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We have tried 22 already, but on the G text:


Ga8-13 Ga8-14 Ga8-15 Ga8-16 (220) Ga8-17 Ga8-18 Ga8-19
Ga7-25 Ga7-26 Ga7-27 Ga7-28 (198) Ga7-29 Ga7-30 Ga7-31
Ga7-3 Ga7-4 Ga7-5 Ga7-6 (176) Ga7-7 Ga7-8 Ga7-9
Ga6-10 Ga6-11 Ga6-12 Ga6-13 (154) Ga6-14 Ga6-15 Ga6-16
Ga5-18 Ga5-19 Ga5-20 Ga5-21 (132) Ga5-22 Ga5-23 Ga5-24
Ga4-23 Ga4-24 Ga4-25 Ga4-26 (110) Ga4-27 Ga5-1 Ga5-2
Ga4-1 Ga4-2 Ga4-3 Ga4-4  (88) Ga4-5 Ga4-6 Ga4-7
Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5 Ga3-6 (66) Ga3-7 Ga3-8 Ga3-9
Ga2-10 Ga2-11 Ga2-12 Ga2-13 (44) Ga2-14 Ga2-15 Ga2-16
Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20 Ga1-21 (22) Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-2

Before we do it again on the K text, we should notice that half 220 in G has the same glyph position as manu kake at 104 in K:


Ga4-22 Ga4-23 Ga4-24 Ga4-25 Ga4-26 (110) Ga4-27 Ga5-1 Ga5-2
Kb1-3 (100) Kb1-4 Kb1-5 Kb1-6 Kb1-7 (104) Kb1-8 Kb1-9 Kb1-10

In Ga4-27 henua (with growing maro) is cut off downwards at the top, not upwards as in Kb1-3. The ordinal number 111 for Ga4-27 may have something to do with these differences.

On the other hand, there is a manu kake at position 105:

Ga4-20 Ga4-21 (105)

Also this bird has more space between beak and fish at the left side than at right (which looks somewhat like the waning moon).

Let us begin from the end of the K text and move backwards, following the moon so to say, and let us work with both 22 and with 24. But we immediately will meet with difficulties:

Kb5-14 (186) Kb5-15 Kb5-16 Kb5-17 Kb5-18 Kb5-19 Kb5-20 (192)

The central (4th of 7) column cannot be balanced with 3 glyphs to the right of number 192 - the text ends. Furthermore, Ka3-14 (π) and - we have seen - other important glyphs occupy positions at -14 in the glyph lines.

In this perspective Kb5-15--20 appears to be 6 glyphs in a special group, not very good to attach a net of 22 or 24 glyphs to. I decide to begin by making a table with the -14 glyphs in the center column. Redmarked are the very few glyphs which by coincidence have parallels in the net of 29.5 in G:

Kb5-11 Kb5-12 Kb5-13 Kb5-14 (186) Kb5-15 Kb5-16 Kb5-17
Kb4-11 Kb4-12 Kb4-13 Kb4-14 (167) Kb4-15 Kb4-16 Kb4-17
Kb3-11 Kb3-12 Kb3-13 Kb3-14 (151) Kb3-15 Kb3-16 Kb4-1
Kb2-11 Kb2-12 Kb2-13 Kb2-14 (133) Kb2-15 Kb2-16 Kb2-17
Kb1-11 Kb1-12 Kb1-13 Kb1-14 (111) Kb1-15 Kb1-16 Kb1-17
Ka5-11 Ka5-12 Ka5-13 Ka5-14 (97) Kb1-1 Kb1-2 Kb1-3
Ka4-11 Ka4-12 Ka4-13 Ka4-14 (81) Ka4-15 Ka4-16 Ka5-1
Ka3-11 Ka3-12 Ka3-13 Ka3-14 (60) Ka3-15 Ka3-16 Ka3-17
Ka2-11 Ka2-12 Ka2-13 Ka2-14 (38) Ka2-15 Ka2-16 Ka2-17
... ... ... ...
Ka1-11 Ka1-12 Ka1-13 Ka1-14 (14) Ka1-15 Ka1-16 Ka1-17

I have made a table for easier control of my numbers for the -14 glyphs above:


a1 *24 - b1 *22 97
a2 22 24 b2 *18 119
a3 21 46 b3 16 137
a4 16 67 b4 19 153
a5 14 83 b5 *20 172
sum *97 97 sum *95 192

Only 14 glyphs in line a5 is a conspicious number. 16 occurs in two lines.

83 (one less than 84) is the sum of the number of glyphs in the first 4 lines, 153 the sum for the first 8 lines. 153 - 83 = 70 is the number of glyphs in the 4 lines a5--b3.