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'Birds' are hard to classify - see below what features have been used in my fundamental classification.

Yet, even after this sorting process the moa glyphs are found to be variously designed, which means the moa glyphs probably contain many different signs.

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manu rere moe tagata rere kara etahi vae kore moa
front side side side side side
head up head down head up head up head up head up
upper body front view upper body side view upper body front view upper body side view upper body side view upper body side view
feet forward feet sideways  feet sideways  feet forward feet sideways feet sideways
not tiptoe feet tiptoe feet not tiptoe feet not tiptoe feet  tiptoe feet not tiptoe feet

Metoro used the word moa at several glyph types, for instance at vae kore, which in my classification differs from moa by the 'tiptoe' feet.

At 55 % of the moa glyphs he said moa, no other glyph type - according to my classification - had such a high percentage. The fact that as much as 45 % of his moa are connected with other glyph types should be regarded as a warning sign: my classification is artificial and probably not in harmony with how rongorongo texts should be read.

My classification is not created in order to determine the meanings of the glyphs, the structure is only a way to sort glyphs into useful 'boxes', where it will be easy to find them.