scale; unahi hakaha, to scale. P Pau., Ta.: unahi, to scale fish. Mgv.: unahi, fish scale, to scale. Mq.: unahi, id. Churchill.

Unu 1. To drink; unuga, the act of drinking. 2. To pull weeds, grasses. 3. To pluck; ka-unu te huruhuru o te moa! pluck the chicken's feathers! Únu-únu, to bask in the sun (ki te raá), to warm oneself by the fire (ki te ahi ). Vanaga.

To drink, liquor. Unuga, to drink. Hakaunu, to slake thirst. Hakaunuora, to water. P Mgv.: unu, to drink. Mq., Ta.: inu, id. Unuvai, to drink water; hipu unuvai, drinking glass. Churchill.

Ura Ura, lobster. Ûra, flame, blaze (ûra ahi), to become furious (with manava as subject: ku-ûra-á te manava). Úraúra, bright red. Vanaga.

1. Crayfish, lobster, prawn. P Mgv.: ura, crayfish. Mq.: , lobster. Ta.: oura, crayfish, lobster. 2. Fire, burning, to be in flames; uraga, combustion, flame, torch; hakaura, to cause to glow, to kindle, to light. P Mgv., Ta.: ura, a flame, to burn. Mq: , id. Uraga, burden, load, weight. Uraura, vermilion, scarlet. P Pau.: kurakura, red. Mgv.: uraura, an inflamed countenance. Mq.: uáuá, red, ruddy. Ta.: uraura, red. Churchill.

Ure 1. Generation; ure matá, warlike, bellicose generation (matá, obsidian, used in making weapons). 2. Offspring; brother; colleague i toou ure ka tata-mai, your colleague has turned up. 3. Friendship, friendly relationship; ku-ké-á te ure, they have become enemies (lit.: friendship has changed). 4. Penis (this definition is found in Englert's 1938 dictionary, but not in La Tierra de Hotu Matu'a). Ure tahiri, to gush, to spurt, to flow; e-ure tahiri-á te toto, blood is flowing in gushes. Ure tiatia moana, whirlwind which descend quickly and violently onto the ocean; whirlpool, eddy. Vanaga.

Penis; kiri ure, prepuce, foreskin. P Pau., Mgv., Ta.: ure, penis. Ureure, spiral. Ta.: aureure, id. Urei, to show the teeth. Mgv.: urei, to uncover the eye by rolling back the lids. Churchill.

Pau.: Ureuretiamoana, waterspout. Ta.: ureuretumoana, id. Churchill.

H. Ule 1. Penis. For imaginative compounds see 'a'awa 1, 'aweule, ulehala, ulehole, ulepa'a, ulepuaa, ule'ulu. Kū ka ule, he'e ka laho, the penis is upright, the scrotum runs away (refers to breadfruit: when the blossom (pōule) appears erect, there will soon be fruit). 2. Tenon for a mortise; pointed end of a post which enters the crotch of a rafter (also called ma'i kāne). Ho'o ule, to form a tenon or post for the crotch of a rafter. 3. To hang. Wehewehe.

Uri 1. Dark; black-and-blue. 2. Green; ki oti te toga, he-uri te maúku o te kaiga, te kumara, te taro, te tahi hoki me'e, once winter is over, the grasses grow green, and the sweet potatoes, and the taro, and the other plants. Uriuri, black; very dark. Vanaga.

Uriuri, black, brown, gray, dark, green, blue, violet (hurihuri). Hakahurihuri, dark, obscurity, to darken. P Pau.: uriuri, black. Mgv.: uriuri, black, very dark, color of the deep sea, any vivid color. Mq.: uiui, black, brown. Ta.: uri, black. Churchill.

Uli, s. Haw., the blue sky; adj., blue, cerulean, green; uli-uli, verdure; adj., green, dark-coloured, black. Sam., Tong., Fak., uli; Tah., uri, blue-black, any dark colour. Fornander.

