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GD38 glyphs must not have any other fins than the tail fin, therefore e.g. Aa1-68 (GD27) is excluded:

Aa6-73 I regard as an example of GD38, because I do not see a fin but half a crescent at top left, and Aa2-15 also has another kind of sign at the head end than a fin:


Although it is possible that a fish is depicted at left in Aa2-24 and similar glyphs, I have decided to classify them only as GD73:

A borderline case is Aa7-80, with two fishes (as I see it) similar to GD47 glyphs:

I have inserted a hyperlink from GD38 to GD47 (and the other way around) to enable the user a quick look from one place to the other.

Ab5-69 is another bordeline case and here I have decided to sort it as GD64 (only):

A hyperlink from GD38 to GD64 (and the other way around) helps the user. Yet another hyperlink is inserted, from GD38 to GD78 (but not the other way around).  The need of this is clearly demonstrated by Aa3-18, which I have found is more GD78 than GD38: