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Can the new map of A be of use when trying to establish the structure close to the single kava glyph in K?

3 53 520 752
Aa8-30 Aa8-31 Aa8-85 Ab1-1 Ab7-26 Aa8-26
2 * 29 522 = 18 * 29 754 = 26 * 29

We left K at this stage of the investigation:

Ka2-11 Ka2-12 Ka2-13 Ka2-14 Ka2-15 Ka2-16



3 4 5 6









7 8 1 2

The kava glyph (Ka3-11) follows in the 3rd 8-sequence (remember 888 at Aa2-74), which has another character than the first two 8-sequences (together 16 for the growing moon):

Ka3-5 Ka3-6 Ka3-7 Ka3-8 Ka3-9 Ka3-10



The 3rd 8-sequence could be the descending moon phase. 16 + 8 = 24 glyphs, and at that point a new month should be generated (24 is probably is a sign of the conjunction between sun and moon).

'...when the new moon appeared women assembled and bewailed those who had died since the last one, uttering the following lament: 'Alas! O moon! Thou has returned to life, but our departed beloved ones have not. Thou has bathed in the waiora a Tane, and had thy life renewed, but there is no fount to restore life to our departed ones. Alas ...

In Ka3-5 the 'recycling station' and the 'descending fish' (for waning moon) are combined:

Ka3-5 henua ora Ca7-29

Ka3-12 (half 24) ought to signify the opposite of the conjunction between sun and moon, and the hand gesture suggests a phase when noon sun has left (is in the past). In a moon calendar new moon evidently should be the time when moon will 'bathe' with the sun (the noon sun). At noon sun meets with the moon (and she cannot be seen because she is close to the sun and all the rays from the sun are caught by her).

In Ka3-11 the haś part is depicted in a fairly normal fashion, open to the right and with 'feathers' mostly on the left side. If the 'feathers' mean that moon is 'pregnant' with her daughter (next month), we will have taken a further step in our assumptions - up to now only those glyphs with 'feathers' on both sides have been regarded as 'pregnant'.

Maybe there are 'feathers' on both sides only when the baby will be a boy (sun)? Growing moon south of the equator has the haś form. In the moon calendar of Mamari the glyph at full moon - Otua - has 15 'feathers':

Ca7-15 Ka3-11

It has also a 'ghostly root' where in Ka3-11 the 'kava root' is fully alive. At full moon the 'kava root' is long gone, while in Ka3-11 it fulfills its function. We must not forget the result of the conjunction:

Ka3-13 Ka3-14 Ka3-15 Ka3-16 Ka3-17 Ka3-18 Ka3-19 Ka3-20
3 4 5 6 7 8 7 10

Counted from the 'union' in Ka3-11 the 'moon bird' in Ka3-17 will be number 7 (as the number of nights in a week). In Ka3-16 the 'feathers' are at right, alluding to tapa mea - the red light from the sun is illuminating the 'new moon bird'. O moon! Thou has returned to life!