41   We ought to document also the culmination dates for these three variable - often invisible - stars:

... Väinämöinen set about building a boat, but when it came to the prow and the stern, he found he needed three words in his rune that he did not know, however he sought for them. In vain he looked on the heads of the swallows, on the necks of the swans, on the backs of the geese, under the tongues of the reindeer. He found a number of words, but not those he needed. Then he thought of seeking them in the realm of Death, Tuonela, but in vain. He escaped back to the world of the living only thanks to his potent magic. He was still missing his three runes. He was then told by a shepherd to search in the mouth of Antero Vipunen, the giant ogre. The road, he was told, went over swords and sharpened axes. Ilmarinen made shoes, shirt and gloves of iron for him, but warned him that he would find the great Vipunen dead. Nevertheless, the hero went. The giant lay underground, and trees grew over his head. Väinämöinen found his way to the giant's mouth, and planted his iron staff in it. The giant awoke and suddenly opened his huge mouth. Väinämöinen slipped into it and was swallowed. As soon as he reached the enormous stomach, he thought of getting out. He built himself a raft and floated on it up and down inside the giant. The giant felt tickled and told him in many and no uncertain words where he might go, but he did not yield any runes. Then Väinämöinen built a smithy and began to hammer his iron on an anvil, torturing the entrails of Vipunen, who howled out magic songs to curse him away. But Väinämöinen said, thank you, he was very comfortable and would not go unless he got the secret words. Then Vipunen at last unlocked the treasure of his powerful runes. Many days and nights he sang, and the sun and the moon and the waves of the sea and the waterfalls stood still to hear him. Väinämöinen treasured them all and finally agreed to come out. Vipunen opened his great jaws, and the hero issued forth to go and build his boat at last ...


ο Ceti


03º 02' S


April 23



β Persei


40º 46' N


May 5



ε Carinae


59º 31' S


July 25


The right ascension days ought evidently to be counted from the Julian equinox, 4 days later than the Gregorian equinonx. This we can perceive from the numbers in the rightmost column above. 29 ↔ the dark night of the Moon, Ohiro, 

...Whiro 'Steals-off-and-hides'; also [in addition to the name of Mercury] the universal name for the 'dark of the Moon' or the first day of the lunar month; also the deity of sneak thieves and rascals ...

41 ↔ the star Bharani (41 Arietis) located 17 days before the Boat (Zaurak, γ Eridani):



Cb1-15 (407)

Cb2-5 (421, 29)

Cb2-8 (32)

Cb2-9 (425)

e niu tu koia ra Niu
Oct 31 (304) Nov 14 (318) Nov 17 (321) Nov 18 (322)
BHARANI (*41) TAU-ONO (*55) ZAURAK (*58.9) ν Tauri (*59.9)
May 1 (121) May 15 (135 = 500 - 365)

May 18 (138)

May 19 (322 - 183)

Niu. Palm tree, coconut tree; hua niu, coconut. Vanaga. Coconut, palm, spinning top.  P Pau., Ta.: niu, coconut. Mgv.: niu, a top; niu mea, coconut. Mq.: niu, coconut, a top. Churchill. The fruit of miro. Buck. T. 1. Coconut palm. 2. Sign for peace. Henry. The sense of top lies in the fact that the bud end of a coconut shell is used for spinning, both in the sport of children and as a means of applying to island life the practical side of the doctrine of chances. Thus it may be that in New Zealand, in latitudes higher than are grateful to the coconut, the divination sense has persisted even to different implements whereby the arbitrament of fate may be declared. Churchill 2.

... The correspondence between the winter solstice and the kali'i rite of the Makahiki is arrived at as follows: ideally, the second ceremony of 'breaking the coconut', when the priests assemble at the temple to spot the rising of the Pleiades, coincides with the full moon (Hua tapu) of the twelfth lunar month (Welehu). In the latter eighteenth century, the Pleiades appear at sunset on 18 November. Ten days later (28 November), the Lono effigy sets off on its circuit, which lasts twenty-three days, thus bringing the god back for the climactic battle with the king on 21 December, the solstice (= Hawaiian 16 Makali'i). The correspondence is 'ideal' and only rarely achieved, since it depends on the coincidence of the full moon and the crepuscular rising of the Pleiades ...

And 122 ↔ "June 10 (161) ↔ heliacal ρ Puppis (*122.0) - at the red band around his Neck:

Sumerian SAG Phoenician resh Greek rho Ρ (ρ)

... Resh (Arabic: ۥ) is the twentieth letter of many Semitic alphabets, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew ... The word resh is usually assumed to have come from a pictogram of a head, ultimately reflecting Proto-Semitic *raۥ(i)š-. The word's East Semitic cognate, rēš-, was one possible phonetic reading of the Sumerian cuneiform sign for 'head' (SAG).

... Mercury was used in the process of curing pelts for hats, making it impossible for hatters to avoid inhaling the mercury fumes given off during the hat making process; hatters and mill workers thus often suffered mercury poisoning, causing neurological damage, including confused speech and distorted vision ...

... Hiro was the name of this mythic great double canoe. Moon can be likened to a great double canoe (with one hull being Waxing Moon and the other Waning Moon) ...

... The Chinese overview below has the same asterism

at the neck of their Green Serpent, at the opposite side of the sky compared to Gemini (at the beak of the Red Bird):


.... Métraux quotes a Rapa Nui legend in which carvers from Hotu Iti (eastern sector) journeyed to the western sector to seek the advice of a master carver. They were perplexed about how to resolve the difficult problem of carving the statue neck. He advised them to seek the answer by viewing their own bodies. They did so, and discovered that the model for the statue neck was the penis (ure) ...


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