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Counting glyphs from Ca1-1 gives interesting results. 157 = half 314 and 164 can be read as 16 * 4 = 64:

Ca6-17 (157) Ca6-18 Ca6-19 Ca6-20 Ca6-21
Ca6-22 Ca6-23 Ca6-24 (164)

64 is the number of days from winter solstice to the beginning of side a in G.

6 * 24 = 31 * 8 = 248. If we expand this number to a year, it will be 31 * 12 = 372. Ca6-24 does not have to be at the midpoint of the calendar, it can be (like the inverted maro in Gb1-7) at the 8th station.

A more slender vero than the Rogo ones is located at day 372, and the glyphs inform us that the end comes with *Ca14-14, with day 377 (= 13 * 29):

glyph numbers are counted from Ca1-1
Ca13-19 (362) Ca13-20 *Ca14-1 *Ca14-2 *Ca14-3
*Ca14-4 *Ca14-5 *Ca14-6 *Ca14-7 *Ca14-8
*Ca14-9 (372) *Ca14-10 *Ca14-11 *Ca14-12 *Ca14-13 *Ca14-14
*Ca14-15 (378) *Ca14-16 *Ca14-17
353 354 355

Because with glyph number 378 a new sequence is beginning, and we will return to Hatinga Te Kohe at 12 * 29.5 = 354. The new sequence jumps back 25 days in time because the days are here counted from Ca1-26:

25 49 312
Ca1-26 Ca3-25 (76) Ca14-26 (389)
50 314
364 = 14 * 26


Here it is obvious that 364 = 14 * 26, a sun derivation. If we compare with 364 and manu kake in G, we can see that manu kake comes before day 364:

Ga4-21 (105) Gb5-10 (364)

We may have misunderstood the structure in C. If we let manu kake in Ca14-26 keep day number 364 but be the first glyph in a new sequence, then the Rogo number (363) will be at left. And there is room for another such beginning with day 364:

49 312 3 348 10 14
Ca1-26 Ca3-25 (76) Ca14-26 (389) Ca1-11
363 363

There is a resemblance with the structure of G, because from Gb1-1 up to and including tamaiti at 413 there are 183 glyphs (= 363 - 180). 364 + 45 + 47 = 456 = 472 - 16. The 'leftover' 16 presumably reflect the fact that 472 = 16 * 29.5.

Maybe, therefore, 740 = 14 * 52 + 12 = 28 * 26 + 12. If the text of C does not measure 16 times any number, then the 'leftover' could easily be 12 or 14.

But 740 = 16 * 46 + 4 = 472 + 268.

The table above is, though, hardly what we should read. Instead, we could try to use another structure imagined for G:

42 63
Gb5-9 Gb5-10 Gb6-24 Gb6-25 Gb6-26 (409)
363 46
3 39 331
*Ca14-25 *Ca14-26 (389) 42 Cb2-16 Cb2-17 Cb2-18 (434)
363 46

Manu rere in Cb2-18 is day number 409 counted from Ca1-25. The wings are peculiar, they show the same kind of sign in Ca3-25 and this seems to be a sign which Rogo is using at certain times:

316 41 306 75
Ca3-25 (76) Cb2-18 (434)
359 381

Both 359 and 381 are tagata days in G:

Gb5-5 (359) Gb5-27 (381)

The sign Rogo is using 'at certain times' could be alluding to what we can see in Gb5-5.