These cumbersome exercises at last have borne fruit, though, and once again I will add a further page to the series from the link '3rd viri':
I think we should begin from the beginning and rebuild a table for the structure of K:
186 = 168 + Ka1-1--*Ka1-18 is not a certain part of the structure, and I have not included this idea in the table. Ka2-10 and Kb1-11 are Rei glyphs, shouldn't also the 2nd Rei (Ka3-15) have a place in the table? From Ka2-10 up to and including Ka3-15 there are 28 glyphs, which seems promising:
But 75 - 28 = 47 can hardly be an intended part of the structure created for the K text. It is not better to divide 75 into 27 + 48. A better solution is to focus on 26 and count between the Rei glyphs - which we did earlier:
Ka3-16--Ka4-14 (20 glyphs) were earlier defined as 'spring', resulting in 46 = 20 + 26.
Numerically it is sound. Furthermore, Ka4-13 shows a complete cycle, which - together with 20 and 26 - may indicate a connection between Ka4-13 and Ka4-14, leaving Ka4-15 as the 1st glyph in next 26-glyph group. We have been here before. 'Summer' would then begin with Ka4-15 and end with Kb2-15:
6 and 20 as period numbers are sound, likewise the ordinal numbers in the lines, 15. *Kb2-14 maybe is connected with *Kb2-15 to indicate a season is complete. Counting glyphs from Ka4-15 up to and including *Kb2-15 we reach 26 (Ka4-15--Kb1-10) + 1 (Kb1-11) + 26 (Kb1-12--*Kb2-15) = 53, but then we should take away Rei at Kb1-11 - we have done so for the first two Rei. 'Summer' surely stretches from Ka4-15 up to and including *Kb2-15:
By writing 'spring' and 'summer' instead of spring respectively summer I indicate it is only labels - we are discussing only the structure and not the content. Kb4-7 and *Kb5-12 should be added:
Kb4-7 is the natural endpoint of a sequence of twice 26 glyphs, and it must be counted (contrary to the Rei glyphs). It is tempting to let also *Kb5-12 be the endpoint of a sequence of glyph, 24 is not a bad number. But it would be incommensurable with 75. 'Summer' is defined symmetrically only if we disregard Rei in Kb1-11, yet the glyph is necessary to reach the 1st 75. Therefore it ought to be allowed to put *Kb5-12 at the end of a 24-glyph long sequence without coordinating it with the 2nd 75 sequence. But the picture is not convincing, too complicated. I decide to add another page with the new structure:
Where are the 24-glyph divisions beyond the first one between line Ka1 and Ka2? A new table answers the question:
Quite possibly the 8 pairs of glyphs tell about old and new seasons, e.g. Kb3-7 and Kb3-8. We cannot continue with an investigation into that here and now. An idea, though, must be documented: Why not continue counting to 192 also in the E calendar - 8 * 24 must have been a lure: