57  The idea of the red male planet Mars with his two phases (bright and faint) should be complemented by the idea of Venus, the green female planet with her two appearances (as morning and evening star).

Every perception is based on contrast.

The Age of Iron (Mars) came later than the Bronze Age of Copper (Venus) united with Tin (Jupiter).

The Chinese had a table of correspondences between the planets and other key characteristics: Here we can see that every kind of metal should be connected with Venus:

Chinese correspondences:







Cardinal points:












Sense organ:















hirs (Panicum)


hirs (Setaria)













And the Romans had their Horse Circuit:

... The Euripus, which has already come up in the Phaedo, was really a channel between Euboea and the mainland, in which the conflict of the tides reverses the current as much as seven times a day, with ensuing dangerous eddies - actually a case of standing waves rather than a true whirl. We meet the name again at a rather unexpected place, in the Roman circus or hippodrome, as we know from J. Laurentius Lydus (De Mensibus I.12), who states that the center of the circus was called Euripos; that in the middle of the stadium was a pyramid, belonging to the Sun; that by the Sun's pyramid were three altars, of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and below the pyramid, altars of Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, and that there were not more than seven circuits (kykloi) around the pyramid, because the planets were only seven. (See also F. M. Cornford's chapter on the origin of the Olympic games in J. Harrison's Themis (1962), p. 228; G. Higgins' Anacalypsis (1927), vol. 2., pp. 372ff.) This brings to mind (although not called Euripus, obviously, but 'the god's place of skulls') the Central American Ball Court which had a round hole in its center, termed by Tezozomoc 'the enigmatic significance of the ball court', and from this hole a lake spread out before Uitzilopochtli was born ...

The lower planets (Moon, Venus, Mercury) were female in character and the higher planets were male (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Sun). The central Golden Sun had been elevated to a place very high up - to the top of the heaped up earth pyramid so to say, to the top of the hierarchy.

Considering the synodic cycle of Venus (584) it was evidently broken by a pair of gaps, one which was 8 days long and preceding her return as Morning Star and the other covering 50 days before her return as Evening Star:

 Phase of Venus

Observed periods

Periods in the Mayan 'map'


Evening star



- 13





Morning star


236 = 8 * 29½

- 27




+ 40





Although the Morning and Evening star periods were of the same length - both measuring the odd (unlucky) number of 263 days - the Mayas had developed an idealized map where the Morning star period had been contracted by 13 days and the Evening star period with 27 days - resulting in a pair of even numbers (250 respectively 90).

13 + 27 = 40 40 * 365 = 25 * 584 = 14600 = 200 * 73.

When they then added 40 days to the period before Venus would return as Evening Star, this might suggest a quarter of 360.

 360 = 9 * 40 = 320 + 40.

And 360 - 90 = 270 could then be used to point at the date of September 27 (270).

Before the invention of a special sign for zero such a number as 270 would have been written as 27 - which the reader would have known to interpret as 27, as 270, as 2700 etc depending on the circumstances, i.e. the cosmic background.

27 = 3 * 3 * 3 and 2 * 2 * 2 = 8:

... The whole statement, therefore, means 27/8 * 32 = 108,  

                      l      1       1       1                                                                   

                      1       1       1       1    bha 32    phalam 108

                               3+     3+     3+ 

and may be thus explained - 'a certain number is found by dividing with 8/27 and multiplying with 32; that number is 108'. The dot is also used for another purpose, namely as one of the ten fundamental figures of the decimal system of notation, or the zero (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9). It is still so used in India for both purposes, to indicate the unknown quantity as well as the nought. With us the dot, or rather its substitute the circle (0), has only retained the latter of its two intents, being simply the zero figure, or 'the mark of position' in the decimal system. The Indian usage, however, seems to show how the zero arose, and that it arose in India. The Indian dot, unlike our modern zero, is not properly a numerical figure at all. It is simply a sign to indicate an empty place or a hiatus. This is clearly shown by its name sunya 'empty' ...



The background of September 27 was surely the onset of the evening (night) rather than that of the morning (the beginning of the day). Kava and not vaka. Tagaroa and not Tane (Tae-tagaloa = not Tagaroa).

... The first god's house in the temple was the body of Ta'aroa's own person, and it became a model for all other god's houses. One day Ta'aroa let himself go into a trance and his spirit stood away in space while his body floated in the sea, then he said to his daughters: 'Oh, girls! How many canoes are there at sea?' And the daughters replied: 'It is like one, it is like one!' Then Ta'aroa's spirit said: 'Who can it be?' And they answered: 'It is thyself assuredly!'

... In old Bablyonia the word umu meant 'lion', i.e. the solar animal as in e.g. the Sphinx ...

.Tumu. 1. Tree trunk. 2. Ancestors: tumu matu'á, parents; tumu tupuna, grandparents. By extension: tumu taína, members of friendly families. 3. Como término muy especial se usa tumu para se¤alar a familias o personas que no son parientes, de modo que sus hijos podían, según antigua usanza, casarse entre ellos y formar un nuevo tronco. 4. Origin of something; initiator of an idea; person who is the cause of a fight: tumu taûa. 5. He-kore te tumu, to be so weakened that you cannot stand (lit.: the trunk is lacking). Vanaga. Base, cause, element, origin, principle, source, spring, trunk, occasion, author, subject, motive; ina e tumu, accidental, fortuitous; tumu kore, causeless, baseless, weak in the legs, to waver; tumu o te hakareka, toy; tumu hatihati, weak in the legs; tumu o te hiriga, purpose of the voyage. T Pau.: fakatumu, to lay a foundation. Mgv., Mq., Ta.: tumu, cause, base, origin, principle, trunk. Tumumeika (tumu - meika), banana plant. Mgv., Mq.: tumumeika, id. Churchill.

Umu. Cooking pit, Polynesian oven (shallow pit dug in the ground, in which food is cooked over heated stones); the food cooked in such a pit for a meal, dinner, or banquet; umu pae, permanent cooking pit, in a stone enclosure.; umu paepae, permanent cooking pit with straw cover for protection from rain and wind; umu keri okaoka, temporary cooking pit without stone enclosure; umu ava, very large temporary cooking pit, made for feasts; umu takapú, exclusive banquet, reserved for certain groups of persons, for instance the relatives of a deceased family member; umu tahu, daily meals for hired workers; umu parehaoga, inaugural banquet (made on occasion of a communal enterprise or feastival); umu ra'e, banquet for fifth or sixth month of pregnancy; umu pâpaku, banquet on occasion of the death of a family member. Vanaga. Cooking place, oven (humu). Churchill. Samoa, Maori, Nukuoro, Niue, Tahiti, Hawaii, Mangaia, Marquesas, Mangareva, Paumoto: umu, oven. Tonga: ngotoumu, id. Uvea: ngutuùmu, id. Futuna: ùmu-kai, id. Fotuna: amu, cooking place. Rapanui: umu, oven; humu hare, cook house ... The Polynesian radical is consistently umu. Tonga and Uvea compound with it a word which in Uvea is distinctly ngutu mouth and in Tongan we may feel that ngutu has been specifically differentiated in this composite. In the Futuna composite the latter element is merely kai food ... Particular interest attaches to the discovery of the amu type in Mabulag and Miriam, western and eastern islands of the straits and remote from the New Guinea coast ... The existence of amu in Fotuna affords us reason to regard the type as ancient Proto-Samoan, and that Mabulag and Miriam received it directly and not on secondary loan from Motu. Churchill 2.

And 584 - 270 = 314. Which could suggest half a circle from entrance (mua) to exit (muri).

I.e., we ought to count ahead with 314 days from September 27 in order to search for the entrance in the morning.

December 31


September 27


365 - 270


Which means the morning (the daybreak) ought to begin with April 5 (95) → *95 at Canopus,

However, in reality the year was not 365 but 364 days long.

... Although the calendar has 365 days for a year this is due to the fact that the Earth has to turn around an extra day in order to compensate for how the direction to the Sun changes during a year ...

And 584 - 270 - 94 = 220.

April 4


August 8

314 - 94 = 22(0)

... About Carmenta we know from the historian Dionysus Periergetis that she gave orcales to Hercules and lived to the age of 110 years. 110 was a canonical number, the ideal age which every Egyptian wished to reach and the age at which, for example, the patriarch Joseph died. The 110 years were made up of twenty-two Etruscan lustra of five years each; and 110 years composed the 'cycle' taken over from the Etruscans by the Romans. At the end of each cycle they corrected irregularities in the solar calendar by intercalation and held Secular Games. The secret sense of 22 - sacred numbers were never chosen haphazardly - is that it is the measure of the circumference of the circle when the diameter is 7. This proportion, now known as pi, is no longer a religious secret; and is used today only as a rule-of-thumb formula, the real mathematical value of pi being a decimal figure which nobody has yet been able work out because it goes on without ever ending, as 22 / 7 does, in a neat recurring sequence [3.142857142857 ...]. Seven lustra add up to thirty-five years, and thirty-five at Rome was the age at which a man was held to reach his prime and might be elected Consul ...

The background sense of 360 for measuring a circle could then suggest we have to add 5 epagomenal days:

... Nut, whom the Greeks sometimes identified with Rhea, was goddess of the sky, but it was debatable if in historical times she was the object of a genuine cult. She was Geb's twin sister and, it was said, married him secretly and against the will of Ra. Angered, Ra had the couple brutally separated by Shu and afterwards decreed that Nut could not bear a child in any given month of any year. Thoth, Plutarch tells us, happily had pity on her. Playing draughts with the Moon, he won in the course of several games a seventy-second part of the Moon's light with which he composed five new days. As these five intercalated days did not belong to the official Egyptian calendar of three hundred and sixty days, Nut was thus able to give birth successively to five children: Osiris, Haroeris (Horus), Set, Isis and Nepthys ...

... Now, apart from the circumstance that the snowy burial ascribed to the followers of Kai Khusrau, Enoch, and Quetzalcouatl could hardly be claimed to be an 'obvious' feature, the fate of Quetzalcouatl's companions might further our understanding; more correctly, the topos where this event is supposed to have happened might do so. The 'five mountains' of Mexican myth, their 'gods' respectively, the Tepictoton1,

1 See E. Seler, Gesammelte Abhandlungen, vol. 2, p. 507, for an Aztec drawing of the Tepictoton.

appear to represent the five Uyaeb (= Maya; with the Aztecs: Nemontemi), the Epagomena, those days gained by Mercury from the Moon during a game of checkers, in order to help Rhea/Nut to days 'outside of the year', when she could bring forth the five planets. As a matter of fact, in his chapter on the clothes and emblems of the gods, Sahagún puts the 'Mountian-Gods' at the end of the list2.

2 See T. S. Barthel, 'Einige Ordnungsprinzipen im Aztekischen Pantheon', Paideuma 10 (1964), pp. 80f., 83. In this paper, Barthel has established, in a rather convincing manner, the presence of decans in Mexican astronomy.

Worth mentioning might be two more traits which Quetzalcouatl shares with his old-world brethren: Quetzalcouatl and Uemac, like Kai Ka'us and Kai Khusrau, are said to have ruled together, and Quetzalcouatl is accused of incestuous relations with his sister, as were Hamlet, Kullervo, Yama and, we might add, King Arthur3.

3 See W. Krickeberg, 'Mexicanisch-peruanische Parallelen', in Festschrift P. W. Schmidt, p. 388 ...

And August 8 (220) + 5 = 225 (August 13), i.e. the date for the Creation of our present world.

The animal corresponding to Venus is the Dog.- we can see from the Chinese overview above - and the Dog (Jackal) star was Sirius:

Ca6-4 Ca6-5 (145 = 15 * 15 - 80) Ca6-6
kua hau te haú o to hau tea kua hipu koia etoru hipu te henua ma te rima
9 (7 * 7 * 7) DEC 10 (344 → 208 + 136) 11

Febr 11 (42 = 407 = 343 + 64)

A Hydrae (144.1)

VEGA (α Lyrae)

UKDAH (Knot) = ι Hydrae (145.4), κ Hydrae (145.5), SUBRA = ο Leonis (145.8)

*104.0 = *145.4 - *41.4


Rishu A.-13 (Head of the Lion)

ψ Leonis (146.4), RAS ELASET AUSTRALIS = ε Leonis (146.6)

*105.0 = *146.4 - *41.4
9 JUNE 10 (161) 11
Aug 12 (224) Creation of our present world 5 Imix 9 Kumk'u

CASTRA = ε Capricorni (327.2), BUNDA = ξ Aquarii (327.5)

SIRIUS (α Canis Majoris)

Mahar sha hi-na Shahū-26 (Western One in the Tail of the Goat)

NASHIRA = γ Capricorni (328.0), ν Oct. (328.3),  AZELFAFAGE = π¹ Cygni, κ Capricorni (328.7)

*252.0 = *328.7 - *76.7

Arkat sha hi-na Shahū-27 (Eastern One in the Tail of the Goat)

ENIF (The Nose) = ε Pegasi, ERAKIS = μ Cephei (329.2), 46 CAPRICORNI, JIH (the Sun) = κ Pegasi (329.3), ι Piscis Austrini (329.4), λ Capricorni (329.6), ν Cephei (329.7), DENEB ALGIEDI =  δ Capricorni (329.8)

*288.0 = *329.4 - *41.4

*253.0 = *329.7 - *76.7

Here the bow was finally empty (sunya), because June 30 (day 180 + 1) was day zero, so to say, of the 2nd half of the year.

... Atea then became the wife of Rua-tupua-nui, Source of Great Growth, and they became the parents of all the celestial beings, first the shooting stars, then the Moon and the Sun, next the comets, then the multitude of stars and constellations, and finally the bright and dark nebulae. When this tremendous task had been accomplished Atea took a third husband, Fa'a-hotu, Make Fruitful. Then occurred a curious event. Whether Atea had wearied of bringing forth offspring we are not told, but certain it is that Atea and her husband Fa'a-hotu exchanged sexes. Then the eyes of Atea glanced down at those of his wife Hotu and they begat Ru. It was this Ru who explored the whole earth and divided it into north, south, east, and west ...

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