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From day 231 to day 413 there are 182 days, half 364. This could explain why the 8th kuhane station must come 5 days later:
(182 - 5) / 29.5 = 6. A year with 364 days is not congruent with 59-night double-months. Instead it should be regarded as 13 * 28 nights or as 14 * 26 days. Moon is connected with 14 and 28, sun with 13 and 26, it seems. Both are needed. 229 - 184 = 45 days, and we know where they are:
From Rogo in Gb6-26 to Ga5-10 there are 184 days. Then follow 45 days, ending with Ga6-24. Ga6-24 has the same position as maro in Ca6-24. By adding 64 days from the end of side b, there will be 65 days over at the end of side a. Or maybe we should say there are 46 days followed by 64. 363 + 46 = 409, two Rogo glyphs with 45 days between them:
472 - 45 - 47 = 380, and 45 + 47 = 92. If a6-24 is a maro place, then Ga6-25 will be the first glyph of a new season: