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Why am I doing this? I mean why am I going around in the Arctic like this? Answer: because my task is to 'brainwash myself' into another type of mentality, presumably more appropriate to understand the rongorongo texts. I strive for a 'blue' mind. The Eskimo are hunters and as such should have another mentality than those who toil in the fields. They should be magically inclined and not mystics, as Frobenius labelled it. Although the Easter Islanders seem to have primarily relied on agriculture, their superstition is remarkable. Also their ability to make small sculptures of great diversity - just like the Inuit, e.g. in the picture below showing Nanurjuk:

Maybe sometime they were in close contact, these peoples, borrowing string games and ideas from each other. But there are also similarities between Rapa Nui and ancient Egypt, old India, and China.

"The Mahabharata insists on six as the number of the Pleiades ... " (Hamlet's Mill)

Yes, indeed, there are similarities between the 'blue' mentality of Rapa Nui and the rest of the world - except for us in the Western Society, civilized for far too long.

"Other peoples also sought to enmesh the Sun: 'In a pass of the Peruvian Andes stand two ruined towers, on opposite hills. Iron hooks are clamped into their walls for the purpose of stretching a net from one tower to the other. The net is intended to catch the sun' (Frazer 1922:79." (Arctic Sky)

This might be the same net as the one we saw in one of the pictures from ancient Egypt:

I guess it is the net of Maoloha.