72. We can imagine the symbol at 0º in the map below to represent the general shape of Pisces: ![]() However, it is rather the horns of Aries reused as a symbol for where the Sun would cross over from south of the equator to the region north of the equator: ![]() Which, though, in turn might have been based on the outline of the head of the mountain goat (Ibex): ![]() ![]() ![]() The ancient idea of birth of lambs in spring had to change, due to the precession, to the idea of a pair of fishes. ![]() ... The Katawihi distinguish two rainbows: Mawali in the west, and Tini in the east. Tini and Mawali were twin brothers who brought about the flood that inundated the whole world and killed all living people, except two young girls whom they saved to be their companions. It is not advisable to look either of them straight in the eye: to look at Mawali is to become flabby, lazy, and unlucky at hunting and fishing; to look at Tini makes a man so clumsy that he cannot go any distance without stumbling and lacerating his feet against all obstacles in his path, or pick up a sharp instrument without cutting himself ... ... A man once said to his careless son: The world is as sharp as a knife. If you don't watch out, you'll fall right off. His son replied that the earth was wide and flat; no one could fall off. And as he kicked at the ground to show how solid and reliable it was, he ran a splinter into his foot and died soon after ... ... When they were there, and had executed their father's commission, the young men felt a wish to enquire to which of them the kingdom of Rome was to come; and we are told that these words were uttered from the bottom of the cave - 'Young men, whichever of you shall first kiss your mother, he shall possess the sovereign power at Rome' ... Brutus judged that the expression of Apollo had another meaning, and as if he had accidentally stumbled and fallen, he touched the earth with his lips, considering that she was the common mother of all mankind ... ... This [σ Sagittarii] has been identified with Nunki of the Euphratean Tablet of the Thirty Stars, the Star of the Proclamation of the Sea, this Sea being the quarter occupied by Aquarius, Capricornus, Delphinus, Pisces, and Pisces Australis. It is the same space in the sky that Aratos designated as Water ...
Here the situation ('to go to the fishes', which suggests death) csn be saved by going back to the earliest ancestors who will tell about a pair of twins associated with spring equinox. ... Far away, the Mangaians of old (Austral Islands, Polynesia), who kept the precessional clock running instead of switching over to 'signs', claim that only at the evening of the solstitial days can spirits enter heaven, the inhabitants of the northern parts of the island at one solstice, the dwellers in the south at the other ... Considering the fact that the crossroads of ecliptic and Galaxy are crisis-resistant, that is, not concerned with the Precession, the reader may want to know why the Mangaians thought they could go to heaven only on the two solstitial days. Because, in order to 'change trains' comfortably, the constellations that serve as 'gates' to the Milky Way must 'stand' upon the 'earth', meaning that they must rise heliacally either at the equinoxes or at the solstices. The Galaxy is a very broad highway, but even so there must have been some bitter millenia when neither gate was directly available any longer, the one hanging in midair, the other having turned into a submarine entrance ... To go back in time was corresponding to look at the stars later in the night (because precession will always push the Sun earlier and earlier in the year as observed against the fixed stars). The earliest point in Pisces should therefore be that of Alrisha (*29.2).
In this discussion it is easy to perceive the pair of 'fiery fists' in FEBRUARY 10 as illustrating how the Sun is here changing hemisphere:
We will then find that the glyph at Alrisha presumably was intended to deliver a similar message: