Continuing reading Posnansky I realize that there is more to say. Irrespecitve of whether August is to the right or to the left of central September/March on the Sun Door, clearly the meandering path of the sun describes a loop with no beginning and no end. It is endless, infinite and eternal. There is only one way to go for the sun and it must be the path of the year. The years roll on indefinitely. All are the same. On the map i.e. The 12 sun signs are located outside this loop. Some are above, some are below. Those that are above are those who are close to September, those who are below are those who are close to March. I do not believe it a coincidence that 'Moon House' signs tend to be located below this loop. February, March and April have such signs and March has that sign which is most elaborate. November and July are above, but their signs are not 'Moon House' signs. I have changed my opinion about that. Their signs are - it seems - just the eye of the sun in the middle between the plains of sky and earth. If that is right, then the thought sneaks in that the 'Moon House' displays the sun together with the splashes of water resulting from his dive down into the sea. Sun must be born from the sea and later dive down into the sea, that is evident if you live on an island in Polynesia. November and July are the months (above the loop) which are closest to the solstices, they are on the border to the events of birth and death of the sun of the year. Near the horizon these suns are, and they must look big and alive (quick). An eye is an appropriate symbol, no eye without somebody alive looking. But the eye of the sun is being squeezed down by the low roof of the sky. |