38. The planet Mercury could only be observed when close to mother earth, close to the horizon, because the his orbit never took her far away from the Sun: ![]() This implies the observations should be done either closely before daybreak or closely after sundown, for these were the observation times for events governed by the Sun.
We must try to keep this fact in mind when considering my documentations of the rongorongo texts. For instance:
In the G text we have at Ga7-28 (December 7) reached right ascension day *290 - *29 = *261, when the morning observations indicated the Sun would rise together with ο Ophiuchi and δ Herculis. This was 182 glyphs after Ga1-15 (June 8) which could be deduced from the evening observations in December 7.
4 glyphs later, at Ga1-19, we have discovered the proper key place for the evening observations of the planet Mars in AD 2022 - viz. where he strangely turned around in order to go withershins, backwards in retrograde motion. In June 12 the Sun was rising together with the 3 stars in the center of Orion.
And possibly the beginning of this retrograde motion was depicted by the curve in Ga1-19: