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Balder was killed by an arrow shot (or a spear hurled) by his blind brother Höder, tricked to do so by the evil Loke.

... He had a dream of his own death and his mother had the same dreams. Since dreams were usually prophetic, this depressed him, so his mother Frigg made every object on earth vow never to hurt Baldr. All objects made this vow except mistletoe. Frigg had thought it too unimportant and nonthreatening to bother asking it to make the vow (alternatively, it seemed too young to swear). When Loki, the mischief-maker, heard of this, he made a magical spear from this plant (in some later versions, an arrow). He hurried to the place where the gods were indulging in their new pastime of hurling objects at Baldr, which would bounce off without harming him. Loki gave the spear to Baldr's brother, the blind god Höðr, who then inadvertently killed his brother with it (other versions suggest that Loki guided the arrow himself). For this act, Odin and the giantess Rindr gave birth to Váli who grew to adulthood within a day and slew Höðr ...

All the Trees had promised not to kill Balder, but they had forgotten the Mistletoe.

... To conclude these enquiries we may say that if Balder was indeed, as I have conjectured, a personification of a mistletoe-bearing oak, his death by a blow of the mistletoe might on the new theory be explained as a death by a stroke of lightning. So long as the mistletoe, in which the flame of the lightning smouldered, was suffered to remain among the boughs, so long no harm could befall the good and kindly god of the oak, who kept his life stowed away for safety between earth and heaven in the mysterious parasite; but when once that seat of his life, or of his death, was torn from the branch and hurled at the trunk, the tree fell - the god died - smitten by a thunderbolt. And what we have said of Balder in the oak forests of Scandinavia may perhaps, with all due diffidence in a question so obscure and uncertain, be applied to the priest of Diana, the King of the Wood, at Aricia in the oak forests of Italy. He may have personated in flesh and blood the great Italian god of the sky, Jupiter, who had kindly come down from heaven in the lightning flash to dwell among men in the mistletoe - the thunder-besom - the Golden Bough - growing on the sacred oak in the dells of Nemi. If that was so, we need not wonder that the priest guarded with drawn sword the mystic bough which contained the god's life and his own. The goddess whom he served and married was herself, if I am right, no other than the Queen of Heaven, the true wife of the sky-god. For she, too, loved the solitude of the woods and the lonely hills, and sailing overhead on clear nights in the likeness of the silver moon looked down with pleasure on her own fair image reflected on the calm, the burnished surface of the lake, Diana's Mirror ...

Ba6-15 Ba6-16 (→ 61 * 6 = 366) Ba6-17 (225 → Aug 13) Ba6-19 (300 - 74)
mai tae rere hia ki te toki e haga tara hia mai tae rere te toki e ihe kite toki - kua amo hia ki te henua

Amo. To carry on one's shoulders: O Yetú i-amo-ai te tatauró ki ruga ki-te maúga Kalvario. Jesus carried his cross up to the Calvary. Amoga, bundle; to tie in a bundle: he-amoga i te hukahuka, to tie a bundle of wood. Vanaga. 1. A yoke, to carry; amoga, burden, load.  2. To bend, to beat a path. Churchill. Âmo. 1. To clean, to clean oneself: he-âmo i te umu, to clean the earth oven; ka-âmo te hare, ka haka-maitaki, clean the house, make it good; he-âmo i te ariga, to clean one's face wetting it with one's hand. 2. Clear; ku-âmo-á te ragi, the sky is clear. 3. To slip, to slide, to glide (see pei-âmo). Ámoámo, to lick up, to lap up, to dry; to slap one's body dry (after swimming or bathing): he-âmoâmo i te vaihai rima. Vanaga. Amoamo. 1. To feed, to graze. 2. To spread, to stretch (used of keete). Churchill.

ALSAFI (Fire Tripod) = σ Draconis (296.0), μ Aquilae (296.3), ι Aquilae (Ant.) (296.8), κ Aquilae (Ant.) (296.9)

ε Sagittae (297.1), σ Aquilae (Ant.) (297.4), SHAM (Arrow) = α Sagittae (297.8)

*256.0 = *297.4 - *41.4

β Sagittae (298.0), χ Aquilae (298.3), ψ Aquilae (298.8) υ Aquilae (299.1), TARAZED (Star-striking Falcon) = γ Aquilae (299.3), δ Sagittae (299.6), π Aquilae (299.9)

Sravana-23 (Ear or Three Footprints)

TYL = ε Draconis (300.0), ζ Sagittae (300.1), ALTAIR (Flying Eagle) = α Aquilae (300.3), ο Aquilae (300.5), BEZEK = η Aquilae (Ant.) (300.8)
Jan 11

12 (377)

378 (→ Saturn) 14 15
NOV 8 9 10 (314 = 378 - 64) 11


Al Dhirā'-5 (Forearm) / Punarvasu-7 (The Two Restorers of Goods) / Mash-mashu-Mahrū-10 (Western One of the Twins)

CASTOR (Beaver) = α Gemini (113.4)

*113.4 = *41.4 + *72.0

ANA-TAHUA-VAHINE-O-TOA-TE-MANAVA-7 (Pillar for Elocution)

υ Gemini (114.0), MARKAB PUPPIS = κ Puppis (114.7), ο Gemini (114.8), PROCYON = α Canis Minoris (114.9)

α Monocerotis (115.4), σ Gemini (115.7)

*74.0 = *115.4 - *41.4

Mash-mashu-arkū-11 (Eastern One of the Twins)

κ Gemini (116.1), POLLUX = β Gemini (116.2), π Gemini (116.9)

AZMIDISKE (Little Shield) = ξ Puppis (117.4)

*76.0 = *117.4 - *41.4
July 12 13 (= 194 - 181) 14 (195 = 378 - 183) 15 16
MAY 11 12 (495 - 181 = 314) 13 (131 = 195 - 64) 14 15

... The Sothic cycle was based on what is referred to in technical jargon as 'the periodic return of the heliacal rising of Sirius', which is the first appearance of this star after a seasonal absence, rising at dawn just ahead of the sun in the eastern portion of the sky. In the case of Sirius the interval between one such rising and the next amounts to exactly 365.25 days - a mathematically harmonious figure, uncomplicated by further decimal points, which is just twelve minutes longer than the duration of the solar year ... In ancient Egypt they thought Sirius was behind the yearly rise of the Nile ... the seasonal cycle, throughout the ancient world, was the foremost sign of rebirth following death, and in Egypt the chronometer of this cycle was the annual flooding of the Nile ...

"The Mesopotamian constellation of Bow and Arrow (mulBAN and mulKAK.SI.DI, or, as reconstructed on the evidence of astonomical cuneiform texts; / KAK.SI.DI is Sirius, the 'Arrow-Star'.

The Chinese constellation built up by the same stars. In China, however, the arrow is shorter; Sirius is not the tip of the arrow, but the target: the celstial jackal T'ien-lang." (Hamlet's Mill)

Could possibly all the toki glyphs in line Ba6 be variants of such objects as were hurled at Balder without harming him? The position of Sirius changed in time with the precession of the Sun and therefore Sirius would rise together with different stars through the millenia.

The 'adze' glyphs continue, and the last in the sequence is at July 31. Perhaps July was the month named Toki? South of the equator the month of July should correspond to the dark winter month named January north of the equator.

Ba6-20 Ba6-21 Ba6-22 (229) Ba6-23 (→ 186) 62 * 4 - 104 = 6  24 + 104
ι Sagittarii (301.2), TEREBELLUM = ω Sagittarii, ξ Aquilae (301.3), ALSHAIN (Falcon) = β Aquilae (301.6), φ Aquilae (301.8) ε Pavonis, θ Sagittarii (302.3), γ Sagittae (302.5), μ Pavonis (302.7) τ Aquilae (303.8) 20h (304.4)

*304.4 = *118.4 + *186.0

η Sagittae (304.2), δ Pavonis (304.4)

*263.0 = *77.0 + *186.0

SHANG WEI (Higher Guard) = κ Cephei (305.2), θ Sagittae (305.4), TSEEN FOO (Heavenly Raft) = θ Aquilae (Ant.) (305.6), ξ Capricorni (305.8)

*264.0 = *305.4 - *41.4
Jan 16 17 18 19 (384) 20
Φ Gemini (118.4)

*77.0 = *118.4 - *41.4 =

*263.0 - *186.0
DRUS (Hard) = χ Carinae (119.9) ω Cancri (120.2) 8h (121.7)

χ Gemini (121.0), NAOS (Ship) = ζ Puppis (121.3)

ρ Puppis (122.0), HEAP OF FUEL = μ Cancri (122.1), ζ Monocerotis (122.3),  ψ Cancri (122.6), REGOR (Roger backwards) = γ Velorum (122.7)
July 17 18 19 (200) 20 21

... Miro-oone, model boat made of earth in which the 'boat festivals' used to be celebrated. Vanaga. ... on the first day of the year the natives dress in navy uniforms and performs exercises which imitate the maneuvers of ships' crews ... Métraux.

Ba6-25 Ba6-26 (233) Ba6-27 Ba6-28 Ba6-29 (236)
TSO KE (Left Flag) = ρ Aquilae (306.3)

GREDI (Goat) = α Capricorni (307.2), σ Capricorni (307.5), ALSHAT (The Sheep) = ν Capricorni (307.9)

Al Sa’d al Dhabih-20 (Lucky One of the Slaughterers) / Ox / Herd Boy-9 (Buffalo)

DABIH = β Capricorni (308.0), κ Sagittarii (308.1), SADIR (Hen's Breast) = γ Cygni (308.4), PEACOCK = α Pavonis (308.7)

*267.0 = *308.4 - *41.4

OKUL = π Capricorni (309.6), BOS = ρ Capricorni (309.9)

ARNEB (α Leporis)

MINTAKA (δ Orionis)

ο Capricorni (310.2), θ Cephei (310.5)

HEKA (λ Orionis)

ALNILAM (ε Orionis)
Jan 21 22 23 24 25 (390)
TEGMINE (The Cover) = ζ Cancri (123.3)

AL TARF (The End) = β Cancri (124.3)

RAS ALGETHI (α Herculis)

χ Cancri (125.2), BRIGHT FIRE = λ Cancri (125.4)

*84.0 = *125.4 - *41.4

AVIOR = ε Carinae (126.4), φ Cancri (126.8)

*85.0 = *126.4 - *41.4

ο Ursae Majoris (127.4)

*86.0 = *127.4 - *41.4
July 22 23 (204) 24 25 26 (207)
Ba6-30 Ba6-31 Ba6-32 Ba6-33 (240) Ba6-34

ROTTEN MELON = ε Delphini, φ Pavonis (311.2), η Delphini (311.4), ζ Delphini, ρ Pavonis (311.7)

PHAKT (α Columbae)

ALNILAK (ζ Orionis)
ROTANEV = β Delphini, ι Delphini (312.3), τ Capricorni (312.6), κ Delphini (312.7), SVALOCIN = α Delphini, υ Capricorni, υ Pavonis (312.8) μ², μ¹ Oct. (313.2), DENEB CYGNI (Tail of the Swan) = α Cygni (313.5), β Pavonis (313.6), δ Delphini (313.8)

Al Sa’d al Bula'-21 (Good Fortune of the Swallower) / Dhanishta-24 (Most Famous) / Girl-10 (Bat)

YUE (Battle-Axe) = ψ Capricorni (314.3), GIENAH CYGNI = ε Cygni, η Cephei (314.5), γ Delphini (314.6), σ Pavonis (314.7), ALBALI = ε Aquarii (314.8)

BETELGEUZE (α Orionis)
BATEN ALGIEDI (Belly of the Goat) = ω Capricorni (315.8)
Jan 26 27 (392) 28 29 30

Pushya-8 (Nourisher)

υ Cancri (128.1), θ Cancri (128.2)

Āshleshā-9 (Embrace) / Willow-24 (Stag)

π¹ Ursa Majoris, δ HYDRAE (129.6), AL MINHAR AL SHUJĀ = σ Hydrae, MUSEIDA = π² Ursae Majoris (129.9)

RAS ALHAGUE (α Ophiuchi)

Al Nathrah-6 (Gap)

BEEHIVE (Exhalation of Piled-up Corpses) = ε Cancri, η Pyxidis (130.4), XESTUS = ο Velorum (130.5), ζ Pyxidis (130.7), ASCELLUS BOREALIS = γ Cancri, β Pyxidis (130.9)

*89.0 = *130.4 - *41.4

Extended Net-26a (Ox) / Arkū-sha-nangaru-sha-shūtu-12 (Southeast Star in the Crab)

η Hydrae (131.0), ASCELLUS AUSTRALIS = δ Cancri (131.4), KOO SHE (Bow and Arrow) = δ Velorum (131.6), α Pyxidis (131.8), ε Hydrae (131.9)

*90.0 = *131.4 - *41.4

ι Cancri (132.0), ρ Hydrae (132.4)

*91.0 = *132.4 - *41.4
July 27 28 29 30 (211) 31
Egyptian house Phoenician beth Greek beta Β (β)

... Like the names of most other Greek letters, the name of beta was adopted from the acrophonic name of the corresponding letter in Phoenician, which was the common Semitic word *bayt ('house').

In the system of Greek numerals beta had a value of 2.

... 'The traditions show that the residences of the king were fairly flexible. The building of new houses was obviously the result of (male) births in the royal family. In each case, the house that was built last is left to the newborn son and his mother, together with a specific servant, while the king has a new and separate residence constructed for himself ...

10 days (glyphs) will then remain to the end of line Ba6:

Ba6-35 (242) Ba6-36 Ba6-37 Ba6-38 Ba6-39
ko te tagata oho - ki te Raa - kua oho koe ki te Raa e ki te va roa eko te tagata kua oho - ki te hoko huki kua hua ia i raro koia ra kua mau - ki te hoko huki - kua ati ïa mai ko te kava ko te tagata kua oho - ki te haga - o to toki

Va. 1. Hakava, judge, judgement. T Mgv.: akava, to judge, to pass sentence. Pau.: haava, to judge, to conjecture. Ma.: whakawa, to charge with crime, to condemn. Ta.: haava, to judge. 2. Hakava, to speak. P Mgv.: va, to speak. Mq.: vaa, to chatter like a magpie. The Marquesan retains more of the primal sense although the simile is an alien importation. In Samoa va means a noise, in Tonga va is a laughing noise, in Futuna va is the disorderly cry of tumult, and probably it is the initial element of Viti wa-borabora to speak quickly and confusedly as when scolding. Its only identification in Tongafiti territory is Hawaii wawa the confused noise of a tumult ... Churchill. Ta.: va, space between the leaves in a roof. Sa.: va, space between. Ma.: wa, interval. Churchill.

Ba6-40 Ba6-41 (248) Ba6-42 Ba6-43 Ba6-44
kua hanau ïa ki te hupe o ruga kua tuu huki ïa ki te toga e tagata mau - i te vaha mea e tagata hoko

Hupee. Mucus; hupeehupee, asthma. T Pau., Ta.: hupe, mucus. Churchill. Ta.: Hupe, mucus. (Sa.: isupē, id.) Ma.: hupe, id. Churchill. Rhume, air froide. Jaussen according to Barthel.