55   I have pointed at the possibility to read 500 (the period of the Phoenix) as equivalent to the sum of 365 and 135 (May 15).

SHERATAN (*27.4) Cb1-2 Cb1-3 (395) 2h (*30.4)
Cb1-24 (416) Cb2-1 (25) Cb2-2 Cb2-3
GIENAH (*50) May 11 (131) May 12 (*52) ACRUX
Cb2-4 (420) Cb2-5 (29) Cb2-6
te ua koia ra kua tuku ki to mata - ki tona tukuga
May 14 (134) 15 (135 = 500 - 365) 16 (*56)

... I'a is the general name for fishes,' Pratt notes in his Samoan dictionary, 'except the bonito and shellfish (mollusca and crustacea).' ...

... And if the rites were not duly observed, if the hook was not rightly tied, if the fisher was so incautious as to mention his eyes, if one of a hundred faults was committed and the fishing was in vain, then the fisher acknowledged his ill success abjectly by saying that (maloā) he was conquered. Such is the language Samoans use to the gentleman of the seas, and he is not i'a ...

... A very detailed myth comes from the island of Nauru. In the beginning there was nothing but the sea, and above soared the Old-Spider. One day the Old-Spider found a giant clam, took it up, and tried to find if this object had any opening, but could find none. She tapped on it, and as it sounded hollow, she decided it was empty. By repeating a charm, she opened the two shells and slipped inside. She could see nothing, because the sun and the moon did not then exist; and then, she could not stand up because there was not enough room in the shellfish. Constantly hunting about she at last found a snail. To endow it with power she placed it under her arm, lay down and slept for three days. Then she let it free, and still hunting about she found another snail bigger than the first one, and treated it in the same way ...

From the culmination of Acrux to Alcyone rising with the Sun there were 3 days.

And the culmination of Sirrah should occur 'simultaneously' half a year away:

...This mode of reckoning seems to be a peculiarity of the far north: the Icelanders reckoned in misseri, half-years, not in whole years, and the rune-staves divide the year into a summer and a winter half, beginning on April 14 and October 14 respectively. But in Germany too, when it was desired to denote the whole year, the combined phrase 'winter and summer' was employed, or else equivalent concrete expressions such as 'in bareness and in leaf', 'in straw and in grass' ...

SEPT 7 (250 = 200 + 50) 8 (*171) 9
Ga7-1 (250 - 80 = 170) Ga7-2 Ga7-3 (252 → 36 weeks)
NUSAKAN (Pauper's Bowl) = β Cor. Bor. (234.0), κ¹ Apodis (234.3), ν Bootis (234.7), ζ Librae (234.9)

θ Cor. Borealis (235.3), γ Lupi (235.6), GEMMA = α Cor. Bor., ZUBEN ELAKRAB = γ Librae, QIN = δ Serpentis, ε Tr. Austr. (235.7), μ Cor. Borealis (235.8), υ Librae (235.9)

φ Bootis (236.2), ω Lupi, τ Librae (236.3), ψ¹ Lupi (236.7), ζ Cor. Borealis (236.9)
Nov 10 (314 → π) 11 (*235) 12 (*56 + *180 = *236)
°Nov 6 (310) 7 (*231) 8
'Oct 14 (287 = 314 - 27) 15 (*208 = *235 - *27) 16
"Sept 30 (273 = 314 - 41) "Oct 1 2 (*195)

... In other words, the ancient Druidic religion based on the oak-cult will be swept away by Christianity and the door - the god Llyr - will languish forgotten in the Castle of Arianrhod, the Corona Borealis. This helps us to understand the relationship at Rome of Janus and the White Goddess Cardea who is ... the Goddess of Hinges who came to Rome from Alba Longa. She was the hinge on which the year swung - the ancient Latin, not the Etruscan year - and her importance as such is recorded in the Latin adjective cardinalis - as we say in English 'of cardinal importance - which was also applied to the four main winds; for winds were considered as under the sole direction of the Great Goddess until Classical times ...

MARCH 9 (68 = 250 - 182) 10 (*354 = *171 + *183) 11 (*355)
No star listed (52)

ψ Persei (53.1)

δ Persei (54.7)
May 12 (132) 13 (*53) 14
°May 8 (128) 9 (*49) 10
'April 15 16 (471 = 288 + 183) 17 (107)
"April 1 (91) 2 (*377 = *194 + *183) 3

On side a of the C tablet we should remember the eye-catching pair presumably visualizing how Old Spider was endowing power:

0h *236
March 22 (81, *1)
*1 + *183 = *184
Sept 21 (264. *184)
(*184 - *41 = *143)
Ca9-9 (237) Ca9-10 Ca9-11 Ca9-12 Ca9-13 Ca9-14 (242)
Nov 13 (*237) 14 (135 + 183) 15 16 (320, *240) 17 18
COR SERPENTIS *238 *56 + *183 λ Librae (240.0), β Tr. Austr. (240.3), κ Tr. Austr. (240.4), ρ Scorpii (240.8) VRISCHIKA SCHEDIR
May 14 15 (365 + 135) 16 (136, *56) May 17 (*58) → 2 * 29 19 (139)
"April 3 (93) 4 "April 5 (*15) 6 (96) 7 "April 8 (98)
kotia kua rere ki te marama e moa haati kava e moa

... Kava will make the eyes more sensitive, generating an illusion of returning light ...

Ca9-15 Ca9-16 (244) Ca9-17 Ca9-18 (246) Ca9-19 Ca9-20 (248)
Nov 19 20 (324) 21 (80 + 245) 22 23 24 (328)
16h (*243.5) LESATH *245 → 63 + 183 σ SCORPII (*247.0) *248
May 20 21 (141) 22 23 24 25 (145)
"April 9 10 (100) 11 12 13 14 (104)
LIBERALIA 18 (100 - 23) 19 (78) MARCH 20 21 (80) 22 (145 - 64)
i te mauga pu hia E rima ki te henua koia ku honui erua maitaki ko koe ra

When Metoro said 'hia' it was probably an instruction for Bishop Jaussen on Tahiti to 'Count!', e.g. ... Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on 21 March (even though the equinox occurs, astronomically speaking, on 20 March in most years) ... → 3-20 ↔ right ascension day *320 at the south pole star Dramasa.

*13 *100
Ca10-6 (9 * 29) Ca10-7 (262) Ca13-20 (→ 13 * 20)
Dec 7 (341, *261) Dec 8 March 18 (443, *362)
Sarin (*261.0), ο Ophiuchi (*261.4)


θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis, ζ, ι Apodis (*262.4) DZANEB (*362.4)


CAPELLA (*78.4)


*262 + *183 = *445


no star listed (*180)
June 7 (158, *78) June 8 Sept 17 (260, *180)
(158 - 41 = 117, *37) "April 28 (→ 4 * 29½) (*180 - *41 = *139)
(158 - 64 = 94, *14) APRIL 5 (95, *79 - *64) (*139 - *23 = *116)
Tupu te toromiro kua noho te vai -

Acrux and Sirrah evidently formed a pair:








May 13 (133, *53)

May 16 (136, *56)

Nov 11 (315, *235)

Nov 14 (318, *238)



Ga7-2 (171)

Ga7-5 (174)

My arrangement of the glyphs in the table above appears to go withershins (with the Moon), but the dates are moving with the Sun. You can measure a cycle beginning anywhere, and also move in both directions.

And, as we can see, another such pair is described by Thuban and Alrisha, with Lesath (†) in the Scorpion reflecting the role of Alcyone (*).








June 7 (133 + 25, *78)

June 10 (161)

Dec 7 (341, *261)

Dec 10 (*264)

Ca10-6 (261 9 * 29)

Ca10-9 (264)

Ca4-2 (78 3 * 26)

Ca4-5 (81 → 3 * 27)

Tupu te toromiro

te marama

kua tupu - te kihikihi

te rau hei

... The month, which takes its name from Juppiter the oak-god, begins on June 10th and ends of July 7th. Midway comes St. John's Day, June 24th, the day on which the oak-king was sacrificially burned alive. The Celtic year was divided into two halves with the second half beginning in July, apparently after a seven-day wake, or funeral feast, in the oak-king's honour ...

The location of glyph number 78 (*78 → Rigel) seems to visualize the major stars in the Auriga constellation (where the Charioteer had lost his Horse);

and where the ashes (te kihikihi) would form a fertile ground for the fallen head in which to sprout (kua tupu).


→ 45 * 6 = 270 = 3 * 90

Ca4-2 (78)

Cb6-27 (534)

kua tupu - te kihikihi kua tupu te kihikihi
June 7 (158, *78)


ĸ Leporis (78.0), RIGEL (Foot) = β Orionis (78.1), Flaming Star = IC405 (78.2), CAPELLA (Mother Goat) = α Aurigae (78.4), ο Columbae, τ Orionis (78.8)

*37.0 = *78.4 - *41.4

*37.0 - *220.0 = - *183.0

Dec 7 (341, *261)


SARIN = δ Herculis (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4)

*220.0 = *261.4 - *41.4

*183.0 = *220.0 - *37.0  

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