Having established as a hypothesis that Hb1-1 is located at the end of 'winter' (i.e. at summer solstice), then does this have any bearing on the Matariki calendar we study? There are no rei in this calendar (and no rei in the Tahua Matariki calendar either). I don't know. But while writing these commentary pages I have changed my mind on an important point: Earlier I thought that periods nos. 5 and 18 in the Keiti calendar of the year referred to 'summer' and 'winter' as the two half-years between the solstices, now I believe that they probably refer to 'summer' and 'winter' as the two half-years between the equinoxes. The calendars of the year in G and K, though, I still believe are starting at winter solstice and ending one year later at the next winter solstice. Consequently rei can be used at the start of a half-year either counted from solstice to solstice or from equinox to equinox. I am still confused, but on a higher level. As in the Keiti calendar of the year rei is used in period no. 7 in a way very similar to the way G and K start their calendar of the year, we may confidently assume that period no. 7 in Keiti also refers to this - i.e. to the start of the year. And period no. 7 comes after autumn equinox (referred to in period no. 5). Does this mean that the Keiti calendar of the year starts at summer solstice (instead of at winter solstice as in G and K)? We must leave this kind of reasoning for the moment, we know too little. |