70. The distance between the bent Knee (Ksora) of Cassiopeia (*20) and the Outstretched (Mebsuta) leg of Castor in Gemini (*100) can be counted as *80. The numbers confirm there should be a kind of connection:
Should we not count ahead from Mebsuta in Gemini with a number of days alluding to the attained age of Carmenta? 94 (Ga2-6) + 227 (↔ 110) = 321 (Gb4-1). ... About Carmenta we know from the historian Dionysus Periergetis that she gave orcales to Hercules and lived to the age of 110 years. 110 was a canonical number, the ideal age which every Egyptian wished to reach and the age at which, for example, the patriarch Joseph died. The 110 years were made up of twenty-two Etruscan lustra of five years each; and 110 years composed the 'cycle' taken over from the Etruscans by the Romans. At the end of each cycle they corrected irregularities in the solar calendar by intercalation and held Secular Games. The secret sense of 22 - sacred numbers were never chosen haphazardly - is that it is the measure of the circumference of the circle when the diameter is 7. This proportion, now known as pi, is no longer a religious secret; and is used today only as a rule-of-thumb formula, the real mathematical value of pi being a decimal figure which nobody has yet been able work out because it goes on without ever ending, as 22 / 7 does, in a neat recurring sequence. Seven lustra add up to thirty-five years, and thirty-five at Rome was the age at which a man was held to reach his prime and might be elected Consul. (The same age was fixed upon by a Classically-minded Convention as the earliest at which an American might be elected President of the United States.) ... When ounting 227 days ahead from Mebsuta we will find not only Ksora but also 110 (Ο) Pisces. ... Counting backwards from June 6 (157 ↔ 314 / 2) to May 28 (148 = 157 - 9) suggests we should count backwards *9 right ascension days from Alrisha (*29) to day 80 + *20 = 100 (April 10), viz. to the Knee (Ksora, δ) of Cassiopeia ...
... June 6 will be the day when in AD 2024 the planet Mars will be visible at the line of the Northern Fish leading down to the Knot, Alrisha (α Piscium):
Unfortunately I investigated the Pisces constellation so early as to not yet having decided to list all its Greek lettered stars, and therefore we cannot find e.g. 110 (190, Ο) Pisces (Torcularis Septentrionalis) in my star list. "ο, 4.6, appeared in the 1515 Almagest as Torcularis septentrionalis, a translation of ληνόσ, erroneously written for λίνοσ, this star being on the Thread northeast from α. But the Latin word should read Torcular." (Allen) To which can be added that according to my Latin wordbook septentrionalis means 'northern', and: ."torque ... necklace, twisted band ..." (English Etymology) Presumably there should be a connection between ω (Ω) at the Tail of the Southern Fish and ο (Ο) at the band ('thread') down from the Northern Fish 9 days before Alrisha. Ο - Ω = 157 - 77 = 80.
... Should the Martian hedgehog stay put, the distance to be travelled from Mebsuta to Φ Aquarii ought to become 252 right ascension days, however he would not stay put but walk around, causing the distance to be 365 days, which means the hedgehog would out on his own add 364 - 252 = 16 weeks. (36 + 16) * 7 = 364 ... From Φ Aquarii to Ο Pisces the Martian hedgehog walked ahead another 53 - 33 = 20 days out on his own. 16 weeks + 20 days = 112 + 20 = 132 (↔ 11 * 12) day steps. But of course this was only in the direction along the ecliptic path, he could in this period also have moved slightly up above or slightly down below the plane of the Earth.