Thus our best overview road map could be the Chinese system.

... For the form and concept of the City of God conceived as a 'mesochosm' (an earthly imitation of the celestial order of the macrocosm) which emerged on the threshold of history circa 3200 BC, at precisely that geographical point where the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates reach the Persian Gulf, was disseminated eastward and westward along the ways already blazed by the earlier neolithic. The wonderful life-organizing assemblage of ideas and principles - including those of kingship, writing, mathematics, and calendrical astronomy - reached the Nile, circa 2800 BC; it spread to Crete on the one hand, and on the other, to the valley of the Indus, circa 2600 BC; to Shang China, circa 1600 BC; and, according to at least one high authority, Dr Robert Heine-Geldern, from China across the Pacific, during the prosperous seafaring period of the late Chou Dynasty, between the seventh and fourth centuries BC, to Peru and Middle America ...

However, the C text contains much more information.

Ca9-15 Ca9-16 (244) Ca9-17 Ca9-18 (246) Ca9-19 Ca9-20 (248)
Nov 19 20 (324) 21 (80 + 245) 22 Heart-5 (Fox) 24 (328)
16h (*243.5) LESATH *245 → 63 + 183 σ SCORPII (*247.0) *248
May 20 21 (141) 22 23 24 25 (145)
"April 9 10 (100) 11 12 13 14 (104)
LIBERALIA 18 (100 - 23) 19 (78) MARCH 20 21 (80) 22 (145 - 64)
i te mauga pu hia E rima ki te henua koia ku honui erua maitaki ko koe ra

When Metoro said 'hia' it was probably an instruction for Bishop Jaussen on Tahiti to 'Count!' For instance:

 ... Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on 21 March (even though the equinox occurs, astronomically speaking, on 20 March in most years) ... → 3-20 ↔ right ascension day *320 at the south pole star Dramasa.

... A very detailed myth comes from the island of Nauru. In the beginning there was nothing but the sea, and above soared the Old-Spider. One day the Old-Spider found a giant clam, took it up, and tried to find if this object had any opening, but could find none. She tapped on it, and as it sounded hollow, she decided it was empty. By repeating a charm, she opened the two shells and slipped inside. She could see nothing, because the sun and the moon did not then exist; and then, she could not stand up because there was not enough room in the shellfish. Constantly hunting about she at last found a snail. To endow it with power she placed it under her arm, lay down and slept for three days. Then she let it free, and still hunting about she found another snail bigger than the first one, and treated it in the same way ...

... She lay down and slept for 3 days when empowering the Moon snail and likewise when empowering the snail of the Sun. 3 + 3 = 6 and MARCH 17 (LIBERALIA) + 6 = MARCH 23. Thus the 'snail' which became the Sun was evidently Antares ...

... Then she said to the first snail: 'Can you open this room a little, so that we can sit down?' The snail said it could, and opened the shell a little. Old-Spider then took the snail, placed it in the west of the shell, and made it into the moon. Then there was a little light, which allowed Old-Spider to see a big worm. At her request he opened the shell a little wider, and from the body of the worm flowed a salted sweat which collected in the lower half-shell and became the sea. Then he raised the upper half-shell very high, and it became the sky. Rigi, the worm, exhausted by this great effort, then died. Old-Spider then made the sun from the second snail, and placed it beside the lower half-shell, which became the earth ...

Ca9-21 Ca9-22 (250) Ca9-23 Ca9-24 Ca9-25 Ca9-26 (248 + 6)
Nov 25 26 (330) 27 28 29 Tail-6 (Tiger)
ANTARES *250 *251 *252 *253  DENEBAKRAB
*66 *67 ALDEBARAN *69 *70 *71
May 26 27 28 29 30 (150) 31 (151)
"April 15 16 17 18 19 20 (104 + 6)
MARCH 23 24 25 (84) 26 27 28
ka mau - i te inoino ka iri ka hua i te inoino te hau tea te inoino kua iri kua puo te inoino

... Antares, visible in the morning sky of December-January, came to stand for summer heat; hence the saying, 'Rehua cooks (ripens) all fruit' [hakatupu]. The generally accepted version of the Rehua myth, according to Best, is that Rehua had two wives, the stars on either side of Antares. One was Ruhi-te-rangi or Pekehawani, the personification of summer languor (ruhi), the other Whaka-onge-kai, She-who-makes-food-scarce before the new crops can be harvested ...

We could, for instance, count half a year back in the C calendar text in order to reach beyond heliacal Denebakrab (*254) in the last day of November:

... Space and time are a single, related concept in Runasimi [the language of the Inca people], represented by one word, pacha, which can also mean 'world' and 'universe'. The image of time familiar to Waman Puma was static and spatial: one could travel in time as one travels over earth - the structure, the geography, remaining unchanged. To him it does not matter that he shows Inka Wayna Qhapaq, who died in 1525, talking to Spaniards who did not arrive until 1532. Wayna Qhapaq was the last Inca to rule an undivided empire: he is therefore the archetype, and it must be he who asks the Spaniards. 'Do you eat gold?'

I.e. we could go back to Ca3-21 (72 = 255 - 366 / 26 = 249 - 6 * 29½):

Ca3-21 Ca3-22 Ca3-23 (74) Ca3-24 Ca3-25
June 1 (152) 2 3 4 5 (156)

CURSA (*76.4)

GRAFIAS (*255.4) *256 (→ 16 * 16) *257 17h (*258.7) Mula-19 (The Root)
Dec 1 2 (336) 3 4 5
"Oct 21 22 (295) 23 24 25
SEPT 28 29 (272) 30 OCT 1 2
tagata tuu rima ki ruga te maitaki te henua Rei hata ia tagata rogo

Also the Hindu structure carries 28 stations, but evidently organized from the positions of the Moon in the night rather than from the positions of the Sun in the cycle of the year.



Ca9-21 (249)

Ca3-25 (76)


ANTARES CURSA (*76.4) CURSA (*76.4)
Nov 25 (329) June 5 (156) Dec 5 (339 = 329 + 10)

And as if by chance I happened to hear (about a month ago) that the Chinese word for Dragon was Lono.

From this we can guess that the Chinese 2nd station Neck at October 21 (294) had influenced the mind of the creator of the C text.


"Oct 21

Chinese: Lono

Lono on Hawaii


Rogo on Easter Island

In the Chinese system the 'Root' was 10 days after the 'Neck':

1 Horn Α Virginis (Spica) Crocodile (202.7) Oct 9 (282)
2 Neck κ Virginis Dragon (214.8) Oct 21 (294)
3 Root α Librae (Zuben Elgenubi) Badger (224.2) Oct 31 (304)
4 Room π Scorpii (Vrischika) Hare (241.3) Nov 17 (321)
5 Heart σ Scorpii Fox (247.0) Nov 23 (327)
6 Tail μ Scorpii (Denebakrab) Tiger (254.7) Nov 30 (334)
7 Winnowing Basket γ Sagittarii (Nash) Leopard (273.7) Dec 19 (353)
December solstice
8 South Dipper Φ Sagittarii Unicorn (284.0) Dec 30 (364)
9 Ox / Herd Boy β Capricornii (Dabih) Buffalo (308.0) Jan 23 (388)
10 Girl ε Aquarii (Albali) Bat (314.8) Jan 29 (394)
11 Emptiness β Aquarii (Sadalsud) Rat (325.9) Feb 9 (40)

A Badger suggests someone who is burrowing below the surface of the eath - like a Root running from a tree.

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