If we are to keep an eye on numbers, then we had better start with those 42 glyphs which are constituting the two folds of 21 glyphs in the Large Santiago version of the week.

I can see that 21 = 3 * 7, something which seems meaningful. Because that is a structure quite similar to the year being divided into two halfyears with 3 double-months in each halfyear. There is a correspondence between the week (7) and the double-month, 59 if we look at the moon.

If we prefer to look at the sun, then 42 should correspond to 365. In the world of the sun 6 (not 7) is the number. The closest fit when dividing by 6 is 360. I.e. the solar double-month should be 60 days.

Number 42 does remind me of ancient Egypt and Osiris' 42 assessors in the Hall of the Two Truths. As 42 = 7 * 6 presumably the two truths are the truth of the moon and the truth of the sun. Two different truths, not possible to unite.

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