To make this description of textfiles, translation files and hyperlinks explicitly clear a table is necessary:
label for hyperlink htm filename
translation 1 translations.htm
translation 2 (P) HPQt38t1.htm HPQt38t2.htm HPQt38t3.htm
translation 3 (P) HPQt39t1.htm HPQt39t2.htm
translation 4 (P) HPQt40t1.htm HPQt40t2.htm
translation 5 (P) HPQt41t1.htm HPQt41t2.htm
translation 6 (P) HPQt42t1.htm HPQt42t2.htm
translation 7 At93t1.htm At93t2.htm
etc etc etc

There are usually two htm-files for each 'translation' because the rongorongo (day calendar) text(s) shown by me on each page evidently is divided into two parts, presumably 'hours'. Where there are parallel texts (as in HPQ) the labels for hyperlinks has an addition, e.g.'(P)', to indicate which of the tablet texts will be discussed in the translation.

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