91. What can possibly be the meaning of my expression 'as if by chance'? I decided to look again for such dates where Mars was at the same place as some prominent star. In Cartes du Ciel the path of Mars can be followed day by day, night by night, and my first recorded view was that from November 6 AD 2022. ![]() ... And I know that in June 6 (day 157 ↔ 314 / 2) will come the National Holy-Day of Sweden. As I at first remembered it, this was the day when our glorious warrior king Gustav II (↔ Gemini) Adolf was shot down from his giant horse in the year AD 1632. He had to be carried by a giant horse because he had become so very heavy from eating too much. What made me memorize this event from the history lessons when nearly nothing else would remain? Then I recalled that the he did not die in June 6 but half a year away (9 - 3 = 12 / 2 months) in November 6 (310) and this was the only day when you would be able to buy and enjoy eating the bakery item named Gustav Adolf - after the king in question. Although I was half right, because at June 6 my wall calendar states that a pair of names to be celebrated should be Gustaf (→ Gustav II Adolf) together with his father Gösta → the first king of unified Sweden ... Although the illustration above cannot show AD 2022 because it is a picture I once upon a time copied from a book. The other night, as I was watching a TV program on astrology, a modern astronomer with a critical mind gave me (as if by chance) a piece of information regarding Mercury, viz. that this planet would move retrograde three times in a year. I reflected: 3 *115.88 < 365, and then I remembered that 116 * π = 364.24 i.e. practically the length of the Julian year (365.25, the Sothic cycle) minus 1 day. ... The Gregorian calendar improves the approximation made by the Julian calendar by skipping three Julian leap days in every 400 years, giving an average year of 365.2425 mean solar days long. This approximation has an error of about one day per 3,300 years with respect to the mean tropical year. However, because of the precession of the equinoxes, the error with respect to the vernal equinox (which occurs, on average, 365.24237 days apart near the year 2000) is 1 day every 7,700 years. By any criterion, the Gregorian calendar is substantially more accurate than the 1 day in 128 years error of the Julian calendar (average year 365.25 days) ... But 128 = 2 * 64 = 8 * 16, and 3 * 128 = 384 → 13 * 29½ + 0.5. And I also remembered that anciently some had counted with 3 as the value for the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter. They surely were not so stupid as to think this ratio - easily shown to be false by a piece of string and a big round stick of wood - was 'reality', instead they presumably saw 3 as the ideal number for this ratio. As above so below. Anyhow, I had (as if by chance) chosen November 6 AD 2022 because I saw it as a crucial point in the diagram above. But then I was surprised to find Mars close to 121 Tauri, because for me 121 meant 11 * 11 and furthermore May 1 (121) was connected with Beltane:
In the evening view of early November AD 2022 the planet Mars had been between the pair of horns in Taurus. The Sun would be at this place in the sky half a year away, in early May (5 = 11 - 6). And in rongorongo times Elnath (β Tauri) - not in the House of Auriga similar to how Maui Tikitiki was not in the Square of Pegasus - would have risen at *80, with the Heavenly Gate (ζ) 4 days later (*84). I have reconstructed the precessional time depth down to the Golden Age of the Bull as *64 right ascension days and then we have to add *16 in order to account for the change from returning to visibility to true heliacal dates. Was the planet Mars involved in how the calendar of the Sun had been created by us down here on Mother Earth?
Was there some fundamental force involved? The critical astronomer I listened to had step by step eliminated any possible influence on human affairs from the fundamental forces of modern physics: gravitation and the subatomic forces (electromagnetism, the weak force and the strong force). Thus astrology was false. Which made me recollect: ... This might have given pause to later hyperscholars like Bultmann, before they proceeded to 'de-mythologize' the Bible. One never knows what one treads underfoot ... Looking again it can be stated that in November 6 AD 2022 (see above) the planet Mars had advanced a little bit ahead of 121 Tauri. This pattern we can recollect from how Mars had moved a little bit ahead of Mebsuta in April 14 AD 2023:
And now, by moving backwards in time from November 6 (310) AD 2022, day by day, I will be able to say that Mars had stood still for a while at 121 Tauri, and that Mars had been between 118 Tauri (→ 121 - 3) and the Heavenly Gate (ζ) in the evening of October 15 (288):
→ 10 (October) - 6 = 4 (April), and therefore in October 15 (288) the Full Moon would ideally be at the place in the sky corresponding to April 15: ... In China, every year about the beginning of April, certain officials called Sz'hüen used of old to go about the country armed with wooden clappers. Their business was to summon the people and command them to put out every fire. This was the beginning of the season called Han-shih-tsieh, or 'eating of cold food'. For three days all household fires remained extinct as a preparation for the solemn renewal of the fire, which took place on the fifth or sixth day after the winter solstice [Sic!]. The ceremony was performed with great pomp by the same officials who procured the new fire from heaven by reflecting the sun's rays either from a metal mirror or from a crystal on dry moss. Fire thus obtained is called by the Chinese heavenly fire and its use is enjoined in sacrifices: whereas fire elicited by the friction of wood is termed by them earthly fire, and its use is prescribed for cooking and other domestic purposes ... However, presumably we should add 16 days to the Chinese statements, and then the pieces will fit:
And 288 + 22 = 310 (November 6). ... October 31 (304 = 300 + 4) -16 = 284 + 4 = 288 (October 15) and this was where the Pope Gregory XIII launched his new calendar for the Sun and also the day when King Hotu A Matua with his Queen Ava Rei Pua arrived to Easter Island.
