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1 he hiva matua a Bau. a Oti.
2 he hiva poki
3 he renga moe tahi teatea
4 he renga moe tahi uriuri
5 he uru omo.
6 he ree aniho.
7 he ha.u pu.uriuri
8 he ha.u.pu.teatea
9 he okeoke
10 he apuka.
11 he ure vai.
12 he paiki.
13 he uriuri.
14 he piu tahi.
15 he tuitui koviro.
16 he aro piro.
17 he pekepeke mea.
18 he pekepeke uri.
19 he aringa rikiriki.
20 he tua tea.
20 he mamari kiakia.
etoru te rau.te taropa.o te uhi.a Maeha.a Three hundred [etoru te rau] baskets of yam (came) from Maeha and Teke.
Teke.he ki a toona titiro.ka mau
te taropa runga ki te miro.anake. Teke said to his assistants [ki tona titiro], 'Take the baskets on board the canoe!'

Then Teke said to Oti, 'Go to your friend (hoou), to Pau (corrected for Bau) and ask [ka kī] for sweet potatoes (kuma), which he is to supply [ka avai mai]. And take even more baskets along when you go!' [ana oho koe]

Oti got up [he ea a Oti] and left with all his companions.

They took along a thousand [etahi piere] baskets.

he ki a Oti.(k)a te hoou Bau (sic!) era.ka kī ki te kuma ka a(-)
vai mai.e ata mau tau taropa.ana oho koe
he ea a Oti.he oho.anake ko toona titiro.
he mau i te taropa etahi piere.te taropa


he oho.he tuu ki te hare o Bau (sic!) nui.o Bau (sic!) iti, They went and they came to the house of Pau Nui and Pau Iti.

Pau Nui and Pau Iti said, 'What do you people (mahingo) want (?), what is going on?'

Oti said to Pau Nui and Pau Iti, 'The king is sending me to get sweet potatoes, to bring them on board the canoe.'

Pau Nui went out, pulled the sweet potatoes out of the ground and threw them to the side. While doing that he also enumerated the names of the sweet potatoes.

he ki mai a Bau nui.raua ko Bau ai ai
korua ko tou ka pu ai ka pu.he ki
mai a Bau nui.raua kia Bau iti.he u(-)
nga.mai au e te te runga i te
miro.he ea a Bau nui.hee pakoo i te kumara
he hoa ki te tapa.koia ko ingoa i nape tokoa ai.
o te kumara.
Ancient expression: ai ka-pú, ai ka-pú, tell us frankly what you think. Vanaga.


etahi te piere. te taropa o te kumara. a Bau. A thousand baskets of sweet potatoes are from Pau and Oti.

They tied up [he here] the baskets and Oti said to his assistants, 'Take [ka mau] the baskets and bring them on board the canoe [ki runga ki te miro] and leave them there.'

a Oti.he here tahi i te ngutu o te taropa.he
ki.a toona.titiro.ka mau.ka oho.
te taropa runga ki te miro.ka hakarere.

Notably there were not 20 but 21 varietes of kumara, because number 20 was given also for he mamari kiakia.

Mamari. Egg, fish roe. mâmari ata rauhau, last small egg laid by a hen before she turns broody. Vanaga. Egg (of fowl or fish), (gamamari), (Cf. komari.); mamari punua, chicken in the shell. Churchill.

Kiakia. Dove, gull T. Mgv.: kiakia, the cry of the kotake (a white marine bird.) Churchill.

Let's see what would be the result if we would continue by enumerating the kumara species immediately after the end of the uhi sequence:

FEBR 24 25 (56) 26 (422) 2-27 28 (*344)
Gb8-6 Gb8-7 (448) Gb8-8 Gb8-9 Gb8-10 (222)
μ Arietis (39.4), HEAD OF THE FLY = 35 Arietis (39.6), KAFFALJIDHMA (Part of a Hand) = γ Ceti, θ Persei (39.8) π Ceti, ο Arietis (40.0), ANGETENAR (Bend in the River) = τ¹ Eridani, μ Ceti (40.2), RIGHT WING = 39 Arietis (40.9)

Bharani-2 (Yoni) / Stomach-17 (Pheasant)

π Arietis (41.2), MIRAM (Next to the Pleiades) = η Persei (41.3), BHARANI = 41 Arietis (41.4), τ² Eridani, σ Arietis (41.7)

TA LING (Great Mound) = τ Persei (42.4)

 *1.0 = *42.4 - *41.4

ρ Arietis (43.0), GORGONEA SECUNDA = π Persei (43.5), ACAMAR (End of the River) = θ Eridani (43.6), ε Arietis (43.7), λ Ceti (43.9)

DENEBOLA (β Leonis)
April 29 30 May 1 (*41) 2 (122) 3 (*408)
°April 25 26 (*36) 27 28 (118) 29 (*404)
'April 2 (92) 3 4 (*14) 5 (460) 6
"March 19 (78) 20 (*364) 0h 22 (446) 23
39 he rai atanga 40 he ravi kana 41 he ravi pako 1 he hiva matua 2 he hiva poki

Sure enough - there is an egg (mamari) arriving 21 right ascension days after Bharani:

3-14 (73) MARCH 15 16 17 18 19 20 (*364)
Gb8-24 (465) Gb8-25 Gb8-26 Gb8-27 Gb8-28 Gb8-29 Gb8-30 (242)

MENKHIB (Next to the Pleiades = ζ Persei (57.6)

PORRIMA (γ Virginis)
ZAURAK (Boat) = γ Eridani (58.9) λ Tauri (59.3), ν Tauri (59.9)

4h (60.9)

JĪSHUĬ = λ Persei (60.7)

COR CAROLI (α Canum Ven.)
υ Persei (61.2) BEID (Egg) = ο¹ Eridani (62.2), μ Persei (62.8)

VINDEMIATRIX ( ε Virginis)

Al Dabarān-2 (The Follower)

HYADUM I = γ Tauri (63.4)

*22.0 = *63.4 - *41.4
May 17 (137) 18 (*41 + *17) 19 (*424) 20 21 22 23 (*428)
°May 13 14 (*54) 15 (*420) 16 (136) 17 18 (*58) 19 (*424)
'April 20 21 (111) 22 23 24 25 (*400) 26 (*36)
"April 6 7 8 9 (464) 10 (100) 11 12 (*22)
16 he aro piro 17 he pekepeke mea 18 he pekepeke uri 19 he aringa rikiriki 20 he tua tea 20 he mamari kiakia  

Peke.1. To bite (of fish or lobster pecking at fishhook). 2. To repeat an action: he-peke te rua; ina ekó peke-hakaou te rua don't you do it a second time; ina ekó peke hakaou-mai te rua ara, don't come back here again. Vanaga. To succeed, to follow. Pau.: peke, to follow, to accompany. Ta.: pee, to follow. Churchill. Mgv.: Pekepeke. 1. The tentacles of the octopus retracted. Mq.: peke, to tuck up the clothes. Ma.: pepeke, to draw up the legs and arms. 2. A crab. Ha.: pee-one, a crab that burrows in the sand. Churchill.

And the pair of kumara species which both were assigned number 20 would then correspond to the twin glyphs Gb8-28--29.

Pure coincidence of course.