48   A straight line drawn from Polaris to Acrux will not be in parallel with the right ascension lines, because this pair of stars were at opposite sides of the celestial globe.

*187.5 (Acrux, Newe) - Hoku-paa, Polaris (*26.6) = *161 = *183 - *22.

... The secret sense of 22 - sacred numbers were never chosen haphazardly - is that it is the measure of the circumference of the circle when the diameter is 7. This proportion, now known as pi, is no longer a religious secret; and is used today only as a rule-of-thumb formula, the real mathematical value of pi being a decimal figure which nobody has yet been able work out because it goes on without ever ending, as 22 / 7 does, in a neat recurring sequence [3.142857142857 ...]. Seven lustra add up to thirty-five years, and thirty-five at Rome was the age at which a man was held to reach his prime and might be elected Consul ...

The seasons of Easter Island were 'upside down' and instead of watching the irrational shadows generated by the movement of the Sun

the face of the Full Moon (Hotu) would be a better guide for finding *26.6 for Polaris at the time when the Sun would reach Acrux.

... Then occurred a curious event. Whether Atea had wearied of bringing forth offspring we are not told, but certain it is that Atea and her husband Fa'a-hotu exchanged sexes. Then the eyes of Atea glanced down at those of his wife Hotu and they begat Ru. It was this Ru who explored the whole earth and divided it into north, south, east, and west ...






Alchita (α Corvi) Pálida (δ Crucis) Acrux (*187.5)

SIRRAH (Navel of the Horse)

0h (*365.25)

ALGENIB (Wing of Pegasus)

NO STAR (*4)

March 22 (*1 = *184 - *183)

March 25 (84 = 267 - 183)
kua moe ki te tai. Te heke
Ca1-26 Ca2-1 (27)
April 16 (365 + 106 = 471)

ANA-NIA-10 (Pillar-to-fish by)

 χ Ceti (26.1), POLARIS = α Ursae Minoris, BATEN KAITOS = ζ Ceti (26.6), METALLAH = α Trianguli (26.9)
April 17 (107 = 472 - 365)

Al Sharatain-1 (Pair of Signs) / Ashvini-1 (Wife of the Ashvins) / Bond-16 (Dog) / Mahrū-sha-rishu-ku-1 (Front of the Head of Ku)

SEGIN = ε Cassiopeia, MESARTHIM = γ Arietis, ψ Phoenicis (27.2), SHERATAN = β Arietis, φ Phoenicis (27.4)

*351 = *27.4 - *41.4
'March 20 (79 = 360 + 84 = 471 - 27) 'March 21 (80 = 107 - 27)
Oct 16 (80 + 209 = 289)

No star listed (209)

Oct 17 (290 = 107 + 183)

MUPHRID (Solitary Star) = η Bootis (210.1), ζ Centauri (210.3)

Heke. Rafter. Starzecka.

... Whittier said, in his Cry of a Lost Soul: 'The Cross of pardon lights the tropic skies'; which is correct for our day, as it is not now entirely visible above 27º 30' of north latitude. It was last seen on the horizon of Jerusalem - 31º 46' 45'' - about the time that Christ was crucified. But 3000 years previously all its stars were 7º above the horizon of the savages along the shores of the Baltic Sea, in latitude 52º 30' ...

The Head in the middle (belly) of Ca1-26 could represent the line from Polaris.



Then would come the Front of the Head of Ku at the First Point of Aries.

... George Smith inferred from the tablets that it might be the Star of the Flocks; while other Euphratean names have been Lu-lim, or Lu-nit, the Ram's Eye; and Si-mal or Si-mul, the Horn star, which came down even to late astrology as the Ram's Horn. It also was Anuv, and had its constellation's titles I-ku and I-ku-u, - by abbreviation Ku, - the Prince, or the Leading One, the Ram that led the heavenly flock, some of íts titles at a different date being applied to Capella of Auriga. Brown associates it with Aloros, the first of the ten mythical kings of Akkad anterior to the Deluge, the duration of whose reigns proportionately coincided with the distances apart of the ten chief ecliptic stars beginning with Hamal, and he deduces from this kingly title the Assyrian Ailuv, and hence the Hebrew Ayil; the other stars corresponding to the other mythical kings being Alcyone, Aldebaran, Pollux, Regulus, Spica, Antares, Algenib, Deneb Algedi, and Scheat ...

Ca2-1 (27)

hau tea

... The First Point of Aries should be at one end of the balance

and the First Point of Libra at the other ...

'Point' in the Polynesian language is tara, and the beginning of the Easter Island year was defined from when manu tara (the sea swallow)

returned to lay her eggs.






koia te rima te hau tea
Alchita (α Corvi) Pálida (δ Crucis) Acrux (*187.5)
'Aug 24 (236 = 8 ' 29½) 'Aug 25 (237 = 81 + 183 - 27) 'Aug 28 (267 - 27 = 8 * 30)

SIRRAH (Navel of the Horse)

0h (*365.25)

ALGENIB (Wing of Pegasus)

NO STAR (*4)

March 22 (*1 = *184 - *183)

March 25 (84 = 267 - 183)
Ca1-26 Ca2-1 (27)
kua moe ki te tai. Te heke
April 16 (365 + 106 = 471)

ANA-NIA-10 (Pillar-to-fish by)

 χ Ceti (26.1), POLARIS = α Ursae Minoris, BATEN KAITOS = ζ Ceti (26.6), METALLAH = α Trianguli (26.9)
April 17 (107 = 472 - 365)

Al Sharatain-1 (Pair of Signs) / Ashvini-1 (Wife of the Ashvins) / Bond-16 (Dog) / Mahrū-sha-rishu-ku-1 (Front of the Head of Ku)

SEGIN = ε Cassiopeia, MESARTHIM = γ Arietis, ψ Phoenicis (27.2), SHERATAN = β Arietis, φ Phoenicis (27.4)

*351 = *27.4 - *41.4
'March 20 (79 = 360 + 84 = 471 - 27) 'March 21 (80 = 107 - 27)
Oct 16 (80 + 209 = 289)

No star listed (209)

Oct 17 (290 = 107 + 183)

MUPHRID (Solitary Star) = η Bootis (210.1), ζ Centauri (210.3)

'Sept 19 (240 + 22 = 262 = 79 + 183) 'Sept 20 (263 = 290 - 27)

Heke. Rafter. Starzecka.


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