24   Let's now take a look at μ Virginis (*222.5) down in the shadowy region of the Virgin's left Foot - a star with the name Rijl Al Awwa:

... μ, a 3.9 magnitude, was Al Achsasi's Rijl al Άwwā', the Foot of the Barker. It has been included with δ Librae in the Akkadian lunar asterism Mulu Izi, a title also applied to ε; the Sogdian Fasarwa, and the Khorasmian Sara-fsariwa, both signifying the 'One next to the Leader' - i.e. next to the lunar asterism ι, κ, and λ ...

... Math the son of Mathonwy, King of North Wales ... is pictured as a sacred King of the ancient type whose virtue was resident in the feet ...

... Then occurred a curious event. Whether Atea had wearied of bringing forth offspring we are not told, but certain it is that Atea and her husband Fa'a-hotu exchanged sexes. Then the eyes of Atea glanced down at those of his wife Hotu and they begat Ru. It was this Ru who explored the whole earth and divided it into north, south, east, and west ...

Ab1-1 (671 → 461 + 210) Ab1-2 (2 * 336) Ab1-3 Ab1-4
Te hoea rutua te pahu - rutua te maeva - atua rerorero - atua ata tuu

Hoea, instrument for tattooing. Barthel.

Oct 22 (295, *215)

ARCTURUS (*215.4)

SYRMA (*215.6)


*216.4 - *41.4 = *175.0

KHAMBALIA (*216.4)

Oct 23 AD 2023 (296)

MARS (*216)

Oct 24 (293 + 4 = 297) Oct 25 (*218, *584)

Φ VIRGINIS (*218.7)


13 Aug (225 408 - 183) 14 Aug (*146, *512) (*513 19 * 27 = 9 * 57) 16 Aug (*514)
April 22 (112, *32) 23 24 25 (115, *35)
12 Febr (408 - 365 = 43) 13 Febr (*329) All the 'hearts' (*514 - *183 = *331)

Far down in the south was the Southern Fish with her Mouth, Fom-al-Haut (α Piscis Austrini, *347):

And up in the north was the Mouth of the southern of the pair of fishes in the Pisces constellation (Fum al Samakah, β Piscium, *348):

I have not listed the culmination date for Fum al Samakah, but because this star rose with the Sun in March 4 (*348) - the day after the Sun had risen together with Fom-al-Haut - we can presume Fum al Samakah culminated in the day after the culmination of Fom-al-Haut, viz. in October 26 (→ Ab1-5). I.e., in day 299 - 4 (precesson since AD 1584) = 295.

JUNE 28 29 (180) SIRIUS JULY 1 (*102) 2
Ga4-16 Ga4-17 (100 =180 - 80) Ga4-18 Ga4-19 Ga4-20
ν Hydrae (163.1)

No star listed (164)

ALTAIR (α Aquilae)

Wings-27 (Snake)

η Octans (165.4), ALKES (Shallow Basin) = α Crateris (165.6)

*124.0 = *165.4 - *41.4

ANA-TIPU-4 (Upper-side-pillar - where the guards stood)

MERAK (Loin, not Lion) = β Ursae Majoris (166.2), DUBHE (Bear) = α Ursae Majoris (166.7)
11h (167.4)

χ Leonis, χ¹ Hydrae (167.1), χ² Hydrae (167.3)

Aug 31 Sept 1 MANASSEH 3 (246 = 211 + 41) 4

... For six days (po ono), mats (moenga) were taken on board the canoe (i.e., the loading of the canoe took six days) - etahi poō no. o te moenga. i too ai ki runga ki te miro. Hotu's canoe [te miro. o Hotu] sailed [he oho] from Maori to Te Pito O Te Kainga. It sailed on the second day of September (hora nui) ... [E:74]

°Aug 27 28 29 (*161) 30 (242) 31
'Aug 4 (216 = 243 - 27) 5 (*137) 6 (218 = 204 + 14) 7 8 (220)
"July 21 (181 + 21 = 202) 22 / 7 23 (204, *124) 24 (205 = 246 - 41) 25
DEC 28 29 30 (364) 31 (*285 = *349 - *64) JAN 1 (366)
ι Cephei (346.0), λ Aquarii, γ Piscis Austrini, σ Pegasi (346.5)

SCHEAT AQUARII =  δ Aquarii (347.0), ρ Pegasi (347.2), δ Piscis Austrini (347.4), FOMALHAUT (Mouth of the Fish) = α Piscis Austrini, τ Gruis (347.8)

*306.0 = *347.4 - *41.4
FUM AL SAMAKAH (Mouth of the Fish)  = β Piscium (348.3), ζ Gruis (348.5), ο Andromedae (348.9)

Al Fargh al Mukdim-24 (Fore Spout) / Purva Bhādrapadā-26 (First of the Blessed Feet) / House-13 (Pig)

SCHEAT PEGASI = β Pegasi, π Piscis Austrini (349.3), κ Gruis (349.4), MARKAB PEGASI = α Pegasi (349.5)

*308.0 = *349.4 - *41.4

23h (350.0 = 167.4 + 182.6)

υ, θ Gruis (350.0), π Cephei (350.6), ι Gruis (350.9)
March 2 (31 + 28 + 2 = 61) 3 4 (*348, 428) 5 (429 - 365 = 64) 6 (365 + 65 = 430)
°Febr 26 (61 -  4 = 57 27 28 (*344) °March 1 2 (61)
'Febr 3 (61 - 27 = 34) 4 5 (63 - 27 = 36) 6 (*322 = *349 - *27) 7
"Jan 20 (= 61 - 41) 21 22 23 (*285 + *23 = *308) 24 (366 + 23)
Gb2-27 → Π Gb2-28 (54) Gb2-29 (55 + 229) Gb2-30 (285) Gb2-31

Now we can guess Metoro told about the song praising the flow of sweet waters (ako te vai) as referring to the culmination (at 21h) of the beginning of the Pegasus Square a suitable place (Ab1-6) for Rogo, viz. *220 → twice 110:

.. About Carmenta we know from the historian Dionysus Periergetis that she gave orcales to Hercules and lived to the age of 110 years. 110 was a canonical number, the ideal age which every Egyptian wished to reach and the age at which, for example, the patriarch Joseph died. The 110 years were made up of twenty-two Etruscan lustra of five years each; and 110 years composed the 'cycle' taken over from the Etruscans by the Romans. At the end of each cycle they corrected irregularities in the solar calendar by intercalation and held Secular Games ...

Ab1-5 ( → 25 * 27 = 15 * 45) Ab1-6 (1340) Ab1-7
Oct 26 (412 - 6 - 107) = 299


Oct 27 (300, *220)

→ 115 (Mercury) + 185

ρ Lupi (221.0), TOLIMAN = α Centauri (221.2), π Bootis (221.8), ζ Bootis (221.9)

17 Aug (229 = 299 - 70) 18 Aug (*150) 19 Aug
16 Febr (412) 17 Febr (413 14 * 29½ (14 * 29½ + 1) → *41.4 Bharani
atua ata Rei - tuu te Rei hemoa - i ako te vai

Ako. To sing, to recite: he-ako i te kaikai, to recite the [text accompanying a] string figure kaikai; he-ako i te rîu, to sing rîu. Vanaga. Song. Ako hakaha'uru poki = 'song to make children sleep'. Barthel. Ákoáko, to recite hymns in honour of a deity. Vanaga.

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