Then I remember the
experience from what
presumably is a
calendar of the year in
Large Washington.
There are
two different types of
Barthel's no. 4 in that
calendar and they must have
different meanings. It
is not the
curve at right but the
'foot' which gives the
Barthel's no. 4 is a very frequent 'type' of glyph (I mean that his no. 4
includes several different types of glyphs). I therefore ought to offer some
explanations about what it means in my glyph dictionary. But so far I have not
felt I know enough.
I will try now - in parallel with writing here - to create an item at GD45 also
in my glyph dictionary. In my glyph catalogue (at
GD45) I have already made a preliminary documentation of this 'type' of
glyph, or what I would rather call group of 'characters'.