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These are the glyphs which I think definitively or perhaps (marked below with ?) contain the 'splendid bird' (either unmarked or with one or more signs and either alone or mixed / compounded with one or more other type of glyph):

Ea3-20 Ea4-11 Ea4-33 Ea6-26 Ea6-28 Ea7-25
Ea7-29 (?) Ea7-30 Ea7-37 (?) Ea8-113 Ea9-32 Eb2-15
Eb2-16 Eb2-23 Eb2-25 Eb2-26 Eb4-22 Eb4-23
Eb4-32 Eb4-34 Eb4-40 Eb4-41 Eb4-42 Eb5-14 (?)
Eb5-33 Eb6-11 Eb6-31 Eb6-33 Eb7-6 Eb7-15

Please note that not one of these glyphs are unmarked! They all contain one or more signs which must be considered when we try to read the text. (The questionable ?-glyphs are included for safety - I think they might contain signs of the 'splendid bird'.)