The translations are not only divided into numbered subdivisions but for a given subdivision it has often been useful to divide the translation text into more 'pages' than one.

With 'page' I here mean htm-file. Each such file has been given a name, e.g. HPQt38t1 for the file reached via the hyperlink 'translation 2 (P)'.

'HPQ' indicates the texts of tablets Large Santiago (H), Large St Petersburg (P) and Small St Petersburg (Q), which are parallel. These three texts are therefore shown together in the same rongorongo text pages.

't38' indicates rongorongo text file no. 38 (here in the series of htm-files describing the HPQ-texts) and 't1' means the 1st translation file (of HPQt38).

In the example 'translation 2 (P)' there are three translation files (HPQt38t1, HPQt38t2, HPQt38t3) to be read before the translation proceeds with the next rongorongo text file (HPQt39).

HPQt39t1 can be reached not only by activating three successive hyperlinks via 'next page' starting from HPQt38t1, but also via 'translation 3 (P)' in rongorongo text file no. HPQt39.

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