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133. According to the evening news the viewers should take the opportunity to watch the sky tonight, because there will be an intense meteor shower. However, according to my local view of the night sky it will presumably instead be covered by heavy clouds resulting in showers of rain.

Today is August 13 (225) AD 2023, and the meteor shower should be originating in the constellation of Perseus.

Immediately I was struck by the date as that for the Creation of our present world. And half a year way - in the nakshatra sky - should then be February 14 (All Hearts' Day).

The Martian retrograde diagram was beginning 10 days later and I became curious as to where Mars had been in August 13 AD 2022. In the night of August 23 AD 2022, we have seen, the planet Mars was at *59:

... In the Golden Age of the Bull - Aldebaran is the name for α Tauri - AUGUST 23 would have been 235 - 54 = 181 days after FEBRUARY 23 (TERMINALIA). And according to Cartes du Ciel the location of Mars in the night of August 23 AD 2022 would indeed be between Aldebaran and the Pleiades, although not precisely where the diagram above is indicating:

Febr 4

365 + 31 + 4 = 400




Jan 20

385 = 370 + 15



MARCH 21 (80  ↔ 64 + 16)

Jan 5

370 = 354 + 16


AIN (*65)

MARCH 22 (81  ↔ 65 + 16)

Dec 6

340 = 235 + 105


5h (*76)

APRIL 2 (92 ↔ 76 + 16)

Nov 6

310 = 235 + 75


HEAVENLY GATE (*84.0 ↔ 100 - 16)

APRIL 10 (100 ↔ 84 + 16)

Oct 7

280 = 235 + 45


ELNATH & BELLATRIX (*80 96 - 16)

APRIL 6 (280 - 184 = 96. *381)

Sept 7

250 = 235 + 15



MARCH 25 (250 - 166 = 84, *369)

Aug 23



λ & ν Tauri (*59)

MARCH 16 (235 - 160 = 75, *360)

*320 - *170 = *150 = *260 - *110

The right ascension line for 4h would come in the next day (*60) and this line stretched up to λ Persei, which was 3 days after Menkhib (ζ, not ξ):

MARCH 7 (66) 8 (365 + 67 = 432) 9
Gb4-31 Gb4-32 (123) Gb4-33 (229 + 124 = 353)
Gb8-17 (229 + 229) Gb8-18 (230) Gb8-19 (460)

ALGENIB PERSEI = α Persei (50.0), ο Tauri (50.2), ξ Tauri (50.8)

GIENAH (γ Corvi)
σ Persei (51.6) No star listed (52)
May 10 (*50) 11 12 (80 + 52 = 132)
°May 6 (*46) 7 8 (128)
'April 13 (*23) 4-14 15 (105 = 132 - 27)
"March 30 (365 + 89 = 454) 31 (455 - 80 = *375) "April 1 (91 = 132 - 41)
SEPT 5 (248 = 66 + 182) 6 7 (250 = 433 - 183)
ο Cor. Borealis (232.0), δ Lupi (232.1), φ¹, ν² Lupi (232.2), ν¹ Lupi (232.3), ε Lupi (232.4), φ² Lupi (232.5), PHERKAD (The Dim One of the Two Calves) = γ Ursae Min. (232.6), ε Librae (232.7), η Cor. Borealis (232.8), υ Lupi (232.9)

*191.0 = *232.4 - 41.4

ALKALUROPS (The Herdsman's Lance) = μ Bootis (233.1), ED ASICH (Male Hyena) = ι Draconis (233.2) NUSAKAN (Pauper's Bowl) = β Cor. Bor. (234.0), κ¹ Apodis (234.3), ν Bootis (234.7), ζ Librae (234.9)
Nov 8 9 10 (314)
°Nov 4  5 (*329) 6 (310)
'Oct 12 13 14
"Sept 28 29 30 (*193)
Ga6-28 (→ 2 * 314) Ga6-29 Ga7-1 (170)


MARCH 10 (*354) 11 12 (436) 13 (72)

Gb5-1 (354 = 337 + 17)

Gb5-2 Gb5-3 Gb5-4 (128)

(444 + 17 = 461 = 354 + 107) Gb8-21


Gb8-23 (464)

ψ Persei (53.1)

δ Persei (54.7)

Al Thurayya-27 (Many Little Ones) / Krittikā-3 (Nurses of Kārttikeya) / TAU-ONO (Six Stones)

ATIKS = ο Persei, RANA (Frog) = δ Eridani (55.1), CELAENO (16 Tauri), ELECTRA (17), TAYGETA (19), ν Persei (55.3), MAIA (20), ASTEROPE (21), MEROPE (23) (55.6)

Hairy Head-18 (Cockerel) / Temennu-3 (Foundation Stone)

ALCYONE (56.1), PLEIONE (28 Tauri), ATLAS (27 Tauri) (56.3)
May 13 (*53) 14

15 (365 + 135 = 500)

16 (136)
°May 9 10 (130) 11 12 (*52)
'April 16 17 (107) 18 (473) 19 (*29)
"April 2 (*377) 3 (93) 4 (459) 5 (*15)
SEPT 8 9 (*172) 10 11 (254 = 72 + 182)

θ Cor. Borealis (235.3), γ Lupi (235.6), GEMMA = α Cor. Bor., ZUBEN ELAKRAB = γ Librae, QIN = δ Serpentis, ε Tr. Austr. (235.7), μ Cor. Borealis (235.8), υ Librae (235.9)

SIRRAH (α Andromedae)
φ Bootis (236.2), ω Lupi, τ Librae (236.3), ψ¹ Lupi (236.7), ζ Cor. Borealis (236.9)

κ Librae (237.2), ι Serpentis (237.4), ψ² Lupi, ρ Oct. (237.5), γ Cor. Borealis, η Librae (237.7),  COR SERPENTIS = α Serpentis (237.9)

*196.0 = *237.4 - *41.4

π Cor. Borealis, UNUK ELHAIA (Necks of the Serpents) = λ Serpentis (238.1), CHOW = β Serpentis (238.6)
Nov 11 (315) 12 (*236) 13 14
°Nov 7 8 (*232) 9 10 (314)
'Oct 15 (*208) 16 17 (290) 18
"Oct 1 (*194) 2 3 4 (277)
Ga7-2 (154 + 17 = 171) Ga7-3 (172) Ga7-4 (127 + 46 = 173) Ga7-5 (464 - 290 = 174)


3-14 (π) MARCH 15 (*359) 16 (75)
Gb5-5 Gb5-6 (130) Gb5-7 (360)
Gb8-24 (229 + 236 = 465) Gb8-25 Gb8-26 (360 + 107)

MENKHIB (Next to the Pleiades = ζ Persei) (57.6)

PORRIMA (γ Virginis)

ε Persei (58.5), ξ Persei (58.8), ZAURAK (Boat) = γ Eridani (58.9)

July 22 AD 2024 (203, *123)


λ Tauri (59.3), ν Tauri (59.9)

Aug 23 AD 2022 (235, *155)


37 Tauri → 137 (May 17)

April 14 AD 2023 (404)

VENUS (*324 → *265 + *59)

May 17 (137) 18 (*58) 19 (*424)
°May 13 14 (*54) 15 (135)
'April 20 (110) 21 22 (*32)
"April 6 (96) 7 (*17) 8 (*383)
SEPT 12 13 (256 → 4 * 64) 14 (*177)

κ Serpentis (239.3), δ Cor. Borealis, TIĀNRŪ = μ Serpentis (239.5), χ Lupi, (239.6), ω Serpentis (239.7), BA (= Pa) = ε Serpentis, χ Herculis (239.8). κ Cor. Borealis, ρ Serpentis (239.9)

λ Librae (240.0), β Tr. Austr. (240.3), κ Tr. Austr. (240.4), ρ Scorpii (240.8)

*199.0 = *240.4 - *41.4
Iklīl al Jabhah-15 (Crown of the Forehead) / Anuradha-17 (Following Rādhā) / Room-4 (Hare)

ξ Lupi, λ Cor. Bor. (241.1), ZHENG = γ Serpentis,  θ Librae (241.2), VRISCHIKA = π Scorpii (241.3), ε Cor. Borealis (241.5),  DSCHUBBA (Front of Forehead) = δ Scorpii (241.7), η Lupi (241.9)

Nov 15 16 (320) 17 (*241)
°Nov 11 (315) 12 (*236) 13
'Oct 19 (292) 20 21 (*214)
"Oct 5 (278) 6 7 (*200)
Ga7-6 Ga7-7 Ga7-8 (177 → 354 / 2)


MARCH 17 18 19 (78) 20 (444) 0h (*365)
Gb5-8 (361) Gb5-9 Gb5-10 Gb5-11 (229 + 135) Gb5-12 (364 + 1)
No glyph.
Gb8-27 Gb8-28 Gb8-29 (241) Gb8-30 (229 + 13)

4h (60.9)

JĪSHUĬ = λ Persei (60.7)

COR CAROLI (α Canum Ven.)
υ Persei (61.2)

BEID (Egg) = ο¹ Eridani (62.2), μ Persei (62.8)

VINDEMIATRIX ( ε Virginis)

Al Dabarān-2 (The Follower)

HYADUM I = γ Tauri (63.4)

*22.0 = *63.4 - *41.4
HYADUM II = δ¹ Tauri (64.2)
May 20 (140) 21 22 (142) 23 (*428) 24 (144. *64)
°May 16 (136) 17 18 19 (*424) 20 (140, *60)
'April 23 (113, *33) 24 (114, 479) 25 (*400 = *35 + *365) 26 (*36 = *63 - *27) 27 (117, *37)
"April 9 (99, *384) 10 (100, 465) 11 (101) 12 (*22) 13 (468 = 144 + 324)
SEPT 15 16 17 (260) 18 (290 - 29) 19 (*364 / 2)
υ Herculis (242.3), ρ Cor. Borealis (242.4), ι Cor. Borealis (242.5), θ Draconis (242.6), ξ Scorpii (242.7)

SCHEDIR (Breast) α Cassiopeiae

*201.0 = *242.4 - *41.4

16h (243.5)

ACRAB (Scorpion) = β Scorpii, JABHAT AL ACRAB (Forehead of the Scorpion) = ω Scorpii (243.3), θ Lupi, RUTILICUS = β Herculis (243.5), MARFIK (Elbow) = κ Herculis (243.7), φ Herculis (243.8)
ψ Scorpii (244.6), LESATH (Sting) = ν Scorpii (244.8) χ Scorpii (245.1), YED PRIOR (Hand in Front) = δ Ophiuchi, δ Tr. Austr. (245.5) YED POSTERIOR (Hand Behind) = ε Ophiuchi, RUKBALGETHI SHEMALI (Northern Knee of the Giant) = τ Herculis (246.6). δ Apodis (246.7), ο Scorpii (246.8)

... In other words, the ancient Druidic religion based on the oak-cult will be swept away by Christianity and the door - the god Llyr - will languish forgotten in the Castle of Arianrhod, the Corona Borealis. This helps us to understand the relationship at Rome of Janus and the White Goddess Cardea who is ... the Goddess of Hinges who came to Rome from Alba Longa. She was the hinge on which the year swung - the ancient Latin, not the Etruscan year - and her importance as such is recorded in the Latin adjective cardinalis - as we say in English 'of cardinal importance - which was also applied to the four main winds; for winds were considered as under the sole direction of the Great Goddess until Classical times ...

Nov 18 (*242) 19 20 (324) 21 22 (*246)

... The correspondence between the winter solstice and the kali'i rite of the Makahiki is arrived at as follows: ideally, the second ceremony of 'breaking the coconut', when the priests assemble at the temple to spot the rising of the Pleiades, coincides with the full moon (Hua tapu) of the twelfth lunar month (Welehu). In the latter eighteenth century, the Pleiades appear at sunset on 18 November. Ten days later (28 November), the Lono effigy sets off on its circuit, which lasts twenty-three days, thus bringing the god back for the climactic battle with the king on 21 December, the solstice (= Hawaiian 16 Makali'i). The correspondence is 'ideal' and only rarely achieved, since it depends on the coincidence of the full moon and the crepuscular rising of the Pleiades ...

°Nov 14 15 16 (320) 17 18 (*242)
'Oct 22 (295) 23 (*216) 24 25 26 (299)
"Oct 8 9 (*202) 10 11 12 (285)
Ga7-9 (178) Ga7-10 Ga7-11 (180) Ga7-12 Ga7-13 (182)

In AD 2022 the date August 13 (225) had Mars at right ascension day *52:

ν Tauri Aug 23

J2000 RA: 4h03m09.40s


λ Tauri Aug 23

J2000 RA: 4h00m40.80s


Mars Aug 23

J2000 RA: 3h57m53.00s

58.5 → *59

Mars Aug 13

J2000 RA: 3h33m37.53s


03m07.80s / 1440 * 365.25 = 0.794

27m03.27s / 1440 * 365.25 = 6.924

There is much remaining to be found out, for instance what is meant by 'Geneve 2022-8-13 3h00m (TU + 1h00m)'.

When the Sun in May 20 (140) reached the line for 4h (at Gb5-8) then Cor Caroli (α Canes Venaticorum, the Hunting Dogs) would culminate (at 21h) at the same time as the nakshatra Full Moon ideally should be at the place for November 18 (322 = 140 + 182), where Schedir (the Breast) would culminate.

This region of time-space seems to be characterized by the culminations of important stars:











