34  So the Morning in the East ought to be connected with Mercury, because April 25 (115 115.88) was at the opposite side of the Sun year compared to October 25 when the Mouth of the Fish down in the south was bound to culminate (at 21h).

584 = 260 + 104 + 6 * 20 = 29 * 20 + 4.

59 520
Aa8-26 Ab1-1 Ab7-26
580 = 20 * 29

... When the old woman (somewhere in the Mediterranean area) was asked what 29 meant she chuckled and formed a round opening between her left forefinger and thumb through which she then repeatedly pushed her right forefinger ...

... The Euripus, which has already come up in the Phaedo, was really a channel between Euboea and the mainland, in which the conflict of the tides reverses the current as much as seven times a day, with ensuing dangerous eddies - actually a case of standing waves rather than a true whirl. We meet the name again at a rather unexpected place, in the Roman circus or hippodrome, as we know from J. Laurentius Lydus (De Mensibus I.12), who states that the center of the circus was called Euripos; that in the middle of the stadium was a pyramid, belonging to the Sun; that by the Sun's pyramid were three altars, of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and below the pyramid, altars of Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, and that there were not more than seven circuits (kykloi) around the pyramid, because the planets were only seven. (See also F. M. Cornford's chapter on the origin of the Olympic games in J. Harrison's Themis (1962), p. 228; G. Higgins' Anacalypsis (1927), vol. 2., pp. 372ff.) This brings to mind (although not called Euripus, obviously, but 'the god's place of skulls') the Central American Ball Court which had a round hole in its center, termed by Tezozomoc 'the enigmatic significance of the ball court', and from this hole a lake spread out before Uitzilopochtli was born ...

... A quick look in Wikipedia reveals there were occasionally also a pair of holes around 6 feet above ground, and when some player was lucky enough to hit the solid heavy rubber ball hard enough and with such precision as to force the ball through such a hole the game would immediately come to a stop ...

Since the time when the Mnajdra temple had illustrated summer solstice the precession of the Sun's cardinal points had carried the dates in the Sun calendar a quarter of the precessional year earlier. 26000 / 4 = 6500 = AD 2000 + 4500 BC.

... Then I become aware of ... a presence - a faint, ghostly glimmering, like moonglow, that has appeared on the solstice stone. I don't know how long it lasts, a second or two only I would guess, but while it is there it seems less like a projection - which I know it to be - than something immanent within the stone itself. And it seems to function as a herald for it fades almost as soon as it has appeared and in its place the full effect snaps on - instantaneously. It wasn't there, and then it's there. As Chris had described, the effect does curiously resemble a poleaxe, or a flag on a pole, and consists of a 'shaft', narrow at the base but widening a little towards the top, running up the left hand side of the solstice stone, surmounted by a right-facing 'head' or 'flag'. An instant later an almond-shaped spot of light, like an eye, appears a few centimeters to the right of the 'flag' and the effect is complete. Weirdly - I do not claim it has any significance - this flag-on-a-pole symbol is the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph neter, meaning 'god', or 'a god' - and not to be understood at all in the Judaeo-Christian usage of that word but rather as a reference to one of the supernatural powers or principles that guide and balance the universe. Manifested here, in this strange Stone Age temple, it glows, as though lit by inner fire.'

So the current date should be February 14 (45), because 136 (Alcyone) - 91 = 45:

Whereas it had been March 14 which spelled out the doom of Julius Caesar:

... The brutes of spring caused the downfall of both Captain Cook and Julius Caesar. We are close to the key myth of mankind, that which explains the regeneration of sun and of growth. Once at least some people kept the tradition living. I became interested in what really happened at March 15 and reopened Henrikson to find out: Caesar had been forewarned of the threat by the prophet Spurinna, who told him that a great threat was coming at Idus Martiae or just before [i.e. at 3-14]. The day arrived and Caesar was still living, walking to his meeting with the Senate when he happened to encounter Spurinna and told him jokingly that he was still alive. Spurinna calmely answered that the day had yet not ended ...

The 'head' of viri in Aa8-26 (580 + 26 = 606 = 664 - 58) seems to have been 'lopped off':

59 520
Aa8-26 Ab1-1 Ab7-26
580 = 20 * 29

Viri. 1. To wind, to coil, to roll up; he viri i te hau, to wind, coil a string (to fasten something). 2. To fall from a height, rolling over, to hurl down, to fling down. Viriviri, round, spherical (said of small objects). Viviri te henua, to feel dizzy (also: mimiro te henua). Vanaga. To turn in a circle, to clew up, to groom, to twist, to dive from a height, to roll (kaviri). Hakaviri, crank, to groom, to turn a wheel, to revolve, to screw, to beat down; kahu hakaviri, shroud. Viriga, rolling, danger. Viriviri, ball, round, oval, bridge, roll, summit, shroud, to twist, to wheel round, to wallow. Hakaviriviri, to roll, to round; rima hakaviriviri, stroke of the flat, fisticuff. P Pau.: viriviri, to brail, to clew up; koviriviri, twisting. Mgv.: viri, to roll, to turn, to twist; viviri, to fall to the ground again and again in a fight. Mq.: vii, to slide, to roll, to fall and roll. Ta.: viri, to roll up, to clew up. Viritopa, danger. Mgv.: Viripogi, eyes heavy with sleep. Mq.: viipoki, swooning, vertigo. Churchill. Viti: vili, to pick up fallen fruit or leaves ... In Viti virimbai has the meaning of putting up a fence (mbai fence); viri does not appear independently in this use, but it is undoubtedly homogenetic with Samoan vili, which has a basic meaning of going around; virikoro then signifies the ring-fence-that-goes-about, sc. the moon. In the Maori, aokoro is the cloud-fence ... Churchill 2.

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