236 → 584 - 348 = 2 * (182 + 110) - 12 * 29 = 263 - 27.
Once again. Evidently December 13 - in every year the date for the Morning of Lucia when she (Venus) re-turned into view - could have been a fixed point for all the ancient sky watchers down on planet Earth. All could see this place in time-space and everyone who was able to count to 8 could verify its True nature.
And then everyone could also count another 8 days ahead in order to locate the day for the December solstice. 8 + 8 = 16 (corresponding to the difference between the true heliacal day of a star and its return to visibility).
The Geminids meteor swarm in December 14 delivered another reliable point, for here there was a week to the December solstice. If the sky happended to be overcast by clouds in December 13 another opportunity would thus offer itself in the next night. This pair of nights were like Twins.
The idea of Venus as Morning Star has nothing to do with my earlier muddy thought of either looking for Venus in the morning (Morning Star) or in the evening (Evening Star). This we have already earlier established as fact, for after half a day the fixed starry sky dome above would also have advanced ahead for half a day. ... November carries 30 days and from November 18 to December 21 (solstice) there will be 30 + 3 = 33 days. This is equally true nowadays as it had been on Hawaii when visited by Captain Cook (Lono). Now, when I am writing this half a day later in the evening of November 18 AD 2023 the night sky is clear and in sight and Venus is still shining brightly above. How can that be? She could hardly be both Morning Star and Evening Star in the same day? December 13 is evidently a date in harmony with the date of August 13, when according to the Mayas our present world had been created. In contrast to August 14 when Samsonov (the Son of Samson) struggled to survive in the marshes of Poland. Life (light) implies death (darkness).
And from *146 (→ 2 * 73) to *268 (→ 348 - 80) there were *122 right ascension nights. There was a pair of alternative ways to count → there were Twin Eyes offered by Venus:
But at the opposite side of the year it was a great Head which was offered on 'the plate':
... In Plato's Timaeus, it is explained that the two bands that form the soul of the world cross each other like the letter Χ ...