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A natural question to ask is whether the 4 viri glyphs in A can be 'mapped' together with Ab4-18 and Aa6-66:


59 520
Aa8-26 Ab1-1 Ab7-26
- 580 = 20 * 29 -
100 361
Ab7-26 Ab8-43 Aa4-70
464 = 16 * 29
16 270
Aa4-71 Aa4-72 Aa5-7 Aa8-26
290 = 10 * 29

If we begin with side b, we have niu at Ab4-17 located as number 261 (= 9 * 29):

side b with 664 glyphs = 332 days
260 400
Ab4-17 Ab4-18 Ab4-19 Ab4-20
130 days 131-132 200

It would be nice if we could integrate Ab4-17 as a multiple of glyphs beyond viri at Ab1-1. But that is not possible, we have to count from Ab1-1:

Ab1-1 Ab1-2 Ab4-17 (261) Ab4-18
day 1 129 day 131

If we take away 9 * 29 glyphs from 522 (= 18 * 29), we will have halved 522:

258 258
Ab1-1 Ab1-2 Ab4-17 (261) Ab4-18 Ab7-25 Ab7-26 (522)
day 1 129 day 131 129 day 261

This appears to be a harmonious structure. Next problem is pito:

258 100
Ab4-17 (261) Ab4-18 Ab7-25 Ab7-26 (522) Ab8-43 Ab8-44 (624)
day 131 129 day 261 50 day 312

The distance from Ab4-18 to Ab8-43 is 360 glyphs. Probably this is important.

side b with 664 glyphs = 332 days
260 360 40
Ab4-17 Ab4-18 Ab8-43 Ab8-44
130 day 131 180 day 312 20

Inserting the two viri glyphs:

side b with 664 glyphs = 332 days
258 258
Ab1-1 Ab1-2 Ab4-17 Ab4-18 Ab7-25 Ab7-26
day 1 129 day 131 129 day 261
100 40
Ab8-43 Ab8-44
50 day 312 20

The two viri obviously are used to define 261 days, the first half of which ends with niu at Ab4-17 (with glyph number 261).

258 = 6 * 43 and 261 days is equal to 12 * 43 + 6 glyphs (and 8 * 43 - at pito - is equal to 344). Ab7-26 has ordinal number 522, which can be interpreted as 5 and 22 (π). But 7 * 26 = 182 also says much. The two viri define half a year.

Then follows 142 glyphs, 71 days. Maybe they should be integrated with side a. Or rather: Then follows 100 glyphs (50 days) before a new counting will begin:

Ab8-43 Ab8-44 (624) Aa4-64 Aa4-65 Aa4-66 Aa4-67
day 1 177 day 179 day 180

4 * 67 = 168 and in Aa4-65 (where 4 * 65 = 260) a moe says it is time. This solution is, though, pure speculation. The counting could begin somewhere else:

Ab8-39 Ab8-40 Ab8-41 Ab8-42 Ab8-43 Ab8-44 Ab8-45 Ab8-46

Instead, let us try from the other direction. There are two viri on side a, and let us insert Aa6-66 between them:

338 140 128 58
Aa5-6 Aa5-7 (1004) Aa6-65 Aa6-66 (1146) Aa8-26 (1275) Aa8-27
169 day 502 70 day 573 64 day 638 29
240 65 30

No great symmetry is obvious. Aa5-7 is offset by 18 glyphs, though:

156 128
Aa4-70 Aa4-71 Aa4-72 (987) Aa4-73 Aa6-65 Aa6-66 (1146) Aa8-26 (1275) Aa8-27
day 493 day 494 78 day 573 64 day 638
290 glyphs

Not much is gained. But 493 = 450 + 43 and 573 = 530 + 43.

Let us assume that day number 572 is the limit. Then there will be 130 glyphs (65 = 260 / 4 days) from Aa6-65 up to and including Aa8-27:

128 58
Aa6-65 (1145) Aa6-66 Aa8-26 Aa8-27 (1276)
day 1 64 day 65 = 260 / 4 29

From this follows that we should terminate the preceding sequence of events with Aa6-64:

338 138
Aa5-6 Aa5-7 (1004) Aa6-63 Aa6-64 (1144)
169 (= 100 + 69) day 502 69 day 572

If we show the beginning of side a, we once again will find 666, and now viri at Aa5-7 comes 169 (= 13 * 13) days later:

Aa1-1 Aa1-2 (666) Aa5-6 Aa5-7 (1004)
day 333 168 day 502
170 days

But what happened with Aa4-71--72?

318 14
Aa1-1 Aa1-2 (666) Aa4-70 Aa4-71 Aa4-72 (987) Aa4-73 Aa5-6 Aa5-7 (1004)
day 333 159 day 493 day 494 7 day 502
161 9

159 + 7 = 166 days.

I decide to add a page in the dictionary excursion:

... Having established as 'fact' the equation 2 glyphs = 1 day, it is possible to investigate each of the two sides of the rongorongo texts separately:

side b with 664 glyphs = 332 days
260 400
Ab4-17 Ab4-18 Ab4-19 Ab4-20
130 days 131-132 200

I have black-marked niu at Ab4-17 (where 4 * 17 = 68) because its ordinal number is 261 = 9 * 29. My 'map' is ordered with 260 glyphs (130 days) as one group before the arrival of the ominous 261. Ab4-17 stands where a viri could be expected, but no such glyph is close in the text ...


The two viri glyphs on side b are clearly defining 261 (= 9 * 29) days together:

258 258
Ab1-1 Ab1-2 Ab4-17 Ab4-18 Ab7-25 Ab7-26
1 2 261 1 260 261
day 1 129 day 131 129 day 261

Ab4-17 is the last glyph (number 261) in the first half and Ab4-18 the first glyph in the second half.