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Toga glyphs are used to mark the end of Sun periods, e.g. at the end of the day:

Aa1-25 Aa1-26 Aa1-27 Aa1-28 Aa1-29 Aa1-30 (240)
Aa1-31 (260) Aa1-32 Aa1-33 (300)

Number 300 for the redmarked Sun glyph Aa1-33 is here derived from counting 20 for each glyph beginning with Aa1-19:

Aa1-17 Aa1-18 (360) Aa1-19 (20) Aa1-20
Aa1-21 Aa1-22 Aa1-23 Aa1-24 (120)

With 20 per glyph from Aa1-1 number 360 will be reached with Saturn at Aa1-18. A new cycle of 360 can then begin from Aa1-19.

Counting on beyond 300 at toga (Aa1-33) means we will arrive at the time of the day when light is delivered from the fires (ahi) lit by man, the time of the evening called ahiahi. The plural of these man-made fires probably explains the changed top flame of the Sun in Aa1-35:

Aa1-34 Aa1-35 Aa1-36 Aa1-37 Aa1-38 (400)

The number series will not end with Aa1-36, though, because Venus (green) should be at the end, which means Aa1-38 must be the last glyph. Toga at 300 is located at the end of the 3rd quarter of 400, which easily can be understood as not the cycle of the day but the cycle of the year. This exemplifies how the rongorongo texts are multilayered, can be read in different ways. The day is like the year, both are basically defined from the path of the Sun. And the counting can be done in different ways, for instance as 18 (number of glyphs from Aa1-19 up to and including Aa1-36). Metoro said ehu (ashes) at Aa1-37 and Aa1-38.


My colour chart for the planets (the week) has here been extended (and indeed there is no reason why it should end at any point):

number of glyphs and planets
Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37
38 39 40 41 42 43 44

The chart shows how the ordinal number of a glyph in a line can (at least sometimes) be correlated with the planets. The colours are applied by me purely in order to make it easier to see which planet will 'rule' which glyph.

Furthermore, it is important to notice that the numbers in the chart are not related to the numbers which 'characterizes' respective planet. The beginning of time is in the dark and only when some light source appears does counting begin. Counting the nights of the month, for instance, means you will begin from the time when the moon reappears. Night number 1 means there is a minimum of one dark night in the past.

Venus apparently was used (at least ideally) to mark when the year was beginning. Also she has her dark periods (8 nights long). From the beginning of the K text it is clear that there were 2 dark nights before Venus reappeared:

Ka1-1 Ka1-2 Ka1-3 Ka1-4 Ka1-5 Ka1-6
- 1 2 3 4

The 3 fingers of fire (5) suddenly becomes understandable. In Ka1-3 they are announced by Venus.

The numbers for the planets are not the same as the ordinal numbers for the glyphs. We need a separate chart:

numbers and planets
Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Venus has here not only number 1 but also number 8, which is of central importance in the rongorongo system. 8 * 29.5 = 236.

Sun has number 3 and 10. He will end with number 10, and this happens after 8 months. 236 + 8 * 8 = 300 = 10 * 30.