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157. Myths are powerful picture stories. But they are only simplifications of the true pictures (or the real thing).

The origin of the Mesoamerican ball court games surely lies very far back in time. But a clue is given by the name Olmeca = the people of the rubber trees. Clearly the extraordinary bouncing balls could have originated in the land of the Olmecs, the land of the rubber treess, the land of bouncing rubber balls.

In the Olmec picture above a 5th direction is added by the central World Tree.

The World Tree was from where the Raven returned with a snake in his claws and a lie in his beak:

... the bird, being sent with a cup for water, loitered at a fig-tree till the fruit became ripe, and then returned to the god with a water-snake in his claws and a lie in his mouth, alleging the snake to have been the cause of the delay. In punishment he was forever fixed in the sky with the Cup and the Snake; and, we may infer, doomed to everlasting thirst by the guardianship of the Hydra over the Cup and its contents. From all this came other poetical names for our Corvus - Avis Ficarius, the Fig Bird; and Emansor, one who stays beyond his time; and a belief, in early folk-lore, that this alone among birds did not carry water to its young ...

The habitat of snakes might be in the waters of the southern hemisphere and that of the serpent the air of the northern hemisphere - cfr the Flying Serpent, Quetzal-Coatl (Kukulkan).

... Behind me, towering almost 100 feet into the air, was a perfect ziggurat, the Temple of Kukulkan. Its four stairways had 91 steps each. Taken together with the top platform, which counted as a further step, the total was 365. This gave the number of complete days in a solar year. In addition, the geometric design and orientation of the ancient structure had been calibrated with Swiss-watch precision to achieve an objective as dramatic as it was esoteric: on the spring and autumn equinoxes, regular as clockwork, triangular patterns of light and shadow combined to create the illusion of a giant serpent undulating on the northern staircase ...

... I must here take the opportunity to document, before it vanishes from my memory, how scientists (according to a TV program I happened to stumble on yesterday) had found out that the 91 vertical stone segments clearly had been arranged in order to produce a remarkable acoustical phenomenon - viz. how someone (like a priest) when clapping his hands standing on the ground in front of the pyramid would receive an echo of approval from the stones, sounding exactly like the chirp of the Flying Serpent (Kukulkan, the Quetzal Coatl) ...

The explanation for the delay of Emansor might be that he did not return until the northern autumn equinox instead of 84 days earlier. Gienah (γ Corvi, *185) - *84 = *101 (Sirius). 84 Julian equinox. The beginning of the year should come with Sirius and this remarkable star went hand in hand with the Sun who came earlier and earlier as time went by. But the Fig Tree and Raven did not, which made it appear as if they came late.

Sirius generated fresh water 6 days after Agasthya (Canopus).

... The Pythagoreans make Phaeton fall into Eridanus, burning part of its water, and glowing still at the time when the Argonauts passed by. Ovid stated that since the fall the Nile hides its sources. Rigveda 9.73.3 says that the Great Varuna has hidden the ocean. The Mahabharata tells in its own style why the 'heavenly Ganga' had to be brought down. At the end of the Golden Age (Krita Yuga) a class of Asura who had fought against the 'gods' hid themselves in the ocean where the gods could not reach them, and planned to overthrow the government. So the gods implored Agastya (Canopus, alpha Carinae = Eridu) for help. The great Rishi did as he was bidden, drank up the water of the ocean, and thus laid bare the enemies, who were then slain by the gods. But now, there was no ocean anymore! Implored by the gods to fill the sea again, the Holy One replied: 'That water in sooth hath been digested by me. Some other expedient, therefore, must be thought of by you, if ye desire to make endeavour to fill the ocean ...

On the other hand, the left hand - i.e. south of the equator when standing on the equator looking towards the west - the story was not about Raven coming late but the opposite, viz. that Crow came much later than Raven:

... There was no water in the village. The lakes and rivers were dry. Raven and Crow, two young girls who were having their first menstrual courses, were told to go and draw water from the ocean. Finding the journey too long, Raven decided just to urinate into her basket-bucket. She decieved no one and was severly scolded. Crow returned much later but with drinking water. As a punishment, Raven was condemned never to find water in the summer; only in winter would she find something to drink. For that reason the Raven never drinks during the hot months; she speaks with a raucous voice because of her dry throat ...

The expression 'as the Crow flies' means a straight path, but Raven had the opposite character - a trickster never doing anything straight.

... The old man gave the Raven two small sticks, like gambling sticks, one black, one multicoloured. He gave him instructions to bite them apart in a certain way and told him to spit the pieces at one another on the surface of the sea. The Raven climbed back up the pole, where he promptly did things backwards, just to see if something interesting would occur, and the pieces bounced apart. It may well be some bits were lost. But when he gathered  what he could and tried again - and this time followed the instructions he had been given - the pieces stuck and rumpled and grew to become the mainland and Haida Gwaii ...

0h (80) MARCH 22 23 (82) 24 25 (84) 26 (*370)
Ga1-1 Ga1-2 Ga1-3 Ga1-4 Ga1-5
(229 + 136) Gb5-13 (365 + 1) Gb5-14 Gb5-15 Gb5-16 (140) (450 - 80 = 370)
HYADUM II = δ¹ Tauri (64.2)

Jan 20 AD 2023 (385 → 354 + 31) MARS

Net-19 (Crow)

AIN (Eye) = ε Tauri, θ¹ Tauri, θ² Tauri (65.7)

Jan 5 AD 2023 (370 → 354 + 15) MARS

 No star listed (66) No star listed (67)

Rohini-4 (The Red One) / Pidnu-sha-Shame-4 (Furrow of Heaven) / ANA-MURI-2 (Rear pillar - at the foot of which was the place for tattooing)

ALDEBARAN = α Tauri (68.2), THEEMIN = υ² Eridani (68.5)

Sept 7 AD 2022 (250 → 235 + 15) MARS

Febr 4 AD 2023 (400 → 260 + 40) MARS

No star listed (69)
May 24 25 (145) 26 27

5 Imix 9 Kumk'u

°May 20 21 22 23 24 (144) 25
'April 27 28 29 30 'May 1 (121) 2
"April 13 14 (104) 15 16 ( 1½ * 314) 17 (107, 472) 18
SEPT 20 (*183) 21 (264) EQUINOX 23 24 25 (450 - 182)

Heart-5 (Fox)

σ Scorpii (247.0), HEJIAN = γ Herculis (247.2), ψ Ophiuchi (247.7(

ρ Ophiuchi (248.1), KAJAM (Club) = ω Herculis (248.3), χ Ophiuchi (248.5), SHE LOW (Market Tower) = υ Ophiuchi, Tr. Austr. (248.7), ζ Tr. Austr. (248.8) Al Kalb-16 (The Heart) / Jyeshtha-18 (Eldest) / ANA-MUA-1 (Entrance pillar)

ANTARES = α Scorpii (249.1), MARFIK (Elbow) = λ Ophiuchi, φ Ophiuchi (249.5),  ω Ophiuchi (249.8)

Dec 7 AD 2023 (*261 → 9 * 29) MARS

γ Apodis (250.1), σ Herculis (250.3), θ Tr. Austr. (250.6), τ Scorpii (250.7) HAN = ζ Ophiuchi (251.0) ζ Herculis, η Tr. Austr. (252.1), η Herculis, β Apodis (252.5)
Nov 23 (327) 24 25 (*249) 26 27 28
°Nov 19 20 21 (*245) 22 23 24
'Oct 27 (300) 28 29 (*222) 30 31 'Nov 1
"Oct 13 (286) 14 15 (*208) 16 17 18
Ga7-14 (183) Ga7-15 Ga7-16 Ga7-17 Ga7-18 Ga7-19 (370 - 182)

... Nut, whom the Greeks sometimes identified with Rhea, was goddess of the sky, but it was debatable if in historical times she was the object of a genuine cult. She was Geb's twin sister and, it was said, married him secretly and against the will of Ra. Angered, Ra had the couple brutally separated by Shu and afterwards decreed that Nut could not bear a child in any given month of any year. Thoth, Plutarch tells us, happily had pity on her. Playing draughts with the Moon, he won in the course of several games a seventy-second part of the Moon's light with which he composed five new days. As these five intercalated days did not belong to the official Egyptian calendar of three hundred and sixty days, Nut was thus able to give birth successively to five children: Osiris, Haroeris (Horus), Set, Isis and Nepthys ...:

Anyhow, October 15 (288) was certainly an important date.

... On the fifteenth day of the month of October (tangaroa uri), Nonoma left the house [he ea mai roto i te hare] during the night [i te po] to urinate outdoors [ki kaho.mimi]. At this point Ira called out [he rangi] to Nonoma, 'Look at the canoe!' Nonoma ran [he tahuti], he quickly went to Te Hiringa Heru (a ravine in the side of the crater Rano Kau) and looked around. There he saw the double canoe way out near the (offshore) islets [i te motu o haho], and the two (hulls of the canoe) were lashed together ... [E:75]

*319 FEBR 9 (40 = 5 + 35) 10 (*326) 11 (407)

... On February 9 the Chorti Ah K'in, 'diviners', begin the agricultural year. Both the 260-day cycle and the solar year are used in setting dates for religious and agricultural ceremonies, especially when those rituals fall at the same time in both calendars. The ceremony begins when the diviners go to a sacred spring where they choose five stones with the proper shape and color. These stones will mark the five positions of the sacred cosmogram created by the ritual. When the stones are brought back to the ceremonial house, two diviners start the ritual by placing the stones on a table in a careful pattern that reproduces the schematic of the universe. At the same time, helpers under the table replace last year's diagram with the new one. They believe that by placing the cosmic diagram under the base of God at the center of the world they demonstrate that God dominates the universe. The priests place the stones in a very particular order. First the stone that corresponds to the sun in the eastern, sunrise position of summer solstice is set down; then the stone corresponding to the western, sunset position of the same solstice. This is followed by stones representing the western, sunset position of the winter solstice, then its eastern, sunrise position. Together these four stones form a square. They sit at the four corners of the square just as we saw in the Creation story from the Classic period and in the Popol Vuh. Finally, the center stone is placed to form the ancient five-point sign modern researchers called the quincunx ...

Gb4-5 (325 = 5 + 320 = 290 + 35) Gb4-6 (97) Gb4-7
ALSEIPH (Scimitar) = φ Persei (24.5), τ Ceti (24.7) No star listed (25)


ANA-NIA-10 (Pillar-to-fish by)

χ Ceti (26.1), POLARIS = α Ursae Minoris, BATEN KAITOS (Belly of the Fish) = ζ Ceti (26.6), METALLAH = α Trianguli (26.9)
4-14 (*24) April 15 (470) 16 (106)
°April 10 (100) 11 (466) 12
'March 18 19 (78) 20 (*364)
"March 4 5 (64 = 105 - 41) 6 (*350)
AUG 10 (222 = 187 + 35) 11 12 (*144 → 288 / 2)
ε Centauri (206.3), κ Oct. (206.4)

*165.0 = *206.4 - *41.4

No star listed (207)

(4 * 6 = 24)

τ Bootis (208.2), BENETNASH (Leader of the Daughters of the Bier) = η Ursae Majoris (208.5), ν Centauri (208.7), μ Centauri, υ Bootis (208.8)
Oct 13 (*206) 14 15 (288 = 106 + 182)
°Oct 9 (*202) 10 (283) 11
'Sept 16 17 (*180) 18 (261 = 79 + 182)
"Sept 2 (*165 = *206 - *41) 3 (246 = 64 + 182) 4
Ga6-2 (142 = 107 + 35) Ga6-3 Ga6-4

... Gregory dropped 10 days to bring the calendar back into synchronisation with the seasons. Accordingly, when the new calendar was put in use, the error accumulated in the 13 centuries since the Council of Nicaea was corrected by a deletion of ten days. The Julian calendar day Thursday, 4 October 1582 was followed by the first day of the Gregorian calendar, Friday, 15 October 1582 (the cycle of weekdays was not affected) ... The reform was adopted initially by the Catholic countries of Europe. Protestants and Eastern Orthodox countries continued to use the traditional Julian calendar and adopted the Gregorian reform after a time, for the sake of convenience in international trade. The last European country to adopt the reform was Greece, as late as 1923 ... Britain and the British Empire (including the eastern part of what is now the United States) adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752, by which time it was necessary to correct by 11 days. Wednesday, 2 September 1752, was followed by Thursday, 14 September 1752. Claims that rioters demanded 'Give us our eleven days' grew out of a misinterpretation of a painting by William Hogarth:

And then we must remember that the Mayan creation of our present world was in the day before 5 Imix 9 Kumk'u, corresponding to our August 13 (225, *145):

DEC 7 8 9 (7 * 7 * 7) 10 11 (345) 12 (*266)
Gb2-6 Gb2-7 Gb2-8 Gb2-9 (35) Gb2-10 Gb2-11 (266)
BUNDA (Foundation) / KAKKAB NAMMAΧ (Star of Mighty Destiny) θ Piscis Austrini (330.1), λ Oct. (330.7)

Al Sa'd al Su'ud-22 (Luckiest of the Lucky) / Emptiness-11 (Rat)

TSIN = 36 Capricorni (325.2), ALPHIRK (The Flock) = β Cephei (325.7), SADALSUD = β Aquarii, ξ Gruis (325.9)
No star listed (326)

CASTRA = ε Capricorni (327.2), BUNDA = ξ Aquarii (327.5)

SIRIUS (α Canis Majoris)

Mahar sha hi-na Shahū-26 (Western One in the Tail of the Goat)

NASHIRA = γ Capricorni (328.0), ν Oct. (328.3),  AZELFAFAGE = π¹ Cygni, κ Capricorni (328.7)

Arkat sha hi-na Shahū-27 (Eastern One in the Tail of the Goat)

ENIF (The Nose) = ε Pegasi, ERAKIS = μ Cephei (329.2), 46 CAPRICORNI, JIH (the Sun) = κ Pegasi (329.3), ι Piscis Austrini (329.4), λ Capricorni (329.6), ν Cephei (329.7), DENEB ALGIEDI =  δ Capricorni (329.8)

*288.0 = *329.4 - *41.4
Febr 9 (40) 10 (343 + 64) (408 = 43 + 365) 13 All Hearts' Day

... On February 9 the Chorti Ah K'in, 'diviners', begin the agricultural year. Both the 260-day cycle and the solar year are used in setting dates for religious and agricultural ceremonies, especially when those rituals fall at the same time in both calendars. The ceremony begins when the diviners go to a sacred spring where they choose five stones with the proper shape and color. These stones will mark the five positions of the sacred cosmogram created by the ritual. When the stones are brought back to the ceremonial house, two diviners start the ritual by placing the stones on a table in a careful pattern that reproduces the schematic of the universe. At the same time, helpers under the table replace last year's diagram with the new one. They believe that by placing the cosmic diagram under the base of God at the center of the world they demonstrate that God dominates the universe. The priests place the stones in a very particular order. First the stone that corresponds to the sun in the eastern, sunrise position of summer solstice is set down; then the stone corresponding to the western, sunset position of the same solstice. This is followed by stones representing the western, sunset position of the winter solstice, then its eastern, sunrise position. Together these four stones form a square. They sit at the four corners of the square just as we saw in the Creation story from the Classic period and in the Popol Vuh. Finally, the center stone is placed to form the ancient five-point sign modern researchers called the quincunx ...

°Febr 5 6 7 8 (*324) 9 10 (41)
'Jan 13 (378) 14 15 (*300) 16 17 18 (383)
"Dec 30 31 "Jan 1 2 3 (368) 4
JUNE 7 (*78) 8 9 JUNE 10 (161) 11 12

Fibonacci: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ... → 1.618033998 ... = φ = (1 + √5) / 2.

The Knot (Ukdah)

5 Imix 9 Kumk'u

Rishu A.-13 (Head of the Lion)

ψ Leonis (146.4), RAS ELASET AUSTRALIS = ε Leonis (146.6)

*105.0 = *146.4 - *41.4
VATHORZ PRIOR = υ Carinae (147.9)

Star-25 (Horse) / ANA-HEU-HEU-PO-5 (Pillar where debates were held)

ALPHARD (The Horse) = α Hydrae (142.3), ω Leonis (142.6), τ¹ Hydrae (142.7)

Al Tarf-7 (The End)

ψ Velorum (143.3), ALTERF = λ Leonis, τ² Hydrae (143.4), ξ Leonis (143.5)

*102.0 = *143.4 - *41.4

A Hydrae (144.1)

VEGA (α Lyrae)


Creation of our present world

UKDAH (Knot) = ι Hydrae (145.4), κ Hydrae (145.5), SUBRA = ο Leonis (145.8)

*104.0 = *145.4 - *41.4


April 25 AD 2025 (115)

MARS (*35)

Aug 10 11 12 13 (*145) 14 15 (227)
°Aug 6 7 8 (220) 9 10 11 (*143)
'July 14 15 16 17 (*118) 18 19 (200)
"June 30 "July 1 2 3 (*104) 4 5 (186)