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GD37 is very frequent among the glyphs. Therefore restrictions must rule when allowing glyphs to be classified as GD37. Many glyphs with more or less clear allusions to GD37 must be left outside. Examples are Ab7-68 (beak), Ab3-25 (elbow), Ab1-32 (back) and Aa1-3 (leg)::


I have, though, allowed myself one exception to the strict rule, Ab7-3:

The reason is that GD37 is shown so extremely clear, a sign of importance.

The strict rule implies that some glyph types with GD37 as a more or less obligatory part must stay outside, examples are Ab7-31 (GD24), Ab4-12 (GD25), Aa6-23 (GD66) and Ab2-36 (GD76):


I have inserted hyperlinks to GD24, GD25, GD66 and GD76.

But it would be impractical with many hyperlinks, and it is up to the user to understand that such glyphs as Aa1-13 (GD18), Aa5-22 (GD22), Ab4-48 (GD32) and many other glyph types may have allusions to GD37:


There is a variant of GD37, seen in e.g. Aa2-66 and Aa2-46:


Not only are the short ends 'sucked in', but the long sides are at their ends extended. This has made me accept the unusual Aa2-9 as GD37:

Strangely shaped examples of GD37 are Aa4-17, Ab4-42 and Ab4-7:


No more need to be said about the glyphs in GD37, because the strict rule allows only clear examples.