"LONO, v. Haw., to hear, observe, obey; pass., it is said, reported; s. report, fame, tidings.

Sam., longo, to hear, report; s. sound; longoma, to hear; longonoa, be deaf; longo-longoa, be famed, renowned.

Tah., roa, report, fame, notoriety; pa-roo, famous; tui-roo, id.

Marqu., ono or oko (k for ng), sound, to hear.

N. Zeal., rongo, to hear, to sound, report, news.

Tong., ongo, sound, tidings.

Fiji., rongo, id.

Iaw., runu, to hear.

By the usual sound exchange of l and n, perhaps the Haw. nana, to bark, to growl, and the N. Zeal. nganga, noise, uproar, refer themselves to this family.

Sanskr., ran, to shout, to sound; rana, noise; rana-rana, mosquito.

Pers., lânah, cry, noise; lândan, to cry, to bark; ka-rânah, a raven.

Irish, lonach, talkative, a babbler; lon, a blackbird; r'an, ranach, a cry, roarings.

Lat., rana, frog.

A. Pictet (Orig. Ind.-Eur., i. 474) refers the Greek κορωνη, a crow, a jackdaw, to the Sanskrit ran.

Perhaps the Swedish röna, to be aware of, to experience, apprendre, goes back to the Polynesian lono or the Sanskrit ran."
