40   Once again. Before the invention of alphanumerical signs the human collective memory was sharp as a knife.

... Most ingenious Thoth, said the god and king Thamus, one man has the ability to beget arts, but the ability to judge of their usefulness or harmfulness to their users belongs to another; and now you, who are the father of letters, have been led by your affection to ascribe to them a power the opposite of that which they really possess. For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practise their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise ...

Probably the night sky observations had been used throughout the millenia in order to create an encyclopedic library, so to say. This was the method used by the aborigines in Australia, via their songlines. Each noteworthy phenomenon had been connected to memorable ideographic myths, supporting each other like strings bound together in order to create strong ropes, never to be broken.

We should therefore not be surprised to find three remarkable variable stars documented in the rongorongo texts. Furthermore, their locations in the calendar creations surely had to be non-random and instead be bound to sacred and allways remembered numbers.



Cb1-6 (366 + 26)

β Tucanae (*6.4)

ARCTURUS (*215.4)

γ Muscae (*189.0)

189 + 386 - 365 = 210

*6.4 + *386.0 = *392.4 = *215.4 + *177.0

*210 - *177 = *33 → MIRA (ο Ceti)

FEBR 17 (413, *333) *181 AUG 19 (*151)



MARCH 20 (*364)


472 - 364 = 108

MARCH 22 (*1)


FEBR 17 (413, *333)

Gb8-30 (471)


Gb4-13 (332 = 440 - 108)



AIN (*65)

MIRA (*504 = *396 + *108)

The basic structure of the G text will here be revealed. For instance can we count 413 (FEBRUARY 17) - 108 = 305 (→ 61 * 5) = 225 (→ 45 * 5) + 80 (→ 16 * 5). Where 225 suggests August 13 (225) and 80 suggests March 21 (the date for the Gregorian equinox).

Day 305 is November 1 and FEBRUARY 17 is day number 365 + 31 + 17 = 413 = 29½ * 14. And 413 - 80 = 333 → visibility cycle of Mira according to Ismail Bouillaud.

JULY 5 6 (*107) 7 (188 = 252 - 64)


FEBR 17 (413, *333)


Ga4-24 (107)


Gb7-30 (229 + 211 = 440)


*171 = *107 + *6


MIRA (*504 = 584 = 440 + 144)

Sept 7 (250) 8 (188 + 64 = 252) (413 + 64 + 107 = 584)

The sum of *172 (→ June 21, day 172) and the modern value of the variability of Mira (332 days) is *504. And the current right ascension position according to my estimate of the era for the rongorongo texts will be found by subtracting 471 (→ 314 * 1½), i.e. the number of glyphs inscribed on the G tablet. *33 + *471  = *504 (→ 584 - 80). 471 - 171 = 300.

FEBR 17 18 19 (50) 20 (*336) 21 (400 + 17) 22 (53)
Gb7-30 (440) Gb7-31 (212) (229 + 213) Gb8-2 (214) (108 + 107) Gb8-4 (2 * 108)
Gb4-13 (332) Gb4-14 Gb4-15 Gb4-16 (336) Gb4-17 (108) Gb4-18
ξ¹ Ceti MIRA *34 ξ Arietis (*35.0) *36 *37
April 22 (477) 23 (*33) 24 25 (115) 26 26
Oct 22 (295) 23 24 25 26 27 (300)

MIRA (*33) ALGOL (*45)


ε Carinae


59º 31' S



ο Ceti


03º 02' S



β Persei


40º 46' N


MAY 17 (*57) 18 19 (322 - 183) 20 (136 + 4)
Ga2-27 (57) Ga2-28 Ga2-29 Ga3-1 (60)
July 20 (136 + 65) 21 22 / 7 (*123) 23 (204)
NAOS = ζ Puppis ρ Puppis (*122.0) TEGMINE = ζ Cancri RAS ALGETHI
NOV 16 (*240) 17 18 (322) 19
Jan 19 (*304) 20 21 22


MAY 21 (*61)  → 522 = 2 * 261 = 9 * 29 23 24 (144)
Ga3-2 (61) Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5 (64)
July 24 (*125) 25 26 27 (208)
 BRIGHT FIRE = λ Cancri ('125.4) (AVIOR) ε Carinae ('126.4) ο URSAE MAJORIS ('127.4) *128
NOV 20 21 (325) 22 23
Jan 23 24 25 (*310) 26

... The name Avior is not a classical in origin. It was assigned to the star by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office in the late 1930s during the creation of The Air Almanac, a navigational almanac for the Royal Air Force. Of the fifty-seven navigation stars included in the new almanac, two had no classical names: Epsilon Carinae and Alpha Pavonis. The RAF insisted that all of the stars must have names, so new names were invented. Alpha Pavonis was named 'Peacock', a translation of Pavo, whilst Epsilon Carinae was called 'Avior' ...

MAY 23 (143 = 207 + 64) *260 FEBR 7 (403 = 467 - 64)
Ga3-4 (63) Gb4-3 (323)
July 26 (207) → 22 / 7 - 1 April 12 (365 + 102 = 467)
Jan 24 Oct 11 (467 - 183 = 284)
NOV 21 (325) AUG 8 (220 → π)

... The secret sense of 22 - sacred numbers were never chosen haphazardly - is that it is the measure of the circumference of the circle when the diameter is 7. This proportion, now known as pi, is no longer a religious secret; and is used today only as a rule-of-thumb formula, the real mathematical value of pi being a decimal figure which nobody has yet been able work out because it goes on without ever ending, as 22 / 7 does, in a neat recurring sequence [3.142857142857 ...]. Seven lustra add up to thirty-five years, and thirty-five at Rome was the age at which a man was held to reach his prime and might be elected Consul ...

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