'INDEX' is a gigantic text document file (.doc) to enable reading via Microsoft Word. It contains document copies of all htm.pages in this site - with the exception of the Translations.

Originally I believed that the Translations could not be static but needed revisions now and then as time went on and new insights necessitated corrections. Therefore the Translations couldn't be included in the INDEX; it would have resulted in impossibly much extra work to change texts in INDEX.

However, I soon grew convinced that there was no real need to change what earlier was written somewhere in the Translations (although discovered to be more or less obviously wrong). The suggestions in the translations were very seldom of a definite and detailed nature, and what is documented is the path towards understanding. To change in that path retroactively would be like time travel: Changing things in history would change everything thereafter in unpredictable and possibly disastrous ways.

Therefore I could in principle include the Translations in INDEX. The alternative was to create a separate 'index' for the Translations, and that I did: TRANSLATIONS (also a doc. file).

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