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1 Assumption: there was also a period no. 1. 7
Sb2-14 Sb2-15 Sb2-16
2 Could not each period instead be starting with this type of glyph or having it in the middle?
Sb2-1 Sb2-17 Sb2-18 Sb2-19
3 9
Sb2-2 Sb2-3 Sb2-4 Sb2-20 Sb2-21 Sb2-22
4 10
Sb2-5 Sb2-6 Sb2-7 Sb2-23 Sb2-24 Sb2-25
5 11
Sb2-8 Sb2-9 Sb2-10 Sb2-26 Sb2-27 Sb2-28
6 12
Sb2-11 Sb2-12 Sb2-13 Sb2-29 Sb2-30 Sb2-31