What fundamental force had made Hotu A Matua arrive in day 288? Was he an aspect of Mars? And what power would have made the Pope chose October 15? It was the force of life (light), I can see, the fundamental force opposite to division and increased entropy, viz. multiplication. Easy as 2 + 2 = 4 = 2 * 2. Life produces a level and common square ground (marae) for everyone to see. Mgv.: mara, open land, cultivated field. Mq.: mara, maa, land under tilth. Ta.: amara, the first stone of a marae, etc. Sa.: mala, a new plantation. Ma.: mara, land under tilth. Churchill. Sa.: malae, the town green. Nukuoro: malae, a cleared space, an open place, a plantation. To.: malae, a gree, a grass plot ... Ha.: malae, smooth (as a plain) ... Ma.: marae, an inclosed place in front of a house. Ta.: marae, the sacred place of worship ... Vi.: mara, a burying place ... In note 261 I have advanced the opinion that malae is in form a conditional derivative of lae. This holds of the signification found in Nuclear Polynesia. The secondary sense which the Tongafiti carried to eastern Polynesia has obscured the lae element; but the sacrosanct content of the marae in the four-godded theology of eastern Polynesia is after all but a logical outgrowth of the Nuclear Polynesian malae as the civic center of social life where god is sole, surpreme - and Lucretian ... Churchill 2. Rae. First (always follows the noun): te tagata ra'e, the first man; (the other ordinal numerals, second, third, etc., precede the noun. Translator's note: ra'e is likely the noun which means forehead, face, in other Polynesian language, e.g. Tahitian rae). Vanaga. 1. Commencement, beginning, to strike up, to essay, to occasion, to proceed, former, primitive, precedent, predecessor, first-fruits; rae ki te mea hou, to innovate; oho rae, to march at the head; tagata rae, advance guard, van; raega, commencement, beginning, occasion, first-fruits. 2. To attack, to provoke; kakai rae, toua rae, to provoke. Churchill. ... 1. Hanga Te Pau, the landing site of Ira and his band of explorers, is the natural anchorage for those approaching Vinapu by sea. The remarkable stone fronts of the ahu of Vinapu are all facing the sea. The explorers landed at Hanga Te Pau during the month 'Maro', that is, June ... 2. The cult place of Vinapu is located between the fifth and sixth segment of the dream voyage of Hau Maka. These segments, named 'Te Kioe Uri' (inland from Vinapu) and 'Te Piringa Aniva' (near Hanga Pau Kura) flank Vinapu from both the west and the east. The decoded meaning of the names 'the dark rat' (i.e., the island king as the recipient of gifts) and 'the gathering place of the island population' (for the purpose of presenting the island king with gifts) links them with the month 'Maro', which is June. Thus the last month of the Easter Island year is twice connected with Vinapu. Also, June is the month of summer solstice [a mistake: south of the equator it is winter solstice], which again points to the possibility that the Vinapu complex was used for astronomical purposes. 3. On the 'second list of place names', Hanga Te Pau is called 'the middle (zenith) of the land' (he tini o te kainga). This may refer to a line bisecting the island, but it can just as easily mean the gathering of a great number (of islanders). The plaza (130 x 130 meters) would have been very well suited for this purpose That was the powerful force of astrology. No map of reality can make it without the force of life (light). It expresses itself everywhere apparently 'as if by chance'. ... About Carmenta we know from the historian Dionysus Periergetis that she gave orcales to Hercules and lived to the age of 110 years. 110 was a canonical number, the ideal age which every Egyptian wished to reach and the age at which, for example, the patriarch Joseph died. The 110 years were made up of twenty-two Etruscan lustra of five years each; and 110 years composed the 'cycle' taken over from the Etruscans by the Romans. At the end of each cycle they corrected irregularities in the solar calendar by intercalation and held Secular Games. The secret sense of 22 - sacred numbers were never chosen haphazardly - is that it is the measure of the circumference of the circle when the diameter is 7. This proportion, now known as pi, is no longer a religious secret; and is used today only as a rule-of-thumb formula, the real mathematical value of pi being a decimal figure which nobody has yet been able work out because it goes on without ever ending, as 22 / 7 does, in a neat recurring sequence [3.142857142857 ...]. Seven lustra add up to thirty-five years, and thirty-five at Rome was the age at which a man was held to reach his prime and might be elected Consul. (The same age was fixed upon by a Classically-minded Convention as the earliest at which an American might be elected President of the United States.) ...