Now we should try to put all these 3 * 8 = 24 glyphs in their proper time order:
The number of days from Aa7-4 up to and including Ab8-49 is 1299 - 503 = 796, which we could guess was referring to 780 + 16. Because by counting from the beginning of side a we have found that Aa1-16 was probably coinciding with OCTOBER 1 + 15:
1299 (Ab8-49) - 199 = 1100 → 10 * 110: ... About Carmenta we know from the historian Dionysus Periergetis that she gave orcales to Hercules and lived to the age of 110 years. 110 was a canonical number, the ideal age which every Egyptian wished to reach and the age at which, for example, the patriarch Joseph died. The 110 years were made up of twenty-two Etruscan lustra of five years each; and 110 years composed the 'cycle' taken over from the Etruscans by the Romans. At the end of each cycle they corrected irregularities in the solar calendar by intercalation and held Secular Games ... And then we can also relate Aa7-20 (504 + 16) to the day when its relevant star returned to visibility, viz. that star which could have been used to point at the final of the synodic cycle of the planet Mars (780 days).