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There is a reversal between A and B. In Ka2-4 the 'flames' are on the right side in the glyph, in Ka2-10 on the left side. In Ka2-2 henua is in front, in Ka2-8 at the back:


A 6
Ka2-1 Ka2-2 Ka2-3 Ka2-4 Ka2-5 Ka2-6
B Ka2-1--4 are similar to Ka2-7--10 4
Ka2-7 Ka2-8 Ka2-9 Ka2-10

Futhermore, henua in Ka2-7--8 are bent towards left. Maybe the season referred to is the one 'on land', i.e. summer? Ka4-15 and Kb2-110 together define the limits of what could be the season 'on land':

*52 glyphs 10 glyphs
Ka4-15 Kb2-110 Kb3-8
summer? ?

Looking for bent henua earlier, in line Ka1, we find only one such, viz. in Ka1-7:

Ka1-1 Ka1-2 Ka1-3 Ka1-4 Ka1-5 Ka1-6
Ka1-7 Ka1-8 Ka1-9 Ka1-10 Ka1-11 Ka1-12

The whole sequence of glyhs (Ka1-7--11) all have similar curvatures at right. In Ka1-5 we recognize the 'flame-originator' in period 0:

Ka3-8 Ka3-9 Ka3-10 Ka3-11 Ka3-12 Ka3-13 Ka3-14

Noteworthy is a suggested connection between fire generating and ariki (Ka1-4 respectively Ka3-9). Fire cannot exist in the sea. It must be located on the canoe (above the sea) or on land. Consequently, Ka1-5--11 cannot refer to events in the sea.

In the parallel glyphs in the G calendar we will have difficulties to find any henua glyphs convex towards right. Instead we find the opposite type, henua concave towards right:

Ga1-3 Ga1-7 Ga1-9 Ga1-10 Ga6-2 Gb7-24
Ka1-3 Ka1-7 Ka1-9 Ka1-10 Kb2-104

Three henua convex towards right appear, though, beyond the year calendar:

Ga8-8 Ga8-11 Gb8-13

The pure type of glyph could be composed of two oppositely bent henua.

In the K idiom, then,  the left part - presumably - is the 2nd part of the year, viz. winter. I can find only one such henua:

Kb4-1 Kb4-2 Kb4-3 Kb4-4 Kb4-5
Kb4-6 Kb4-7 Kb4-8 Kb4-9
Kb4-10 Kb4-11 Kb4-12 Kb4-13 Kb4-14

Kb4-5 evidently refers to a meager season, or a season where light is waning. Kb4-1--2 initiate the penultimate line of the tablet. Arms held high but without hands in Kb4-4 suggest the opposite to summer solstice.

In Kb4-6 there is a viri. Is there a 'fruit' to take care of? In Kb4-7 a pole with head seems to grow from viri. Is it the personification of the coming season? Next year?

If Kb4-5 announces the end of a season beyond summer, then we should count:

*52 glyphs 10 glyphs 12 glyphs 8 glyphs
Ka4-15 *Kb2-15 Kb3-8 Kb4-5 Kb4-14
summer? 'humpback' 4th quarter?

From Kb3-8 up to and including Kb4-14 there are 23 glyphs, and then with next glyph different events occur, possibly a new king is being born:

Kb4-15 Kb4-16 Kb4-17 Kb4-18
24 25 26 27
31 ...
Kb4-19 Kb5-101 Kb5-102
28 *29 *30 *31

Kb5-102 is a glyph with number *31 (counted from Kb3-8), and the period (if so it is) also has number 31.

New life is generated in Kb4-19 - henua ora is inverted - presumably the work of the new king. It is the last glyph in line b4.

Remarkably it is the 29th glyph which is missing. Probably it was done intentionally, the 29th moon is a dark night, and the following glyphs are intact. The blank space at the beginning of line b5 may always have been there.

We should continue with our investigation of the end of the K text (possibly 18 glyphs):

32 1 glyph missing (?)
Kb5-103 Kb5-104 Kb5-105 Kb5-106
*32 *33 *34 *35 *36
33 1 glyph missing (?)
Kb5-201 Kb5-202 Kb5-301 Kb5-302
*37 *38 *39 *40 *41
Kb5-303 Kb5-304 Kb5-305 Kb5-306
*42 *43 *44 *45
35 1 glyph missing ??
Kb5-307 Kb5-308 Kb5-309
*46 *47 *48 *49??

Beyond Kb4-14 there may once have been 26 glyphs, in which case the last glyph (now missing - or intentinally never drawn) would have been number 59 counted beyond *Kb2-15:

If neither *29 nor *49 ever was there, there could have been 24 glyphs beyond Kb4-14 to the end of the text.

*52 glyphs *54
Ka4-15 *Kb2-15
10 glyphs 12 glyphs 8 glyphs 10 + 23 = 33
Kb3-8 Kb4-5 Kb4-14
'humpback' 4th quarter?
3 glyphs ... *13 *6
Kb4-15 Kb4-19 *Kb5-1 *Kb5-15
24 28 *30 *34
*22 + 4 = *26

*54 + 10 + 23 + *26 = *54 + *59 = *113. If we search for 54 glyphs, we can easily can find them by excluding the end of the text:

1 glyph missing ??
Kb5-305 Kb5-306 Kb5-307 Kb5-308 Kb5-309
44 45 46 47 48 49??

Quite possibly there never was a 49th glyph here, according to what we can see in Barthel's picture:

Between 'summer' (54 glyphs) and the '4th quarter' there are 10 glyphs in the 'humpback' season (inside the possible 54 glyphs), and I guess this is an allusion to the humpbacked Ru, whose assistance is needed when a major season is finished.

The 2 jokers in a pack of card increase the number of cards from 2 * 26 = 52 = 4 * 13 to 52 + 2 = 54.

*52 *52 *5-6
Ka4-15 *Kb2-15 *Kb2-16 *Kb5-15
*54 *54