77. Once again. It all started with walking in the evenings and looking up at Venus, waiting for her to disappear before returning 8 nights later as Morning Star. ![]() Then my idea that the other planet visible simultaneously and close by would be Mars was proven to be false:
And instead it was found that in March 14 (365 / 5 = 73) in the year AD 2023 as if by chance the planet Uranus would be above the Head of Cetus (↔ Ku, Kuu, Kufu), i.e. below Aries and not far away from Venus.
Whereas: ... Mars is between the Butting Horn of the Bull and the Foot of Castor (down in the Milky Way river), i.e. precisely in the ancient center of attention, with the House of Auriga above and the Arms of Orion below ... The outline of the peculiar synodic orbit of Mars was drawing attention and we therefore looked for his current path.:
And now we have reached day 157 in AD 2024, and we have gone 365 - 73 + 157 = 449 days ahead as counted from day 73 in AD 2023..
... Then I recalled that the he did not die in June 6 but half a year away (9 - 3 = 12 / 2 months) in November 6 (310) and this was the only day when you would be able to buy and enjoy eating the bakery item named Gustav Adolf - after the king in question. Although I was half right, because at June 6 my wall calendar states that a pair of names to be celebrated should be Gustaf (→ Gustav II Adolf) together with his father Gösta → the first king of unified Sweden ... Or should we not rather measure time according to the conceptually more true cycle of the year (364 days = 52 weeks = 13 * 28):
364 - 73 + 157 = 448 = 64 weeks.
And then in July 14 (AD 2024), i.e. 195 - 157 = 38 days later than June 6,
the planet Mars will reach a conjunction with the planet Uranus:
The yellow planet visible in Taurus is Jupiter. Where is Venus? She is in the constellation of Cancer:
It suddenly dawns on me that the outline of the Cancer constellation resembles not only the Greek letter lambda but also the outlines of both Taurus and Pisces: