Comments ought to begin at the beginning. At ariga erua in the dictionary the text of Q was examined and one of the results was that the 'season of mago' is finished in a process taking 5 days:
The break between *Qb5-35 and *Qb5-36 was noted as taking place 16 glyphs (8 days) beyond winter solstice:
Winter solstice was assumed to be at day 360 (not as a period which I currently believe), and the last day of the calendar was identified as day 368. At the time when ariga erua was written day number 363 had not yet been discovered as 'the day of Rogo', but a distinction between the glyphs ending with *Qb5-24 and those beginning with *Qb5-25 had already been made. The onset of winter solstice could, though, come already with day 358, because a 'fish' obscures the sun in a sign we can recognize:
Ariga erua at *Qb5-12 (586), on the other hand, is not yet at winter solstice.
The Rogo day was found in C while searching for information regarding maro glyphs:
Here we should notice that vero Rogo in Ca13-19 is the natural glyph from which to begin recounting the described events (which we also realized at that time). It represents day 362, which agrees with *Qb5-21--22:
At ariga erua the Venus periods were discussed:
If we with growing awareness realize the importance of day 363, we will also appreciate that mother nature has pointed at this day for us, because 363 is 100 more than the lengths of the visibility periods of Venus. Also, number 363 has occurred earlier in the glyph dictionary without being realized for what it is. For instance at haga rave: