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The newly found calendar is like the Earth-mother in the Zuni myth, she ... sank into the embrace of the all-pervading waters. She withheld her progeny for a long period, so that her first children were forced to traverse the 'fourfold womb of the world' before emerging into full day ... Light, according to the text in K, is ignited only after a long period in the dark. Period 0 consists of the 35th and 36th glyphs (maybe together a pair meaning the 18th 'day' - though completely in the dark, night + night):
In Ka3-14 there might be an image representing finger flames pointing forward (mirrored later on - during 'a.m.' - in kai fingers), and at bottom the sky vault might be seen as being uplifted at right (future, east). In Ka3-13, earlier, the womb of the world (like a sack) allows no light in. The 'fourfold womb' in Ka3-13 has 2 'folds' (ghostly) at bottom, and at the top, we can guess, the remaining 2 are represented by the 2 spaces between the 'fingers'. Space is not there until sky and earth separate. Space is necessary for light. The 2 'folds' at the top are bent (female), while those at bottom are straight (male). At the top in Ka3-13--14 female fingers contain the 2 halves of the coming light season. The two glyphs are female in character. They show the two phases of the Earth-mother, the black container respectively the birth of light. In the black container phase the whole glyph is 'spooky', alluding to the 'gloomy subterranean cavern'. In the predawn phase a male has stamped his 'foot' mightily. The union between female feathers (fingers) and the cock's claw is visualized. In the niu glyph type similar traits are shown, nearly always with 4 'folds' (seasons) at the top:
The vertical back side of the Gateway of the Sun also covers 360º (up, right, down, and left in the plane of stone without inscriptions). A hyperlink 'sun is absent' leads to:
The light-generating Ka3-13--14 are the 35th and 36th glyphs at the end of the dark calendar. At the end of the daytime calendar of A, glyphs with ordinal numbers 35 and 36 are beyond the 'death' of the sun in the preceding period:
Maybe 35-36 are numbers which resemble 25-26? Beyond the 24th station of the kuhane the two following stations represent (according to Barthel 2) the residences of the current king:
Then, 25 and 26 resemble 15 and 16:
The 72 glyphs in the moon calendar has 18 (¼) for the full moon phase and 26 for the waning phase:
72 = 3 * 8 + (20 + 10 + 18) = 24 + 48 = 3 * 24. 72 seems to cover both sides of the moon (twice 36 presumably means a double cycle). Adding the glyphs pairwise and then dividing by 2 will give this table:
14 days for waxing moon seems to be as it should. Adding 9 to that we get 23, which in a way can be interpreted as the full cycle now coming to an end - 24 means 0. Waning moon is another matter. The Gilbert Islanders did not count beyond the 20th night. The Easter Islanders may have chosen to break at 24. Ca7-24:
Ca8-28--29 are the two last glyphs in the waning phase (no. 35-36):
Eating in reverse at 35 and normal eating at 36. At left (moon) is sitting alone, though feet and fingers are spreading out (indicating generation), at right it is the sun who eats (generated from the moon and being fed by her). But 28-29 correspond to the future and abdicated kings (according to the kuhane), i.e. the left figure is the future one (the spreading out is his business. The head shows his reign, with the missing part illustrating the late autumn period when he no longer will be present. Already from midsummer (the 'stalk' of the head) he is rather feeble, while the half-year from winter solstice is very prominent. The sitting abdicated king (in Ca8-29) has no head. It has gone and another person is nourishing himself from the abdicated king. In this interpretation the moon calendar in Mamari is a moon calendar only up to a point, then follows a 36-glyph (18 period) long story about the sun. Ca8-10 (Orongo), the 17th glyph beyond Ca7-24:
... 'Let us go to Orongo so that I can announce my death!' The king climbed on the rock and gazed in the direction of Hiva, the direction in which he had travelled (across the ocean). The king said: 'Here I am and I am speaking for the last time ... |