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There was a numerical cosmos in the minds of the creators of the rongorongo texts. Its extension is still unknown for us.

The beginning is based on an end - excepting extraordinary conditions:

 ... 'The earth rises up from the sea again, and is green and beautiful and things grow without sowing ...

Period 21 in the G calendar probably is an example of such an end/beginning:

1 - 5 26 1 and 10 both have 6, thereby defining a 10-period group with 52 'feathers'.
6 - 10 26
11 - 15 28 slanting henua top in 15 isolates 28 from the following 26
16 - 20 26 'ghostly' henua in 11 and 16 knit 28 and 26 together into a 10-period group with 54 'feathers'
21 4 betwen the 20th period and the last 10
22 - 31 46 46 is not possible to divide into 26 + 20
sum 156 52 + 54 + 50

29 (final of moon) is not playing any role here, instead it is 19 (final of sun): 156 - 4 = 152 = 8 * 19.

The final/start of the moon cycle is the new moon phase, indicated by number 29 (1 more than 28). Presumably the cosmic number structure with even numbers + 1 was established very early in human prehistory by observing the moon.

Alfa and omega coincide. Observing a cycle it cannot be determined what is the end and what is the beginning.

The moon calendar on Easter Island was therefore indeterminate around new moon. In Mamari we can observe that the creator of the text decided to begin with two extraordinary 'night' glyphs:

Ca6-22 Ca6-23

At the other end of the calendar (omega) two other, ordinary, 'night' glyphs finished the month:


Ca8-27 Ca8-28 Ca8-29 Ca9-1 Ca9-2

They initiate a new glyph line and Janus occurs immediately before that.

Next page in the series 'Excursion':


The dark season (261 glyphs) is divided in two parts:
24 208 235
Ga1-1 Ga1-26 Gb1-6 Gb8-30

Reasonably we ought to search for its middle. But maybe, instead, it is the middle of the longer sequence of glyphs we should look for:

b1 beyond Gb1-6 20 118
b2 35
b3 30
b4 33
b5 29 118
b6 28
b7 31
b8 30
sum 236  = 4 * 59 (or 2-36 = 2nd 360)

Definitely the glyphs agree with the numbers about a reversal between Gb4 and Gb5:

hau tea glyphs normally have their 'eye' to the right
Gb4-33 Gb5-1
118 119

59 glyphs presumably stand for two moon months. Therefore 8 moon months could form the longer glyph sequence beyond Gb1-6. 5 (as in fingers and fire) moon months will then belong to summer (because 13 * 28 = 364). The 5 * 5 = 25 glyphs before Ga1-26 probably do not belong together with the 236 'moon' glyphs.

The reversed hau tea is extraordinary, but in Gb4-1 (also at the beginning of a glyph line) there is one more:


Gb3-25 Gb3-26 Gb3-27 Gb3-28 Gb3-29 Gb3-30
Gb4-1 Gb4-2 Gb4-3 Gb4-4 Gb4-5

I surmise the 'fire generator' in Gb3-30 is not drawn clumsily but by intention with the right bottom 'limb' ending in a 'fist'. Is the same 'fist' exhibited in Gb3-26? Up in Gb3-26 and won in Gb3-30. Earlier reflections:


... On side b of Small Santiago Tablet we find the constellation Gb3-25--26 which presumably is expressing about the same thing as Sb2-8:











In Gb3-24 a 'knee' possibly announces spring equinox. No. 26 (in Eb3-26) probably is a sign. Likewise no. 29 suggests 'new moon time', when a new phase is being born. A sun-related phase it must be (28 is the sum and vai has a double rim). Ha4-43 is one more than 42 and may equally well refer to a new sun phase. Pa4-29 serves the same function. On the other hand, Ha4-44 with hanging 'head' suggests autumn. Maybe we should read a quick progression:








late autumn





Maybe Gb4-1 and Gb5-1 mark an extraordinary dark time?





Next page in the series:


The success in identifying the middle two glyphs in the 236 long glyph sequence at the end of side b encourages us to look for the (single) middle glyph among the 25 at the beginning of side a:
Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14

The glyphs once more agree with the numbers about where middle is.

236 + 25 = 261 implies there ought to be a single middle glyph also at number 262 / 2 = 131:

Gb5-12 Gb5-13 Gb5-14 Gb5-15 Gb5-16

The ordinal number is once again 13, but we are still not fluent enough in reading glyphs to either confirm or deny the proposition that Gb5-13 indicates the 'middle' of the 261 glyph long dark season.

Gb5-13 looks like a fusion between a fish and mauga - a dark fish. In Gb5-12 a 'pau' leg means 'finished'. Could we translate the situation as the season when the very dark time (Gb4) will be finished?

Already when I documented the texts I noticed how there was a triplet of mauga glyphs in this region. Let us therefore try to establish a bird's eye view.