Uru Uru. 1. To lavish food on those who have contributed to the funerary banquet (umu pâpaku) for a family member (said of the host, hoa pâpaku). 2. To remove the stones which have been heated in the umu, put meat, sweet potatoes, etc., on top of the embers, and cover it with those same stones while red-hot. 3. The wooden tongs used for handling the red-hot stones of the umu. 4. To enter into (kiroto ki or just ki), e.g. he-uru kiroto ki te hare, he-uru ki te hare. 5. To get dressed: kahu uru. Vanaga.

Uruga. Prophetic vision. It is said that, not long before the first missionaries' coming a certain Rega Varevare a Te Niu saw their arrival in a vision and travelled all over the island to tell it: He-oho-mai ko Rega Varevare a Te Niu mai Poike, he mimiro i te po ka-variró te kaiga he-kî i taana uruga, he ragi: 'E-tomo te haûti i Tarakiu, e-tomo te poepoe hiku regorego, e-tomo te îka ariga koreva, e-tomo te poporo haha, e-kiu te Atua i te ragi'. I te otea o te rua raá he-tu'u-hakaou ki Poike; i te ahi mo-kirokiro he-mate. Rega Varevare, son of Te Niu, came from Poike, and toured the island proclaiming his vision: 'A wooden house will arrive at Tarakiu (near Vaihú), a barge will arrive, animals will arrive with the faces of eels (i.e. horses), golden thistles will come, and the Lord will be heard in heaven'. The next morning he arrived back in Poike, and in the evening when it was getting dark, he died. Vanaga.

He ui a Ira.ko te motu etoru.he ki a Ira.he ro korua e kau a repa e ku ketu ana te urunga.a Hau maka o to tatou matua.i hakahi mai ai kia au.ko nga kope ririva tutuu vai a te taanga.te ingoa o te motu ena etoru i nape ai e te kuhane o Hau maka. Ira saw that there were three such islets. Ira said, 'Hey you, crew of young men, the vision of Hau Maka, our father, which he revealed to me, has come true. There are 'the handsome sons of Te Taanga, who are standing in the water', for this is the name that the dream soul of Hau Maka gave them. (E:17)

Uru manu. Those who do not belong to the Miru tribe and who, for that reason, are held in lesser esteem. Úru-úru. To catch small fish to use as bait. Uru-uru-hoa. Intruder, freeloader (person who enters someone else's house and eats food reserved for another). Vanaga.

1. To enter, to penetrate, to thread, to come into port (huru); uru noa, to enter deep. Hakauru, to thread, to inclose, to admit, to drive in, to graft, to introduce, penetrate, to vaccinate, to recruit. Akauru, to calk. Hakahuru, to set a tenon into the mortise, to dowel. Hakauruuru, to interlace; hakauruuru mai te vae, to hurry to. 2. To clothe, to dress, to put on shoes, a crown. Hakauru, to put on shoes, to crown, to bend sails, a ring. 3. Festival, to feast. 4. To spread out the stones of an oven. Uruuru, to expand a green basket. 5. Manu uru, kite. Uruga (uru 1). Entrance. Churchill.

Ta.: uru, the human skull. Mq.: uu, the head. Sa.: ulu, id. Moriori: ulu, id.

Uru, make even. Kapingamarangi.

Uta Higher up (from the coast, or from another place); i uta era, further up, up there; ki î te îka i uta, as there are lots of fish on the beach. Vanaga.

1. Inland, landward; paepae ki uta, to strand, to run aground; mouku uta, herbage. 2. To carry; uta mai, to import; hakauta, to give passage. Campbell.

Uto Buoy, net-float. Vanaga.
Va 1. Hakava, judge, judgement. T Mgv.: akava, to judge, to pass sentence. Pau.: haava, to judge, to conjecture. Ma.: whakawa, to charge with crime, to condemn. Ta.: haava, to judge. 2. Hakava, to speak. P Mgv.: va, to speak. Mq.: vaa, to chatter like a magpie. The Marquesan retains more of the primal sense although the simile is an alien importation. In Samoa va means a noise, in Tonga va is a laughing noise, in Futuna va is the disorderly cry of tumult, and probably it is the initial element of Viti wa-borabora to speak quickly and confusedly as when scolding. Its only identification in Tongafiti territory is Hawaii wawa the confused noise of a tumult ... Churchill.

Ta.: va, space between the leaves in a roof. Sa.: va, space between. Ma.: wa, interval. Churchill.

Vae Va'e: Foot, leg; te va'e mata'u, te va'e maúi, right foot, left foot. Va'e ruga, va'e raro, quick and light, without detour (lit.: foot up, foot down). Ka-oho koe ki a nua era va'e ruga va'e raro, ina ekó hipa-hipa, hurry straight to your mother, do not make any detours. Va'e pau, misshapen foot, clubfoot. Vae, to choose. Vaega, middle, centre; i vaega o, in the middle of. Vanaga.

1. Foot, paw, leg, limb; vae no roto, drawers; karikari vae, ankle. P Pau.: vaevae, foot, leg. Mgv.: vaevae, id. Mq.: vae, id. Ta.: vaevae, avae, id. 2. Pupil. 3. To choose, elect, prefer, promote, vote; vavae, to destine, to choose; vaea (vae 2), pupil. Vaeahatu (vae 1 - ahatu): moe vaeahatu, to sleep sprawling with legs extended. Vaega, center, middle, within, half; o vaega, younger; ki vaega, among, between, intermediate. P Pau.: vaega, the middle. Mgv.: vaega, center, middle. Mq.: vaena, vavena, vaveha, id. Ta.: vaehaa, half. Vaehakaroa (vae 1 - roa): moe vaehakaroa, to sleep with legs stretched out. Vaehau (vae 1 - hau 3), pantaloons, trousers. Vaeherehere (vae 1 - here 1), to attach by the paw. Vaerere (vae 1 - rere 1), to run. Churchill.

Ta.: 1. Timbers of a boat. Ha.: wae, knees, side timbers of a boat. 2. To share out. Sa.: vae, to divide, to share. Ma.: wawae, to divide. Churchill.

Vaero Chicken's long tail feather; lobster's antenna (vaero ura). Vanaga.

Tail of a kite, tail of a bird (uero). T Pau.: tuavaero, rump; kaero, tail. Mgv.: vero, tail. Mq.: veó, id. Ta.: aero, id. Churchill.

Vaha Hollow; opening; space between the fingers (vaha rima); door cracks (vaha papare). Vahavaha, to fight, to wrangle, to argue with abusive words. Vanaga.

1. Space, before T; vaha takitua, perineum. PS Mgv.: vaha, a space, an open place. Mq.: vaha, separated, not joined. Ta.: vaha, an opening. Sa.: vasa, space, interval. To.: vaha, vahaa, id. Fu.: vasa, vāsaà, id. Niuē: vahā. 2. Muscle, tendon; vahavaha, id. Vahahora (vaha 1 - hora 2), spring. Vahatoga (vaha 1 - toga 1), autumn. 3. Ta.: vahavaha, to disdain, to dislike. Ha.: wahawaha, to hate, to dislike.  Churchill.

Vahi 1. (Ahi 1). Ta.: pu-vahi, to fish with torch. 2. Pau.: vahi, a place. Mgv.: vahi, id. Ta.: vahi, id. Mq.: vahi, id. Ma.: wahi, id. 3. Pau.: vahi, a part. Mgv.: vahi, id. Ta.: vahi, id. Mq.: vahi, id. Sa.: fasi, id. Churchill.
Vai Water, liquid, juice. 1. Vai tagata, semen, sperm (also: takatea). 2. Vai kava, saltwater, sea, ocean. Vanaga.

(Sweet) water. Vai-kura = blood. Barthel.

1. Water, liquid, fluid, sap, juice, gravy, fresh water as differing from tai seawater; hakavai to dissolve, to liquefy, to melt. P Pau.: ana-vai, a brook. Mgv.: vai, water. Mq.: vai, water, liquid, juice. Ta.: vai, sweet water, sap, juice. Vaihu (vai-u), milk. T Mq., Ta.: vaiu, milk. Vaipuga (vai-puna), spring water. P Mgv.: vaipuna, water which springs from among stones. Mq.: vaipuna, spring water. Ta.: vaipuna, a spring. Vaitahe (vai-tahe 1), river. 2. Pau.: Vai, to exist. Ta.: vai, to be, to exist. Vaiora, to survive. Sa.: vaiola, the spring 'water of life?' Ma.: waiora, water of life.

Vaitoa (vai-toa 2), sugar. Mgv.: vaito, id. Vaituru (vai-turu 1), water conduit. Vaivai, weak. PS Mq.: vaivai, soft, pleasant, agreeable. Sa., To.: vaivai, weak. Pau.: Vaiho, to set down, to place. Ta.: vaiiho, to place. Ma.: waiho, to set down. Pau.: Hakavaivai, to delay. Ta.: vaivai, to rest a bit. Ta.: Vaianu, a plant. Mq.: Vaimata, tears. Ha.: waimaka, id. Vaitahe, a flood. Sa.: vaitafe, a river. Ha.: waikahe, running water, flood. Vaitupu, spring water. To.: vaitubu, well water. Unuvai, to drink water; hipu unuvai, drinking glass. Churchill.

Sa., Fakaafo, To., Fu., Niuē, Uvea, Nukuoro, Ta., Rar., Tongareva, Mq., Mgv., Fotuna, Nuguria, Vaté: vai, water. Rapanui: vai, juice, liquid, water. Aniwa: vai, tavai, water. Ma., Ha.: wai, id. Sikayana: wai, wuai, id. Vi.: wai, water. Rotumā: vai, voi, id. Churchill 2.

Vairua 1. Good fortune, good luck. O te vairua i rava'a-mai-ai-i tooku kahu, by a piece of good fortune I got myself some clothes. 2. Misfortune, bad luck; he uga koe e te maga i te vairua-á, you have been unlucky; o piría te vairua, so that no misfortune may happen to you. (Both expressions are ancient and almost unknown today.) Vanaga.

Ta.: vairua, vaerua, verua, virua, vaiite, spirit, soul. Ma.: wairua, id. Churchill.

Vaitara Vaitara, winter west wind T. Churchill.
Vaka Canoe, small boat; vaka ama, outrigger canoe. Vaka-ivi, graves under ahu which hold skeletons (lit. 'bone canoe'). Vaka-ure, to lay foundation stones in the outline of a canoe (e.g. for hare paenga); nowadays used in the more general sense, without reference to a special shape of outline. Vanaga.

Canoe, boat, bateau, shallop, barge. Vakapoepoe (vaka - poepoe) boat. P Pau.: vaka, canoe. Mgv.: vaka, canoe, raft. Mq.: vaka, canoe. Ta.: vaa, canoe, boat. Vakavaka, narrow. Mq.: vakavaka, vaávaá, small, fine, thin. Churchill.

Vanaga To speak, to talk, to pronounce; conversation, talk, word, language; he vânaga i te vânaga rapanui, to speak Rapanui; vânaga reoreo, lies, lying words, falsehoods. Vanavanaga, to talk at length; useless talk. Vanaga.

To speak, to say, to chat, to discourse, to address, to recount, to reply, to divulge, to spread a rumor; argument, conversation, formula, harangue, idiom, locution, verb, word, recital, response, speech; vanaga roroa, chatterbox, babbler; rava vanaga, candid, babbler; tae vanaga, discreet; tai vanaga, ripple; vanagarua (vanaga - rua 1), echo. P Pau.: vanaga, to warn by advice. Mgv.: vanaga, orator, noise, hubbub, tumult. Mq.: vanaa, orator, discourse, counsel, advice. Churchill.

Vao Mgv.: vao, uninhabited land. Ta.: ? [obliterated text] ... of the valleys. Mq.: vao, bottom of a valley. Sa.: vao, the bush. Ma.: wao, the forest. Churchill.
Vara Varahorohoro (vara - horohoro 1), appetite. Varavara: 1. not compact, thinly sown, loose, sparse, to have spaces, scattered, rarity, a Bible verse; avai varavara, to go singly; varavara no, sometimes; hakavaravara, thinly sown, spaced. PS Pau.: varavara, scattered, dispersed. Mgv.: varavara, thin, lightly scattered. Ta.: varavara, sparse, thinly sown, rare. Sa.: valavala, wide apart, coarse. 2. Thick (a sense-invert). Churchill.

Pau.: Hakavaravara, to brighten. Mgv.: varavara, clear to view. Ta.: varavara, transparent. Churchill.

Vare Spittle, drivel, any viscous liquid; viscous; vare mâmari, egg white; pipi-vare, slug. Vanaga.

Varevare, steep, rugged. Tu.: vare, to lose consciousness. Barthel 2.

1. Hakavare, to crisp, to plaster; hakavarevare, to level. 2. Driveler. P Mgv.: vare, clumsy, inept. Turivare, abscess at the knee. Varegao, to speak indistinctly, to offend, to pretend. Varevare: 1. Steep, rugged. 2. Smooth, plain, without rocks; horo varevare, without branches; tino varevare, slender; kona varevare, open place, court, market place. PS Sa.: valevale, fat. To.: valevale, young, tender, applied to babies. In Nuclear Polynesia it is difficult to dissociate this vale from the vale conveying the sense of ignorance. In Samoa this varevare appears only as applied, lē valevale, to a hog that is not fat. It is probable that varevare 2 preserves the Proto-Samoan primitive and that the sense-invert, in the preceding item, is directed away from the germ-sense. Churchill.

Vari 1. Menstruation, period (also: tiko). 2. To tack, to veer (nautical); ku-vari-mai-á te miro, the boat arrives, have veered [around Rano Kau]. Vanaga.

About, circumference, to turn in a circle; hakavari, pliant, to bend, square; varivari, about, to go around; vavari, a garland; varikapau, circumference, to surround, a compass, to admire; hiriga varikapau, to go in a ring; pa varikapau, to close in; varitakataka (vari-taka 3) to surround. Churchill.

Pau.: Vari, marsh, mire, dirt. Ta.: vari, dirt, mud. Rar.: vari, mud. Churchill.

Mgv.: Vari, paste well diluted. Mq.: vaivai, to dilute, to thin. Ha.: waliwali, soft, pasty. Churchill.

Varu 1. To cut one's hair (te puoko). 2. To shave. 3. To paint, to put on make-up: he varu te kiea. Varu a-roto, to have diarrhoea. Vanaga.

1. Eight. 2. To shave, to remove the beard, to shear, to clip, to rasp, a plane. Varuvaru, to peel, to remove the bark, to plane, to scrape, to shear. Churchill.

Varua Spirit, soul; sleep, dream. This is a Tahitian word, but the same term may have been used in ancient times. Vanaga.

In Bierbach the accumulated evidence connected varua with mummification and how the hair was removed (varu), the body fluids drained (varu a-roto) and after a period of 2 months it was make-up time (he varu te kiea):

... Embalming is known and practised with surprising skill in one particular family of chiefs. Unlike the Egyptian method, as described by Herodotus, it is performed in Samoa exclusively by women. The viscera being removed and buried, they, day after day, anoint the body with a mixture of oil and aromatic juices. To let the fluids escape, they continue to puncture the body all over with fine needles.

In about two months, the process of desiccation is completed. The hair, which had been cut and laid aside at the commencement of the operation, is now glued carefully on to the scalp by a resin from the bush. The abdomen is filled up with folds of native cloth; the body is wrapped up with folds of the same material, and laid out on a mat, leaving the hands, face, and head exposed ...

Vave Water in motion, a long wave; pokopoko vave, trough of the sea; tai vave, rough sea; vave kai kohe, unapproachable. Churchill.

Pau.: A fringing reef. Mgv.: taivave, a rolling billow. Ta.: vavea, a towering billow. Churchill.

Vea Ta.: A messenger. Ha.: weawea, a procurer. Churchill.
Vere 1. Beard, moustache (vede G); vere gutu, moustache; verevere, shaggy, hairy, tow, oakum. Mgv.: veri, bristly, shaggy, chafed (of a cord long in use). Mq.: veevee, tentacles. Ta.: verevere, eyelash. 2. To weed (ka-veri-mai, pick, cut-grass T); verevere, to weed. P Mgv.: vere, to weed. Mq.: veéveé, vavee, id. 3. Verega, fruitful, valuable; verega kore, unfruitful, valueless, contemptible, vain, futile, frivolous; tae verega, insignificant, valueless; mataku verega kore, scruple. Mgv.: verega, a design put into execution; one who is apte, useful, having a knowledge how to do things. 4. Ta.: verevere, pudenda muliebria. Ma.: werewere, id. (labia minora). Churchill.

