The Pleiades rise in the east before Sirius:
![]() ... The rising Pleiades led a twinkling procession of bright stars into the sky: Aldebaran first, then the stars of Orion (called Tautoru by the Rapa Nui). Sirius (Reitanga in Rapanui), at a declination of 16º 42', is the brightest star in the sky on this and every other morning, and travels a path that takes it over the centre of Polynesian culture, Tahiti ... Suppose the Pleiades are illustrated at top right in Ga7-15.
We then ought to coordinate not only this glyph with the glyphs we earlier have counted as Te Pou, but also the maitaki sign which first appears already at Nga Kope Ririva:
Ga8-26 comes 126 (= 72 + 18 + 36 = 7 * 18) glyphs beyond the rising fish manu kake (105 at Ga4-21), a good number, because it alludes both to the key number 7 and to 260:
Ga8-26 is also, signicantly, the last glyph on side a (104 + 126 = 230):
There is a fundamental pattern based on multiples of 18 at least up to Te Pou (at 9 * 29.5 = 265.5):
A balance is found by contrasting 72 up to Nga Kope Ririva with 72 from Ga7-25 to Te Pou. The pivotal point should be beyond Ga7-8: