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There are 17 'finger tips' on the 'toppling mountain', but 4 * 5 = 20 on the 'summer mountain' at center bottom:

One way to interpret the 'summer mountain' is to regard its top as high summer and the curves described by the 'finger tips' as steps of waxing respectively waning. Sun moves 24º from a tropic to the equator, and the basic Sun number should therefore be regarded as 24 (equal to 3 times 8 as if to indicate the time for waxing).

20 * 24 = 480 and equal to the number of days according to calendar II on the Paris Snuff Box.

The 'toppling mountain'  can be counted as 17 * 24 = 408 (quite similar to 480, only that 0 is here in the center of attention). This number occurs at winter solstice in G:

Gb6-17 Gb6-18 Gb6-19 Gb6-20 Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24
Gb6-25 Gb6-26 Gb6-27 Gb6-28 Gb7-1 Gb7-2 Gb7-3 Gb7-4

If we begin counting from Gb8-30 number 408 will be at Gb6-25.

(17 + 20) * 24 = 888 and this number can be used to symbolize three sectors with 8 periods in each. 8 * 24 = 192 we can recognize as the number of glyphs in the K text. 2 * 192 = 384 is equal to 13 * 29.5 + ½ = 16 * 24. The 13th kuhane station is Roto Iri Are, the station of renewal. 192 ought to be a Sun tertial and 384 a Moon double tertial.

480 at the summer mountain is 20 * 24, a higher number than 17 * 24. But 17 * 24 is one more than 16 * 24 = 384 = 2 * 192. We have 480 + 192 + 192 = 864 (= 364 + 500) as a number which can be used in a regular calendar cycle - to which will be added 1 * 24 in order to reach a new beginning at 888 = 480 + 408.

Moreover, 30 * 29.5 = 885 = 5 * 177, where 177 = 6 * 29.5. Or we can simply say that 885 = 15 * 59 = 3 * 295. It seems that 888 = 3 * (295 + 1). Counting time we must remember there is no counting until one measure has been reached. This explains the triplet of added 1:s.

In the Turkestan image the 'summer mountain' is probably referring to high summer and the maximum of Sun. The 'toppling mountain' probably refers to the beginning of the new year (Rogo).


The new year is, it seems, defined by the time when the old year ('fire') is vanishing (below the 'waters'). In ancient Egypt it was the rising of the Nile, caused by Sirius.

The time should be when high summer was ending. The heat and dry earth suddenly vanished.

But counting from winter solstice a whole year was not yet in the past, only ⅔.

Venus at Gb6-17 has ordinal number 400. This time it seems not advisable to multiply 6 * 17 = 102, instead number 17 is to be associated with number 6. The 6th day of the week (Venus) is at a location of  renewal (17). It is a time zero.

Twice 8 = 16 glyphs are coordinated into a group. By force of number 8 it must be Saturn who 'twins' with Venus.

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Saturn symbolizes the old fire, Venus the new fire. Saturn is like the submerged old sun, Venus as morning star should represent the newborn fire.

Counting from glyph number 400 (Gb6-17) forward 144 steps (as suggested by a multiplication at Gb6-24) we will reach Ga3-12 (where 3 * 12 = 36):

Ga3-10 Ga3-11 Ga3-12 Ga3-13 Ga3-14 Ga3-15 Ga3-16

400 + 144 = 544 = 8 * 68, which we can compare with 6 * 68 = 408 (= 17 * 24).

From Gb6-17 to the end of side b there are 73 glyphs, and if we do not count Gb8-30 twice we must add another 71 in order to reach 144. This takes us to Ga3-12. If we count Gb8-30 twice we will reach only to Ga3-11.

a1 30 30 b1 26 26
a2 29 59 b2 35 61
a3 24 83 b3 30 91
a4 27 110 b4 33 124
a5 30 140 b5 29 153
a6 29 169 b6 28 181
a7 34 203 b7 31 212
a8 26 229 b8 30 242
sum 229 sum 242

In Ga3-11 the 'head' is down and in Ga3-12 it is up. Measuring 8 * 68 - 400 from Gb6-17 the proper way to count seems to be to count Gb8-30 (472) twice:

6 64 68
Gb6-17 Gb6-24 Gb8-30 (472) Gb8-30 (1)
1 7 73 142
Ga3-10 (70) Ga3-11 Ga3-12 Ga3-13 Ga3-14 Ga3-15 Ga3-16
143 544 = 8 * 68 545 546 547 548 549

Ga3-10--16 is the 3rd period of the henua calendar. A new season is beginning from number 550:

Ga3-17 Ga3-18 Ga3-19

Ga3-19 (79) will then be number 552 = 23 * 24 counted from Gb6-17. This prompts us to look for the glyph at position 24 * 24 = 576.

79 + 24 = 103:

Ga5-17 Ga5-18 Ga5-19 (103) Ga5-20 Ga5-21 (105)

In Ga5-21 Mars seems to be reborn - 5 * 21 = 105.