"WELO, v. Haw., to float or stream in the wind; to flutter or shake in the wind, s. the setting of the sun, or the appearance of it floating on the ocean; welo-welo, colours or cloth streaming in the wind, a tail, as of a kite, light streaming from a brand of fire thrown into the air in the dark; hoku-welo-welo, a comet, a meteor; ko-welo, to drag behind, as the trail of a garment, to stream, as a flag or pennant.

Sam., Tong., welo, to dart, cast a spear of dart.

Tah., wero, to dart, throw a spear; a storm, tempest, fig. great rage; wero-wero, to twinkle, as the stars.

Marqu., weo, a tail.

Mangar., wero, a lance, spear.

Greek, βαλλω, εβαλον, to throw, cast, hurl, of missiles, throw out, let fall, push forward; βελος, a missile, a dart; βελεμνον, id., βολη, a throw, a stroke; βολος, anything thrown, missile, javelin, a cast of the dice.

Sanskr., pal, to go, to move. To this Benfey refers the Lat. pello, Greek παλλω, O. H. Germ. fallan, A.-Sax. feallan. Liddell and Scott are silent on these connections ..." (Fornander)