The 'man in charge' of winter looks like the same person as the one in Keiti period 18. But I have recently decided that he was in charge of summer, not winter. For winter I had chosen another person:

This question of winter and summer is consequently once again unclear. My primary decision recently was to change the structure with half-years based on solstices to half-years based on equinoxes. From this follows that the elbow would be an equinox and the bend of the ornament would be a solstice. The open henua then would announce autumn equinox, a time when arriving darkness makes measurements difficult. The Y-shape confirms that he is 'in charge' of winter.

So we had better reconsider and - at least for the moment - think of the 4 'seasons' as describing time as the half-year from winter solstice to summer solstice (or the quarter from spring equinox until summer solstice). The possibility of different texts having different half-year structures must also be considered, and also how to harmonize with the explanations of Y (and of elbow ornaments) in the Keiti week. This is difficult.

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