Experience from trying to exactly define the different variants of GD11 - without any ambition to assign number codes for them - gave discouraging results. There are definite variants, there are many of them, and they differ in shape between different texts.
We have also seen how intricate a system of signs there is in the Matariki calendar in Tahua. To write and read rongorongo is not easy, but a very complicated matter.
The full attention to detail needed makes me hesitate to undertake a similar investigation with GD45. My impression is that GD45 is at least as complex as GD11, but more difficult to classify by way of signs.
I will therefore leave that investigation to the future. (Though a small start has already been done in the Matariki calendar in Tahua.) Instead I will now concentrate on the task of creating an item for GD45 in my dictionary.
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