Sa.: apungaleveleve, apongaleveleve, a spider, a web. To.: kaleveleve, a large spider. Fu.: kaleveleve, a spider, a web. Niuē: kaleveleve, a cobweb. Nukuoro: halaneveneve, a spider. Uvea: kaleveleve, a spider. Mgv.: pungaverevere, a spider. Pau.: pungaverevere, cloth. Mg.: pungaverevere, a cobweb. Ta.: puaverevere, id. Mao.: pungawerewere, puawerewere, puwerewere, a spider. Ha.: punawelewele, a spider, a web. Mq.: pukaveevee, punaveevee, id. Vi.: lawa, a fishing net; viritālawalawa, a cobweb; butalawalawa, a spider. Churchill 2.

Vero To throw, to hurl (a lance, a spear). This word was also used with the particle kua preposed: koía kua vero i te matá, he is the one who threw the obsidian [weapon]. Verovero, to throw, to hurl repeatedly, quickly (iterative of vero). Vanaga.

1. Arrow, dart, harpoon, lance, spear, nail, to lacerate, to transpierce (veo). P Mgv.: vero, to dart, to throw a lance, the tail; verovero, ray, beam, tentacle. Mq.: veó, dart, lance, harpoon, tail, horn. Ta.: vero, dart, lance. 2. To turn over face down. 3. Ta.: verovero, to twinkle like the stars. Ha.: welowelo, the light of a firebrand thrown into the air. 4. Mq.: veo, tenth month of the lunar year. Ha.: welo, a month (about April). Churchill.

Sa.: velo, to cast a spear or dart, to spear. To.: velo, to dart. Fu.: velo, velosi, to lance. Uvea: velo, to cast; impulse, incitement. Niuē: velo, to throw a spear or dart. Ma.: wero, to stab, to pierce, to spear. Ta.: vero, to dart or throw a spear. Mg.: vero, to pierce, to lance. Mgv.: vero, to lance, to throw a spear. Mq.: veo, to lance, to throw a spear. Churchill 2.

Veve Pau.: miserable. Ta.: veve, poor, needy, miserable. Churchill.

Veveke, to hurry up, hasten, quicken. Websters.

Vi Pau.: To succumb. Ta.: vi, to be subjugated, the beginning of a retreat. Churchill.

Mgv.: 1. A fruit. Ta.: vi, Spondias dulcis. Mq.: vi, id. Sa.: vi, id. Ha.: wi, the tamarind. 2. A fish. Mq.: vi, id. Churchill.

Viri 1. To wind, to coil, to roll up; he viri i te hau, to wind, coil a string (to fasten something). 2. To fall from a height, rolling over, to hurl down, to fling down. Viriviri, round, spherical (said of small objects). Viviri te henua, to feel dizzy (also: mimiro te henua). Vanaga.

To turn in a circle, to clew up, to groom, to twist, to dive from a height, to roll (kaviri). Hakaviri, crank, to groom, to turn a wheel, to revolve, to screw, to beat down; kahu hakaviri, shroud. Viriga, rolling, danger. Viriviri, ball, round, oval, bridge, roll, summit, shroud, to twist, to wheel round, to wallow. Hakaviriviri, to roll, to round; rima hakaviriviri, stroke of the flat, fisticuff. P Pau.: viriviri, to brail, to clew up; koviriviri, twisting. Mgv.: viri, to roll, to turn, to twist; viviri, to fall to the ground again and again in a fight. Mq.: vii, to slide, to roll, to fall and roll. Ta.: viri, to roll up, to clew up. Viritopa, danger. Mgv.: Viripogi, eyes heavy with sleep. Mq.: viipoki, swooning, vertigo. Churchill.

Viti: vili, to pick up fallen fruit or leaves ... In Viti virimbai has the meaning of putting up a fence (mbai fence); viri does not appear independently in this use, but it is undoubtedly homogenetic with Samoan vili, which has a basic meaning of going around; virikoro then signifies the ring-fence-that-goes-about, sc. the moon. In the Maori, aokoro is the cloud-fence ... Churchill 2.